Medspa Facebook Marketing

The Medspa Facebook Marketing How-To Guide

By: Frank DePino | May 12, 2021

You’re an expert in your field and deliver fantastic appearance-improvement treatments to patients. 

But does it mean skimping on your digital marketing strategies is okay?

Facebook has over 2.6 billion active users, as per the latest study by Statista. Facebook’s user base overshadows any other social media platform, even the ones created by Facebook.

The mass media network not only has a large audience but also spans across multiple demographics. Any business can find its desired audience on Facebook with ease.

Medspa treatments like fillers, BOTOX, and non-invasive fat freezing procedures have become more pressing and popular than ever. Medspa Facebook marketing is one of the easiest ways to capitalize on this booming aesthetic landscape.

In this regard, an effective marketing strategy or campaign is of paramount importance to succeed with this fierce competition. 

If you run a medspa and need an increase in your customers, you might need to change some things. More specifically, it is high time you establish a medspa Facebook marketing strategy.

Effective Medspa Facebook Marketing

Using Facebook to market your medspa has many benefits. For one, you can reach a massive audience, that includes B2B and B2C customers. Also, you can use multiple channels within Facebook to reach your audience, like the news feed, groups, messenger, and more. Finally, paid advertising allows you to reach potential customers in any way you choose to target.

Let’s dive into the details to find out how your medspa Facebook marketing strategy can benefit your business.

A user has just been intercepted by a Facebook AD and converted into a customer

Reasons Why Advertising on Facebook is one of the Best Marketing Strategies for your Medspa

Keep in mind that if you neglect marketing for your business, your rivals will move past you.

To get ahead in the market and acquire leads, you need specific targeting tools.

Still unsure why your medspa needs Facebook marketing? Here are some reasons.

1. Has Wide Audience Reach

There is no denying that Facebook offers businesses the most extensive user base.

Look at the latest statistics;

While it skews towards millennials with over 62 percent of active users (between 18 and 35 years old), the social media platform attracts people of all generations.

You may find more than 38 percent of users between the ages of 36 and 65.

In fact, the older demographic group is rapidly growing.

Since 2015, the number of people born between 1946 and 196 has steadily grown on Facebook. The size of the silent generation (people born before 1945) has almost doubled on Facebook, as per Pew Research Center.

2. Can Align with B2B and B2C Businesses

If you think Facebook marketing or advertising doesn’t cater to B2C clients, you’re mistaken. B2B businesses can also successfully run campaigns and ads on Facebook.

We say this because many business decision-makers spend approximately more than 74 percent of their time on the largest social media platform.

Facebook offers several targeting segments that align well with B2B’s needs to target new users. These segments include;

  • Employer name
  • Employment industry
  • Job title
  • Company size of employers
  • Interest industry
  • Business travelers

Based on your current email list customer base, or website visitor, you can use a lookalike audience strategy.

The worth-pursuing tactic can help your medspa generate new leads and boost revenue.

The salesperson of a medspa company provided transparent advice to her client

3. Users Transparency

Facebook user reach, in contrast to other programmatic networks, is highly transparent.

In fact, the popular social media platform offers the best targeting capabilities for your audience.

Therefore, your medspa can have a high level of transparency and control over the people you want to target.

  • Fans: followers on Facebook
  • Friends of followers- friends of your Facebook followers.
  • Remarketing: Users who visited your website previously
  • Interests or behaviors: Users meeting the criteria you chose based on your self-reported criteria

Usually, other social media platforms auto-optimize the placements.

When you segment your campaigns based on recognized audience clusters, you can get good insights.

This way, your marketing campaign performs exceptionally well.

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4. Has Multiple Forms of Engagement to offer Full-Funnel Targeting

Compared to other digital platforms, Facebook is the only one that can engage users at different stages.

Regardless of how many services you offer at your medspa, a well-designed Facebook marketing campaign can facilitate it.

Measurement capabilities, targeting options, and ad formats are just a few things that Facebook offers businesses looking to advertise.

This feature is extremely useful, regardless of what stage of the funnel they are on. Whether they are in the upper funnel stage, have started their research, or are willing to transact, Facebook caters to all of them.

If users are on the awareness stage, video ads, sponsored stories, and carousel ads can pique their interest. Moreover, you can advertise to them without getting too direct.

If users consider your promotional message, it can be an excellent opportunity to delight them with unique visual ideas.

You can show them how your CoolSculpting, fillers, or any other cosmetic process can help them.

5. Has a Variety of Advertising Formats

Undeniably, Facebook stands out with its variety of ad options to run ad campaigns. You can leverage ten different ad formats to target each stage of the marketing funnel. Most businesses use the ad format with videos and images.

It is worth mentioning that all ad formats can accommodate both video and text elements.

t provides your medspa Facebook marketing a substantial opportunity to not only showcase but also describe your services.

To allow followers to post on your feed, use sponsored posts. It is an effective way to boost user-generated posts on your Facebook feed and fuel more engagement with various users.

Remember that solid user-generated content can outperform purpose-developed ads.

It is because users identify it as a purposely created message. It is organic, and users are not usually defensive when they see it.

A medspa has benefited from the benefits offered by Facebook AD

Facebook Ad for Your Medspa Marketing- How it is Beneficial

Are you not promoting or marketing your medspa on a social media platform like Facebook?

