On Page SEO Checklist – 13 Key Elements to Optimize

This on-page SEO checklist will guide you through launching a successful ranking campaign to make your website (and business) more visible.

An on-page SEO checklist will take you through the essentials your website needs to rank. You can tackle tasks like writing title tags, adding internal and external links, and finding target keywords. What is on-page SEO, and what should be on your checklist?

On-site or on-page SEO is adjustments to a website’s internal links, tags, and content to increase its ranking. Optimizing your website with an on-page SEO checklist makes it easier for search engines to understand your site structure. Elements you might focus on include internal linking, page speed optimization, URL structure, and schema markup.

There are yet more facets of your website to optimize and prioritize. This on-page SEO audit checklist will review basic and advanced SEO strategies designed to increase your website’s visibility, attract traffic, and increase leads.  

What Is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO includes the modifications you make to your website to increase your optimization and rank. It’s the opposite of off-page SEO, which are SEO strategies outside your website.

An on-page SEO checklist prioritizes tags, meta descriptions, website structure, loading speed, content quality, links, and optimization. You can also get deeper into on-page SEO with advanced tasks we’ll discuss later.

Why is on-page SEO important? By mapping out your website layout, you tell a search engine crawler how to navigate your site and its content. The search engine can determine how relevant your content is to searchers and increase its ranking accordingly.

Boosting your rank is paramount, even if your business is in a good SEO position. You can always increase website traffic, leads, and conversions with a higher rank.

After all, according to Ahrefs, only 0.63 percent of those using Google for a search bother to click to the second page. If your lapsed SEO hygiene causes your site to slide that far down the rankings, you’re practically invisible online.

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Essential On-Page SEO Checklist

Now that you understand what is on-page SEO and why it’s worth prioritizing, here is an essential checklist. Tackling these tasks one at a time will make a noticeable difference in your SEO ranking.

1. Title Tag Optimization

The first area to focus on is your website’s title tags. A title tag is an HTML webpage tag that can appear as a snippet in Google and other search engine results. You can think of the title tag as a webpage’s headline.

A title tag should be descriptive and engaging, utilizing primary keywords according to your keyword research. However, only insert relevant keywords.

Watch your title tag length. The optimal length is 50 to 60 characters. According to SEMrush, Google rewrites most title tags exceeding 70 characters. This can cause your original message to be muddled.

The SEO Specialist is applying all the checklist points to improve the on-page SEO of his site

2. Meta Descriptions

This post and all the content we publish on the Mediaboom blog have meta descriptions. These are short synopses of the blog post in 140 to 150 characters. A meta description should include your main keyword and possibly a secondary keyword, but no keyword stuffing.

A strong meta description can improve the click-through rate of your content, generating more organic traffic.

3. URL Structure

Your on-page SEO checklist must include improving your URL structure.

URLS include fragments, queries, paths, ports, parameters, subdirectories, top-level domains, secondary domains, subdomains, and schemas. Here’s a breakdown:

  • The scheme or protocol indicates the proper protocol for web servers, such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, or HTTPS.
  • The subdomain is the website page the user wants to visit, like https://blog.website.com.
  • The second-level domain is the website name, such as https://mediaboom.com/.
  • The top-level domain is the entity registration type, including .com, .org, .gov, or .edu.
  • The subdirectory or subfolder points to a webpage section, such as https://mediaboom.com/news/, with “News” being the subdirectory.
  • The port indicates a connection endpoint through a numerical value, such as an IP address.
  • The path is where the resource or file within the URL is located.
  • The query indicates a query string and is represented by a question mark.
  • Parameters in a URL are searched values, from specific search terms to numbers.
  • Fragments use a hashtag and point to a webpage location, such as a name attribute.

Your URLS must be SEO-friendly, following the structure above, utilizing keywords, and promoting clarity and consistency.

4. Heading Tags (H1, H2, H3, etc.)

If you read enough blogs online, you’ll notice they all use H1s, H2s, and H3s. Heading tags create content structure and hierarchy. Search engines use heading tags to display your content correctly, keep it organized, and make it readable.

Here are some best practices for writing heading tags:

  • Heading tags should incorporate your keywords naturally.
  • Your post should only contain one H1 tag for the title. All main subheads should use H2 tags, then H3 for subheads within H2s, and H4s or H5s for subheads within H3s as needed.
  • Stay consistent across your headers, utilizing the same title case throughout.
  • A header tag should not be a full sentence or paragraph. Save that for the content itself. Stick within a 70-character max limit for writing headers.
The SEO team is discussing keyword placement and density

5. Keyword Placement and Density

A basic on-page SEO checklist is incomplete without discussing target keywords, how to place them, and how often.

As mentioned throughout this section, keyword stuffing is a bad practice. Jamming your keyword into every other paragraph or every 100 words will get you penalized by Google for producing poor content.

You could drag your rank down further and negatively impact the user experience, so keyword stuffing is not worth your while.

The appropriate keyword density varies by word count. However, with a free keyword density checker like SEO Review Tools and others, there is no excuse to publish content that overuses a keyword. The practice will have just as detrimental an effect as keyword stuffing.

6. Internal Linking

Published content will use internal links to draw your website visitors to other relevant content. If you use internal links correctly, your SEO ranking can improve, so follow these best practices.

  • Be clear in your anchor text. Vague descriptors make your readers weary about clicking, as they’re unsure where the link will take them.
  • Naturally incorporate your keyword into the anchor text.
  • Don’t add too many links. A good rule of thumb is no more than two links for every 500 words.
  • Link to important pages on your website.

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7. Image Optimization

Images break up paragraphs and make your content interesting. You’ll also increase your views by 90+ percent, according to marketing resource Jeff Bullas.

However, unoptimized images can hurt your SEO ranking. Review your blog content and add alt tags to your images, which are descriptors of the image. Write an alt tag as though describing the image to a friend on the phone who can’t see it.

If your image fails to load or goes offline, an alt tag is a suitable replacement.

You should also consider compressing or re-uploading smaller versions of large images. Bloated file sizes make your website load slower, hindering your SEO aspirations.

8. Mobile Responsiveness

An on-page SEO checklist needs mobile-first indexing, as Google will review the content on your mobile site to determine your rank before the desktop version.

Fortunately, you can use free tools like Google Search Console for insights into how mobile-friendly your website is and amend it based on the results.

Google Page Speed ​​Insight shows Mediaboom speed score: 100/100

9. Page Speed Optimization

Fast-loading websites are a must for on-page SEO. Loading speed is part of website performance, and Google prioritizes high-performing sites in its SERPs. Further, a slow-loading website detracts from the user experience and could increase your bounce rate.

According to browser tester BrowserStack, a mobile website should load in 8.6 seconds and a desktop website in 2.5 seconds.

How do you improve your website loading speed? Here are some tips:

  • Reduce redirects.
  • Cut down on external scripts.
  • Cache your browser HTTP.
  • Optimize your images.

10. Content Quality and Length

The last basic on-page SEO checklist element is content. High-quality, informative, and relevant content will help your website rank.

Comprehensively covering a topic is a must, but how many words does that require?

Your content should be at least 1,500 words to rank, with 2,000 words as a good cutoff point. Some brands prefer shorter-form content between 500 and 750 words, so test shorter and longer content to see which drives the most engagement.

Mediaboom’s work with Aspen Luxury Concierge included revamping the company’s SEO campaign and improving content marketing. Our agency created a targeted, relevant keyword strategy that pushed Aspen Luxury Concierge into the top 10 Google search results for more than six of its keywords in only 90 days.

Further, ALC had a spike in new user organic traffic by 118 percent after working with Mediaboom.

Achieve your dream SEO results with Mediaboom’s expert services.

Advanced On-Page SEO Checklist

The following elements of this on-page SEO checklist are more advanced but cover critical components of your SEO campaign.

1. Schema Markup

Structured data through a schema markup tells Google what your page elements are and how they should appear. Google knows more than 30 types of schema, with some including books, articles, carousels, datasets, how-tos, Q&As, FAQs, and recipes.

Other schemas you might incorporate into your SEO campaign are:

  • Product markups, which provide product information and details.
  • Sitelink markups are for SERP navigational links beyond your homepage.
  • Review markups give your business a star rating between one and five.
  • Local business markups indicate the parts of your website with business contact details.
  • Logo markups refer to your logo on a search engine.

Using schema markups can build your brand presence, increase a site engine’s understanding of your website content, and help your ranking.

The SEO specialist has just installed a plugin to share her SEO-optimized content on social networks

2. Social Sharing Buttons

Incorporating social sharing buttons into your SEO campaign can increase your website visibility. However, you can overdo it, so only use three buttons at once.

You might stick to the most popular platforms like Twitter or Facebook or select social platforms based on which your audience gravitates toward the most.

Social sharing buttons perform best on the left or top of the page.

3. HTTPS and SSL

The last item on your on-page SEO checklist is HTTPS and SSL. We discussed HTTPS earlier and how it relates to URL structure, but what about SSL?

SSL is short for Secure Sockets Layer. This internet safety protocol uses encryption between servers or between a browser and a website. Using SSL reduces instances of identity theft, data theft, impersonation, and internet eavesdropping, facilitating a safer, secure environment for your audience.

Google Search Console shows the organic clicks received by Mediaboom after optimizing on-page SEO

Monitoring and Maintaining On-Page SEO

An on-page SEO checklist is a great starting point for improving your SEO ranking, but you must continually manage your SEO to hold your rank. Here are some strategies to implement.

Keeping Abreast with Algorithm Updates

Search engines change their algorithms regularly to improve the user experience and keep up with our shifting world. You must stay current on the latest algorithmic updates and adapt your SEO strategy to meet the new parameters.

Regular SEO Content Audits

An on-page SEO audit checklist must include regular content checks. An audit can reveal weaknesses in your content strategy and recommend areas for improvement. For example, you might update older content or rewrite a post so it will perform better.

You can use Google Search Console for SEO content audits. SEMrush can audit your website in minutes, so you can begin changing tact today.

Mediaboom’s work with dermatological company Qazi Cosmetic Clinic included a fresh SEO plan, website overhaul, paid ads, and strategy.

By incorporating content marketing into its SEO strategy, Qazi increased its new users by nearly 2,000 percent, generated 3,496.68 percent organic traffic, and enjoyed 2,127.01 percent total traffic.

Let’s work together to create an SEO strategy that serves your business.

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Finalize Your Strategy: Let Mediaboom Guide You Through the Ultimate SEO Checklist!

Building your SEO checklist begins with Mediaboom. Our expertise can increase your SEO ranking so you can reap the rewards of more site traffic, leads, and conversions. Get on the road to better website visibility with Mediaboom.

MedSpa Digital Marketing – The Complete Guide

As medspas have grown across the country, so too has the rise of medspa digital marketing. This form of marketing encompasses…

Today more than ever, businesses across all industries must market themselves. It’s crucial for drawing in leads, converting them to customers, making revenue, and driving repeat business. What if you’re a medical spa or medspa? How would you achieve the above goals and more?

As medspas have grown across the country, so too has the rise of medspa digital marketing. This form of marketing encompasses web design, content and email marketing, automation, PPC, SEO, social media, influencers, and more to achieve the various goals of medspa owners.

In this informative, detailed guide, we will delve deep into medspa digital marketing. First, we’ll share a clear definition. Then, we’ll go even further into the many facets we mentioned above, explaining how to use these to further your business.

Medspa Digital Marketing: An Introduction

As promised, let’s begin by talking more about what medspa digital marketing is.

We’ll start with medspas themselves. Medical spas or medspas are treatment facilities that offer a variety of services, including:

  • Medical-grade peels and facials
  • Acne therapy
  • Laser hair removal
  • Sun damage repair
  • Facial fillers
  • Botox

According to a 2017 report in Modern Aesthetics, there were 4,200 United States medspa facilities that grossed $945,000 in 2016. That led to a revenue increase of 6.9 percent from the year prior.

Data from this year in Global Newswire states that, by the time we get to 2026, the global revenue for medspas should grow to $34 billion. Parts of the world besides the US that have really embraced medspas are Thailand, China, and India.

Okay, so that’s the medspa part of medspa digital marketing. As we talked about in the intro, companies of all types must market themselves to bring in new customers, retain their current ones, and continue to earn revenue. Considering that the data from 2017 says there are more than 4,000 medspas in the US and the industry has only grown since then, we can reasonably assume more 4,200 medspa facilities exist in 2019.

The competition is fierce then. Even if those other 4,000 medspa facilities aren’t in your neck of the woods, you can’t get lax. You need an engaging marketing campaign that will check off your company’s goals one by one. From lead generation to a goal as simple as increasing revenue, digital marketing can help.

How? We’re glad you asked.

How to Boost Medspa Digital Marketing in 12 Steps

In today’s digital age, promoting a Medspa requires a well-defined online marketing strategy. With the increasing competition in the wellness and beauty industry, it’s essential for Medspa clinics to adopt a smart digital approach to reach their target audience.

This article presents 10 essential steps to boost Medspa digital marketing, providing practical tips and proven strategies to enhance visibility, engage customers, and achieve lasting results in an increasingly interconnected landscape.

1. Understanding Your MedSpa Audience 

Before you can craft an engaging and accurate medspa digital marketing strategy, you need to understand your audience and their interests. What websites do they visit? What’s important to them? As you start to research and outline their online behaviors, you can curate a strategy that reaches them where they are. 

With a clear understanding of your audience, you can make your digital marketing plan more effective and

2. Responsive Web Design

The medspa world is all about improving the appearance of its clientele, so it makes sense to have a website that’s very visual. From showing pictures of the services you offer to before and after photos, these types of images could convince someone who finds you website to make a consultation.

Besides just images, your medspa can’t go without responsive web design.

What does this mean? Well, for one, responsive websites are optimized for mobile use. If your customer looks at your site on their phone and then later on their tablet, all the elements line up correctly. Nothing, including your beautiful images and your drop-down menu, looks misaligned, squished, or cut off.

To achieve this, responsive web design encompasses CSS media queries, layouts, and grids. All have flexibility to show the website on the device the customer is using.

Stumped on how you can even begin to design a medspa site that’s appealing and responsive? Go to our blog, where we have a stellar article on 10 medspa websites from real companies.

That ought to give you a jolt of inspiration. We also wrote a great post about 12 strategies for earning website traffic in the medspa world. Make sure you check it out.

While having a website is a fantastic starting point for your medspa digital marketing campaign, you will need more than that.

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3. Content Marketing

Next, you need to pay attention to your content marketing. This means of marketing is all about your blog. If you’re not already doing so, you need to begin filling your blog with phenomenal content.

We recommend you start with an editorial calendar. Here, you can plan how often you’ll publish (twice a week, once every other week) as well as what you’ll publish.

Okay, but how do you decide what goes into your blog, anyway?

Well, your team can brainstorm. You may have a list of articles that came easily to you, but eventually the well runs dry. Keyword research will also help, especially if your blog isn’t driving the kind of traffic you want.

Through keyword research, you can see what people search for in your industry. You can then use these relevant keywords and shape an article around them. The articles should get more traffic.

Google Search Console shows an increase in organic traffic for the Medspa website

5. Search Engine Optimization

Keyword research is a major element of search engine optimization or SEO.

In case you’re not familiar, SEO can determine how visible your website is, namely on which page of search engine results it shows up on. Every company wants to be the first result when a person searches for a certain query. How to do that though seems to change every few months as Google algorithms shift.

If you want to focus on methods that actually work, we’ve got you covered. Here are some ways to boost your SEO today:

  • Make sure your snippets or important paragraphs are optimized, especially since carousels, knowledge graphs, recipes, and answer boxes have taken over.
  • Use on-page optimization, such as reworking your title tags and meta descriptions or rewriting content so it’s better optimized.
  • Don’t forget your structured data, or code designed for search engines. This code, which goes on your website, tells search engines where and how to display search results.
  • Remember that you’re marketing to people at the end of the day, so keep user intent in mind. Don’t make it hard to find information on your site. Also, go beyond basic text and share audio, video, images, or infographics if they’re a better way to present the information.

6. Search Engine Marketing/PPC

Besides SEO, you also want to pay attention to search engine marketing or SEM for your medspa business.

While SEO relates to the organic traffic you can drive through people finding you on search engines, SEM is about paid traffic. Pay-per-click or PPC advertising allows your site to appear on search engines by paying by the click (hence the name).

To succeed with PPC and SEM, you should start with a competitive analysis.

This will tell you what’s already out there so you know what to do differently to stand out. You also may want to consider targeting by geographical data with your PPC ads. Having a keyword list will keep you from spending too much money on advertising as well, a must for growing medspas.

Example of how Dr.Qazi boosted his social media marketing

7. Social Media Marketing

Today’s consumers expect you to have a social media presence, but more than that, an active one.

While we have video marketing as its own separate section, you should have an account on YouTube. Other social channels to focus on are Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and even Snapchat.

The visual platforms should prove especially easy to fill with content. As we said earlier in this guide, medspa is a very visual industry. With your clients’ permission, you can post photos and videos of your procedures in action as well as the above-mentioned before and after photos.

Social media marketing and content marketing often intersect. You can take the content you’ve written for your blog and promote it to your social media audience.

By encouraging them to share, you can earn even more traffic to your blog and your website.

Don’t be afraid to share content that other people have made, too.

The point of a social media feed is to provide value, and that doesn’t all have to come from you. Think of your social feed like a TV channel. If you’re showing commercial after commercial after commercial (selling, selling, selling), your audience will tune out. You need to give them varied, interesting content to keep them coming back.

If you have relevant videos, images, or articles to share that your customers would appreciate, please post them. Yes, even if they’re from other people. Just make sure to give the proper credit.

8. Influencer or Affiliate Marketing

Speaking of social media, if you’ve ever scrolled through Facebook or Instagram, then surely you’ve seen an influencer in action. This person has a huge following and an equally large audience. If they promote a product or service, their audience will listen and probably even buy.

Influencer marketing, while not always free, can be a great way to put your medspa on the map.

Rather than reaching out to the big fish in the pond, like your Kim Kardashians of the world, make sure there’s a fit between the influencer and your medspa. Otherwise, the whole arrangement will seem inauthentic, which could lead to lost sales for you.

If you can’t find an appropriate influencer or you don’t want to go that route, you can always use affiliate marketing.

This is sort of like a referral program. You have an affiliate who gushes about your medspa. The affiliate, like an influencer, has a large audience of eager buyers. Then, each time someone schedules an appointment, that affiliate gets some of the money.

9. Video Marketing

Let’s circle back around to video marketing. The viral video has been a phenomenon for more than a decade now (yes, it’s hard to believe YouTube has been around since the mid-2000s) and doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon.

Even if you don’t make the next viral video, you still want to use video to grow your medspa digital marketing footprint. According to a 2019 infographic from Shopify partner Oberlo, many consumers, 54 percent, wish their favorite businesses would make more videos. The infographic also mentions that, of all content on social media, videos are the average consumer’s top pick.

