Local social media marketing

Local Social Media Marketing – How to Boost Your Business!

By: Frank DePino | February 6, 2023

Local social media marketing is a great way to boost your business’s profile and drive increased revenue. Whether your business is large or small, you stand to benefit significantly from this endeavor and should not delay in executing this critical strategy.

In order to reap the full rewards of local social media marketing, it is imperative that you devise a multi-pronged approach. This requires careful analysis of the different social media platforms, consistent and dynamic oversight, and incorporating a variety of key tips to maximize effectiveness. 

In what follows, we’ll explore the various components of local social media marketing, its benefits, and efficacious tools to assist you in your efforts. Read on to become an expert on local social media! 

6 Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Local Businesses 

1. Connect with the Local Community 

At its core, social media is meant to serve as a conduit through which people discover and foster connections. This practice, however, is not limited to the form of person-person; indeed, valuable connections consistently occur between people and businesses. Take care to build and nourish relationships with members of the local community – they will surely thank you for it! 

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2. Improved Understanding of Your Target Audience 

Engaging with your local community on social media provides you ample opportunity to further understand your target audience. Soliciting feedback about your business – in all forms – will help you hone your daily operations and better meet the needs of your clients. 

This practice also lends itself to establishing a feeling of value in your clients; giving them a voice in the decision-making process signals how much you value their business. 

An audience was gathered at an event after seeing the announcement on social media

3. Reach a Wider Audience 

A successful business cannot allow revenue to stagnate; efforts must be continuously made to drive growth. Local social media is a prime example of an undertaking that will aid in this crucial goal. Maintaining an active presence on a variety of social media platforms will no doubt increase the total number of people who are aware of your business and what you provide. This, in turn, will significantly increase the likelihood of new clients, thereby resulting in higher revenue. 

Don’t waste time – get out there and spread the word on social media! 

4. Build Authority in Your Local Area 

Leveraging local social media is fantastic for creating brand authority and loyalty. In today’s technology-driven world, consumers are more knowledgeable than ever before. With a wealth of information at their fingertips, consumers can readily evaluate a business and its products with alarming ease. Furthermore, the vast majority of consumers cross-shop prior to deciding on a purchase. It should come as no surprise, but you better believe your clients are also considering your competitors! 

As such, take care to stand as the local authority in your field. Share insights and suggestions, and explain why and how your business offers a premier experience in your local area. 

5. Focus on Local Advertising 

No matter the size of your advertising budget, it must be allocated in a manner that optimizes chances for success. Partitioning a piece of your advertising budget and allocating it to local social media firmly fulfills this criterion. 

The major social media platforms all offer advertising utilities that not only spread the word about your business but also provide critical data for analysis. You can use this data to fine-tune your strategy and inform future advertising endeavors. 

6. Improve Your Customer Service 

Prompt, efficient, and actionable customer service is paramount. Again, consumers have options, and you simply cannot afford any lapses in the realm of customer service. Thankfully, local social media is a wonderful utility through which to meet customer expectations and provide exemplary service. 

It is imperative that you actively monitor your social media platforms for opportunities to display your commitment to customer service. Respond to customer reviews – positive and negative – with respect, appreciation (when warranted), and clear and reasonable attempts to assuage any disgruntled customers. 

For more information on the importance of online review management, be sure to check out this insightful article. 

Mediaboom shows how to power social media for local businesses

Best Social Media for Local Businesses 

There are a number of social media platforms that are well worth your engagement. The most prominent are Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Let’s take a look at each service and why it will benefit your business. 


Though it may sound surreal to say, Facebook has been a wildly popular form of social media for nearly 20 years! It now boasts close to 3 billion users worldwide and over 70% of the US population is on Facebook. The platform’s age demographic is considerably vast, including children and seniors alike. Therefore, it is safe to assume that the vast majority of your customers are active Facebook users. 

As an advertising platform, Facebook makes it very simple for you to use local social media marketing for businesses. It offers professional pages (business-specific pages), paid post promotion, and native advertising. Additionally, users are presented with weekly reports detailing the reach, success, and effectiveness of their advertising efforts. 

For tips on how to create a stunning and effective Facebook page, check out the following article. 


In contrast to Facebook, Instagram skews much younger with regard to users’ age. Instagram users are predominantly millennials (or younger), and it can be a challenge to effectively target older audiences. This does, however, present you with an opportunity to engage and capture younger clients who, hopefully, will remain loyal for many years to come. 

Also, Instagram is unique in the sense that it is an image-dominated form of social media; posts are pictures, videos, or both, with brief descriptions attached. As such, it requires that you post excellent, professional-level photos of your products that capture a user’s attention. 

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LinkedIn is very much business-centric. It is less concerned about personal information and is rather intended to facilitate effective connections between businesses, employers, and recruitment personnel. With that said, it still warrants your attention and efforts, and it affords you strong B2B opportunities that are certainly worth taking advantage of. 


Twitter demands brevity – your “tweets” have a character limit and you must utilize concise language and strong editing skills when crafting what you wish to say. Nonetheless, Twitter propagates the ability to “go viral” (multiple re-tweets reach an ever-increasing audience as the tweet spreads across the platform like a virus). As such, Twitter is a legitimate method through which to potentially spread the word of your business to a plethora of people – even those beyond your initial target audience. 

