facebook ads for plastic surgeons

Facebook Ads for Plastic Surgeons – Winning Campaign Tips

By: Frank DePino | June 26, 2021

As a plastic surgeon, you may be wondering how you can expand your clientele and enhance awareness for your practice. If you are considering using Facebook Ads as part of your marketing strategy, you have come to the right place for tips to help you create a successful campaign.

Keep reading below for guidance on how to fine-tune your campaign, how to create Facebook Ad, and policies you need to adhere to when implementing your online marketing strategy.

Why You Should Use Facebook Ads for Your Plastic Surgery Practice.

Utilizing Facebook Ads provides a one-stop-shop for creating marketing content for plastic surgeons that will reach the target audience and generate real-time results through Facebook analytics to gauge how the campaign is performing. Creating a Facebook Ads campaign can convert clicks to clients and help a business stand out amongst competitors.

Before diving into creating your Facebook Ads campaign, check out the dedicated article on how to optimize your Facebook business page, which will help when you are implementing your marketing campaign. Once your page is optimized, take time to work out a plan that will set your campaign up for the most success by following the tips below.

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Setting up a Successful Facebook Ads Campaign

As tempting as it is to jump into creating your new ad and going live as soon as possible, you would be selling yourself short if you did not have an effective plan in place.  Here are some things you need to ask yourself when creating your campaign:

  • What goals will this campaign accomplish?
  • What budget will be the most cost-effective?
  • Who is the target audience?
  • Will you implement split testing?
  • Which type of campaign will you create?

Knowing the answers to each of those questions will keep your campaign focused and consistent. So how do you know you are answering the questions to set you up for success? 

Identifying Your Campaign Goals

Whether you are a small or large business, identifying your marketing campaign goals will keep you on track when you are selecting your options for your campaign.  Here are some common goals Facebook Ads to help your plastic surgery practice.

  • Brand Awareness. Increase awareness for your business by expanding your target audience to include users who are actively looking for services related to what you have to offer. 
  • Reach. Customize your ad to reach people, locally or globally, based on your budget and needs.
  • Traffic. Drive people to your website and/or increase foot traffic to your business by creating enticing ads that make people want to know more about your services.
  • Engagement. Directing people to “like, share, post” your content to have a more personal interaction with people on your social media page.
  • Video Views. Videos with content that is directly related to your business are more eye-catching and can help explain your services clearly to generate more interest in your business.
  • Conversions. Convert your ad clicks into customers by giving them access to ask questions, or by directing them to your website landing page and/or social media pages.

Every business has a different goal in mind when they are creating their Facebook Ads campaign. Take a look at how some of your competitors are utilizing their campaigns, if they have them, and try to implement the strategies that seem to be working for them.

Potential users reachable on Facebook with a budget of $60

Determine Your Marketing Budget

Whether you are contracting out a digital marketing company to help create content or have decided to do all of the content creation on your own, having a budget in place will help. Luckily, Facebook Ads has a budget and schedule generator that will help you figure out how much bang you will get for your buck.

Facebook Ads operates using an ads manager that gives you full say in how long and how much you will be spending on your ads. You can set your budget according to how much you want to spend daily or how much you want to spend over the course of the campaign. This can also be edited at any time.

This Facebook Ads graph breaks down a $60,000 budget and shows that it will reach over 11 million people over the course of the campaign.

Find Your Target Audience

Determining your target audience will help you make the best decisions regarding the content strategies you need to execute. When using Facebook analytics to gauge how your posts are performing, you should have a clear understanding of who you are trying to reach.  Some factors of your target audience include but are not limited to:

  • Location
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Employment
  • Income

There are three consistent ways to identify your client.

  1. Define your niche. Are you a one-stop shop for plastic surgery, or do you focus on specific surgeries?
  2. Know your existing customers.  If you are a well-established practice, review what your current client’s wants and needs are. If you are an up-and-coming plastic surgeon, utilize market research and customer surveys to determine who your customers could be.
  3. Research your competitors. Take a look at what your competitors are doing to make themselves visible. Review what customers have said about their results. The best way to know your audience is to see who your competitor is appealing to so you can position yourself to reach them in a more effective way.

Facebook insights will break down the country and city of your viewers. You can also view the lifestyle and interests of your viewers based on their additional linked social media pages. 

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Use Split Testing to Gauge Your Campaign’s Success

If you are not familiar with what split testing is, you might be missing out on one of the key tools to help make sure your marketing campaign is successful.  Split testing using multiple versions of a campaign or ad to see what is working better.  Since Facebook is intuitive and provides real-time results, split testing will help keep your ads relevant and reach your target audience faster.