Further, by using video marketing, you could earn more annual qualified leads (up to 66 percent) and boost the amount of time your audience spends on your site (by 88 percent). Sounds good to us!

10. Email Marketing

No digital marketing campaign is complete without email marketing, including yours.

Through opt-in forms, you convince your blog readers and website visitors to share their contact information with you. In exchange, you might offer them a discount for a medspa service or something similar.

Once these customers opt in, they become part of your email list. You’d then send them a welcome email to get the ball rolling. Through targeted, personalized emails, you can engage and nurture with your new subscribers. In building that professional relationship, you might convince them to come to your medspa.

Now, what kind of content do you share in your email list? It depends.

You could write a newsletter, share blog posts, email your audience when you introduce a new product/service, and of course, reach out when you’re having a sale or offering a discount.

Example of a marketing automation for a med spa business

11. Marketing Automation

You’re a busy person, and if it sounds like the above marketing tasks are all over your head, don’t distress.

Marketing automation allows for a more hands-off approach while still getting things done. For instance, you can use email marketing automation to schedule when you send out your daily or weekly emails. You don’t have to be up around the clock, sitting at your computer to hit the send button manually anymore.

Speaking of email marketing, drip campaigns can also be automated. With these, you send out message drips, often pre-written, to convert leads and boost sales.

Customer relationship management or CRM software can automate areas like customer support, deal management, phone calls, lead management, lead nurturing, and so much more. If it has to do with your customers and you have too many to manage yourself, then you need to buy a CRM program ASAP.

Your customers will never fall through the cracks again.

12. Display Ads

Last but certainly not least, your medspa should consider investing in display ads.

These advertisement banners may include audio, video, flash elements, images, and/or text. From AdSense to social media platforms like YouTube and more, paid ads could fluff up your website traffic and net you a few more appointments at your medspa.

You may also consider remarketing ads.

Remarketing is one such Google Ads service that acts as a second chance to go back and convert site visitors or leads. These more targeted ads push your brand awareness to the forefront and hopefully convert these leads into customers once and for all.

Download Our Latest Whitepaper

12 Ways to Drive Traffic To Your MedSpa Website

Looking for better ways to bring in new clients? Get insights into growing your medical spa business, attracting new clients, and increasing the awareness of your brand in this 12 step guide.

13. Online Reviews and Reputation Management 

In today’s digital world, potential patients will head online first to check out your reviews and see your reputation, especially in the medspa industry. That’s why having positive reviews on platforms like Google and Yelp should be a top priority of your digital marketing plan. Regularly getting positive reviews and encouraging past clients to post reviews is a small way you can improve your medspa marketing and amplify your reach. 

Another key reason that you should focus on garnering positive reviews is that good Google reviews can impact your search engine optimization campaigns and improve your positioning on search results. A company that has several positive reviews signals to Google that they’re reliable and trustworthy and should be amplified in search results. 

While positive reviews are always the goal, a negative review every now and then can feel like a frustrating step back. The best way to handle negative reviews? Honesty and transparency. You can illustrate that even negative reviews deserve your respect and response by replying with empathy and respect.

MedSpa Digital Marketing Tools

There are countless digital marketing tools available to help you improve your medspa digital marketing strategy and access valuable insights. 

Some of our favorite tools to elevate and track digital marketing plans include:

  • SEMrush: If you’re looking to boost your SEO strategy, SEMrush can help. This comprehensive SEO tool can help you research keywords, track your keyword strategy and more. 
  • Go High Level: Keep your audience engaged with Go High Level’s email marketing platform. You can create email campaigns, newsletters and automate the emails from your medspa company. 
  • Google Ads: As one of the biggest digital ad platforms, Google Ads can be a medspa owner’s secret to reaching more people. Use the platform to deploy search, display and YouTube advertising to a specific audience. 
  • Intercom: This interactive chatbot tool can respond to your clients and potential customers to provide fast support and assistance on your website. 
  • Hootsuite: Don’t forget about social media! There are several platforms out there, but Hootsuite can help you post, schedule, manage and analyze your results to improve your social media strategy. 

These tools can help you work smarter, not necessarily harder, and capture valuable insights to make sure your medspa digital marketing plans are reaching the right people at the right time. 

Mediaboom shows the case study of Dr.Qazi and how he boosted medspa digital marketing

Medical Spa Digital Marketing Case Study

These real-world examples illustrate how strategic digital efforts can elevate Medspas, underlining their transformative potential in the ever-changing world of healthcare and beauty.

(Responsive website design) Qazi Cosmetic Clinic & Dermatology

Dr. Qazi and his team came to us looking to refresh and revamp their medspa website, making it responsive for users across platforms. We worked closely with them to improve the usability, including clear calls to action, customer inquiry forms and eye-catching imagery. The result? A dynamic and captivating website that draws potential customers and clients in and encourages them to reach out. 

(Content Marketing) Qazi Cosmetic Clinic & Dermatology

Sometimes a digital marketing strategy can take off – and that’s exactly what happened when Mediaboom stepped in to support Qazi Cosmetic Clinic & Dermatology with their content marketing. 

Mediaboom helped develop an SEO content plan for their website focused on driving traffic and bringing in new leads. The content plan involved in-depth and researched website articles with specific keywords to target potential customers as they searched for different medspa services. 

In just a few months, Mediaboom was able to increase Qazi Cosmetic Clinic & Dermatology’s organic traffic by more than 3,000%, resulting in a 300% increase in marketing-qualified leads. Ready to let Mediaboom create a content marketing plan for you? Contact us to learn how we can help grow your business with organic marketing plans like this. 

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Getting Started With Medspa Digital Marketing

Are you ready to take your medspa digital marketing to the next level? Not sure where to start? Mediaboom is here to help. Our team of digital marketing experts can help you grow your business and raise brand awareness. Contact us today to see how we can craft a unique and custom marketing plan for your medspa business.

Innovative Medspa Website Design that Converts

The medical spa industry has experienced significant growth within the last few years. This growth is the result of the increasing number of cosmetic treatment options for beauty enhancement and…


The medical spa industry has experienced significant growth within the last few years. This growth is the result of the increasing number of cosmetic treatment options for beauty enhancement and the proliferation of wellness awareness and trends worldwide. With an increasing tech-perceptive consumer base, having a great medical spa website design is a must, just like in any other industry.

An effective website is your digital representative and will be responsible for most of your business’s first impressions.


Video Integration and Staff Information Implementation

The Willlow Medspa website uses some videos Integration and implementation of personnel information.

Willow MedSpa has mastered the art of incorporating visual content into a website. Many website managers struggle with integrating video content as a standard component of their site content workflow. Willow MedSpa features a high quality custom video at the top of the homepage.

Their implementation is an effective method of capturing the attention of the audience.

People digest the information they see and hear much faster than the information they read. It also makes the website stand out from the competition. Willow Med Spa’s video incorporation on the homepage is effective since it:

  • Delivers their message quickly
  • Introduces visitors to their products and services
  • Engages the website visitors
  • Entertains the target audience
  • Gives the MedSpa a personality
  • Encourages regular visits to the site
  • Strengthens the bond with visitors

Another great aspect of the Willow Med Spa website is the team section. Today, most consumers feel more comfortable when they know that they are dealing with real people. This is so important in the med spa industry.

Willow MedSpa gets this by implementing full profile staff photos, names, and positions. Showing the team’s faces helps create a better connection with the consumers. It helps make the website more personable when visitors can see who they will be interacting with. This, in turn, increases the conversion rate of the website.


Clear Guidance

Laseraway boost their guidance to help costumers navigation in their website.

There are a few things you seek to achieve when you visit a medical spa website. You may want to inquire about or access information regarding MedSpa services. You may also want to book an appointment to procure the services. For these objectives or any others, you will want to know where to go when you arrive at the website. Laseraway’s website is effective at providing clear guidance for users to find the information they seek. The website accomplishes these goals in three main ways:

  • A simple and user-friendly navigation system
  • Call-to-Actions that directly take users to information that interests them
  • A well-formatted and organized uncluttered layout.

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Quality Content and Calls-to-Action (CTA)

Beautifix focus their effort to provide high quality content and call to action.

At the first point of contact when visitors arrive at a website, the content should deliver essential information. It should achieve this while being as brief as possible. Beautifix Med Spa’s website checks all boxes when it comes to quality content.

The website does not beat around the bush with irrelevant salesy information. The website immediately dives into what the Med Spa has to offer, which is what online visitors will be searching for. It is easy to tell that the content of the website has been planned with the ideal customer’s point of view in mind.

Some of the important content and information that the website includes are:

  • Services: A brief and well-structured overview of the services offered
  • Special Offers: Effective landing pages that describe treatment details as well as special offers
  • Visual Proof: Visual examples of the MedSpa services offered and the possible results
  • Social Proof: Recognition of good work in the form of reviews, testimonials, media features, and awards
  • Content Creation: Blog posts, videos, and infographics, which offer valuable and relevant information concerning topics of interesting to the target customers

Beautifix Med Spa’s content is simple, to the point and provides value. Incorporating these aspects into website content helps improve its ability to attract, retain, and convert more quality clients.

Beautifix MedSpa’s website compounds this effect by utilizing a brief and action-oriented Call-to-Action (CTA). The website’s CTA is easy to find due to the above, the fold placing and is visually striking.

This is because it employs a color that contrasts that of the homepage’s color scheme while managing to fit in with the overall website design. The CTA compels visitors to explore deeper into the website and has been designed to move them further down the funnel.

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Website Navigation

Qazi Clinic helps its clients to collect information easily, with convenient menu navigation.

The first thing you will notice when you visit the Qazi Clinic website is how easy it is to navigate the site. The website’s great navigation system makes it easy for users to move around the site. Navigation is crucial since, according to studies conducted by Forrester Research, businesses lose 50 % of potential sales as a result of users not finding the right information.

Below are some key aspects that make Qazi Clinic’s website navigation system stand out:

  • It is Logical – Qazi Clinic’s navigation system makes sense and is easy to use. A first-time visitor can easily find the information they need.
  • It is Intuitive – the navigation system considers how users think, the steps they would take to find what they are looking for, and then caters to exactly that.
  • It is Structured – The website conveniently organizes links under headings and subheadings. This structure allows the user to move around the site faster and easier.
  • It is Simple, Clear, and Distinct – navigating Qazi Clinic’s website is overall a positive experience due to its simplicity and clarity. The site also makes it obvious where the main navigation is.
  • It is Responsive – Today, people access websites through a wide range of devices. Qazi Clinic’s navigation functions uniformly across all platforms. It scales well to different screen sizes while maintaining a similar structure.


Targeted Homepage

Cure Daily use a beautiful image of the sunset to transmit calm and quite to their costumers.

A website’s homepage is the virtual front door to your business. Cure Daily seems to understand that the first moments after a visitor arrives at a website may affect the business positively or negatively. Cure Daily’s website homepage is well designed to make the best impression possible to the ideal med spa customers.

The overall homepage design features photo and video imagery that the target customers will find appealing. The homepage displays properly on both the desktop and mobile platforms while keeping the same format and layout.

Cure Daily’s homepage also communicates what it is the MedSpa does as well as the value it offers to the customers.

It does so in a brief but compelling way with brief, clear, and distinct primary and secondary CTAs above and below the fold. The homepage also introduces additional resources such as news and podcasts on the websites. It provides an easy way to access these additional resources.

Cure Daily’s homepage is highly targeted since it encourages a visitor to dive further into the website almost immediately upon arrival. This leads to increased click-through rates from high quality leads.

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Information Architecture and Layout

The architecture of the Sonaskin website is really intuitive.

Information architecture is one of the most neglected aspects of proper website design. One look at the Sona med spa’s website reveals that the design took into account information architecture. How information on a website is presented and organized is crucial for good usability and user experience.

Proper information architecture was vital for Sona MedSpa’s website since it provides a wide range of information and resources to engage and attract the target market. This website could very easily have been a pain to read through had it not been for the great implementation of link labels.

The website’s sections and categories have been carefully planned. The information therein is presented in a manner that makes it easy for visitors to find.

You can easily skim through the content to quickly find the services that are relevant to your needs.

The content is broken down into blocks with headings and subheadings. As such, the website manages to provide a lot of information without making the user feel overwhelmed.


Overall design and functionality

Eden Medspa NY developed a website with a lot of functionality

Eden MedSpa’s website design is a reflection of the company, its products, its services, and ultimately, its brand. The website is professional, polished, visually appealing, and functional. These factors are extremely important if you seek to realize success in the online domain today.

Eden MedSpa’s website features an uncluttered layout that allows white space and incorporates quality photos to great effect. The MedSpa’s message shines through upon the first look at the website.

More importantly, the website works fast, correctly, and as a user would expect.

It is responsive and all the tabs and clickable meaning it has been built to web standards. This is exhibited in all the web pages as should be since any of them could be a customer’s first or only point of contact. Accessing information regarding the services that Eden MedSpa offers is easy and enjoyable since there are no slow, broken, or poorly developed areas.

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Conversion Elements

Hudson medical utilizes an effective primary CTA at the top of the website just below the navigation menus.

If a website asks nothing of visitors, then they will surely do nothing. One of the primary functions of a business website is to convert visitors into high quality leads that ultimately become paying customers. Hudson Medical’s website implements conversion elements perfectly and avoids appearing too aggressive or salesy.

The site employs a smart chat pop-up strategy that ensures they do not inconvenience the user. Hudson Medical’s chat pop-ups only show up after a user has clicked on a service link. This way, users are less likely to react negatively to chat pop-ups since they have already shown interest in the services.

Hudson Medical’s website also utilizes an effective primary CTA at the top of the website just below the navigation menus.

The site opts for generic “contact us” and “book now” CTAs that most internet users are already used to. Trying to reinvest the wheel when it comes to CTA can confuse your visitors. In addition, the service links change colors when visitors hover over them, thus encouraging them to click.

9. LIKHA Aesthetic Clinic

LIKHA Aesthetic Clinic excels in creating an engaging website design for their medspa.

LIKHA Aesthetic Clinic flawlessly executes an interactive website design. With unmatched visual appeal, this medical spa website takes the user experience to the next level. Prospective clients truly go on a journey with an inviting pink color scheme and branded experience. 

It is clear LIKHA Aesthetic Clinic understands its target audience. They translate this knowledge into a memorable medspa website design. A clear CTA to book an appointment lives on the top of the page, outlined in a contrasting color.  

The medical spa website design doesn’t mess around with showcasing credibility. Certifications and awards decorate the landing page. In a hyper-competitive environment like medical spas, an optimized web design coupled with clear 

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10. Asterie Clinic

Asterie Clinic presents a distinctive approach to medspa website design, focusing on interactivity

Asterie Clinic offers another medspa website design with a unique interactive experience. The design is clean—as you would expect from a top-tier aesthetic clinic website design. As you scroll down, a video begins to play, offering a detailed glimpse into Asterie Clinic. 

With a medical spa website design, it is sometimes challenging to stand apart from competitors. A video with key brand imagery is one way to deliver a clear brand vision. 

A clean and polished website design doesn’t mean you can’t play with color or shapes. Asterie Clinic’s color scheme incorporates pops of pink and purple to highlight key information. For instance, upon hover or as a visitor moves from page to page. 

On top of this visual appeal, the website also incorporates softer curved edges. These two elements together offer an inviting web presence. Before even booking an appointment, you already have an idea of the service and experience you’ll receive.    

11. Shafer Plastic Surgery 

Shafer Plastic Surgery sets a rare example of seamlessly blending refined luxury with approachability on their medspa website.

While many brands strive to radiate approachable luxury, very few truly knock it out of the park. This is a rare case of a medspa website flawlessly showcasing a polished but inviting presence. 

Furthermore, it is clear Shafer Plastic Surgery understands its target audience. These two marketing assets together make for powerful brand messaging. The website includes language like “fly in for surgery” and a clear CTA to “request a consultation.” This is “approachable luxury” in action. 

Shafer Plastic Surgery’s website design also showcases the power of a testimonial. Unlike other websites where you may have to dig for reviews, they highlight their credibility front and center. The combination of testimonials and accreditations on the homepage provides a positive user experience. 

12. Alisha Louise Aesthetics

Alisha Louise Aesthetics provides a timeless medspa website design. The site embodies cleanliness, sophistication, and information-rich content.

Alisha Louise Aesthetics delivers a classic Medspa website design experience. The website features a clean, polished, and informative design. 

In today’s digital-first landscape, potential customers may move on to competitors if key information isn’t available. While some aesthetic clinic website designs hide pricing, Alisha Louise Aesthetics is forthcoming with the information. Their “price list” menu item allows customers to explore risk-free, without the pressure of contacting the practice. 

Their polished design delivers a seamless experience for prospective clients. 

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13. Gawley Plastic Surgery

Gawley Plastic Surgery, like its counterparts in the plastic surgery field, prominently emphasizes opulence in its website.

As with other plastic surgery websites, Gawley Plastic Surgery leads with luxury. From the typography to the imagery, there is no denying this is one of the best medical spa websites. 

Even the language utilized makes it clear they accounted for search engine optimization (SEO). For instance, “cosmetic surgery,” “aesthetic plastic surgery,” and “board-certified Arizona plastic surgeons.”

However, one thing that differs with this website design is the CTA button side placement. Instead, Gawley Plastic Surgery showcases its phone number front and center. They also incorporate embedded contact forms to request a consultation. 

14. Biomed Spa

Biomed Spa elevates video marketing to a new pinnacle by featuring it prominently on their website's homepage.

Biomed Spa takes video marketing to the next level. In this case, front and center on the website’s landing page. This creative approach transports prospective clients to an old Hollywood photoshoot. Even before reading any website copy, you can guess this is a medical spa located in Beverly Hills, California. 

Even the aesthetic clinic website design’s color scheme plays into the old Hollywood trope. Gold accent colors accentuate clean imagery and simply black text. 

15. Nassif Med Spa

Nassif Med Spa distinguishes itself from competitors through its exceptional medspa website.

Nassif Med Spa stands out from competitors with one of the best medspa websites. Their website takes a bold approach to an aesthetic color scheme with strategically placed purple accents.  

The world-renowned medical spa showcases several CTAs. The first is double contact buttons, the first in the website menu, and the second on the bottom of the page. They leave no room for confusion on how to connect and schedule a consultation. 

The second CTA is a pop-up to listen to their new podcast, Demystifying Beauty. A podcast is a powerful way to capture prospective clients. Even if they aren’t yet ready to work with you, you can nurture them by providing value so you’re top of mind for the future. 

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16. Margot European Spa

Margot European Spa resonates with a vacation vibe, utilizing inviting turquoise accents that pop.

Margot European Spa screams vacation with pops of welcoming turquoise. This medspa website stands out from others because of the bright color scheme.

The user experience exudes more relaxation spa offerings like massages, facials, and manicures. A banner on the top of the website provides prospective clients with a phone number, email, and spa address.

