Facebook Page Optimization Checklist

Facebook Page Optimization Checklist – 17 Steps to Follow

By: Frank DePino | June 13, 2021

According to a survey, there were 1.85 billion Facebook active users in 2020. This number amounts to a quarter of the world’s population! Such user traffic makes this social media platform an attractive place for entrepreneurs and business people to promote their brands. In this era, every business needs a sound presence on Facebook.

In some instances, entrepreneurs might run their businesses only through this channel. But Facebook can act as a gateway for users to reach your website, resulting in more clicks and, subsequently, greater sales.

It is indeed the ideal opportunity for you to let the world know about your business. There are numerous unique ways to make your business look noticeable.

However, before you dish out some cash and start running ads, your profile needs to be tweaked and edited to meet SEO standards.

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The Ultimate Facebook Page Optimization Checklist:

  1. Write a Stellar About Page
  2. Use Keywords Effectively
  3. Call to Action
  4. Keep Your Page Up-to-Date
  5. Customer Reviews Matter
  6. Optimize Your Page for Smartphones
  7. Selecting the Right Template
  8. Use the ‘Facebook Insights’ Tool
  9. Create Milestone Timelines
  10. Claim Unofficial Pages ASAP
  11. Manage Your Business Hours Wisely!
  12. Always Back Link Your Page!
  13. Add Tabs for Page Optimization
  14. Pin Your Posts
  15. Messenger Auto-Rep
  16. Use Content Calendar
  17. Create a Relevant Group

The key is to decrease expenditure on ads and focus more on increasing your organic online presence. The biggest disadvantage of repeated ads is that people will no longer take notice, and you will start seeing lesser clicks and conversions and ultimately end up losing money at the same time.

So, to reduce the likelihood of its occurrence, here are some great tips to make your Facebook page stand out:

Mediaboom optimized its Facebook page by creating an outstanding "about" page.

1. Writing a Stellar ‘About’ Page

When you try to approach the sea of social media users, your page’s details are the first thing they look for. You must have the essential information regarding the business laid out in front of potential customers. 

A customized details section of your page will encourage the users to dig deeper and search more about your business. Here is a checklist of optimizing your ‘About’ page:

Optimized Username:

Your username is naturally the first they look at on the search results or the social media feed. It should not contain any underscores, brackets, hyphens, and other such expressions. Select a username that corresponds with the webpage name and usernames on other social media sites.

Profile Photo:

  • The profile photo should make a statement
  • The photo dimension should be 180×180 pixels
  • Use a photo that explains your business, preferably the logo you own.

Cover Photo and Video:

  • Always use an updated cover photo. Put a graphically designed cover photo of a discount or any recent achievement on the page.
  • Make a habit of using the recommended size of the cover photo, 820 pixels by 360 pixels.
  • Facebook recently introduced a feature where you can put videos on the cover photo section. You can upload an illustrative and engaging video that explains your business.
  • Videos are a powerful way to express oneself. Videos make it accessible for users to understand your product.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

Custom URL:

 Get a custom URL and make it trouble-free for social media surfers to find your page. For instance, using a URL such as facebook.com/my-business-1223090004343/” doesn’t say anything about your brand.

Moreover, it is not recommended for the optimization of the Facebook page. A suitable URL goes like this: “https://www.facebook.com/my-business.”

In addition, aiming your vanity URL will increase brand visibility.

To get an idea, see how you can increase your Med Spa business exposure through Facebook marketing.

Access to Website:

Use your Facebook page to channel the customer’s interest directly to your website. Make sure that the page name and website domain is identical.

To your amazement, Google processes more than 3.5 billion searches in a single day. Having identical names will rank your page higher in Google searches.

Associating the website makes it convenient for the consumers to directly access your product or services from the web page.

Additional Details:

You can provide additional info on your page for the customer to contact you through different channels. 

  • Put Phone Number and email addresses.
  • List the products and services you are providing.
  • Give the general location of your business.
Semrush it's one of the best tool to find new keywords.

2. Using Keywords Effectively

Keywords are the backbone of search ranking on any platform. You can reach a greater audience by using keywords that have high traffic and conversion rates. If your product or services target a specific consumer market, use keywords that have lower traffic.

You can enhance your page for better reach using keywords in the description, ‘About Page,’ and posts. Moreover, repeating the main keyword in various portions of the page will make a world of difference in ranking your page.

3. Call to Action (CTA)

CTA directs the interested person to take the desired action.  You may use this feature to increase the conversion rate. Adding a short CTA can enable the customer to visit your website or subscribe to the newsletter

You can construct a hassle-free experience for the user and get things done on the go. CTAs like Subscribe to our Youtube Channel, Watch Now, Buy Now or Read More create a user-friendly experience.

Moreover, you can utilize CTAs to promote events, share your brand, and submit forms. 

Call-to-Actions can be in the form of:

  • Hyperlinks
  • Clickable Buttons
  • Plain Text

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

4. Make Sure to Keep Your Page Up-to-Date!

You don’t want to sit back and let the page run itself. Keep yourself busy and spend ample time keeping the page up-to-date. Your page engagement is directly proportional to the traffic you get. Keep everything fresh and updated.

If you cannot run the page yourself, then hire someone who will act as an admin on your behalf. The Facebook algorithm will rank you higher if you post regularly. Check out the latest trend regarding your marketing niche and promote your brand through it.