You’re definitely missing out on a significant advertising opportunity.

With its high influx of active users who might be your potential clients, it can hold tremendous advantages.

You can advertise your content via Facebook to reach people looking for aesthetic or cosmetic procedures. Facebook ads are beneficial as they are;

  • Measured
  • Engaging
  • Targeted
  • Cost-effective

Using Facebook ads, you can target a particular demographic based on income, hobbies, gender, and age for your medspa business.

Facebook allows cosmetic clinics or other businesses to use the “Lookalike Audiences” feature, as mentioned above.

It specifically targets people interested in appearance-improving services that a medspa business can provide. 

Through Facebook ads, businesses can show their best services, content, and latest news to their target audience.

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How to Use Facebook Ads

Once you set up your business page, enabling advertising options on Facebook is easy.

Through “Ad Manager” on Facebook, you can create and manage ads. You need to select an objective for these ads, such as collecting leads, improving brand awareness, or generating leads.

Facebook asks you to explain or define your target audience when you choose an objective.

You can be specific about the audience you wish to target. After establishing your audience, you receive an estimate of users you expect to reach and people who can see your ads.

This is the stage where you can determine the amount you wish to spend on these Facebook ads.

Interestingly, your medspa can easily adjust your spending according to how your ads perform.

Then, you choose the visual features of your Facebook ads. You have an option to design something new or use an existing post.

The owner of a Medspa is thrilled to receive a positive response from customers acquired thanks to Facebook AD

The responses you receive will show how well an ad performs for your Medspa Facebook Marketing. According to that, you can improve your advertising strategy and also update the budget.

Here are fantabulous Facebook ad strategies to help you grow your medspa business.

  • Increase Page Likes – promoting your page is one of the quickest ways to target your clients and use Facebook ads. Create dynamic and vibrant pages to foster customer loyalty. You need to increase the likelihood that fans turn into long-term customers.
  • Improve Engagement (comments and shares) – Engagement is a driver of your successful Medspa Facebook marketing strategy. Promote the posts as much as you can to let maximum people see them in their feeds.

Drive traffic to your Medspa Website – Facebook, with its engaging medium, is an excellent place to increase site traffic.  

The more traffic to your site, the more opportunities you have to convert them into leads.

Snippet Feature- Facebook Pixel to Retarget

If your dream is to create the perfect ad campaign, then you can use Facebook pixels’ targeting abilities.

Functional integration, laser-focused campaigns, and highly engaging Facebook ads are just a few of the perks this feature offers.

It is basically a code snippet you can insert in the backend of your medspa website. The analytic tool can help your cosmetic procedure clinic establish and increase the ROI by estimating the ads. Use Facebook pixel data for

  • Making sure you show your ads to the right audience
  • Building advertising audience
  • Unlocking additional Facebook tools to advertise

You don’t need to build your network on a self-serve advertising tool on Facebook with Pixel. The snippet feature makes this entire process faster and easier. Additionally, the snippet tool can improve the effectiveness of the Facebook campaigns you run.

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Medspa Facebook Marketing- How to Optimize Your Profile

Optimizing your profile can do wonders for your Medspa Facebook marketing campaign.

You need to start by creating a Facebook page that is simple, enticing, and engaging.

Ensure you include only clear and relevant information or details about your medical spa. Relevant information saves your potential customers’ time and can help your potential patients easily connect with you.

Your medspa Facebook page must include;

  • Your website’s link
  • Your contact number
  • Email address
  • Operation hours
  • Your facility’s address
  • A comprehensive description of your medical spa 
  • A call to action option

Another highlighting feature that makes Facebook marketing worth spending time on is “add-to-button.”

Using this option, you lead potential users to current content on your Facebook page.

Never skimp on the straightforward and easy opportunity to book appointments.

Your page must include both cover pages and profiles that are high resolution and can represent your business.

Keep in mind that Facebook has its review platform. Therefore, like Groupon and Yelp, it is an excellent resource that helps users assess your practice reputation. 

A doctor has found the right strategy to get customers thanks to Facebook ADS

Medspa Facebook Marketing- How to Connect With Patients

Post Relevant and Appealing Content: Post content that provides value to your users. Experts recommend posting high-grade and engaging videos and photos such as 40x visual content. Visual content is more likely to get likes and shares on a social media platform.

You might not know that a Facebook page allows you to pin a post at the top. If you want an older post to reappear on the page when someone clicks on it, pin it. It is an easy way to advertise your offers and make your users see them. They can be special promotions and announcements.

Engage with Your Users: After you post content, don’t leave the space just like that. When Users comment, share, or like your posts, it is essential to respond to them.

You might not believe that, but your comment section is an important place where your potential patients ask questions regarding treatments or procedures they’re considering. This is a chance to convince the users why they should choose you.

Enable Messaging: Facebook provides an option to enable messages to the page. This feature makes it easy for your patients to reach out or contact you.

It can drastically improve the number of bookings you receive.

However, you must have an active staff member to respond to queries and messages quickly. They should provide accurate information about the services you offer.

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All in all, Facebook marketing has become an integral part of any businesses’ digital marketing plan.

It is an effective way to build links, drive engagement, and share content.

Thus, if you don’t want to miss out on the potential that social media holds, use Medspa Facebook marketing for organic traffic.

Contact now Mediaboom to boost your Facebook marketing!

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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