17. Trifecta Med Spa

The incorporation of a video, showcasing their New York office, serves as an immediate attention-grabber.

Have you searched for medspa images or videos online before booking an appointment? If so, you’ll love these medical spa design ideas. Trifecta Med Spa immediately captures attention with a video guiding you through their New York office. 

The video scrolls in the background with two CTA buttons. The first prompts visitors to “book now,” while the other shows all office locations.

Open up the menu for a design experience, unlike anything we’ve seen before. As you scroll over the various offerings, images emerge showing before and after photos.  

18. Innovative MedSpa 

Through the use of striking purple and tan accents, the website succeeds in drawing immediate attention.

Innovative MedSpa strays slightly away from your standard medspa website. With pops of purple and tan, the website actively captures attention. 

As you scroll through the website, you realize Innovative MedSpa does just that: innovates. Even with their website design, Innovative MedSpa incorporates new website features to add to the user experience. One example is the “About” page, which features not only provider headshots and names—but also their Instagram handles.  

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Final thoughts on Medspa Website Design

Overall, a well designed, visually appealing, responsive, and optimized website is necessary for the growth of a MedSpa business. It is a tool that is employed to realize certain business objectives.

In this regard, effective website design is one that engages and encourages visitors to take an intended course of action. The featured websites excel at these and other crucial aspects of medical spa website design.

Contact now Mediaboom to develop an outstanding website design!

Website Navigation Best Practices – Improve Your UX and SEO

Even the most beautiful website is not guaranteed to actually drive results or help to grow your business. If your visitors don’t like it, the best design and graphics matter little. That’s why user experience (UX) should play a crucial part in any web…

Website navigation can make or break your business—quite literally.

According to a report by Top Design Firms, 38% of people evaluate the layout and navigational links when visiting a website for the first time. This emphasizes the need for accessible website navigation design, as 42% of respondents said they would abandon a site with poor functionality.

So, how do you create an engaging user experience for all visitors?

Mediaboom has your back with this comprehensive guide to website navigation best practices.

First, let’s define some terms.

What Is Website Navigation?

Website navigation is a collection of features like copy, link text and buttons, and menus, that allow visitors to move from one page to another. Users must be able to find the information they’re looking for with little to no friction or frustration.

This roadmap interlinks every page, providing much-needed context while maintaining the website’s hierarchy.

It’s a core reason visitors continue browsing a website for long periods.

However, navigation goes beyond improving user experience. When done right, it can help search engines better understand what your business offers. This can boost search engine rankings, drive traffic to your website, increase browsing time, and even enhance lead generation.

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What Is a Navigation Bar on a Website?

A navigation bar (or menu) is a section on the homepage that links to a collection of internal web pages. Its purpose is to help users find the pages that are most useful to them.

The navigation bar can be hidden or easy to access from anywhere on the homepage.

This element is critical to your website’s success. It must be functional, easy to use, and deliver essential information and resources to all visitors.

Types of Website Navigation

A crucial part of nailing website navigation best practices is knowing no two types of website navigation are equal.

We’ve listed common types of website navigation so you can choose one that best resonates with your target audience:

Drop-down Navigation Menu

This is the best option if you have a content-rich website with many pages to include in your main navigation menu. You can easily group all the informative links under general headings and make them accessible with a single click.

These mega menus collapse via animation, allowing users to see and do more with pages relevant to their needs.

Website experts at CNN created more user-friendly interaction on the website using drop-down navigation

Footer Navigation Menu

This is typically used when you can only fit a handful of links to the main navigation bar. So, if visitors cannot find the link at the top, they can look for it at the bottom of the page.

The footer navigation menu also holds company contact details, social media links, information about the company, terms and conditions, privacy policy, and other legal must-haves.

You can also throw in an extra CTA to give visitors all they need to reach the end of the sales funnel.

Hamburger Menu

A hamburger menu is a three-line button that groups all navigation links in one place. The menu appears when visitors click on the icon and remains hidden otherwise.

This dynamic website navigation design is excellent for mobile-first websites and apps, reducing clutter on devices with limited-screen real estate.

Horizontal Navigation Bar

It is the most commonly used website navigation bar design.

Displayed at the top of the page, it includes a list of important pages in the header, arranged side by side. The sections are just one or two words, such as “About,” “Products,” “Login,” etc.

This navigation bar is often fixed, so it’s a great place to add a contact button, using a clear CTA and color psychology to convince people to take a specific action.

Vertical Sidebar Menu

This expands from the side of the page when you click on an icon and stays in the same place as you scroll. It facilitates easy browsing by displaying all the important links at once without crowding the design.

The vertical sidebar can be hidden until the visitor opens it. It is popular for e-commerce, online magazines, and other websites with many pages to display.

10 Website Navigation Best Practices

These best practices for website navigation will improve user experience and make it easier for search engines to index your website:

Stripe's website shows a perfect example of simple website navigation with improved user experience.

1. Keep It Simple

The navigation bar exists to guide users to pages they can visit. Keep it simple, using one or two words for descriptions to remove uncertainty from the equation. Simplicity will help users go where they want to in just a few steps.

It would also be a good idea to limit the number of levels in the website hierarchy, using the three-click rule to avoid overwhelming your user’s journey.

2. Consistent Navigation

Here’s a tip for website navigation best practices.

Make sure the menu looks the same on every web page. This extends to all elements: menu, sub-menu, and headings. Cohesiveness is critical for a good user experience. Any deviation, such as a link that does not flow with the existing menu, could lead to bounce rates.

3. Make It Responsive and Mobile-Friendly

Mobile devices account for a staggering 56.96% of global website traffic.

[Depending on what you sell, this can be different for you. Check it via Audience > Mobile > Overview > Reports > Tech > Tech overview on Universal Analytics]

To capture a large audience, make sure your navigation menu is responsive on all screen sizes to deliver the best user experience. This can be as simple as using a hamburger menu to reduce shopping cart abandonment—no mean feat, seeing that 85.65% of mobile users tend to hit the exit button on the checkout page.

With a mobile-optimized website, you can also gain a competitive advantage.

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4. Use Clear and Concise Labels

Use descriptive key phrases instead of generic labels like “products,” “services,” “solutions,” etc., to show visitors what they can expect when they click on a specific navigation item. This eliminates the risk of visitors clicking away because they’re frustrated by the vague terms.

It will also help search engines index your website for relevant keywords and phrases, which can drive traffic and increase conversions and sales.

Don’t know how to go about it? Use Google Trends to see what people look up, optimize terms for geographic locations, and sit back and watch the results unfold.

5. Implement a Search Function

More than 40% of users say a search bar is the most important feature on the website. Incorporating it into your website navigation design will help visitors find things in an instant.

A search function leads to easy-to-navigate websites, even those with tons of pages and features. It improves time on site and reduces bounce rate.

6. Prioritize Navigation Based on User Needs

As a general rule of website navigation design best practices, don’t base your strategy on what looks good to you. Focus on what your users need.

Consider the pages users navigate to the most and ensure they are easy to access. Highlight certain pages that facilitate purchases to guide visitors further along the sales funnel.

Italy Travel Secrets uses breadcrumbs to make it easier for users to navigate the site

7. Use Breadcrumbs

Breadcrumb navigation is one of the most important website navigation best practices you can use. It allows users to visualize the path they have taken so far. It is a location indicator that makes it easy for people to retrace their steps, eliminating the hassle of clicking the back button over and over again to go back to their desired page.

In fact, it appears right below the header, with the “greater than” symbol (>) separating pages.

8. Limit Drop Down Menus

Drop-down menus keep the nav bar clean, crisp, and neatly organized, but they can also do more harm than good. They can encourage function creep, making the site harder to navigate if you add more and more list items.

Plus, they’re not very accessible and can pose all sorts of usability issues.

9. Keep the Number of Menu Items Limited

Empirical evidence suggests that an average person’s short-term memory has the capacity to remember seven items. This is why it is best to keep the number of items in your menu between five and seven to make the information easier to scan and process. This also leads to a less cluttered page.

If you have more than seven critical items to link, you can use a drop-down or hamburger menu.

10. Regularly Test and Update Navigation

One of the best website navigation best practices is to monitor results using analytics (more on this below). To this end, you can use a combination of heatmap tracking and KPIs to determine how people use your website. Determine what works and what doesn’t and update your designs based on the findings.

Case Studies of Good Website Navigation

Setting up good website navigation is no child’s play. It requires a lot of time and resources, and there’s still no guarantee you’ll get it right.

This is why you should consider leaving it to the pros.

At Mediaboom, we perform website analysis and use website navigation best practices to create a user experience that translates into a high ROI. Our professionals use their extensive industry knowledge and current and upcoming trends to deliver the best results.

Don’t take out word for it; believe our best website navigation examples instead.

Millennium Tower San Francisco

For this luxury high-rise building, we created a fully responsive, custom-designed, highly interactive website that puts its amenities and services front and center. Capitalizing on the power of stunning visuals—one of the most important aspects of web redesign—we showcased all that the Millenium Tower San Francisco had to offer in an engaging manner, lending it an air of exclusivity that visitors can’t resist.

JW Marriott

Our partnership with JW Marriott for their Houston Downtown address brought a +200% increase in traffic. We took inspiration from their rich history and combined it with modern elements to create a stunning website with a responsive framework.

>>And a dash of help with print pieces for the grand opening.

JW Marriott's good website navigation brought a rapid increase in their traffic.

Guardian Jet

We overhauled the product catalog and website for Guardian Jet, which claims roughly 1.9% of the market share. It brought a +732% increase in online leads, +1,409% increase in website traffic, +23% pages per session, and +61% avg. session duration, improving the user experience for global clients.

Want to see similar results for your biz? Contact our digital marketing agency today!

Common Mistakes in Website Navigation

Here are some mistakes to avoid while designing website navigation:

  • Putting your navigation menu in weird places. Follow the standardized format to take the guesswork out of the equation; you’ll lower the bounce rate with the ease of use that predictable navigation offers.
  • Not paying attention to order. Follow the principles of primacy and regency, keeping important items first or last on the list, as these get the most attention from users.
  • Using graphic buttons. They are not search-friendly or accessible for the visually impaired, and they take ages to load. Use text-based links instead.
  • Using too much negative space. Sure, minimalism is on trend, but don’t go so far as to make it hard for visitors to find the content they’re looking for.

One of the best website navigation best practices is to avoid leading your users to a dead end or pages that are still under construction. If you’re getting a digital makeover to boost your business, take users to another relevant webpage.

Tools for Improving Website Navigation

These tools will aid your journey toward better website navigation:


This testing tool by Optimal Workshop will help you identify how users navigate your site. It’s perfect for A/B testing when building an intuitive website interface, as it will analyze where and why people get lost in your content. This information could go a long way in improving your website’s architecture.

Google Analytics

A free tool available to anyone with a Google account, it tracks and reports website traffic to deliver the insights you need to grow your business. It’s statistics and basic analytical tools go a long way to describe, diagnose, and predict how users interact with your site. It also provides intel on where they encounter difficulties.

SEO and web design experts are eyeing Hotjar's data


This tool adds depth to the insight you get from Google Analytics. You can use it to visualize visitor behavior using heatmaps, session recordings, and surveys to understand how they use and interact with your site. This is a fantastic tool to improve user experience.


Get first-person feedback on a product, feature, or prototype to uncover any issues with usability and navigation. Knowing this can help you improve your website while keeping real people’s needs, wants, and preferences in mind.

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In Conclusion: Improve Your Website Navigation

While these website navigation best practices will go a long way to helping you unlock top-notch user experience, planning it out isn’t easy.

This is where Mediaboom can help you. We take the guesswork out of the equation to develop website navigation that feels most intuitive to your users.

Reach out to us to learn more about how we can help.

PPC for lawyers – 12 Proven Steps to Dominate PPC and Succeed

PPC for lawyers is a digital marketing strategy to improve brand visibility and create targeted client acquisition.

PPC for lawyers is a powerful prospecting tool to help law firms reach new potential clients. While referrals remain a popular client acquisition method, digital advertising is quickly becoming a necessary player.

Pay-per-click (PPC) for lawyers is a paid digital marketing strategy where advertisers pay per action. In this case, when a visitor clicks on their ad. PPC marketing for lawyers often uses ad extensions like sitelinks and call extensions. The benefits of PPC advertising include targeted client acquisition, improved brand visibility, and maximizing brand reach.

In today’s digital-first world, PPC marketing for lawyers is more important than ever. Having your business appear on the search engine results page (SERP) doesn’t provide value if hidden amongst competitors. Read on to learn tips to boost your PPC for lawyers.

12 Steps to Setup the Perfect Campaign of PPC for Lawyers

1. Identify Target Audience

The first step to setting up the perfect PPC marketing for lawyers is identifying a target audience. Your target audience encompasses potential clientele likely to benefit from your product or services.

In this case, a strong target audience includes consumers searching for legal services. However, the target audience should dive even deeper than this. What is your niche?

Do you specialize in IP law for entrepreneurs, family law, or real estate law? Each of these target audiences encompasses very different client needs and expectations.

For the best ROI for your law firm’s PPC strategy, you should have a strong understanding of your target demographic. If you specialize in real estate law, you will likely include Realtors®, brokers, and investors in your target audience.

This group shares commonalities that may benefit from your real estate law services. Serving this audience with pay-per-click advertising about family law services may see minimal returns.

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2. Define Campaign Goals and KPIs

Before launching into PPC marketing for lawyers, sit down and define your campaign goals and KPIs.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) commonly tracked include the average click-through rate (CTR), quality score, and conversion rate. These KPIs help you gauge the performance of your paid search ads and optimize them for success. KPIs also help highlight any changes that may be necessary to optimize your return on investment.

However, the best KPIs align with your campaign goals and help you reach your personalized goals. For PPC for lawyers, your campaign goals may be to

A team busy on searching a right keyword for PPC marketing for lawyers

3. Perform Keyword Research

Performing keyword research is an important step for PPC marketing for lawyers. This research identifies relevant keywords you should utilize to capture your target audience.  Utilize SEO tools like Semrush and SurferSEO to find the best keywords.

Your long-tail keywords and short-tail keywords help increase your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). While SEO optimizes your organic ratings, the same keyword research can benefit PPC for lawyers.

4. Analyze Competitors’ PPC Strategies

How are competitors incorporating pay-per-click advertising into their marketing strategy? An effective PPC competitive analysis answers this question.

A successful PPC marketing for lawyers strategy first identifies your competitors. The competitors are then analyzed using metrics like ad copy, keyword overlap, and ad budget.

Tools mentioned above, like Semrush, can aid in your competitor analysis.

5. Create Landing Pages Optimized for Conversion

Optimized search ads won’t convert without an optimized landing page. An optimized landing page makes it easy and efficient for prospective clients to register interest.

Registering interest can be subscribing to an email list, reaching out directly, or even following your social media accounts. General best practices for law firm web design include a clear call-to-action (CTA) and clean design.   

Ready to stand apart from competitors? Contact Mediaboom to discuss ways to optimize your website.

6. Set Up Google Ads or other PPC Platform Accounts

One of the best ways to run ads and track KPIs is through Google Ads. Google Ads is a popular online advertising platform to bid on keywords and run campaigns. Furthermore, Google Ads often utilizes other PPC platforms for a well-rounded digital advertising strategy.

Google PPC for lawyers provides valuable insight with measurable and trackable KPIs. Use Google Ads in conjunction with Google Analytics to see holistic performance details. 

With roughly three billion monthly active users, Facebook Ads are a powerful alternative to Google Ads. Facebook Ads offer robust targeting capabilities and, like Google Ads, are often used along with other ad platforms. Other PPC platform alternatives include Amazon Advertising and LinkedIn Ads.

7. Structure Campaigns and Ad Groups

While there are best practices for PPC for lawyers, there’s no cheat sheet for structuring your paid search campaign. An effective structure outlines the account, ad group, and keywords and redirects to an optimized landing page.

Ad groups are, just as they sound, a group of ads targeting the same keywords.They often highlight a similar theme and contribute to a shared conversion goal. Each campaign often includes one or more ad groups.   

A campaign structure should directly serve your ad groups and campaign goals. This means there is often not a one-size-fits-all approach.

Lawyer PPC advertising expert is selecting the target audience to play with the new promotional campaign

8. Choose Targeting Options

Targeting options allow you to specify the preferred location, devices, and languages for your target clientele.

  1. Location – Location targeting allows you to target specific geographical locations. If you are licensed to practice law in certain states, you’ll want to only target those specific states. This ensures you aren’t paying to target people with a low likelihood of converting to clients.
  1. Devices – Device targeting allows you to target people based on the device they’re using. Popular devices include mobile, computers, and tablets. However, device targeting can also extend to TV streaming devices.
  1. Language – Language barriers can be tricky. Thankfully, language targeting allows you to target one or more language groups. This way, your ad is only shown to people who frequently engage with content in that language.

Note: It is important to keep in mind that Google may place limits on certain demographic targets. For PPC for lawyers, these policy violations extend to household income targeting and other sensitive interest categories.

9. Set Budget and Bidding Strategy

Stastica projects that digital marketing spending worldwide will reach nearly $850 billion by 2027. Of that $850 billion, search ads make up the largest percentage at $389 billion.

With fierce competition bidding for your target audience, it is imperative to have a PPC strategy in place. The strategy includes proper budgeting.

PPC budgeting is an important step to optimize your bidding strategy without overstraining your budget. By setting a budget, you can effectively outline expectations and define your bidding strategy.

A bidding strategy focuses specifically on utilizing the allocated budget to maximize returns. Popular bidding strategies include maximizing clicks, conversions, or conversion value.

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10. Implement Ad Extensions

Simply put—ad extensions quite literally extend the impact of your search ads. Ad extensions like sitelinks and call extensions are a powerful way to maximize PPC for lawyers.

Sitelinks sweeten the deal for your conversion rate. This is because sitelinks offer direct links to various pages on your website, not just your landing page. Common pages with sitelinks for law firm PPC include “Contact Us” and “Meet the Team” pages.

On the other hand, call extensions include a click-to-call link to dial. Call extensions increase your conversion rate because prospective clients don’t have to search for your contact information.

Other ad extensions include location extensions, seller rating extensions, and callout extensions. Dive into ad extensions to see how they can give you a greater bang for your buck.

11. Install Conversion Tracking and Analytics

Conversion tracking is a valuable tool for assessing overall ad performance. Thankfully, there are several tools that make conversion tracking easier than ever.

Google Tag is a popular conversion tracking tool that allows you to easily track conversion activities. These activities often include things like sign-ups and form submissions. Google Analytics or other tools receive this activity data in the form of Tags. With direct integration with Google Analytics, there is limited room for guesswork—allowing you to make informed decisions for your business.

Thanks to pay-per-click advertising, a website refresh, and SEO, Runway Growth Capital increased online leads by 136.2%. Ready to take your client prospecting to the next level? MediaBoom provides PPC services for lawyers to lead your business to success.