Share the activity of your company. Inform them about collaboration with other brands or any event you had participated in earlier.

5. Customer Reviews Matter

You may have heard the saying, ‘The customer is always right,’ and that applies to Facebook as well! Positive reviews from your buyers are your strongest suit. It is the embodiment of the trust your clients have placed in you.

Respond to queries and complaints in the review section. It shows that you care. It will help spread the word among your targeted customer market. Always have an on-call admin to clear any confusion.

Mediaboom has optimized its Facebook page for smartphones.

6. Optimize Your Page for Smartphones

According to Statista, over 98% of the users accessed Facebook through smartphones. Therefore, optimize your short clips and images according to the newsfeed of the Facebook app. Also, use 30 sec to 90 sec long immersive videos to promote your brand.

Finally, upload a high definition video of 2:7 aspect ratio for the best optimization.

Besides, a slideshow is another way to list your products. Use 4-5 photos of the right dimensions to tell more about the services your business provides.

7. Selecting the Right Template

Facebook gives you options to choose from a wide array of templates. Templates are built objectively to give the customer insight into your services. Furthermore, you can build templates around businesses and services such as shopping, political parties, journalists, cafes, and restaurants.

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8. Use the ‘Facebook Insights’ Tool

This tool effectively gives you details about how the page is performing overall. Hence, by using this feature, you can make decisions regarding your page based on pure stats. It involves parameters such as

  • Pageviews and likes.
  • The reach of your stories and posts.
  • Earning from your page.
  • Your customer care.
  • Clicks and conversion rate.

9. Create Milestone Timelines

Share your accomplishments with the world! Make milestone timelines to tell the customer about what you have done in the past to help people. You may include your achievements like the number of orders delivered or the year you started the company.

People usually place their trust in companies with history. Showcase your milestones by adding the title, dates, location, and photos.

10. Claim Unofficial Pages ASAP

Unofficial pages are identical to your page but are not created by you. They have the same names, phone number, emails, etc., but it isn’t active or official.

These pages can hurt your business outreach. Having these knock-off pages pop up on the search result puts a question mark on your page’s legitimacy.

You can get rid of these pages in three possible ways: claim, merge or get it deleted altogether. Moreover, you can request Facebook to remove or merge these pages.

On top of that, you get to control both accounts by merging. The best option is to wipe the sham page off Facebook. It will prevent confusion among customers and increase the legality of your page. 

Mediaboom has posted its business hours to show its customers when to be contacted.

11. Manage Your Business Hours Wisely!

As a responsible business manager, you don’t want to leave your customers hanging when they want to reach you. Manage your business timings effectively. If you haven’t updated the hours, do it now. Let them know if you would be available during the holidays or not.

12. Always Back Link Your Page!

According to Neil Patel, the number of backlinks directly impacts the position of your page in the search results. So link your page to other sites like Snapchat, Instagram, Linkedin

Hire experts and social media influencers to boost your traffic. Your page will rank higher in Google, progressively building your brand’s reputation.

Link the blog and news section of the website to your page. You will see that Facebook SEO will start to act in your favor. 

13. Add Tabs for Page Optimization

The tab section is a list of particulars and the services you offer. It is present on the left side of the page. It contains options to access the about section, photos, websites, groups, services, and community. 

You can edit this section according to your needs. Facebook also allows you to create and edit apps through third-party apps.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

14. Pin Your Posts

Facebook enables you to pin your best-performing posts to the top of your page. It permits you to show the consumer the best version of yourself.

Having a pinned post with catchy caption and photos (thumbnail in case of videos) will win you the instant approval of your customers.

Always choose a post with maximum likes and comments. That way, you can show that other people take an interest in your product or service.

15. Messenger Auto-Reply

Facebook Messenger allows you to send saved replies when the user wants to ask a question. These auto-replies answer general FAQs about your product.

When the customer asks something, your typed message will appear on the left side of the messenger page.

It increases your overall responsiveness and ensures the user that you are there for them. Get a chat correspondent so you can reply swiftly.  

Loomly allow business owners to manage their social media post in a content calendar.

16. Use Content Calendar

Use a content calendar to use your business hours effectively on Facebook. You can stay one step ahead of yourself and pre-plan your posts according to the importance of a specific date.

To put it into context, you can arrange your posts on the calendar for Christmas or Easter and the related deals you offer through the post.

It is a great optimization and time management technique. You can schedule a post for a specific date and use the time to interact with your buyers.

17. Create a Relevant Group

Tons of Facebook page owners have groups related to their brands. If you want to build an ever-lasting, loyal customer base, then this is the way to go. The group should be related specifically to your product or service niche.

For instance, if you sell products related to fitness and health, the group can become a hub for thousands of fitness freaks.

Inform your customers about various offers. The Facebook group will help you hear the voices of your customers. Still, make sure you don’t allow any promotions or calls to action in the group.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

The Bottom Line

Facebook page optimization is like laying the groundwork to promote your brand. We made a checklist to help you boost sales and attract customers.

However, the primary source of your business growth is the dedication and the time you put in promoting your brand. You can use the steps mentioned to help you in making your sales go through the roof.

Contact now Mediaboom to boost your Facebook Page!

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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