digital content marketing

Digital Content Marketing – Your Key to Success

By: Frank DePino | June 20, 2023

More and more people want valuable content from the businesses they support these days. However, there’s a catch. The content has to reach them in a way that feels genuine. That’s where digital content marketing comes into play.

Digital content marketing is a tool that helps businesses attract potential customers from their target markets using a myriad of tools, including videos, photos, audio, blog content, and more. Using the right strategy can help brands optimize their conversion rates, increase revenue, and build brand awareness. Even more beneficial is the fact that there are a multitude of free and paid digital content marketing tools available, perfect for businesses of all shapes, sizes, and budgets.

In this guide, we’re going to cover all the different types of digital content marketing, throw in some awesome examples to inspire you, and of course, show you how to kickstart your very own content marketing strategy. Get ready to become a content marketing pro!

What Is Digital Content Marketing?

As a top digital content marketing agency, we’re constantly talking about the importance of using content to promote brands. If you’re not already, it’s crucial that you start sharing valuable content with your target audience online, from email to social media. Doing so allows your business to connect with both existing and potential customers.

And depending on your marketing goals, there are plenty of free and paid tools you can use to craft a strong digital content marketing campaign without breaking the bank.

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The 4 Best Types of Content You Can Produce in Digital Marketing:

1. Video

Since the rise of YouTube, the internet has undergone a major transformation. 

Videos have stolen the spotlight, and we don’t see that changing anytime soon.

We’re in the age of video content creation, and more and more businesses are shifting toward video to make statements and promote their brands. And while the thought of developing quality video content can feel overwhelming, the results are worth the hard work.

Videos are great tools to engage with your audience, creating emotional connections that are necessary to crafting long-term customer relationships. More and more people are using video to learn more about products and services, so having this kind of content available is a must. 

If your company can whip up some quality video content, you’re in for a treat. It’s more likely to convert leads and keep them engaged compared to relying solely on written content.

Dollar Shave Club is an excellent example of a company that knows how to make their videos go viral. Their marketing game is on point, using humor that perfectly matches their brand. In doing so, they’ve achieved incredible growth and have become a household name. has created a beautiful graphic that allows the user to better understand the data
Image with statistics by

2. Images

When it comes to images in digital content marketing, infographics take the cake. 

They’re the superheroes of data visualization, making complex topics and statistics easy for readers to digest. It’s no wonder businesses across different industries love using them to make information more accessible. 

The above example comes from the WebFX team, who wanted to showcase the prices of iPhones worldwide. However, they didn’t settle for a boring old table. Instead, they took it up a notch and created a colorful map that highlighted where iPhones are sold and used different colors to show the relative costs. 

It’s a visual feast for the eyes. Venngage is one of our favorite tools for creating infographics. shows an example of advertising focusing on text rather than images
Image with text by

3. Text

Text content is like the backbone of your online presence, as the words you carefully craft and put on your website or social media platforms are what give your customers all the juicy details about your product or brand. 

Without it, your product might feel incomplete and unappealing.

With it, however, you garner interest, like this email campaign from Warby Parker.

Imagine this: a customer visits your digital marketing site and all they see are a bunch of product images without any accompanying information. They’ll quickly lose interest and leave because they have no idea what they’re looking at. 

That’s why text content is so crucial. You can use tools like Ahrefs to find relevant keywords for your brand.

Lipstories is a great example of Podcasting success, I also broadcast on Spotify

4. Audio

The use of audio in digital content marketing is all about using sound to promote your products or or services. 

Think catchy jingles or captivating podcasts that grab your audience’s attention.

What’s great about audio marketing is how personal and interactive it can be. You can create a genuine connection and stir up emotions by using the power of sound.

Girlboss Radio and Sephora teamed up in their LipStories podcast to bring listeners a series of episodes filled with empowering discussions and memorable moments.

In each episode, they bring in a variety of guests who share their personal stories about self-image and those special moments when they felt their most powerful and beautiful. It’s a wonderful example of a brand’s use of audio marketing.