The PPC advertising expert has launched a new advertising campaign for his client - a lawyer

12. Launch PPC Campaigns

Are you ready to launch your PPC for lawyers campaign? Once you’ve defined your goals, set bids, and determined your budget, it is time to officially launch your campaign. It is important that each of these pieces is optimized.

Keep in mind launching your campaign does not mean the work is over. You should still assess real-time data, A/B tests, and more to gauge conversion and other important metrics.

5 Tips to Boost Your PPC for Lawyers

1. Optimize Quality Score

A quality score is issued by Google to rank the relevance of your ad. An optimized quality score considers your keywords, ad text, and overall ad quality. This data then determines your cost per click (CPC). Optimize your quality score by selecting keywords that align with your targeted ad group.

2. A/B Testing for Ads and Landing Pages

A/B testing ads is a great way to maximize your ROI—think of it like an experiment. Thankfully, platforms like Google Ads make it easy to effectively A/B test your search ads. A/B effectively tests your ads and landing pages, allowing you to compare two ad versions. Variables such as ad images, text, imagery, and audience differ between the ads.

By using Mediaboom's Google ads calculator, you can estimate how much your ad campaign will cost.

3. Monitor Performance Metrics

When employing PPC marketing for lawyers, you should continuously monitor performance metrics like CTR, CPC, and conversion rate. By staying on top of these metrics, you are ready to make informed decisions and pivot to optimize performance.

CTR (click-through rate) divides the number of clicks your ad received by the impressions.

CPC (cost per click) is the monetary component to determine how much an advertiser pays based on each action. In this case, that action is when a visitor clicks on your ad. 

Finally, your conversion rate tells you how many visitors actually converted. To find the conversion rate, divide the number of visitors who took the desired action by the total impressions. 

Ready to take your performance metrics to the next level? Contact us to discuss our PPC services for lawyers.

4. Adjust Bids and Budgets to Maximize ROI

As mentioned above, monitoring performance metrics in real time is important. This is because you should be ready to adjust bids and budgets at any time to maximize ROI.

Bid adjustments allow you to simply adjust your bid at any time based on real-time performance. For instance, if your data shows that a specific campaign performs better on desktop versus mobile. Or, if a specific geographical location is seeing higher conversions. You can take this data and adjust your bid to reflect this new adjustment.

In turn, bid adjustments help to maximize ROI. By optimizing performance, you are creating powerful opportunities for conversions.

Qazi Cosmetic Clinic offers a prime example of successful strategic paid advertising campaigns. The campaign maximized ROI and saw a 207.4% increase in conversions.

5. Expand Keyword List

Similarly to bid adjustments, you can also adjust your original keyword list based on performance and opportunities. It is important to continue adding keywords to avoid stagnation and stay relevant.

By adding new keywords to a campaign, you are creating opportunities for further growth. In turn, this means better conversion rates and potentially more profit. Analyzing your competitors’ PPC strategies is a great way to expand your keyword list.

Note: Be sure to incorporate data-driven decision-making when deciding which keywords to expand upon. Free tools like Google’s Keyword Planner are a great alternative to more expensive keyword tools.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

PPC Management for Lawyers

PPC management for lawyers is more important than ever. In fact, it works in tandem with an optimized website to acquire new clientele.

Ready to incorporate PPC marketing for lawyers into your digital strategy? Connect with an expert at Mediaboom to optimize your strategy. 

How to Drive Results with Google Display Ads

Get Google’s complete guide to display ads with Mediaboom, an agency dedicated to getting things done. Discover our advice now.

Around 55% of companies use Google Display Ads (clutch.co)—for good reason.

The Google Display Network (GDN) advertises brands across over 2 million websites, videos, and apps, effectively reaching around 90% of internet users worldwide based on context, location, and audiences.

Undoubtedly, this is where you should direct your ad spend.

Google Display ads are visually engaging graphic campaigns that can supercharge your brand reach. You can reach audiences in various stages of the buying cycle and on multiple platforms, such as blogs, videos, mobile apps, and even search engine results. And when your ad pops up in front of an interested customer, their clicks will power conversions for your business.

Read on for a comprehensive guide to creating a successful display ad campaign to take your business to the next level.

What are Google Display Ads?

Google display ads are some of the best visual-based ad types on the Google Display Network. It helps advertisers market their products to interested users on third-party websites, videos, apps— just about anywhere they browse.

Compelling copy, variety in image formats, and a well-crafted benefit-oriented call to action (CTA) will go a long way in capturing a potential customer’s attention, leading to conversions. Your ads should be designed to keep your brand on top of your target audience’s mind without being too intrusive.

These ads are great for differentiating your brand and expanding awareness in a saturated market.

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Google Display Ads Size

There are many size options available for Google display ads.

Ad TypeDimensions
Skyscraper120 x 600
Wide skyscraper160 x 600
Small square200 x 200
Square250 x 250
Mobile banner300 x 50 320 x 50
Large mobile banner320 x 100
Half-page ad300 x 600
Medium rectangle300 x 250
Large rectangle336 x 280
Banner468 x 60
Leaderboard728 x 90
Large leaderboard970 x 90
Panorama980 x 120

Or, you can get the most bang for your buck with Google responsive display ads (RDA).

Launched in 2016, this fan-favorite addition to the display ad category allows users to enter their assets (images, headlines, etc.) on your portal. Then, the Google search engine will automatically adjust their size, format, and appearance to build ads that fit almost any space on any standard Google Display Network (GDN) format.

Responsive ads maximize your reach, increase click-through rates to boost conversions and improve performance on all digital properties, including mobile devices.

3 Real-World Google Display Ads Examples

Whether you want to spread awareness about your brand or direct users to take a specific action, Google Ads Display can make it happen. But don’t take our word for it; look at these real-world search ad examples to understand why they work.


A Google Ads of Guess clothing company with J.Balvin.

This clothing company highlights the brand collaboration with J.Balvin with vibrant hues and a no-pressure CTA, successfully capturing its target audience.


An Ads for cloud-based software company called Salesforce.
An Ads of cloud-based software company Salesforce that shows how to protect brand.

This cloud-based software company launched several well-branded ads to reinforce its message, pairing it with subtle CTAs (“learn more”) and some genius color psychology (calming blue and optimistic orange) to grab interest.

Square Terminal

A simple Ads of Square Terminal with covered in just ten words.

With the brand name, CTA, and benefits covered in just ten words, this revolutionary all-in-one credit-card machine provider made quite the impact.

Want to join their ranks? Contact Mediaboom, and watch the magic happen.

How to Run Google Display Ads in 10 Steps

Studies have shown a 59% boost in conversions when consumers conduct a search related to a display ad, which speaks to its potential to drive sales.

Want to cash in on it? Here’s a simple how-to guide.

1. Setup Google Ads Account

Setting up a Google Ads account is easy.

  1. Head to https://accounts.google.com/ and create a Google account. Select “to manage my business” from the drop-down menu that appears. *Skip this step if you already have a fully-functional account for your business.*
  2. Go to https://ads.google.com./, log in to your brand-new AdWords account, then follow the steps to create your first campaign.

Ensure your website is optimized for conversion before you embark on this journey. It should be easy to navigate, aesthetically pleasing with lots of white space, with eye-catching and high-quality visuals, and mobile-optimized for convenience.

We can take care of your website development and design as we did for Millennium Tower San Francisco, setting a new standard of what luxury residence and experience should look like.

2. Define Campaign Goals and Objectives

Google display ads are a form of paid marketing campaign. To get a good return on investment (ROI), you need to define your campaign goals.

What do you want your display ads to do for you?

By setting specific marketing objectives (build awareness, influence consideration, or drive action), you limit the scope of your ad campaign to a small group. This will help you target high-intent customers, capture more traffic, and ultimately increase sales and revenue.

You can opt for “no marketing objective” to tap into all available features, but bear in mind this could take time to show results.

The Google advertising specialist is explaining to the new girl hired how to create a Google Display Ads

3. Choose “Display Network” as the Campaign Type

On your Google Ads account, click “+ campaign” and select “Display Network Only.” This ad type will allow you to tap into its network of partner websites that reach millions of people worldwide.

4. Configure Campaign Settings

Your work doesn’t end with creating a new campaign. You must configure it to reach (and hopefully exceed) your marketing objectives.

Start by giving your campaign a name. If you don’t want to do so, Google will do it for you.

Don’t slack for the following configurations:

  • Ad assets: This is information you put in your ads. Go heavy on the contact information here, as it can double up as your CTA.
  • Device: Choose which digital properties you want to target, so you can customize your ads according to their specific requirements.
  • Network: Carefully choose where you want your ad to appear. For display ads, this should translate to thousands of sites across the web.
  • Schedule: This is when you want your ads to appear for maximum conversions. You can also set a campaign start and end date.

Also, consider choosing language over location.

Of course, location-based targeting works like a charm, allowing you to target postal codes, cities, countries, etc. But if you cater to customers worldwide, displaying your ad in your target language will ensure it appears on the feed of everyone who has it in their browser’s settings. This will lead to much better reach.

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Dynamically calculate the cost and return on investment of Google Ads campaigns.

5. Define Your Target Audience

The key to an effective display ad campaign is knowing what to target.

There are different types of audiences:

  • In-market Audiences: Target users already interested in your products and services. They may be convinced to make a purchase when they see your ad.
  • Affinity Audiences: They are narrowly pre-defined by Google based on their interests and shopping behavior surrounding a specific product or service.

If your target audience isn’t in these buckets, consider creating a buyer persona based on demographics, lifestyle, needs and wants, buying behavior, etc. Then you tell Google precisely who to target with keywords or specific landing pages with their “custom intent” category in audience targeting.

Don’t know how to make SEO work for you? We can improve your rankings and increase your visibility on search engines like we did for A&A Global Industries.

6. Create Ad Groups and Select Targeting Options

Ad groups refer to ads that share common targets. They contain all your keywords, text, and landing pages, so you can easily organize your ads with the same theme. This will help you drive traffic and draw leads at a lower cost.

Ad groups can be a money-generating machine if you ensure integration among all assets and meet messaging consistency with a good quality score.

Once this is done, you can “choose how to target your ads.” You can show your ads on websites related to your keyword—the ones your target audience is actively searching for, target interests or remarketing, and so on.

You can also “narrow your targeting further” to increase the odds of appearing on specific websites.

7. Design and Upload Display Ads

Designing ads can feel daunting. Follow these tips for the best results:

  • Instead of sticking to one ad size, create multiple formats of the top performing dimensions. This will help you get more impressions. Or just use Google responsive display ads.
  • Add a clearly visible logo to boost brand awareness.
  • Define your value proposition and be aggressive with how you market it. While it should take up ample space in the ad, make sure your copy is concise, with the entire piece taking up not more than four lines.
  • Use a subtle, well-thought-of CTA to compel people to take a specific action, using the right color contrast (as suggested: red) to perform better.
  • Follow the K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Stupid) principle. Only 9% of display ads manage to keep the attention of the viewer for more than one second. You need to keep your content short and simple to reduce clutter and keep all eyes on the prize: your messaging and preferred action.
  • Tweak the size of your ad to fit the dimension options available.
  • Use meaningful imagery to grab interest with visual marketing.

When you have your creatives, you can move to the final destination: upload.

Head to “Create Ads,” choose “Image ad,” then upload the file. Create an ad name and provide a display URL.

You can add the page your ad will link to, and Google will give you a list of ad ideas to start with.

A graphic designer busy creating Ads for the company brand.

8. Set a Budget and Bidding Strategy

There are different bid types to help you meet your campaign goals:

  • Cost per click (CPC) — set a maximum price for someone clicking on your ad.
  • Cost-per-view (CPV) — you pay each time a user watches your video for at least 30 seconds.
  • Manual cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) — for video campaigns to grab attention fast. As the name suggests, you’ll pay a set amount for every thousand impressions.
  • Viewable Cost-Per-Thousand Impressions (vCPM) — based on ad viewability.

You can also go for “maximize clicks (or conversions!),” “target cost-per-action (CPA),” “Target Return On Ad Spend (ROAS),” or “Enhanced Cost Per Click (ECPC).” If you’re unsatisfied with your ads’ performance, a bid adjustment will cut your losses, and you can adopt a better campaign strategy.

As for setting a budget, you can enter the average amount you want to spend per day.

As traffic fluctuates, GDN may show your ads to more people. It is called “overdelivery,” but your spending won’t increase by more than 2x your daily limit. Google will also ensure you’re not charged more than 30.4x times your daily limit in any month, even if your ads reach more people than your budget permits.

9. Launch Your Google Display Ads Campaign

Once you’ve performed all the due diligence, select “Publish campaign,” and you’re all set to rock and roll.

Remember that while ads are usually approved in a day, it can take some time for them to be shown to your audience and yield results.

10. Monitor Performance and Make Optimizations As Needed

Analyze the impact of your display ad campaign using key performance indicators (KPIs); more on this below. Tracking your ads will help you make informed decisions about what’s working and what isn’t, so you can tweak the headline, color, ad copy, CTA, and even the location you’re targeting to improve results.

Admittedly, this can be a lot of work.

If you want to reap the benefits but don’t know how to go on about it, trust Mediaboom with your campaign. We will boost your brand and authority the way we did for Aspen Luxury Concierge and VB Events.

Advertising specialists at Google are analyzing the report to track key KPIs

KPIs to Monitor When Running Google Display Ads

KPIs are measurable metrics that track how your Google ads display performs for a specific goal or objective.

Here are targets to keep an eye on:

  • Impressions: The number of times your ad is displayed.
  • Click-Through-Rate (CTR): The number of clicks your ad received divided by the total impressions. This is the percentage of impressions that yielded interest (clicks) from users.
  • Conversion Rate: The percentage of people who took the desired action.
  • Cost Per Click (CPC): How much you pay each time a user clicks on your ad.
  • Cost-Per-Acquisition (CPA): How much it costs to attain a single conversion.
  • Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): How much you earn (revenue) per dollar spent on display ad campaigns.
  • Viewability: Ads that are actually seen by users on a website or mobile app.
  • Engagement Metrics: Abandonment rates, bounce rates, conversion rates, new vs. returning visitors, page/scroll depth, pages per session, page views, time on page, top exit pages, unique visitors, etc.
  • Ad Placement Performance: The area on the web page where your ad is shown to the audience.
  • Frequency: The number of times a user sees your ad in a given time frame.

Not familiar with these terms? Contact Mediaboom for help.

We can optimize your ads according to KPI analysis. And with some help from our Google Ads cost calculator, help you generate maximum possible traffic for your budget.

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FAQs about Google Display Ads

How does Google display ads grow marketing results for advertisers?

Google uses targeting options that harness the power of signals to place ads in relevant contexts. It helps advertisers reach a larger audience, boost brand awareness and recognition, and generate high-quality leads, setting them up for success.

Where do Google Display Ads appear?

Google Display ads can appear on websites, videos, apps, articles, and even at the top and bottom of the Google search results page.

What is the benefit of Google display ads?

Google display ads capture user intent, but their biggest benefit is building brand awareness and increasing visibility.

Let Mediaboom Manage Your Google Display Ads

Display advertising is one of the best digital marketing solutions to increase clicks and conversions, but it can be a tricky field to maneuver. That’s why you need a trusted digital marketing agency like Mediaboom in your corner.

We have the experience, the insight into Google’s ever-fluctuating guidelines, and a team of experts that will make things happen.

Contact us today to scale your business!

SEO for Doctors – 15 Strategies to Boost Your Web Traffic

Discover the power of SEO for doctors with Mediaboom’s comprehensive guide. Learn how to grow your medical practice’s visibility with SEO.

In the digital age, where patients are scrolling through the internet before contacting a professional, SEO for doctors has never been more important to boost your business and reach prospective patients.

SEO for doctors is a strategic way to enhance your medical practice’s online visibility by utilizing digital and content marketing techniques to reach potential patients. It involves optimizing your website and online content so that search engines such as Google can understand it better and position your medical practice with listings on the first page of search engine results.

Curious about how you can optimize your site and benefit from leveraging SEO for doctors? Keep reading to learn proven SEO strategies that can help attract new patients and grow your healthcare business.

What is SEO for doctors?

Search engine optimization for doctors is the process of optimizing your website to increase its visibility on Google and make it easier for potential patients looking for doctors to find your business online.

How exactly do you implement an SEO strategy? Like the practice of medicine, SEO for doctors involves several different strategies to diagnose and improve your website functionality. From utilizing effective keywords that your potential patients search for to creating valuable and engaging content, there are a lot of ways to improve your search engine optimization ranking and grow your business.

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What are the benefits of SEO for doctors?

When done correctly, implementing a local SEO plan can boost your business and draw in new prospective patients thanks to the power of the internet.

Some of the biggest benefits your medical practice will see when hiring a digital agency like Mediaboom to help with SEO services for doctors:

1. Increased Visibility & Credibility

The first visible benefit of SEO is right there in the name: visibility. Effective SEO for doctors will help your practice rank higher in search engine results, making you more visible to potential patients looking for your services.

Not only will you increase visibility, but higher rankings will translate into greater credibility on the internet. When your medical practice’s website appears on the first page of Google, it automatically looks more trustworthy and reliable.

2. More Targeted Traffic

Improving your search engine optimization will help you reach and target specific demographics, locations, and user behaviors, which in turn, will make your online web traffic more specific to your services. This means that people who land on your website are those who need or are interested in your medical expertise and are more likely to convert into patients.

The doctor has acquired a new patient thanks to the SEO techniques applied on his website

3. Better Patient Acquisition

Prospective patients are Googling you before they come into your practice. In fact, a 2019 study found that 89% of patients will Google their health symptoms before going to their doctor, showing that even if you’re not utilizing modern technology, your patients are.

With increased visibility and more targeted website traffic, using search engine optimization strategies for doctors will help you gain new patients at a much lower cost than traditional advertising. That’s why SEO services for doctors are a cost-effective investment for your medical practice.

4. Better User Experience

Google loves websites that offer a great user experience — and so do patients! SEO encourages improvements in site speed, making it easier to navigate and more mobile-friendly. This contributes towards a better user experience and overall higher patient satisfaction.

As a doctor, you want to make sure your patients can always find you when they need you.

Focusing on local SEO for doctors will help more people find you and benefit from your skills and services. That’s why having a strong SEO strategy is so important — It helps boost your visibility and credibility, making it easier for patients to find you when they need medical care.

The doctor is applying 15 SEO strategies to increase his organic traffic

15 Strategies to Boost SEO for Doctors

Implementing the right SEO for doctors requires some strategy and analysis to see where you currently rank and how you can improve.

Whether you’re looking to do it yourself or hire a firm like Mediaboom, here are some common ways you can implement an SEO strategy for your medical practice.

1. Attractive and mobile-friendly website design

In today’s digital world, patients expect an easy-to-use website for their doctor’s office that can easily be accessed anywhere. Considering that more than 50% of global website traffic comes from mobile, designing a visually-appealing and responsive website is essential to improving your online presence as a medical practice.

