Medical spa target audience

Attract Medical Spa Target Audience and Maximize ROI

By: Frank DePino | May 15, 2020

If you own or operate a medical spa, you have a general idea of your target audience. 

Identifying the parties most likely to use your services is only half the battle.  The other half is creating persuasive digital marketing content and strategies that bring those coveted customers into your medical spa.  

The subtleties of your digital advertising approach are as important or possibly even more important than the quality of your services.  

Succeed on the digital marketing side and your medical spa target audience will respond accordingly, through the scheduling of appointments and a lasting loyalty to your establishment.

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The Different Types of Medical Spa Target Audiences

As time progresses and social norms wither away, more people are willing to patronize medical spas

This means there is no single medical spa target audience.  Rather, there are numerous audiences willing to pay for medical spa services or at least consider paying for such offerings.  There is no sense in narrowly tailoring your digital marketing strategy to one specific demographic cohort when people in various age groups, income levels, and other demographic cohorts will seriously consider the merits of your value offering.

Take some time to go over the facts and financial figures of your medical spa business.  

Analyze the demographics of your customer base to pinpoint which “buyer personas” visit your facility at a comparably high frequency.  Crunch the numbers and you will likely find several key trends emerge from the data.  

When defining your medical spa target audience, rember that medical spas are mostly frequented by women

most medical spas are frequented by women

This is not to say men are uninterested in medical spa services.  In fact, plenty of young men are quite open-minded about visiting medical spas.  Furthermore, retired men enjoying the golden years of life are open to the idea of spending money at a medical spa.  

However, nearly every medical spa owner and manager will agree women are the primary audience for medical spa services.  It is important to distinguish this primary audience’s characteristics to get a better sense of their needs and desires:

  • Average age
  • Income level
  • Specific location
  • Additional traits

Develop a comprehensive understanding of your most loyal customers including those you would like to bring into the fold and you will have the information necessary to build a highly strategic digital marketing strategy.  

Take a close look at your customer/sales data and you are likely to notice the following customer persona is inclined to spend for medical spa services: middle to upper-class women between the ages of 20 and 50, likely located within a 15-minute or shorter drive from your facility

In particular, young adults, especially young to middle-aged women are likely to patronize your medical spa.  These individuals are willing to pay for medical spa services as they are interested in maintaining a youthful aesthetic.  The American Med Spa Association report states nearly 78% of all medical spa customers are under the age of 55.  

The largest age cohort in the United States, the millennials, compromise 17% of all medical spa customers.

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12 Ways to Drive Traffic To Your MedSpa Website

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Why You Need to Reach Your Medical Spa Target Audience in Unique Ways

Years ago, medical spas and other service providers would connect with prospective targets through traditional outbound advertisements.  

Today, these businesses are pivoting away from conventional TV, radio, and newspaper ads to inbound marketing strategies on the Internet:

These online avenues are highly effective ways of connecting with medical spa target audiences, forging meaningful bonds that have the potential to spur customer loyalty for years if not decades to come. 

The more creative you are with your approach to raising client awareness of your business through the web’s many online inbound marketing channels, the better your results will be.  

Use a blog to reach your medical spa target audience

It is prudent to add a blog to your website  

Update your status on social media each time you post to your blog, providing your online followers with a link directly to that post.  It will also help to feature frequent guest blog posts on the blogs of other local businesses, especially those that have a client demographic overlap with your medical spa business.  As an example, the following local businesses are likely to share the same target audiences as your medical spa:

  • Local wedding venues
  • Wedding photographers 
  • Gyms 
  • Hair Salons

Establish reciprocity with the owners and social media managers of these local businesses. Give each other the opportunity to add blog posts to the respective blogs, featuring a byline along with a link to the homepage or service page. 

This way, both businesses are likely to obtain critically important exposure to locals interested in their services.  

Furthermore, it is also worth considering providing a discount or other incentive to the customers of these local businesses, even if it means taking a one-time loss.  The potential gain from a loyal customer in the years and possibly even decades ahead resulting from this one-time discount will more than make up for the temporary loss.

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Focus on creativity

There are all sorts of other creative ways to market your business on the web aside from blogging and establishing a reciprocal arrangement with other local business owners who serve customers most likely to need or desire your medical spa services. 

In short, dare to be different.  

Attempt to connect with new customers in unique ways and these potential patrons will give serious consideration to your medical spa’s value offering.  

There is no sense running one banner ad after another, assuming visual prominence at the top of a webpage that puts your company’s name and logo directly in front of customers will win them over. 

Instead, be creative.  

As an example, marketing through social media will connect your company to a seemingly endless number of potential customers yet create the perception that they found your business on the web in a truly organic manner as opposed to top-down advertising in the form of an overt banner ad.  

It merely takes a retweet, like, or share on Twitter, Facebook, or another social media platform for a local to check out your social media profiles and potentially schedule an appointment at your medical spa.

A team of doctors and marketers is defining strategies to find their medspa target audience

How to Reach Your Medical Spa Target Audience

You have the choice to spend on direct online marketing through Facebook advertisements, display ads, pay-per-click ads, etc.  Alternatively, you can take a more organic approach through:

  • Blogging
  • Interacting online with the medical spa industry’s target market on social media platforms.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Other no or low-cost options on the web

In most cases, it makes sense to use a blend of both strategies.  

However, some medical spa owners and managers are quick to testify that the organic approach is more cost-effective. This is simply because paying someone to manage inbound marketing on a part-time basis proves cheaper than directly paying for online ads with an overt marketing approach. By prioritizing organic strategies, they emphasize a longer-term investment that leverages content and engagement over immediate financial outlays.