Here are some reasons you would want to run a split test:

To start a split test:

  • Observe and collect data. You need a baseline to compare your campaign with, so utilize your Facebook Business Page analytics before the campaign is live.  You can see page views, engagements, clicks, etc.
  • Form a hypothesis. Think about what changes you can make and how you think those changes will affect your marketing campaign.
  • Run a test and collect new data. Set a timeline for the test to be active and compare the results against what your original data returned.

A split test is an extremely effective way for you to determine if your Facebook Ad for plastic surgery is catching the attention of the customers you are wanting to draw in, but it’s also a way for you to see how the changes you are making to your content will benefit your business.

Know the Type of Campaign You Want to Run

There are 4 main types of campaigns when it comes to Facebook Ads, each with a distinct purpose and way it can be beneficial to your marketing strategy.

  • Link Clicks. This type of campaign will direct clients/customers to click on a link to go to your website or obtain additional information. You are wanting the customer to go to a different page to see your content.
  • Website Conversions. This type of campaign will allow customers to book appointments or purchase products or services directly from your page. You are converting website visitors into clients.
  • Video Views. This type of campaign gets your information to potential clients the fastest way by displaying a video with your content. Video ads range from 3 seconds to 3 minutes depending on your budget and goals.
  • Post Engagement. This type of campaign is specifically for your followers to interact with your posts through “like/share/comment.” This can be good if you are wanting to reach potential clients through your existing customers.

You have the ability to choose more than one campaign, but it will all be contingent upon your budget and the time you have to monitor and maintain your content.  

A doctor has just created a successful Facebook ADS campaign.

Creating a Successful Facebook Ads Campaign

When creating your campaign, it is important that you take some time to map out the message you want to get across to your potential clients.  A successful Facebook Ads Campaign consists of content that has:

Below are a few tips on keeping your content in tip-top shape.

Writing Compelling Copy

Your ad does not have to be lengthy, in fact, Facebook Ads work better when they are short and to the point. In order to draw as many people in, try to structure your ads by using the tips below.

  • Use keywords that are pertinent to the information you are trying to get across.
  • Include emotional triggers, such as; Natural Results, Compassionate Care, etc.
  • Focus on benefits, not features, by speaking directly to the customer.
  • Implement FOMO, fear of missing out, by using “limited-time offer,” etc.

Knowing your target audience will help you write your copy. Do not be afraid to review what tactics your competitors are using and implement those into your own campaign.

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Creating Exciting Visuals

A sure-fire way to grab the attention of your target audience is to create content with exciting visuals that makes them “slow their scroll.” Here are some tips for creating visuals based on the type of campaign you are using.

  • Image
    • Use bold colors and font. 
    • Use an image that is directly related to your services.
    • If using a graphic, make sure it is clean and not too busy.
  • Video
    • Keep your videos short and impactful.
    • Create a call to action, such as “give us a call” or “click the link in bio for more.”
    • Make sure you are not using copyrighted material.
  • Carousel
    • Create multiple visuals the customer can scroll to review.
    • Utilize a carousel to highlight different surgeries and results.
    • Carousel can highlight reviews from customers as well.

Keep up with social media trends and refresh your content regularly to make sure you are still reaching the clientele you are targeting. Keep your content relevant and pertinent to your business.

Request a Call to Action

One of the best ways to get customers engaged is to request them to perform specific actions such as “like, comment, share.”  Here are a few more keywords you can implement based on the campaign you are running.

Ecommerce: Buy, Shop, Order, Reserve, Save, Add to Cart, Pick, View

Website Conversion: Try, Get Started, Subscribe, Sign Up

Newsletter: Subscribe, Join, Sign Up Refer

Giveaway: Download, Get, Grab, Claim, Take Advantage of

General: Check It Out, Learn More, Click Here, Continue

Giving customers the option to continue learning about what services you are offering will bring them one step closer to choosing your plastic surgery practice when they are ready to undergo the knife.

Facebook has created a policy page where it shows all the operating rules of its advertising platform.

Facebook Ads Policies to Follow

Facebook is diligent in providing quality content and ads to the everyday user, and they have a comprehensive list of policies and frequently asked questions to help guide you through the process of creating and maintaining your Facebook Ad.  Some of the main topics discussed in the policies and procedures include;

  • What to do if your ad is rejected.
  • How to edit or create a new ad.
  • How to request another review of your rejected ad.
  • Ads that are not allowed on Facebook.

Take some time to review the policies linked above before you start creating your campaign to prevent any unnecessary headaches that could come if your ad is rejected due to not meeting Facebook’s guidelines.

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When implementing a marketing strategy for your plastic surgery practice, Facebook Ads are a perfect place to start. Not only will you have access to real-time analytics, but you have the freedom to control how much you will spend and who your campaign will reach. By taking the time to create a marketing plan, you can ensure a successful ad campaign and set your business up for positive growth.

Contact now Mediaboom to boost your Facebook ADS strategy.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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