Starting with clear navigation, readable fonts, and an intuitive layout can help get listed on the first page of Google and improve the experience perspective patient has.

Still, trying to figure out where to start? Contact Mediaboom to learn how we can help you improve your search engine optimization with high-quality website design services and comprehensive digital marketing strategies.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

2. Speed, Performance and UI/UX

Having a great user experience (UX) is a simple way to get to the top of the search engine rankings. A slow or outdated website can cause visitors to quickly leave your website — otherwise known as bouncing —  which can negatively impact your ranking on search engines.

To improve your site’s speed and performance, consider using lower-resolution images, removing extra JavaScript, and using a fast and reputable hosting service.

3. Site Audit to solve SEO problems

Performing a thorough site audit can help you discover pesky SEO problems you might not realize are impacting your rankings.

By seeking out and solving issues like broken links, duplicate content, or 404 errors, you can quickly boost your rankings just by performing regular site maintenance.

The best way to do this is through regular SEO audits, which can make sure the overall structure, layout, and content of your website is helping, not hurting, your search engine rankings.

Mediaboom can help you conduct an SEO site audit to outline what’s working well and where you can improve your digital marketing.

4. National and local keyword research

To put it simply — keywords make your content discoverable. Conducting both national and local SEO for doctor keyword research can help you identify what terms or phrases your prospective patients are using.

Then, with a strong digital content marketing strategy, you can incorporate these keywords into your content across landing pages, blog posts, and other pages to improve your visibility.

5. Optimization of landing pages from an SEO perspective

If you want to attract more potential patients to your website, you should create landing pages that are optimized for search engines.

You can do this by using relevant keywords in your meta descriptions, title tags, and header tags to help boost your visibility in search results and get more eyes on your content.

The doctor is observing the content marketing strategy implemented by the web agency with which he collaborates

6. Develop a content marketing strategy

Content is king in the SEO world! Generating quality, relevant content that resonates with patients and showcases your expertise can bring huge SEO benefits.

By using a keyword research tool, you can discover what your prospective patients are searching for, then incorporate those keywords into blog posts, e-books, infographics, videos, and more. A strong content marketing strategy will boost your credibility and tell Google you’re an expert in those keywords.

7. SEO articles publication

One great strategy to incorporate in your SEO for doctors strategy is to publish original and valuable SEO-optimized articles.

Whether it’s about new treatments or common questions you get, including keywords relevant to your medical practice can boost your SEO rankings and showcase your expertise in your field.

Mediaboom offers SEO services for doctors to help improve their content marketing and help with their search engine results. You don’t have to come up with a strategy alone — reach out to Mediaboom today!

8. Include videos in your website (can rank)

Acing SEO for healthcare isn’t just about text. Videos are increasingly important for better local SEO results

From explainer videos to patient testimonials, incorporating videos into your site can increase the time spent by visitors and lower bounce rates — both of which contribute to your SEO score.

9. Get quality backlinks

Backlinks, when another site links to your site, is another way to tell search engines that your website is reputable and legitimate.

High-quality backlinks signal to search engines that your content is valuable and worth referencing, which will help boost search engine rankings. Some ways to garner backlinks from other sites include guest blogging, partnering with local businesses, or getting mentioned in the press.

Mediaboom shows how it optimized its Google Business Profile to boost SEO results

10. Create a Google Business Profile for Local SEO

​​A Google Business Profile, formerly known as Google My Business, is a free and critically important way to get better SEO rankings when it comes to local SEO for doctors.

It not only gives your medical practice more visibility with prospective patients searching locally, but it also incorporates your practice on Google Maps which will help direct patients to your practice.

When done correctly, a Google Business Profile will attract, engage, and convert local patients.

11. Subscribe to directories of doctors

Did you know that listing your practice on reliable doctor directories can help boost your online presence and improve your SEO?

These directories have a high domain authority, which means that your medical practice is more likely to get listed on the first page of search engines. Plus, being listed in reputable local business directories can also add more credibility to your practice.

The doctor is sharing the best articles she has published on social media to get social signals for her SEO

12. Share the best articles on social networks (for social signals)

When it comes to SEO FOR DOCTORS, social signals like Likes, Shares, and comments on your social media platforms are essential.

These social signals can indicate to search engines that you have an engaged audience and that you’re sharing relevant information that they’re interested in. This will help boost your overall credibility and can positively impact your position on search engines.

By using a keyword research tool to identify the most searched-for topics and keywords related to your industry, you can further amplify your reach and ensure you’re sharing the right articles on your social channels. 

13. Monitor Google Search Console constantly

Not sure how your SEO campaigns are impacting your rankings? You can use Google’s Search Console to get a better understanding of how your content is impacting your traffic and ensure you’re seeing results from your campaigns.

This free service will show you how Google is reading and processing your site and then help you pinpoint any issues that might be impacting your SEO performance. As you run different SEO campaigns and work to optimize your site, using this resource can ensure the content and keywords you’re using are helping boost your traffic and not negatively impacting it.

The doctor is observing the behavior of her users after setting up tracking on GA4

14. Install GA4 to track user behavior

This summer, Google changed its main analytic platform from Universal Analytics to GA4. That means that even if you’ve used Google to track your user behavior and website analytics in the past, you’ll have to get used to the new GA4 platform.

Despite the added work of switching from Universal Analytics to GA4, users will get to benefit from the latest technology to see how your website visitors engage with your site. With added customization and predictive analytics, you can get a glimpse into the specific aspects of your website that impact your business the most.

For medical practices that participate in paid ads, you’ll be able to get better insights from GA4 to see where your traffic is coming from and how website visitors convert on your page.

Not sure how to set up GA4? At Mediaboom we offer comprehensive SEO services for doctors, like helping you get set up on GA4 to ensure you’re focused on the right metrics and boosting your business.

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15. Implement a live chat to reduce your bounce rate

One of the latest technologies to help with SEO for doctors is to implement a live chat feature on your medical practice’s website.

By providing immediate support and answers to visitors’ queries, you can engage users more effectively and therefore encourage them to stay longer on your site — all with the end goal of converting them into patients!

Hire a web agency now to boost your SEO for doctors

From creating a high-quality content marketing plan to using the right keywords, there are countless ways you can implement a strategy to improve your SEO for healthcare. If you’re not sure where to start or are looking for the right SEO services for doctors, Mediaboom can help. Contact us today for an SEO consultation and discover the difference search engine optimization can make for your business!

SEO Content Marketing – Crafting Strategies for Success

SEO content marketing through social media, on-page, and off-page SEO can increase your rank. This guide will tell you how.

SEO content marketing can generate more leads, a spike in website traffic, and result in more collaborations. However, combining the two concepts can prove challenging. What is SEO when applied to content marketing?

SEO content marketing utilizes the elements of SEO for producing and optimizing content. For example, you can use on-page SEO elements like keyword research and link-building to improve your content. Off-page SEO, including quality backlinks and getting on directories, will also further your content marketing goals and increase your authority.

This guide to SEO and content marketing will first explain the concepts separately, and then delve into how they enmesh. We’ll also share actionable strategies and benefits.

SEO Content Marketing Definitions

Let’s begin by expanding on the definition of SEO content marketing from the intro, unpacking it with its two core concepts.

What Is SEO?

Search engine optimization or SEO determines how well your website ranks in search engine results pages or SERPs.

Marketers employ SEO strategies to push their site toward the top of the SERPs page and possibly reach the illustrious first position.

Landing at the top of Google’s results for a search term can lead to 32 percent of clicks, reports Backlinko, so it’s worth aspiring to become number one.

Digital marketing agency Mediaboom partnered with Meraki Global Advisors, a global multi-asset operations and outsourced trading firm, to improve its web presence. Through a combination of services, SEO chief among them, Meraki experienced a 336-percent uptick in organic traffic.

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What Is Content Marketing?

Next, let’s shed some light on content marketing. This form of marketing entails producing and sharing content to further a company’s goals, such as increasing brand visibility, website traffic, email list-building, lead conversions, and customer loyalty.

The type of content you can use runs the gamut from blog posts to whitepapers, webinars, eBooks, videos, checklists, and infographics. The content you select depends on your campaign and audience.

What Is SEO Applied to Content Marketing?

SEO tactics like keyword research, link-building, domain strategizing, and website redevelopment can bolster content marketing by making your website more trustworthy and increasing traffic.

The more content is added in a website improves your SEO ranking

Improve Content Marketing Through On-Page SEO

Now that you see how content marketing and SEO intersect, let’s explore the measures you can use to improve your content, beginning with on-page SEO or the SEO improvements made on your website.

This form of technical SEO will help you sharpen and optimize the content you focus on and improve the user experience.

Keyword Research

The keywords you select for your content have far-reaching consequences. They affect how well your article will perform and where your website will rank. Harnessing the right keywords will assist your traffic growth rate and aid in customer acquisition.

Keywords vary by industry, but the best keywords to incorporate into your content share several common threads. They have a good monthly search volume, they’re authoritative, and they’re relevant.

Search volume is measured by the number of searches the average search engine user does per month. You shouldn’t select oversaturated terms, as you have more competition, which makes it harder to rank.

However, you shouldn’t select such obscure keywords that no one even thinks to look for them. Ahrefs found that 15 percent of Google searches haven’t ever been searched. Don’t let yours be one of them.

Keywords that increase your authority will boost your rank, as will relevant keywords.

High-Quality Content (Articles)

Now that you’ve researched keywords in your industry or niche, it’s time to begin writing content.

These best practices will help you produce high-quality articles, eBooks, whitepapers, and other written content:

  • Focus on search intent and answer a user’s questions.
  • Keep your content readable by breaking up long paragraphs, adding bullet points, and including images or videos.
  • Format your content using header tags like H2s and H3s.
  • Know your audience and write for them.
  • Only present accurate content and back up assertions with high-quality links (i.e., studies).

Internal and External Link Building

Next, it’s time to focus on your link building, one of the most important aspects of SEO content marketing.

Let’s begin with internal links. Don’t create pages just to do it but determine that your website has enough pages. For example, do you have landing pages for each product or service you sell?

Do you use links across your website in your written content? If not, you should start.

Then you can turn your attention to external link-building. External links are outside of your website and are also known as backlinks.

For example, if you wrote a whitepaper and linked to a scientific study relevant to your topic, that’s an external link. The presence of external links builds authority and trustworthiness.

Google Page Speed ​​Insight gave a score of 100/100 for the speed of Mediaboom

Page Loading Speed

Visitors won’t get to your content if your website loads too slowly. A website should load in two seconds, according to website performance resource Pingdom.

Taking too much longer will hurt your website traffic. Statista data unveiled that customer satisfaction drops by 16 percent for every second they spend waiting for a website to load.

Further, one in every four website visitors will leave a website that doesn’t load in four seconds or less. Most customers, 64 percent, do not come back to a slow-loading website, the data reports.

UX/UI Experience

UX/UI represents user experience and user interface, in that order. The terms relate to how well a website is designed for functionality and usability.

Your website must make it easy to find the information you seek, with a neat, concise navigation bar, clear menus, a search function, and CTAs above the fold.

We have plenty of examples of A+ website design to inspire you, such as this collection of luxury travel websites or these examples of real estate website design.

You can rely on Mediaboom for crafting an incredible website that drives results. When we teamed with Clarity Software Solutions, a healthcare communication company, to redesign its website, conversions increased by more than 1,200 percent.

Clarity also boosted its organic traffic by over 300 percent and its total traffic by more than 250 percent.

Explore Mediaboom’s website development services today.

Improve Content Marketing Through Off-Page SEO

Next, let’s review the off-page SEO measures you can use for your SEO content marketing strategy. Off-page SEO refers to improvements made outside of your website that still relate to your site for improving your rank and optimizing your content.

SEO Audit

First, take a hard look at your SEO and content marketing with an SEO audit. SEMrush is a handy tool for this, but you have plenty of other options. An SEO audit can reveal the following:

  • Your current ranking
  • Technical website issues and how to improve them on a page-by-page basis
  • How your outreach campaigns are going
  • Who the top domain owners are so you can reach out for backlinks
  • Where you’re missing backlink opportunities
  • Keywords you’re not utilizing correctly
  • Keywords you’re not using
  • How much organic traffic you generate
  • Your authority score
  • Competitor insights
  • The quality of your internal links
  • Your core website vitals
  • Your website loading speed
  • How mobile-optimized your website is
  • Whether your website has duplicate versions
  • If your site has indexing issues
SEO specialists are checking the quality of backlinks received on their sites

High-Quality Backlinks

Earlier, we discussed external links or backlinks. Now, let’s focus on backlink quality, a major determining factor of SEO success.

In the example before of writing a whitepaper and using a study as an external link, a study is a fantastic high-quality backlink. Studies are published by medical and scientific journals and are widely trustworthy.

News articles, trusted review websites, product or service reviews by reputable bloggers, and social media sites are examples of quality backlinks. Ideally, a quality backlink ties to your business, such as a news site that quoted your CEO.

Disavowing Toxic Domains

As you begin generating quality backlinks, you’ll get better at sniffing out the toxic ones. Toxic backlinks harm your SEO as search engines perceive them as spam.

Websites deemed untrustworthy and those that overuse links can be toxic, but there is no hard and fast definition.

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Optimized Tracking Setup

Another off-page SEO content marketing strategy is optimizing your tracking setup. You must begin tracking SEO metrics like organic search results, conversion rate optimization, keyword rankings, click-through rate, bounce rate, and exit rate.

Your SEO tools should begin generating this data for you. These metrics indicate the success of your campaign.

However, keep in mind that SEO results are anything but overnight sensations. You could have to wait months to see the needle move and your rank increase.

Mentions in Directories

Many industries have business directories, and you should aspire to have your company name added. Getting on a directory increases your backlinks, hastens a search engine’s indexing speed, and improves your visibility.

Social Media to Boost SEO Content Marketing

Social media is an important component of an SEO content marketing strategy, as you can appeal to your target audience and grow your customer base. Here are some methods for achieving those goals.

The SEO Specialist is observing an increase in traffic thanks to social sharing by site users

Social Signals

Search engines gauge your rate of social signals, including retweets, votes, likes, or reposts across social media platforms from Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

The priority of social signals by search engines has increased and could continue to grow. Begin bolstering yours now using SEO content marketing.

Social Bookmarking

The SEO strategy of social bookmarking involves creating web document bookmarks that are sharable and editable. You can use bookmarks to store your links in one concise location, retrieving them from any device you wish for off-page SEO.

Google and Social Media Authority

Increasing your authority across Google and social media will automatically improve your content marketing strategy and SEO ranking. You’ll focus more on researched keywords, relevant content, strong backlinks, and audience targeting.

Mediaboom can help your company develop authoritative content that ranks and build your clout on social media. Contact Mediaboom today to begin discussing your SEO content marketing strategy.

What Can You Expect After Optimizing Your Content Marketing SEO Strategy?

Deploying an SEO content marketing strategy takes time, patience, and hard work, but it pays back dividends if you stick with it. Here are some of the benefits your business can begin reaping in the coming months.

Traffic Increase

The spike in organic traffic you receive will attract new attention to your website. You should have already redesigned your website for a faster loading speed, easier navigation, and an overall improved user experience. That will keep people on the site for longer.

You should also be ready to convert traffic to your email list with opt-in forms and lead magnets such as webinar transcripts or checklists.

The director is getting a lot of new leads thanks to SEO content marketing strategies

More Leads and Sales

Once leads join your email list, you can begin nurturing the professional relationship, guiding them through the sales funnel until you can present your products or services. Your leads will feel readier to buy, increasing your rate of sales and conversions.

SEO content marketing can also boost your lead generation rate as your website becomes more visible.

Increased Authority

Between producing well-researched, trustworthy content and building a backlinking strategy, your brand will be viewed as an authority in your industry. Your reputation will precede you, and your authority will continue to generate traffic to your website as you publish quality content.

Partnerships and Collaborations

The rate of collaborative opportunities and partnerships that pop up once your company’s website ranks higher will steadily increase. You might get to do more guest blogging, sponsorships, and other mutually beneficial arrangements.

These partnerships will make your brand even more visible, increasing your ranking further if you’re not yet in the top spot.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Hire Now an SEO Content Marketing Agency!

SEO content marketing links these two concepts. You’ll use SEO strategies to build stronger, more engaging content and a website that ranks.

Mediaboom are SEO specialists who understand what it takes to produce enduring content. Work with our experts to launch your SEO content marketing strategy.

Hotel Search Engine Marketing – 10 Key Insights & Strategies

Hotel search engine marketing boosts business by introducing your website to a broader audience. This guide will explore SEM strategies.

Hotel search engine marketing is an important way to increase online visibility, considering that 83 percent of hotel bookings come from search engines. SEM campaigns will help you rise in the search engine results pages. What is hotel search engine marketing?

Search engine marketing for hotels requires building a campaign to increase your SERP position. An SEM strategy includes ad campaigns, search engine optimization, keyword research, link building, backlinks, website structure, and quality content. You should also review campaign data to improve your hotel SEM while your campaigns are ongoing.

This guide to hotel SEM campaigns will define necessary components, share benefits, and outline a strategy you can follow to begin achieving your hospitality objectives.

What Is Search Engine Marketing for Hotels?

Hotel search engine marketing builds targeted campaigns to increase your website’s search engine ranking. Let’s review the components of hotel SEM.

Ad Campaigns

Paid pay-per-click or PPC ads are at the heart of search engine marketing for hotels. Paid ads can expand your reach, especially if you center your ad around targeted keywords you know your audience searches for.


Search engine optimization or SEO and SEM may sound the same, but the former relies on organic search methods. However, improving your SEO while bettering your hotel SEM will typically result in higher rankings.

Keyword Research

Selecting targeted keywords is useful from a content production standpoint. In hotel search engine marketing, you’ll primarily use keyword research to determine which search terms to bid on for your next paid ad campaign.

Link Building and Backlinks

Link building is an SEO strategy that’s valuable for SEM campaigns. Google and other search engines decide on a website’s relevancy based on its links. Links can also increase your credibility, especially backlinks.

Website Structure

Your hotel website might need a redesign as you strive to improve SEM. Managing website structure is another SEO strategy that tells search engines which pages to prioritize. Those pages can boost your rank.

The hotel manager is monitoring the performance of his content marketing strategy

Content Marketing  

Finally, content marketing is part of search engine marketing for hotels. Producing quality content will increase your authority and help your ranking. You can also promote your content through your paid ads.

5 Benefits of SEM in the Hospitality Industry

SEM is a staple of the hospitality industry, including hotels, for these reasons.

1. Increases Hotel Website Visibility

With over 80 million Google visits in 2023, search engines remain a primary means of finding information, services, and businesses. Hotel search engine marketing can help your website dominate the first page of SERP results when users search for hotels near them.

The higher visibility will lead to many other positive effects we’ll cover in this section, including more website traffic and leads.