Tailor Your Social Media Content to Your Medical Spa Target Audience 

Spend the time necessary to fully understand your target audience and your social media inbound marketing strategy will prove that much more effective. 

This means you must post, share, and like content relevant to your audience’s unique needs and desires. 

Add an informative blog post or share an insightful video to your Facebook, Twitter or other social media page and several of your online followers might share or retweet your post.  

It is possible an especially interesting, funny or informative social media post will go viral after hundreds or thousands of retweets or shares. 

However, if you do not invest the time and effort necessary to create and post such thought-provoking content, your social media followers will gloss over your online updates, ultimately failing to generate the momentum necessary to redirect potential customers to the various components of your online footprint.

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12 Ways to Drive Traffic To Your MedSpa Website

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Optimize Online Content for Search Engines

Search engine optimization or SEO for short is centered on optimizing every aspect of your online content for search engines.  In other words, the specific local identifiers, keywords and key phrases used in your online content are just as important as the message of that content and the quantity of content posted to the web.  

Your online content should feature:

  • Nuanced keywords
  • The name of your local city, town, neighborhoods
  • Local zip codes to draw online traffic from prospects located near your medical spa

Add these keywords and key phrases to your content with regularity and your web content will gradually move toward the first couple of SERPs.  SERP is an acronym short for search engine results pages.  

However, merely posting something business-related to the web once every couple of months will not make much headway in the SEO battle.  

Your medical spa won’t gain new customers in a timely manner unless you regularly:

  • Update your medical spa blog
  • Post to social media
  • Publish posts on guest blogs
  • Write web-based editorials
  • Publish other online content at a fairly high frequency

Continue to expand your medical spa’s online footprint with SEO content and it won’t be long until your customer base swells.

Paid advertising is one of the strategies to use to reach your target audience

Consider Paid Advertising on the Web 

Pay for online ads featuring your medical spa and your business will obtain critically important exposure to locals as they surf the web.  

However, simply throwing money at the challenge of acquiring new customers through paid ads is not guaranteed to bolster your customer base.  Examples of paid web-based ads include:

Though paid ads have their merits, the failure to connect with your medical spa target audience through the appropriate channel that suits their web browsing habits and tastes won’t provide much bang for your buck.  

Everything from the online ad design to its position and specific content plays a part in its success.

Keep in mind that paid ads on the internet are temporary while SEO content published to the web is permanent.  While your display ads and Facebook ads will run for a limited time, your blog posts have the potential to establish valuable inroads with new customers in the years to come.

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12 Ways to Drive Traffic To Your MedSpa Website

Looking for better ways to bring in new clients? Get insights into growing your medical spa business, attracting new clients, and increasing the awareness of your brand in this 12 step guide.

Tap Into the Power of Email Marketing

Plenty of medical spa owners, managers, and other entrepreneurs overlook email as a bridge to potential customers.  

Though the average person is quick to toss paper ads delivered to their mailbox, there is a distinct shift in behavior when it comes to online engagement. On the other hand, plenty of people are willing to at least click on ads from local service providers such as medical spas. This indicates a greater level of interest and potential receptiveness in the digital realm.

The magic of email marketing is it merely takes an hour or so to craft a compelling message that can be instantaneously transmitted to hundreds or even thousands of prospective/current customers.  

As long as your emails redirect recipients to a polished landing page, there is a good chance these messages will convert a meaningful number of locals who express an interest in your services. This seamless transition from email to landing page enhances the user experience and encourages further engagement. Your well-crafted content can then effectively guide potential customers toward taking desired actions. “Express” is the operative word, as those who sign up for your email newsletter are interested in your value offering. By providing these already-interested locals with insightful or otherwise valuable information about your medical spa or the industry as a whole, your business will be at the forefront of their minds. 

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach your target audience and generate conversions

Boost your e-mail marketing in this way

If few locals are willing to receive your emails, your email marketing campaign will not produce the intended results.  

Seize every opportunity to provide customers with an email newsletter sign-up form.  Every component of your medical spa’s online footprint should provide interested parties with a simple and quick way to sign up for your email newsletter, promotions, or other informative material.  These online avenues include but are not limited to:

  • Social media pages
  • Blog
  • Your medical spa website
  • Additional components of your medical spa’s online presence 

Tout your email newsletter as an informative, entertaining, and/or money-saving harbinger and your subscriptions will spike. 

If you are not confident in your ability to present information in a clear, cogent, and informative manner, outsource the work to someone who has a way with words.  Add in the occasional discount and your email newsletter will pay considerable dividends in due time.

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View Your Medical Spa’s Online Marketing Campaign as a Work in Progress

Inbound marketing through the web will not provide the same immediate impact as an egregiously expensive TV commercial or billboard ad at a busy local intersection. 

However, a strategic inbound marketing campaign has the potential to bring countless locals into your medical spa in the days, weeks, months, and possibly years ahead. This proactive approach can yield sustained and continuous growth by engaging a steady stream of interested individuals. This approach could ultimately prove much more effective than a one-time outbound advertisement.

Be patient and allow your medical spa’s inbound marketing “seeds” to grow. Through this creative approach, local prospects can be converted into loyal, paying customers who gladly recommend your services to others. This gradual nurturing of relationships fosters trust and credibility, leading to a sustainable customer base and positive word-of-mouth marketing.

Contact Mediaboom now to find the perfect target audience for your Medical Spa business!

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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