You can use Spotify’s podcast-making tool to get started.

Graphic showing the optimization of the Qazi Clinic website, a work done by Mediaboom

Qazi Cosmetic Clinic Case Study:

The MediaBoom team recently linked up with Dr. Qazi and his amazing team of dermatology and surgery experts at Qazi Clinic.

To drive more visitors to their website, our agency implemented a content marketing strategy focused on written articles. We started by conducting thorough keyword research and then collaborated with the Qazi Clinic team to create engaging articles that were optimized for search engines.

The goal was to attract organic traffic by providing valuable information about the various services offered by the clinic. Our team put in the effort to ensure that the articles not only captured the attention of potential visitors but also ranked well in search engine results.

Top 6 Channels for Digital Content Marketing

1. Blog Post

If you have a website, you should have a blog. Blogs are essential to any digital content marketing strategy, helping to drive traffic, promote products and services, and build trust with potential customers as an authority in the field. 

Plus, with the right SEO strategy, your blog can boost your online visibility.

We recently worked with A&A Global to improve their blog by increasing rankings for competitive keywords in the industry. The company had its sights set on boosting organic sales by climbing up the search engine ladder.

Discover how we gave their blog a complete SEO makeover and helped them set up a schedule to consistently churn out content.

The Exspress VPN landing page was built with a focus on user conversion rate

2. Landing Page

Your landing page is like the first impression your website gives to visitors, which can lead to more conversions, sales, and revenue. 

Truthfully, landing pages can be the game-changer for your digital content marketing strategy, though it’s important that it makes it easy for potential customers to buy your products or services. 

No distractions, just a clean and focused sales page with one purpose — to turn those curious browsers into enthusiastic buyers.

The magic of effective landing pages lies in their ability to target a specific buyer persona and get their contact information using a conversion form. 

When it comes to great landing pages, ExpressVPN is an excellent example.

For them, credibility is key. This landing page makes that clear and manages to establish trust without overwhelming the visitor using simple language and subtle graphics, to create a sense of reliability without alienating anyone. 

Mediaboom built an email marketing automation on Active Campaign to supercharge its content marketing

3. Email Marketing

When growing your business and connecting with customers, email marketing campaigns offer a fantastic way to not only attract new leads and customers but also nurture relationships with your existing ones.

The best part? Your email list isn’t subject to Google’s ever-changing algorithms or paid advertising platforms. You have the power to reach out directly to your subscribers to share valuable content or promote your products or services.

There are plenty of free and paid email marketing software options, such as HubSpot or Mailchimp, which can handle just about everything you need.

4. Social Media Platforms

Social media marketing is a no-brainer for modern brands.

With a whopping 4.2 billion people worldwide using social media, there’s plenty of opportunity to go around.

The platform options for social media are endless. Each one offers a number of unique features and benefits too. From TikTok’s fast-paced, short-form video design to Instagram’s sleek photo and live story platform, there are endless ways to explore social media content creation.

Check out our recent B2C Social Media Marketing Campaign we ran with Spectrum.

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5. Paid Ads

If you want to achieve impressive results with your digital content marketing strategies, relying solely on either content marketing or paid advertising won’t cut it.

Why, you ask?

Well, the truth is, the organic reach on popular social platforms like Instagram and Facebook is on the decline, and even though content is vital for building connections with potential customers and shaping a favorable brand image, it won’t magically boost your conversion rates unless you actively push your messages through the right channels.

To truly maximize your marketing efforts, you must combine content marketing with targeted paid advertising. Beyond crafting a quality campaign, it’s equally important to use analytical tools like Google Ads Cost Calculator to optimize your ROI.

Google Search Console shows traffic increase after applying SEO techniques to content marketing

6. SEO

Showing up at the top of the search engine is absolutely crucial. It’s the main place consumers go when they’re looking for information about products and services. And that’s where SEO is useful.

Search Engine Optimization is all about optimizing and improving the content on your website so that pages rank high in the SERPs.