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2. Elevates Your Hotel’s Local Presence

With anywhere from 50 to 97 percent of internet users seeking local services when they search online, according to marketing resource WebFX, local SEO and SEM will help your hotel show up in more search results.

Building a better local presence will result in stronger brand recognition, more loyalty among long-term customers, and a higher rate of conversions.

3. Gives You an Advantage Over Your Competitors

How well do other hotels in your area rank? Do they use SEM or only SEO to increase their ranks? Implementing Google hotel ads will give you a clear edge over the competition. Potential guests should choose your hotel over theirs. 

The receptionist has received many bookings thanks to the traffic generated in organic with the SEO

Produces Fast Results

SEO is effective, but it can take months to see results. Oppositely, SEM campaigns can begin producing numbers in as little as 24 hours. Understanding what works that fast gives you the freedom to pivot elsewhere if your campaign needs reworking.

4. Improves Lead Gen

Your paid ads will attract more visitors to your hotel website, specifically, an optimized landing page with superb copy, videos and images, and well-placed CTAs. You might also notice an influx of qualified leads who enter the sales funnel ready to buy.

Increases Conversions

The average hotel conversion rate is 1.5 to 2.5 percent, according to Hotel Tech Report. Using hotel SEM should push your conversion rate higher.

5. Can Lead to More Bookings

An optimized website with strong landing pages and opt-in forms, more qualified leads, and higher conversions will increase your booking rate and offset the costs of the paid ad campaign.

Mediaboom’s hotel SEM services are among the best in the industry. Generate more benefits for your SEM campaigns with our expertise.

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Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

How to Craft an Effective Hotel SEM Strategy in 5 Steps

Hotel search engine marketing requires a well-planned strategy to reach your target audience through ad campaigns. Here are five steps for developing your SEM strategy.

1. Define Marketing Objectives and Goals

You’ve seen what hotel SEM can do for the hospitality industry. Which of those objectives interests your hotel to start? Plan your goals for your paid ad campaign and the required steps to achieve them.

This will assist your overall marketing strategy, such as targeting specific markets, improving brand visibility, and increasing bookings.

2. Choose Your Keywords

The keywords you target for your SEM campaign will make or break it. You should choose keywords based on customer (and target audience) search queries.

A mix of generalized and specific keywords is best for targeting potential customers regardless of their search terms. However, your keywords should always be relevant and have a good search volume.

You can go after some of the same keywords as your competitors but avoid too much overlap, which can hurt your campaign efficacy.

After optimizing the ad copy, new customers booked rooms at the hotel

3. Write Effective Ad Copy

Strong ad copy will set your Google Ads apart and inspire potential guests to click. Your copy should be persuasive, clear, and concise. Here are some more copywriting tips:

  • Write in a solution-based style, understanding your audience’s pain points and positioning your hotel as the solution.
  • Naturally incorporate your target keywords into the copy.
  • Use some of the same copy between your landing page and advertisement for cohesiveness.
  • Add a call to action.

4. Set Your Budget

Between bidding for keywords and running a PPC campaign, hotel search engine marketing strategies can get costly fast. You might spend between $1,000 and $3,000 per month on ads, but the cost varies depending on the size of your business, the extent of your campaign, and what you can afford to spend.

For example, some businesses spend up to $10,000 a month on paid Google search ads. Your hotel must determine what you can afford to budget for advertising and then stick within those monthly limits.

Consider the cost of managing your hotel SEM campaign and keyword costs when calculating your budget.

5. Create Engaging and Relevant Landing Pages

Your landing pages are the destination of potential guests who click your PPC ads, so you must make them relevant and engaging. They should align with search intent and provide valuable information to increase conversions and enhance the user experience.

Here are some tips for making five-star landing pages:

  • Put the most important information above the fold.
  • Break up paragraphs with bullet points.
  • Showcase your hotel through photos and video tours.
  • Use a simple design that doesn’t detract from the message.
  • Omit navigation options to keep users on the page.
  • A/B test landing page elements before the page goes live.

The experts at Mediaboom can craft engaging, targeted landing pages that drive results. Build better landing pages today with our services.

Tips for Managing Your Hotel SEM Campaign

Once your hotel begins using SEM strategies like paid ads, managing your campaign will tell you what’s working and where you can improve. These tips will bolster your campaign to help you move up the search engine results pages.

Track Your Results

Hotel search engine marketing metrics will trickle in when your campaign goes live and become a deluge the longer your campaign runs. You can begin tracking your results using Google Analytics on day one and monitor them for the duration of your campaign.

Here are some hotel SEM metrics to review for a better ROI:

Return on ad spend or ROAS, a measure of what you’re earning per ad campaign

  • Customer lifetime value, which indicates the total amount a customer might spend in the sales funnel
  • Cost per action or CPA, how much you spend to drive a lead or customer to do something (subscribe, purchase, etc.)
  • Impression shares, a comparison of actual impressions versus potential impressions
  • Quality score, a number from 1 to 10 that Google Ads will award you based on ad performance and relevancy
  • Cost per click, or what you spend when a user clicks your ad
  • Conversion rate, how many leads convert into buying customers
  • Click-through rate, how many website visitors click your ad

Make Adjustments as Needed

Revise your current marketing strategy and create a new action plan to increase any sagging numbers. Give your campaign time to perform, then begin comparing metrics from before and after you implemented the changes.

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Harness the Power of Hotel Search Engine Marketing with Our Expert Team

Hotel search engine marketing is critical to attracting more business to your hotel. Mediaboom is a digital marketing agency with a proven track record of serving hotels and other businesses in hospitality. We can help you craft a comprehensive, effective SEM campaign.

Get started with Mediaboom’s SEM services today.

Lead Conversions with Google Ads for Real Estate Agents

Google Ads for real estate agents can increase website traffic, leads, conversions, and sales. We’ll share must-follow strategies.

Google Ads for real estate agents deliver results, increasing conversion rates up to five percent in a year or two after the campaign launches. However, launching a successful campaign requires a lot of careful planning and understanding of your target audience. What other benefits can you expect from using Google Ads in real estate?

The benefits of Google Ads for real estate agents include fast results, efficient advertising spending, targeted advertising, stronger brand awareness, website traffic, more leads, and increased sales and conversions. You can measure Google Ads performance as the ads go live, adjusting the ad’s content or targeting for optimal efficiency.

This guide to launching a Google Ad campaign for real estate agents will explain what preplanning is required before your ads go live, the types of ads to use in your campaign, and the creatives to incorporate.

Before Running Google Ads for Real Estate Agents

Building a strong foundation begins with laying the groundwork. Follow these steps to position your Google Ads campaign for success.

1. Find Relevant Keywords and Your Target Audience

Begin by segmenting your audience. Real estate needs vary wildly, even among buyers. For example, first-time buyers have different needs than someone interested in purchasing a summer home.

Once you’ve split your audience, you must select keywords to bid on. These keywords should be relevant to each audience segment, targeting the keywords they would search for online.

Specific keywords perform well, but a few generalized ones can cast a broader net while still remaining within your target market. Use descriptive keywords and select several keyword phrases or keywords per audience group.

2. Estimate Daily Clicks Based on Your Budget

Next, you must calculate your budget. PPC ads like Google Ads are inexpensive to run compared to other types of campaigns, but you still need a cash allotment to avoid overspending. Your dollars should stretch further for a more expansive campaign.

Predicting your daily clicks based on a budget comes easily with our handy Google Ads cost calculator. You can also rely on this calculator to determine your advertising ROI.

3. Make a Plan of Action and Follow It

What will your Google Ads campaign entail? What will you achieve through your ads, and how do you reach your goals? How long should your campaign last? You must answer these questions when creating your action plan before your campaign goes live.

The Google ADS home page invites marketers to sign up to launch advertising campaigns

Create a Google Ads Account

Sign up for a Google Ads account if you don’t already have one. You can use an existing Google Business account for your Google Ads campaign and connect an existing Google Analytics account.

4. Prepare an Outstanding Offer on Your Website or Landing Page

Get your website ready for your Google Ads campaign by producing landing pages for your real estate services. You should have a unique landing page for every neighborhood you serve. Create an outstanding offer and position it front and center on your website.

Building a better real estate website that converts is possible with the pros at Mediaboom.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Best Strategies to Run Google Ads for Real Estate Agents

Google Ads for real estate agents perform best with a dedicated strategy. Here are the various types of Google Ad campaigns to incorporate.

Search Campaign

Search Ads are a simpler type of Google Ad campaign. The text ads appear on Google while your target audience uses the search engine.

These are among the easier types of ad campaigns to run, according to Google. You can target people very specifically, and don’t need special assets or files. Writing a text ad is easy, but take your time with copywriting.

Since a Search Ad is so basic, it doesn’t rely on visuals to attract attention. It must have a clear, concise, targeted copy. You must also target specific keywords, for instance, “sale of luxury homes.”

Example of an ad for real estate agent shown on google serp
Image courtesy of Hoole

Display Campaign

A display campaign is among the best Google Ads for real estate agents. This campaign uses images that appear in ads on YouTube and Google-owned services, apps, and websites. The ads stand out compared to text ads and are a great option for reaching your target market.

Example of a display ad for real estate agent shown on a website
Image courtesy of Chainlink Marketing

Display Ads have a broad reach, as Google says they can show up on more than 650,000 apps and three million websites. Here are some pointers for creating effective Display Ads:

  • Choose your format, with Portrait (9:16), Square (1:1), and Landscape (1.9:1) image formats available.

o   Portraits must have a minimum size of 600 x 1067 with a recommended size of 900 x 1600.

o   Squares must have a minimum size of 300 x 300 with a recommended size of 1200 x 1200.

o   Landscapes must have a minimum size of 600 x 314 with a recommended size of 1200 x 628.

  • Design Display Ads to complement your text ads, including Google Search Ads.
  • A/B test for an appealing design.

Designing visually gorgeous Display Ads is easy with the professional services of the digital marketing agency Mediaboom. Plan your real estate Google Ads with Mediaboom now.

Video Campaign

Google Ads for real estate agents must include a video campaign. Your videos will appear on YouTube and other platforms under the Google umbrella. Here are the types of video campaigns you can choose from:

  • Ad sequences, which feature a series of small clips displayed sequentially to tell a story.
  • Get views, once known as influence consideration, a campaign with in-feed and in-stream ads users can skip.
  • Outstream mobile ads that appear on Google apps and websites.
  • Video reach campaigns, which include non-skippable in-stream ads, skippable in-stream ads, and bumper ads.
  • Custom video campaigns, where you select the type of ad.
  • Drive conversions, aka video action campaigns, which target specific audience groups to motivate their action.

Here’s an example of a video ad on YouTube from Sydney Real Estate and Corie Sciberras.

Local Campaign

The last type of campaign to consider for real estate advertising is local. A local campaign increases business in your neighborhood. Google Ads will optimize the ads using Google AI before they show up on YouTube, Google Maps, and Display and Search Ads.

However, you must either have a Google Business profile linked to Google Ads or location assets to use this campaign. For example, a local ad campaign might use the keyword, New York luxury homes for sale.

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Which Creatives Should You Use to Maximize Conversions?

A Google Ad campaign should increase conversions, but these creatives will assist you in maximizing your campaign’s potential.

Very Engaging Ad Titles and Descriptions

Your ad titles and copy must be engaging, targeted, and tested. Google for real estate agents uses Quality Scores as a diagnostics and comparison tool. You can compare your ad’s Quality Score with another ad, such as one from your competitors.

A Quality Score is rated from 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest possible score and 10 being the highest score. Google assigns Quality Scores based on three criteria: the landing page experience, ad relevance, and expected click-through rate (CTR).

The landing page experience refers to the value and relevance of the landing page connected to your ad, as Google wants to redirect its users to quality landing pages. Ad relevance is a measure of how well your ad content gels with search intent. The expected CTR is how likely a user will click your ad when they see it.

High-Quality Video of the Property with a Drone View

Human-led walkthroughs are the standard, and while they get the job done, they fail to break any new ground. A video of the property led by a drone is engaging and impressive. The aerial views showcase the property in a new light and make almost any property look luxurious and covetable.

Here is an example of a drone-shot real estate video:

Spontaneous Videos of New Owners Satisfied with the Property

Another video-centric creative to use is video testimonials of satisfied customers. A video review is more compelling than a text review, as it conveys more emotions, from excitement to happiness and gratitude.

A video review can also expand on a customer’s journey, allowing them to detail the touchpoints of working with your real estate agency and what they most enjoyed.

Spontaneous videos are best. A review that comes across as canned or rehearsed can have the opposite effect, turning your audience off. They might wonder if you used paid actors to discuss your real estate services.

A spontaneous video might not be perfect by conventional standards, but it has more of the passion and emotion that drives leads to act.

Short Videos in TikTok Format with Subtitles

With 1.7 billion users in 2024, you must pay attention to TikTok. Presenting short videos following the TikTok format, complete with subtitles, will grab attention. You could create the next viral video or at least amass thousands, possibly tens of thousands of views.

Mediaboom’s video marketing services will help you create targeted, punchy content that racks up views and engagement. Talk to the pros at Mediaboom and take your real estate ad campaign further.

Google ADS advertising specialist is analyzing the performance of the extensions used in the real estate campaign

4 Extensions to Maximize a Google Ads Campaign for Real Estate Agents

Google Ads for real estate agents should utilize extensions. If you use Google Chrome as an internet browser, you know extensions expand functionality, and it works the same way for

1. Google Ads

A Google Ads extension appears beside your ad and might present pricing, a call button, or a website subpage. Here are three must-use Google Ads extensions.

2. Sitelink

Google site links are website subpage hyperlinks. The link will appear below your Google Ad and redirect traffic to your website when a user clicks. However, Google will add the site link, as you cannot do it yourself.

Google’s algorithms for generating site links are secret but rely on automation. You can block sitelinks if you have Google AdWords. You can also build campaigns within AdWords to use group-level site links.

Having site links can make your website more authoritative and strengthen your web presence. An ad with a site link takes up more space than one without, making your ad more distinct from your competitors.

3. Callout

Callout assets for Display Ads promote your latest offers, such as deals on a property. The callout attaches to your ad and shows up on mobile and desktop versions of the ad. You can use 10 callouts that complement the copy in your Display Ad, although the device, browser, and number of characters sometimes reduce callout limits.

You have a lot of control over callouts, including what the text says, when they show up, and where.

4. Call

A call ad displays on mobile devices like smartphones or tablets to inspire internet users to call your real estate agency. The ad automatically makes a call when a user clicks, increasing its convenience.

You must have a Google forwarding number or GFN and call reporting turned on to use this feature. Google will give you a Google forwarding phone number for your ad. Call details are available as they come in, and Google counts them as conversions.

You must include a final website URL for redirecting your Google Ads for real estate agents, a display path, two lines of copy, your business phone number, the name of your business, and two headlines.

The headlines and display path are optional, but the more information you include in your calls, the better the extension will perform.

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Hire a Web Agency to Boost Google Ads for Real Estate Agents

Google Ads for real estate agents promote and grow your business, increasing leads and conversions. You need a trusted web agency to build winning ads to achieve your goals.

Mediaboom’s marketing expertise will help you get there. We’ve worked with many real estate brands to build successful advertising campaigns. Plan your Google Ads campaign with Mediaboom.

5 Best Facebook Ads for Real Estate Agents

Facebook ads for real estate agents connect with your target audience and build your business. We have best practices and examples ahead.

Facebook ads for real estate agents work. A National Association of Realtors study reported that 46 percent of realtors get their most qualified leads from social media in 2023. What are the benefits of using Facebook ads in this industry?

Facebook ads for real estate agents can achieve many objectives, including cost-effective marketing, generating more qualified leads, building your brand, expanding your audience reach, and increasing customer engagement and conversions. You can also use Facebook ads for remarketing if subsets of your audience were on the fence during your last campaign.

This guide to Facebook ads in real estate will help you build a blueprint for creating targeted, effective ads that drive more conversions, build loyal customers, and prove ROI. We’ll also share some of our favorite examples of Facebook ads to inspire you.

5 Things to Do Before Running Facebook Ads for Real Estate Agents

Before you begin using Facebook ads, you must have a solid backbone for your advertising strategy. Here are five items to check off on your to-do list.

1. Identify Your Competitors

Who are your competitors? What advertising and marketing strategies do they use on Facebook and across social media? How much overlap exists between their target audience and yours?

You don’t want to repeat the same ad campaign your competitors have, as it will fail to have an impact on your target market. Instead, review what your competitors have done and strive to one-up them or redirect your efforts.

2. Find Your Target Audience

Facebook ads for real estate agents must have a target audience. Perform audience segmentation if you haven’t recently, then create niche groups who will see your ads. For example, you might have one Facebook ad aimed at first-time homebuyers versus another for those buying a summer home.

The Oxford Properties Group converted a bunch of leads into customers by creating their engaging landing page

3. Create a Website or Landing Page

Is your website ready to convert qualified leads into customers? If you’re unsure, rebuild and relaunch your website ahead of your Facebook advertising campaign. Add landing pages to the site.

We’ve compiled the top examples of website design in the industry. Here’s a roundup of 22 real estate websites, and this list spotlights 15 luxury real estate websites.

You can always rely on the expertise of Mediaboom for a website that achieves the results you seek. Our digital marketing agency has worked with Millennium Partners for more than a decade.

Millennium Partners sought Mediaboom to promote its Boston high-rise skyscraper. We made the Millennium Tower Boston Sales Center an interactive experience with 3D tours and floor plans. The goal was to surpass $1 billion in sales, which Millennium Partners achieved.

Grow your real estate agency with Mediaboom.

4. Set Up Your Facebook Business Manager Account

You must begin using Facebook Business Manager ahead of launching your first ad campaign. This platform redirects all your marketing and advertising activities to one hub. You can also review your business data within your account and share data with third parties like partners or internally.

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5. Create an Advertising Plan

Finally, you must have an advertising plan in place before launching your campaign. The plan should detail your campaign strategy, advertising budget, objectives to achieve, and a timeline.

The Best Strategies to Run Facebook Ads for Real Estate Agents

With the above pieces in place, you’re now ready to begin using Facebook ads for real estate agents. This section will provide an overview of the strategies to employ.

Brand Awareness

Facebook ads can create brand awareness for your real estate business through carousels, videos, images, or a combination of elements.

Branding ads can be introductory for new real estate agencies (or those only starting to use social media marketing) or focused on rebranding.

Brand awareness ads should be shown to a broader audience with a longer display frequency than other types of Facebook ads.

Example of the creative used for Facebook ADS by real estate agent Julie Brittain

The ad above from Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices real estate agent Julie Brittain has her unique brand all over it. In just a short paragraph and one image, she establishes that she regularly exceeds her client’s expectations.

Brand Interaction

Another strategy real estate businesses must use when running Facebook ads is brand interactions. Interactions on social media include commenting on customer replies, liking a post or page, and sharing events.