For even more insights into various platforms and their utilities, be sure to read through this informative article

Social media managers are studying the 10 essential tips for local social media marketing

10 Essential Tips for Local Social Media Marketing 

1. Analyze Your Audience and Choose Your Social Media Platforms 

To leverage local social media marketing to its fullest extent, you must possess the prerequisite information regarding your consumer base. Criteria to consider are their age, location, income level, and professional history. Obtaining this knowledge will inform which social media platform(s) are the most vital. For example, should your audience be younger in age and early in their careers, then Instagram is most likely worth the majority of your efforts. 

2. Analyze Your Competitors 

Keeping tabs on your competitors is a must. You need to be aware of their advertising strategies to properly understand how you need to respond. 

Perhaps a certain competitor deployed an especially effective advertising campaign on social media, requiring a commensurate approach from your business. Or, maybe, your competitor’s strategies are floundering and you devise a completely different tactic in order to separate yourself. In either scenario, it is vital to remain informed on what your competitors are doing and then act accordingly. 

3. Join Local Social Media Groups 

Local social media groups are powerful entities that will surely help to promote your business. In essence, social media groups gather like-minded individuals in one location, thus making it remarkably easy to readily reach a portion of your target demographic. Social media groups are present on nearly every social media platform, though they are especially prominent on Facebook. 

Take the time to look for and gather information on local social media groups – it will be highly beneficial! 

4. Connect with the Local Community

Connecting with the local community is vital to growing awareness and appreciation of your business. Though it will take time and an intentional approach, infusing your business with a personal touch on social media will result in an identifiable entity that instills customer loyalty and satisfaction. 

5. Build Your Own Community 

Local social media marketing permits you the opportunity to build your own online community and invite members to join. This will no doubt make these individuals feel valued and appreciated and will help to promote sustained customer satisfaction. 

Should you create your own community, be sure to keep it lively and active – you run the risk of losing members should your content lapse. 

6. Create a Content Plan 

Your advertising efforts need to be guided by a thoughtfully constructed roadmap. You should establish achievable goals, and create milestones within those goals in order to hold yourself accountable. Decide which platform to utilize for certain content, who constitutes your target audience, and what the messaging will entail. 

When done correctly, each component of your local social media marketing campaign will serve to complement each other and bolster overall effectiveness. 

The social media manager is organizing the content calendar

7. Create a Content Calendar 

In a similar vein, it is also important to plan ahead when it comes to disseminating your marketing efforts on local social media. You need to choose when to push your advertising, how long to maintain a particular campaign, and coordinate around specific moments in time (the holidays, the ending of school, etc.) to increase awareness and efficacy.

8. Follow Trends 

It is also wise to keep up-to-date on the latest trends. Being aware of what is currently “in vogue” will inform your advertising efforts and aid in potential impact. This requires you to actively engage in your community to learn what is resonating most prominently among your local population. 

9. Take Full Advantage of Social Media Analytics

As mentioned prior, advertising on social media comes with the added benefit of informative and helpful data. Properly analyze the results of your advertising campaigns to determine which areas are excelling, where you need to improve, and what the future needs to look like in terms of planning and execution.

10. Use Social Media Marketing Tools 

Full-fledged local social media marketing can be quite the endeavor, requiring considerable resources to ensure success. Thankfully, social media marketing tools are available to help you in truly meaningful ways. The best of such services include automation abilities, analytics utilities, scheduling assistance, and engagement services, all of which will provide appreciable assistance in reaching your goals. 

Best Social Media Tools to Boost Your Business

There are numerous social media marketing tools for you to consider. Let’s take a look at a few of the best options so as to narrow your list. 


With support for Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and other platforms, Hubspot stands as a true do-it-all social media marketing tool. It offers insightful data, automatic publication, engagement tracking, and the ability to inform you of brand mentions and associated conversations. 

Members of a social media marketing agency at work.

Sprout Social 

Sprout Social is a fantastic tool with which to manage your local social media marketing. It possesses the ability to delegate various tasks to certain members of your team, allowing you to effectively delegate different components of an advertising campaign. 

In addition, Sprout Social also offers data reports, automated publishing, scheduling support, and much more. 


Mention is also a top social media marketing tool. With extensive utility surrounding “listening” (scouring the web for mentions of your business), Mention will keep you well informed of what people are saying about your business. Keeping you in the loop and up-to-date ensures that you can respond promptly and effectively. 

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Hire a Local Social Media Marketing Company 

By now, it should be sufficiently apparent how involved local social media marketing can truly be. As a business owner, you no doubt have your plate full of a multitude of pressing items. As such, do yourself a monumental favor and consider hiring a professional team to manage your local social media marketing. 

Employing a team of experts will maximize your chances for success; after all, these people make a living off of performing exemplary local social media marketing. Furthermore, it will provide an appreciable degree of peace of mind, knowing that your advertising dollars are being put to the best possible use. And, finally, it will result in you having increased bandwidth to focus on other matters! 

To get started, reach out to the Mediaboom team to begin taking full advantage of local social media marketing!

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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