Look at some of the ways in which we used SEO to aid our clients:

Clarity Software Solutions Case Study:

In one year, Clarity has experienced a tremendous boost in search visibility (almost three times the number of clicks they receive based on their organic rankings position), using SEO strategies centered around relevant keywords and topics.

St. Clair Spa Solutions Case Study:

Not only did we give the St. Clair website got a complete makeover with a fresh and bold design, but we also refreshed the content, making it even more engaging, informative, and SEO-centric. We also strategically placed calls-to-action throughout the site, giving visitors the chance to schedule a free consultation or sign up for a newsletter.

5 Goals that You Can Achieve with Digital Content Marketing

1. Increase Conversion Rate

More than 50% of businesses that invest in digital content marketing publish new content every single day, increasing their revenue with every site visitor and driving overall business growth.

Even incredibly successful companies are constantly striving to enhance their websites and boost their business. The good news is that there are plenty of simple yet effective ways to approach content optimization and boost your conversion rates from your content, such as using attention-grabbing headlines, optimizing high-performing blog posts, or using strong CTAs.

2. Long-Term Results – Customer Loyalty

One way to achieve customer loyalty is by constantly delivering value, and digital content marketing acts as a means to provide that value.

For instance, you might send out emails sharing inspiring stories of customers who have experienced positive changes thanks to your service. Customers who read these authentic accounts will feel a stronger bond with the brand. 

By creating inclusive and diverse content, you not only demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity but also broaden your audience reach. Incorporating diverse perspectives, representations, and narratives fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance among your audience

You can even run exciting giveaways or contests to give your customers a chance to win prizes.

3. Increase Brand Awareness

If nobody knows about your business, does it even exist?

This is where digital content marketing comes in with the primary objective of putting your brand on the map.

If people don’t know about your brand, they won’t have the option to decide whether or not they want to become a customer. You have to make noise if you want to get heard! Whether it’s a funny, eye-catching advertisement or a simple infographic, the important thing here is to create content that stands out from the crowd.

In today’s fast-paced world, consumer attention can easily shift, so it’s vital to showcase your brand in a unique way.

4. Generate Leads

Generating leads is pretty straightforward — without customers, there are no sales and no business. 

But there’s more to it than meets the eye.

Digital content marketing plays a crucial role in getting your business noticed by these individuals.

When you put out an ad, potential customers interact with your content in various ways, from watching to signing up for your email list. Each interaction creates valuable data and brings them one step closer to becoming a customer.

5. Increase Your Customers

Digital content marketing is just as great of a tool to increase your customer base, build brand awareness and establish credibility using authoritative content. 

When your target the right audience, drive organic traffic with SEO and create content that is shareable, you can expand your brand’s reach. 

It’s also a great idea to provide value-added incentives like discounts or exclusive resources to generate leads and guide consumers toward becoming customers.

Mediaboom shows the successful case study of Guilford Savings Bank

Guilford Savings Bank Case Study:

Mediaboom has played a crucial role in implementing various digital marketing strategies to enhance website traffic and drive new business for Guilford Savings Bank.

Here’s a snapshot of our key contributions:

  • Website Design: We collaborated with GSB to create visually appealing and user-friendly website designs to effectively represent their brand and engage their target audience.
  • Visibility: Our team took charge of developing an SEO strategy for their website, blog, and external profiles to boost local organic traffic.
  • Strategy: We have provided valuable insights and strategic guidance to help GSB identify and implement the most effective digital content marketing strategies to achieve its business goals.

Together, we achieved remarkable results in elevating GSB’s online presence with 852% more online leads and 170% more users.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Hire Now a Digital Marketing Web Agency

Digital content marketing is a versatile approach, offering a range of services to choose from, such as email marketing, eBooks, podcasts, social media, and more.

Regardless of the specific medium you prefer, content marketing provides an opportunity to enhance brand recognition and effectively connect with and retain your customers. 
Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you use this powerful tool to nurture your relationships and keep your audience engaged.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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