Example of the creativity used by the real estate brand redfin

You can see above how major real estate brand Redfin shared four interior design photos and asked their audience to state their favorites. Redfin replied to users, validating their choices.

Frequent responses to audiences will drive loyalty and engagement.

Lead Generation

Facebook ads for real estate agents collect leads. Optimize this part of your social media advertising campaign by using preset Facebook forms and chatbots.

This ad of a real estate agent is very attractive for converting users into leads

This example showcases how you can use ads on Facebook to increase your leads. It features a strong call to action, a must with this style of ad, to inspire leads to sign up or click.


Your Facebook ads have begun generating leads. Next, you must convert them. A conversion ad will be most effective now that you’ve redesigned your website and created landing pages for your services.

Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices used feature properties for sale for their conversion ad

Real estate agents use conversion ads all the time to drive traffic to their websites. The ads can feature properties for sale, as showcased above, that tantalize readers and followers in the hopes they’ll schedule a showing.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

The Most Efficient Creatives of Facebook Ads for Real Estate Agents

Facebook ads for real estate agents can run the gamut, so here are five more exceptional examples of creatives to emulate.

Image of a Property

Real estate is a highly visual medium. Enticing potential customers begins with showcasing images of a property for sale.

Zillow's creativity is very captivating, it uses carousels that portray the interiors and exteriors of the apartments

We selected this example from Zillow because it does more than display a home for sale using beautiful photos, a common tactic.

The image also features home pricing, the neighborhood, the name of the realtor selling the property (and a photo), and basic info about the property, including its square footage, number of bathrooms, and number of bedrooms.

This makes it easier for a Facebook user to determine if an ad like that is worth their click. If they’re looking for a property with two bathrooms, three bedrooms, and 1,250 square feet, as seen above, they’ll certainly click to learn more.

Even if they don’t find what they’re looking for through that ad, they might still feel inclined to check out Zillow’s Facebook presence to learn about other listings for sale.

Image of New Owners

Nothing conveys the excitement of the home buying process more than the smiling faces of new homeowners.

Redfin celebrated its first-time homebuyers to spread brand awareness and generated new leads through facebook ads

Redfin posted this image on their Facebook. Although the photo itself is not technically an ad, it is a free advertisement.

The first-time homebuyers in the photo will surely share Redfin’s post on their social media, spreading brand awareness for the agency and the specific agent they worked with. That can generate new leads and business for Redfin.

Video of a Property with a Drone

Drones have entered the mainstream market, making consumer drones more readily available. As more commercial drone pilots get certified, they can take footage of homes that delight and enchant.

The angles and views a drone can capture of a property are unlike anything people can achieve. These video tours showcase the property in an alluring new light. Here’s a video to show you an example of what drones can do.

Contracting a drone pilot to take videos like this and then posting a portion of the video as a Facebook ad will surely drum up interest in a property for sale.

Video Interview of a Testimonial

Testimonials are a phenomenal form of social proof, with video testimonial resource Boast stating that more than 70 percent of consumers derive trust in a brand with positive testimonials.

Why write another text testimonial when you can get a glowing video testimonial from your customers instead? If your customers had a good buying or selling experience, they should be more than glad to share a testimonial like this one.

Video testimonials make among the best Facebook ads for real estate agents. Viewers can see the conviction on your customers’ faces and feel it in their words as they watch.

Since it takes considerably more time to record a video testimonial than to write one, you must make it worth your customers’ while. Perhaps they receive a VIP discount code or access to exclusive home services.

Want to see more Facebook ads for real estate? We have five more exceptional examples.

Video Tour of a Property

A drone tour isn’t your only option for showcasing the magic of a property for sale through the power of video. You can also take a standard video tour on foot using a smartphone or professional camera.

Here’s an example.

HubSpot reports that the average ROI for video marketing is 92 percent for the video marketers surveyed. You can use a video tour of a property for sale the same way you would a drone-captured video.

A video tour helps your customers put themselves in your shoes as you stroll through each room. They can envision themselves cooking in the gleaming kitchen, unwinding in the gorgeous bathroom, and sleeping in the master bedroom.

That will motivate them to click to your website and schedule a showing. 

Create high-quality videos that convert real estate leads with Mediaboom.

Facebook Ads for Real Estate Agents – Best Practices

As you launch Facebook ads for real estate agents, bear these best practices in mind.

Wait to See the First Results

Facebook ad results don’t necessarily happen overnight. You should wait at least two days to begin seeing results. However, it doesn’t always mean your campaign failed if you still don’t see the needle moving much after two days.

In some instances, it could be up to a week before your campaign generates results.

Don’t Edit Your Campaign Often

Patience is critical once your Facebook ad campaign goes live. You should have taken the time to plan the ad format, audience, and reach carefully and methodically before launching the campaign.

You can go in and tweak a live campaign if warranted, but frequent meddling can muddle the message and reduce the campaign’s effectiveness.

Set an Adequate Budget

How much should your real estate agency spend on Facebook ads? The cost per mille or CPM of a Facebook ad is $14, states digital marketing resource Mayple. You’d need to have $7,000 set aside to reach 500,000 people with that CPM.

Your real estate agency knows what it can afford to spend for marketing and advertising. Set a budget that can reach your target market without overspending. Stick to your budget once your campaign goes live.

The web specialists are analyzing the real estate agent's advertising campaign report

Aspire for a Reasonable CTR

Facebook ad campaigns generate an average click-through rate or CTR of 0.9 percent, reports LinkedIn. You should aim for a CTR of at least that rate or slightly higher.

However, be aware that your CTR goals might fall short if this is your first ad campaign or you change tact too significantly midway through.

Use Analytics

Tracking Facebook ads for real estate agents is a must.

Your campaign will begin generating data as soon as it goes live. The longer your ad campaign runs, the more metrics you’ll have to extrapolate, including CTR, CVR, website traffic, Facebook engagement, and sales.

The Facebook Ads Manager will produce reports for you within your account. These reports indicate where users see your ads, who sees them, and other performance metrics.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Hire a Digital Marketing Agency to Run Facebook Ads for Your Real Estate Agency

The best Facebook ads for real estate agents are targeted, have a clear objective, feature personalization, and drive traffic to an optimized, conversion-ready website.

Mediaboom is a digital marketing agency that can help your real estate agency achieve its advertising goals.

Take your Facebook ads to the next level with Mediaboom.

13 Best Financial Advisor Marketing Strategies

Getting more accounts as a financial advisor can be tough. Learn which financial advisor marketing strategies yield the best results with Mediaboom.

With over 241,225 financial advisors currently employed in the U.S., using effective financial advisor marketing strategies is crucial to set your business apart. Knowing how to strategize and market your brand will give you an edge over your competition and boost business.

But how do these marketing strategies ensure business development in such a saturated space?

Marketing strategies for financial advisors can be the key to increasing your brand visibility and attracting the right prospects at the right time. They provide you with helpful leads and equip you with the necessary tools to get them through the sales pipeline and convert them into paying accounts. Not just that; they can also help you re-engage existing clients, thus increasing loyalty and leading to word-of-mouth referrals.

Read on to discover 13 practical ways to turn the odds in your favor and get a bigger bottom line, courtesy of MediaBoom, a web agency dedicated to helping you succeed.

13 Best Financial Advisor Marketing Strategies

Follow these tried-and-tested methods to stand out in the crowd:

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1. Brand Management

To be successful as a financial advisor, you need to enhance the perceived value of your services to demonstrate that you’re a better choice than full-service or discount brokerage firms. For this, you must also develop a brand image that shows consumers what you have to offer.

Here’s how you can do that:

  • Define your value proposition and shamelessly highlight it everywhere. Content? Good choice. Social media? Even better. Website? You’re on a roll!
  • Pay attention to your logo. Use a simple but impactful design that’ll create an excellent first impression and highlights your offerings in a unique way. You can take inspiration for financial advisor logos from seven of the best financial companies to show off your brand’s personality.
  • Use colors heavily; they can increase customers’ recognition of your brand by up to 80% compared to monochrome designs!

Establishing your brand and messaging and refining your mission statement is one of the best ways to increase your leads. Learn how Mediaboom can help you with that by reviewing our case study for Runway Growth Capital.

Runway Growth Capital refined their brand identity and marketing strategies to increase leads

2. Identify Competitors and Find the Target Audience

This is one of the most underrated financial advisor marketing strategies!

If you want to get ahead in the game, you’ll first need to spend some time identifying who your current and potential competitors are and what services they offer. Look at how they spread the word about their business. You can use information from this competitive analysis to find your competitors’ weaknesses and zero in on them to set yourself apart.

You can also use this opportunity to learn from their strengths!

Apart from that, we recommend you identify the target audience you seek to attract; otherwise, you’ll just be going in blind and not getting leads out of it.

For example, if your expertise is in investment management, you need to seek clients who need active trading, portfolio repositioning, or to strategizing the drawdown of their portfolio. Similarly, if your specialty is wealth management, you can offer investment advice to any demographic based on their investor profiles.

Knowing your audience will help you tweak your content to target your specific market.

3. Website Creation

According to a 2017 survey, 84% of participants find a business with a website more credible than their counterparts. So, if you want to get more accounts, you need to create an engaging website and optimize it, like these 27 businesses.

Here are some elements you should focus on:

  • CTA: A landing page must have a well-defined call-to-action to get people to perform your desired action, such as “book a free consultation!” or “sign up to receive our free eBook on investment.”
  • Design: Check for a good visual hierarchy with enough negative space to ensure readability.
  • Navigation: An interactive, easy-to-navigate menu of the services you offer, your story, and contact details will offer a simple yet comprehensive user experience.
  • SEO: Every bit of content should be optimized for SEO to ensure superior search engine placement.
  • Humanizing element: Put your face on your website and a little section detailing your expertise; it will increase trust, ultimately improving your conversion rate.
  • Testimonials: Include reviews from past clients to show people how your services have improved their quality of life. Social proof >>> everything else.

Additionally, a staggering 42% in the 18-21 age range consider mobile banking capability one of their top three considerations. So, your web designers will need to ensure that your website works on all devices.

Feel it’s too much to handle? Contact Mediaboom — a professional website design and development agency — to create a winning WordPress web design for your biz, as we did for Guilford Savings Bank (GSB).

4. Content Marketing

Did you know that 48% of Gen-Z investors learn about finances and investments via social media? This makes “content” king in developing marketing strategies for financial advisors.

You can use tried-and-tested content ideas to post informative, technical blog content writing for website in layman’s language without any sale-sy moves. It can help you meet the E-A-T guidelines proposed by Google, which can bolster your position in SERPs. You can also use it to point your guests’ attention to your landing pages and entice them using lead magnets.

SEO content marketing can be tricky to master, so consider linking with MediaBoom to create a content marketing strategy that delivers maximum leads and conversions.

5. SEO & Local SEO

In financial advisor marketing strategies, SEO and content marketing go hand in hand. And we’re here to show you how you can bank on it.

Suppose you created a flawless piece of content, but if it is not optimized with the right keywords, it won’t be visible on search engines. This can lower the number of people you reach.

That’s why you need to optimize your Google Business Profile. It’ll enable you to harness the benefits of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), enhance visibility, improve your rankings in your area of service, and draw relevant audiences to your website.

The advertising specialist is showing the report of the latest advertising campaigns

6. PPC

PPC or pay-per-click advertising can be a powerful tool to turn your business into a money-minting machine. You’re only paying when someone clicks on the ad, so any leads you get with it are likely to be of high intent, making the cost worth it.

According to Google’s Economic Impact report, it can make $2 for every $1 spent. According to a PPC case study, it can cut down cost-per-acquisition by 80% and deliver a 6x conversion rate when optimized.

You can further improve your results by bidding on the right terms to improve your reach. This is one of the most challenging financial advisor marketing strategies to masker.

The good news is you can skip the trial and error by linking with Mediaboom to maximize your ad spend and generate more leads!

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Receive your FREE copy of “Digital Marketing for Financial Advisors: How to Build Your Firm,” to get insights into growing your business with digital marketing.

7. Email Marketing

As algorithms keep changing, you need a strategy that looks beyond blog posts and social media for lead nurturing.

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies for financial advisors. For reference, these email marketing strategies could help you build trust with your target audience, be it current, potential, or new clients. The key is to provide value with every touchpoint — whether it is current events, new investment opportunities, or changes in tax — to keep subscribers in the loop with the fluctuating market.

Remember to also pace the frequency of your emails, or you’ll risk appearing spammy. Instead, look to segmentation and personalization as they have 46% higher open rates.

8. Retargeting on Those Who Do Not Leave Contact

Retargeting ads are one of the most impactful financial advisor marketing strategies. But their entire premise depends on guests visiting your website and leaving some form of contact information behind, which is not always possible.

So, how do you target anonymous site visitors?

There are many ways to go about it, but pixel-based retargeting works best.

A retargeting pixel is a piece of Javascript code you can plug into your landing page. When visitors leave your website, the pixel will drop an anonymous cookie to their browser, causing ad companies to show your ads to them.

It is entirely behavior-based, so you get to target people who are already interested in your services, which can help conversion.

The marketing team of the financial advisor is creating exclusivity around his services

9. Create Exclusivity on your Services

Scarcity drives demand, which could help you get higher prices for your services. However, you want your prospects to feel like the cost is worth the benefits of acquiring your services.

Do this by leveraging the idea of exclusivity by offering specialized services. It may result in fewer clients, but the ones you do get will be loyal and more likely to reward you with referrals.

10. Prepare Lead Magnets

Lead magnets, or high-quality gated content, can lead to sustainable growth. It helps you grow your email list, learn more about your target demographics, and bring prospects to the conversion funnel. Providing value for free also helps develop meaningful, trusting relationships with clients.

Some popular financial advisor lead magnets include checklists, toolkits, webinars, eBooks, quizzes, fact sheets, and calendars, all of which help offer a more comprehensive touch.

11. Create a Tool to Send Your Services

Instead of spending all your marketing budget on ads or web designers, one of the best financial advisor marketing strategies is to help users out with craft tools. This could be an easy-to-use calculator for checking what their pension will be or how much to invest now to buy their future home later.

It will help offer a better user experience, which can be conducive to your success.

the customer care employee is collecting feedback from the financial advisor's clients

12. Collect Feedback and Improve Your Customers’ Experience

Make sure to collect feedback to show customers that you value their opinions. Interestingly, 13% of unhappy clients will share their experience with 15 or more people while 72% will tell six or more people. So, gathering feedback could help you prevent damage to your reputation.

Plus, if your customer service is excellent, most clients would readily do business with you again, so you don’t have to lose your old clients either!

13. Social Media Marketing

In 2022, 94% of U.S. financial advisors were using social media for business; it’s a marketing plan that is only set to mature in our digital-first world.

You harness its potential through organic growth and paid traffic.

For organic growth, you can create and optimize profiles on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and Instagram to connect with potential clients. The power of user-generated content combined with connecting with influencers on different platforms will help you reach more people and get considerable dividends over time.

In terms of paid traffic, running PPC advertisements on Facebook and Instagram is highly effective. Here are some best strategies you can follow to target the right demographics and increase your leads and conversion rates.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

 Sounds Complicated? Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

Financial advisor marketing strategies can help you grow your practice — but navigating it can be a minefield. The simplest mistake can blow it, tanking all your time, the budget you dedicated towards it, and your efforts with it.

Want to avoid that? Contact MediaBoom to learn how we can help!

A Guide to Digital Marketing for Real Estate Agents

Digital marketing for real estate agents is a helpful tool for increasing traffic and leads. Read on to learn how it can set you up for success.

In a 2022 industry worth over $7 trillion, digital marketing strategies present a revolutionizing method for real estate agents to sustain a robust internet footprint, attract the appropriate clientele, and remain significant — despite the existence of 3 million active realty licenses within the United States.

What is Digital marketing for real estate agents?

It implies the utilization of diverse online spaces, like a mobile-compatible, intriguing website and a formidable social media foothold, to amplify brand familiarity and augment sales. It provides agents with a chance to connect with potential customers beyond their immediate locality, boost site visits, and cultivate a credible pool of potential buyers, converting them into sales.

Keep reading to obtain comprehensive insights into how virtual advertising can support your property business growth and the key elements that will keep your audience engaged.

What does Digital Marketing require?

Digital Marketing, or web-based promotion, requires the usage of websites, social media channels, search engines, and additional internet tools for promoting products and services to consumers. Techniques can include SEO (search engine optimization), pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements, and content promotion to attract, engage, and retain a broader audience, keeping a competitive edge in today’s digital era.

In the realty industry, digital marketing promotion presents a more all-inclusive avenue for realty agents to bring innovation to their promotional activities, targeting a wider audience. It yields superior results compared to conventional marketing strategies and provides an optimal way to keep potential clients engaged.

Benefits of Digital Marketing for Real Estate Agents

According to a 2021 study, 97% of all home buyers used the Internet in their home-buying journey, which makes digital marketing for real estate agents an excellent tool for scalable growth.

How does it work?

Well, digital marketing can help increase your online visibility. It can also give you a significant advantage over your competitors in an ever-fluctuating market by allowing you to put your portfolio in front of a larger audience with high-quality images, content, keywords, and hashtags.

It can also foster a two-way interaction between real estate agents and prospects, creating an emotional connection that encourages customer loyalty. Through digital marketing, realtors can also establish themselves as thought leaders in the real estate market and help them build credibility.

Together, these benefits can build your brand and improve your market share.

Want to tap into its potential but don’t know how? Contact Mediaboom for help. We can enhance your brand experience and help you attract high-quality real estate leads!

Establish Your Online Presence with a Website

Anyone with an internet connection can access a website at any time and anywhere. For real estate agents, it offers a fantastic opportunity to broaden their online presence and their reach.

A website allows you to show prospects who they’re dealing with, showcase the properties in your portfolio, highlight trustworthiness through testimonials, and provide an easy way for prospects to get in touch with you. And an effective way to do this is to create an intuitive website, especially one that is mobile-friendly, as that’s where 55% of web traffic comes from.

That’s what Mediaboom helps you with — creating fully optimized websites.

We created one-of-their-kind, highly-responsive websites for GFI Partners, a full-service real estate advisor from Boston, and for Millennium Tower, an ultra-luxury high-rise building located in SoMa’s tech capital. Our focus was primarily on using striking imagery to highlight their offerings and distinguish them from their competitors.

We also went the extra mile for Millenium Tower by creating custom cards that scream luxury and sophistication, keeping it on point with their unique offering!

A Mediaboom client, GFI Partners, uses advanced content marketing techniques to showcase their real estate properties

Content Marketing

Offering effective and personalized content is one of the best digital marketing for real estate agents strategies. Here’s how you can use content to reel customers in:

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Creating Engaging and Informative Content

Did you know that 90% of consumers expect brands to provide content? You can meet this need by creating and sharing high-quality content — think posts, videos, reels, podcasts, blogs, infographics, etc. — to connect with potential clients and retain existing customers.

Offering such valuable nuggets of information will help you build trust and credibility, establishing you as an authoritative source in the real estate business. It will also get your website indexed on SERP, which can draw boost traffic to your website and increase your chances of making a conversion.

Some helpful types of content you should post are:

  • Buying guide
  • Home makeovers and interior inspo
  • Monthly or quarterly reports on the market
  • New listings
  • Polls
  • Testimonials
  • Video walkthroughs

Mediaboom expert tip: Offer gated content in exchange for email addresses; it will help you attract high-value leads and narrow your sales funnel.

Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Local SEO

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, creates visibility by helping you rank higher in search engine result pages (SERPs), which drives traffic to your website and impacts the buying cycle. This makes it a non-negotiable factor in digital marketing for real estate agents.

It’s also easy to implement; all you have to do is focus on the following elements:

  • Backlinks
  • Creative headings
  • E-A-T signals throughout
  • Meta titles and meta descriptions
  • Relevant keywords; keep it local, such as houses for sale in xxx city
  • Rich content — preferably including “people also ask” queries

Don’t know how to tap into content and SEO to build long-term equity for your business? Contact Mediaboom; we can help you establish your brand as an authority with content that converts and brings higher ROI!

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising, widely known as pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, is a type of paid digital marketing model wherein you participate in an auction to secure a spot on a specific search engine.

This type of advertising allows you to reach specific demographics — people who want to buy/rent/sell homes — with incredible precision, leading to enhanced brand awareness, quick-as-lightning lead generation, and access to detailed analytics.

And the best thing is that you only pay when someone clicks on your ads!

Here are some ways to incorporate it in digital marketing for real estate agents:

Facebook Ads

A 2022 survey showed that 89% of realtors use Facebook in their real estate business — and for a good reason, as the platform provides access to a wide audience of 2.85 billion monthly users!

Here are some tips you should consider to optimize this platform to boost sales:

  • Layer targeting: Facebook offers a plethora of targeting options, right from location (zip codes) and age to income and homeownership status. You can even target lookalike buyers to make the most out of your ads.
  • Get visual: Use photos and videos to enhance the appeal of a property. Whether you choose drone videos, video testimonials, or live walkthroughs, focus on telling a story with clarity and attention to detail.
  • Be transparent: 94% of people say they’d stay loyal to a brand that gives them the complete truth. Turn the odds in your favor by giving them a detailed description of the property in your ads.
  • Post at the right time: You should post relevant content as often as you can, but make sure your schedule is aligned with your followers’ “online” times.

Facebook offers a plethora of ad formats, but if you’re looking to make maximum impact at a minimum budget, you’ll do best with carousel ads. These swipeable ads allow you to post multiple shots of the property, thus improving your chances of making a sale.

A real estate agent is checking the performance of his Google Ads campaign

Google Ads

In digital marketing for real estate agents, Google ads deliver quick results (see examples) with little trial and error involved. It allows you to reach potential clientsbased on who they are, what they search for, and their interests and habits.

To reach the right customers on the world’s largest search engine, it’s important that you choose the right keyword match type for the user’s search intent. You also need to implement value-based bid strategies to get better conversion value at a lower ad spend.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

Retargeting Ads

Ad retargeting is a genius way to reach audiences who have interacted with your business before, whether through your website or social media channels. The process involves segmenting the audience via pixel-based retargeting and list-based retargeting.

You can adapt the marketing campaign to a similar, equally dynamic product. For example, if a person has already purchased a house, it’s unlikely they will buy another anytime soon. So, instead of pushing the same type of property their way, you can show them renting opportunities, interior decor, etc.

Retargeting campaigns offer a powerful digital marketing strategy that can increase your conversion rates by as much as 150%.

Contact Mediaboom to harness the power of paid advertising! We can help guide you through the process to make your marketing campaign a success.

Analytics and Tracking

When it comes to digital marketing for real estate agents, publishing content/ads is not enough. You must also track your marketing effort to determine how profitable your marketing campaign is and which marketing strategy is bringing in a better ROI.

Understanding how your marketing efforts are performing can help you adjust and optimize your campaigns, thus boosting conversions and sales.

Here’s how you can track your marketing efforts:

Utilize Google Analytics

Google Analytics gives you access to all sorts of data, aka key metrics, to help you understand user behavior. It tracks how a visitor found your site, how long they stayed on your site, whether they could find what they were looking for, etc.

This information helps you understand your target audience better, so you can work your magic with segmentation and personalized content to improve SEO and performance.

To use Google Analytics:

  1. Sign up for Google Analytics
  2. Head to Google sites, click on settings >> Analytics
  3. Enter your property ID

After that, you’ll have to wait up to 24 hours to view your data.

Note, however, that you may require a fair bit of time and effort to gain a thorough understanding of how Google Analytics works.

So, if you’re new to digital marketing, it would be wise to connect with Mediaboom. We can help you navigate this tricky field like an absolute pro, giving you a significant leg-up over your competitors to help you sell more houses.

Make Data-Driven Decisions

Only 22% of marketers have data-driven marketing initiatives that achieve significant results. This includes collecting data, such as demographics, income, preferences, behaviors, and interests, to anticipate what your audience expects from you and then creating campaigns customized for their needs.

It completely changes the dynamic of how a consumer interacts with your business. Since it aligns with what they’re looking for, it gets them more interested in what you have to offer, thus driving better results and resulting in a higher return on investment.

Here’s how you can use it in a digital marketing plan for real estate agents:

  • Start by creating buyer personas
  • Run PPCs to push your listings to the right people at the right time
  • Send personalized emails that will appeal to your audience
  • Give people the final nudge with complimentary consultations and discounts
The skyscrapers of Chicago, an ambitious destination for any real estate agents

Bonus Tips

Cover all your bases in digital marketing for real estate agents with these genius additional marketing tactics:

Utilize Email Marketing

Now, we know email gets a bad rep because it overloads the inbox, but research has revealed that an impressive 91% of Americans actually enjoy promo emails! Pair that statistic with an average ROI of $36 for every dollar spent, and it’s easy to see why email marketing can be an excellent converting strategy for real estate agents.

Email marketing helps you build consistent communication pathways so you can connect with prospective clients while keeping your old ones engaged. You can also include CTAs in your emails to compel viewers to take the desired action or incentivize them with personalized content.

Email marketing can thus be a powerful tool for enhancing customer experience, building trust, improving customer loyalty, and bringing repeat business.

Don’t know how to tap into its many benefits? Get in touch with Mediaboom, a digital marketing agency for real estate agents. We can craft a campaign that connects you directly with customers in the real estate market for a new home and help you convert your leads into paying customers.

Video Content

Given that humans are highly visual creatures who remember 80% of what they see, video content offers one of the best strategies for digital marketing for real estate agents.

While professional photos can also be effective, videos can provide a more immersive medium to grab your audience’s attention. It is a highly engaging promotional strategy that enables the prospects to see why they should invest in the property, thus enhancing the home-buying journey.

That’s why 85% of home buyers and sellers want to work with agents who use video!

Using video content can help boost your brand awareness and attract potential clients by building trust, ranking your brand high on SERP, and because the videos tend to be super-shareable, leading to thousands of shares. It can bring 403% more inquiries and increase your conversion rates by up to 80% compared to agents who don’t employ video marketing!

The real estate agent is showing Instagram photos of the properties he has sold to his clients

Develop a Social Media Strategy

A whopping 52% of quality leads for real estate agents come from social media. Here’s how you can optimize these platforms and incorporate them into your social media strategy:

  • Get on the right platforms to meet your customers where they are. Make sure your profiles are optimized with branded photos and a detailed bio.
  • Respond to DMs, emails, and comments to start a dialogue and connect with prospects directly.
  • Highlight your success stories — 9 out of 10 people trust what a customer has to say about a business, which can be a noteworthy tool for social proof.
  • Promote the feeling, not the property. Use expressive language and vivid descriptions to paint a picture of the property while also backing it up with stats.

These simple tips can help build and maintain your brand voice and image and give you insight into what your competitors are doing. It’ll also help you drive traffic and generate a hefty revenue.

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Hire a Real Estate Digital Marketing Agency

Digital marketing for real estate agents can be a game-changer, provided you do it right.

Take the guesswork out of the equation by connecting with MediaBoom — a real estate digital marketing agency that can boost your online traffic and brand awareness to help you reach the pinnacle of success.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can drive measurable results and help you get ahead of the competition!

6 Tips for Optimizing Your Real Estate SEO Keywords

Real estate SEO keywords drive traffic, boost credibility, and help you stand apart from other real estate agents. Read our article to learn more!

A working knowledge of real estate SEO keywords helps agents stay ahead of the competition. Now, more than ever, your online presence acts as a working resume for prospective real estate clients. Which prompts the question, what even is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of enhancing your website’s visibility in Google and other search engines. SEO keywords drive traffic to your website, boost credibility, and help your website index higher. Real Estate SEO keywords are targeted specifically for the real estate industry. This marketing strategy helps boost your competitive advantage and stand apart from other real estate agents.

If you believe a website is a “nice to have,” not a “need to have,” then it’s probably time to invest in SEO strategies. So, what are the best SEO keywords for real estate agents?

What are Real Estate SEO Keywords?

Real Estate SEO keywords increase your website’s visibility and attract potential new clients. SEO keywords for real estate are optimized to serve as a funnel for prospective clients. They are thoroughly researched and targeted to maximize impact and conversions.

Today’s real estate market is hyper-competitive. Having an optimized website presence to attract new leads is more important than ever. This is because 41 percent of homebuyers search online for properties first.

Companies like Zillow capitalize on this and encourage low-stakes opportunities to browse homes for sale. By the time a browser turns into a buyer, they’re already well-versed in the Zillow platform and are active users.

Just like Zillow, your real estate website serves as a prospecting tool for new clients. Capture new prospects with real estate SEO keywords. Then, nurture your sphere of influence with valuable content. This way, you’ll be top-of-mind when they begin their real estate search.

Your next client is just a query away. According to Hubspot, “Google processes approximately 63,000 queries every second, translating to 5.6 billion searches per day.”

With statistics like these, it is imperative your website includes the best SEO keywords for real estate agents.

The real estate keywords for SEO cover categories like amenities-based keywords, location-based keywords, and property-type keywords. By covering a broad range of categories, you maximize the opportunity for prospecting buyers and sellers to find you.

The benefits for a brand include increased website traffic and brand awareness. In turn, this created the opportunity for a higher conversion rate of prospects becoming clients. More clients mean the potential to increase company revenue.

So, what SEO keywords should you begin incorporating into your real estate website?

Long-tail vs. Short-tail Keywords

The best SEO keywords for real estate agents incorporate long-tail and short-tail options. These two styles are easily distinguishable and present almost exactly as they sound.

Let’s start with long-tail keywords.

Long-tail keywords are niche and very specific. Since they often require more in-depth market research, long-tail keywords target a determined audience. They tend to be 3-5 words in length. For instance, “homes for sale in Houston,” “home for sale,” or “move-in ready properties.”

The WordPress plug-in Yoast notes:

“Long-tail keywords get less search traffic but will usually have a higher conversion value.”

Yoast SEO

Translation: Don’t allow the lower search traffic to stop you from utilizing long-tail keywords.

On the contrary, short-tail keywords are generic and cast and broad net. Because of this, they are more competitive and less likely to convert. They also tend to be shorter in length. Popular real estate short-tail keywords are “home,” “property,” “listing,” and “realtor®.” Since these real estate SEO keywords are less specialized, it is difficult to differentiate yourself from other real estate agents.

Use both forms of keywords together to increase brand awareness, reach a larger audience base, and increase credibility. Long-tail keywords aim to attract a very specific clientele, whereas short-tail keywords drive brand awareness. Together, they are a powerful duo.

Ready to invest in real estate SEO keywords and get results? Contact us today to get started.

The ads specialist is thinking about which types of keywords to use for his new PPC campaign

Search Volume and Keyword Difficulty

Search volume denotes the number of Google queries a specific keyword generates over a set timeframe. Typically, a monthly search volume. This metric helps you understand how popular (and potentially profitable) a keyword may be.

As you can imagine, the more popular a real estate SEO keyword is, the greater the keyword competition. That is where keyword difficulty comes into play.

Keyword difficulty is synonymous with keyword competition. The metric gauges the difficulty for your website to rank at the top for that real estate SEO keyword. In layman’s terms, will your website rank on the first page of Google searches for that particular keyword?

SEO tools like Ahrefs provide a metric to gauge keyword difficulty. The keyword difficulty score ranges between 0-100, with the former being the easiest to rank for. As the number increases, so will the likelihood that competition will push the post down search engine rankings.

So, what is the sweet spot for real estate SEO?

The ideal score for keyword difficulty is between 0-39. This score means there is a good chance an SEO-focused post will perform effectively. Once you get into the range of 75-100, positive performance trends from “challenging” to “impossible.” In the “challenging” or “impossible” range, it may be best to evaluate your keyword selection. Ask yourself, “Would it be more lucrative to focus on other keywords instead?”

Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to SEO keywords for real estate agents. That’s why it is important to have an SEO expert on your side to discuss your ideal marketing strategy.

The real estate agent has just closed a new contract after selecting the best SEO keywords for his industry

The Best SEO Keywords for Real Estate

It is important to understand how high search volumes impact real estate keywords for SEO. However, keep in mind, the best real estate SEO keywords help attract your target audience. Do not stray from what makes sense for your business just because of certain keyword rankings. Authenticity for your brand helps build credibility.

Below is a curated list with the top-performing keywords for different real estate categories. Utilize these keywords to potentially attract new buyers and sellers and increase your visibility online.

While these SEO keywords are not all-encompassing, they serve as a great starting point for your marketing strategy. Use the real estate SEO keywords in conjunction to attract your ideal clientele. These keywords span from property-type keywords to location-based keywords.

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Property-type keywords

These keywords focus on a specific property type such as “single-family homes,” “townhomes for sale,” or “luxury homes.” While seemingly broad, property-type keywords are top-of-mind for an active homebuyer. If you hope to break into the luxury real estate market, utilize property-type keywords like “luxury properties.”

Contact an SEO specialist to find the best property-type keywords for your business.

Transaction-based keywords

Transaction-based keywords emphasize a certain aspect of a real estate transaction. As the name suggests, transaction-based keywords include “buy a home,” “sell a home,” or “rental properties.” These are action-based keywords that highlight key aspects of a real estate transaction.

Real estate agent keywords

Real estate agent keywords highlight search terms prospective clients might use to find a real estate agent. The best SEO keywords for real estate agents include “best real estate agents near me” or “highest rated agents in [city].”

Home buying keywords

Home buying keywords target what potential homebuyers may search to inform them of the home buying process. These keywords include “mortgage rates,” “appraisal contingency,” and “first-time homebuyer tips.”

Amenities-based keywords

Amenities-based keywords offer a great way to target home buyers. They highlight a set feature of a property such as a “home with a fenced-in backyard” or “properties with upgraded finishes.” Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and what key amenities may be popular in your area.

Location-based keywords

Location-based keywords showcase a specific city, state, or neighborhood. These keywords include “homes for sale in Houston” and “real estate agents in Georgetown.” This is one of the easiest keyword categories since many real estate agents primarily serve only a set city or town. Keep in mind these keywords still must abide by fair housing regulations.

Use these keyword categories as a starting place to jump-start your SEO strategy.

Ready to take things to the next level? Contact us to see how one of our SEO experts can help optimize your real estate website.  

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How to Use SEO Keywords to Optimize Your Real Estate Website

Your real estate website operates as a discovery tool for prospecting home buyers and sellers. However, a website that isn’t properly optimized may struggle to attract valuable traffic to your business.

Here are four foolproof ways to use SEO keywords to optimize your real estate website.

Optimizing meta tags

To optimize meta tags, ensure your real estate SEO keyword appears in both the meta title and description. Meta tags communicate with search engines and provide necessary data. Be careful not to duplicate your meta description. This eliminates confusion and ensures the content discussed on the page is clear. In turn, this consistency helps ensure the page ranks higher by search engines.

Including keywords in page titles and headings

Use SEO keywords for real estate in your page titles and headings. This helps search engines contextualize the content of the page. If your page references “Single-Family Homes in Austin,” use “Single-Family Homes” and the location as your primary keywords.

Using alt tags for images

Alt tags are the written copy that explains to search engines what the image conveys. Effective alt tags include real estate SEO keywords to help your website properly index. If you have a picture of a condo, the alt tag should reflect “Two-Bedroom Condo in [Location].”

Creating high-quality content that includes targeted keywords

Your website should serve high-quality content that provides value. The content should always include targeted keywords like “Top 10 Tips for First-Time Homebuyers in Chicago.” Again, this is a fantastic opportunity to put yourself in your client’s shoes. Begin by brainstorming some frequently asked questions you often hear from homebuyers and sellers.

Use these four tips together to optimize your website to see positive returns. Remember that it is ok if you do not see results right away. Investing in SEO keywords for real estate takes time but provides lasting results.

The Search Engine Journal notes that:

“SEO helps build long-term equity for your brand.”

Search Engine Journal

This is a true testament to how there are unmatched benefits of incorporating these marketing strategies.

A real estate SEO keywords strategy is a long-term investment. Ready to optimize your real estate website with SEO strategies? Connect with an expert at Mediaboom today.

SEO specialists use the top SEO tool to get the highest ranking of audience

SEO Tools to Find More Real Estate Keywords

Thankfully, there are several tools ready to help you target the best SEO keywords for real estate. While not all tools are created equally, here are four powerful SEO tools for real estate keywords.

  • Semrush – Semrush is an all-in-one SEO and marketing tool to discover the best keywords and conduct competitor analysis. Valuable insights provided by Semrush allow marketers to make data-driven decisions and stay a step above competitors.
  • Google Keyword Planner – Google Keyword Planner is a free discovery tool to research new Google keywords. This tool “lives” within Google Ads and also helps determine the cost of running ads for that specific keyword. This is a great option for beginners just getting started but not ready to make a larger investment.
  • SurferSEO – What if you want to focus on optimizing the content you’ve already published? No problem. SurferSEO is here to help. SurferSEO audits and optimizes your pre-existing content for organic traffic. When you’re ready to create new content, Surfer AI writes SEO-focused articles. 
  • Ahrefs – Ahrefs is another powerful real estate SEO tool to help optimize website performance. Every minute, they crawl five million pages to return up-to-date data. They also offer a high-level performance dashboard, toolbar plug-in, keywords explorer, and site explorer.  

SEO keywords should guide every aspect of your business, right down to your brand and the content you create. While it may be a larger upfront investment, it is important to select the best tools for you and your business.

Every real estate agent has different needs, team sizes, and requirements. Take time to assess different SEO tools and find the best fit. 

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Work with a Real Estate SEO Expert

Don’t let the competition win – partner with us to rank for the best real estate SEO keywords. In the ever changing real estate market, you need an expert on your side. Contact us today if you’re ready to stand out in the uber-competitive real estate market.