Real Estate Facebook Ads

5 Examples of High-Converting Real Estate Facebook Ads

By: Frank DePino | June 29, 2023

Real estate Facebook ads keep your properties at the top of buyers’ minds. Up to 96% of recent homebuyers report that they used online tools during the buying process. So why not reach potential homebuyers while they’re scrolling on Facebook? If you’re a realtor looking to bolster your advertising strategy, it’s time to leverage Facebook ads for real estate.

Real estate Facebook ads are digital advertisements for your real estate services using social networking. Advertisers target individuals by demographic, interests, and behaviors using Facebook’s propriety data. Promote listings on potential homebuyers’ newsfeeds using images and videos in your local market. Facebook real estate ads help increase your reach and brand among potential homebuyers.

Still, figuring out how Facebook real estate ads fit into your overall strategy? If you’re ready to start reaching your target audience with ads, read on! This comprehensive guide will help you learn how to create and manage ads for real estate.

How to Start a Facebook Ad Campaign for Real Estate

Before you start your campaign, you’ll need an updated Facebook business page. If you haven’t already, create a Facebook business page through your profile and start optimizing it. Upload your logo and cover photo with bright images. Fill in your “about” information with relevant keywords to your business. Update your business hours and include your contact information so customers can easily reach you.

Now that you have an updated business page, you can start creating ads. Access the Facebook ads manager from your profile. Input a business credit card that you’d like Facebook to charge for your ads. After you’ve added a credit card, select the “create” button to start your first ad.

When creating your first ad, you will have to set a campaign goal, budget, creatives, and an audience. Read more to learn best practices when defining these ad parameters.

Strategic Steps to Run Facebook Ad Campaigns

Facebook has a user-friendly interface that makes running ads straightforward. However, best practices for your ads come with research and experience. Follow these strategic steps to learn how to use Facebook real estate ads.

Set your goal

Before you get started with any campaign, you need an objective. Facebook offers six business objective goals: awareness, traffic, engagement, lead generation, app promotion, and sales. You can begin with awareness and traffic campaigns to start an upper-level funnel campaign. Engagement and lead generation make good consideration campaigns. Finally, sales objectives help you obtain desired conversion actions. Get homebuyers to call a realtor or attend an open house. If you need help figuring out the best advertising goals for your real estate company, contact Mediabloom.

Make a budget available

Next, create a defined budget for your real estate Facebook ads. Depending on your capacity to monitor the campaign, you can choose a daily or lifetime budget. Daily budgets will require more maintenance but give you greater control. Lifetime budgets allow you to set your budget limit and let the campaign spend evenly.

Facebook also offers an advantaged campaign budget. The advantage budget strategy automatically analyzes your bidding strategy. The advantage budget optimizes spend to maximize your selected objective during the course of your campaign.

Prepare lots of creatives

Multiple creatives are ideal for each campaign. Not sure which ones will perform best? Try A/B testing to see what creative resonates with your audience more.  Once you’ve collected some data, push more budget towards the best performing creative.

Segmentation is also important for creatives. The creatives you use for your awareness campaign should be eye-catching, while a conversion campaign should have a creative that inspires action. You may also have separate campaigns running for different target audiences. A target audience of moms ages 45-54 should receive a different creature than young married couples ages 25-34. Choose creatives that are both representative and appealing to the appropriate target audience.

The Real Estate Facebook Ads team is planning their innovative ideas for each campaign.

Use both photos and videos

When choosing your creatives, try a variety of photos and videos. Some ideas include photos of property listings. Videos might show a walk-through of a property with drone exterior shots. Social media users love videos, so it’s unsurprising that videos receive 10-30% more views compared to photos. Simultaneously, you don’t want to solely post videos. Photos of your listings are attention-grabbing and still appealing to your audience.

When creating your real estate Facebook ads, be sure to upload the correct specs. Facebook recommends using images and videos that are 1080 x 1080 pixels for optimal performance.

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Install the pixel on your website

An optional addition to your campaign is a Facebook pixel. Installing a pixel on your website is ideal if you want to record specific conversion actions on your website. To download it, look under “business settings.” Choose your business under the “pixels” section. Add the pixel from here and name it to stay organized if you have multiple campaigns running.

Don’t continually edit your campaign

Give the ad campaign time for data to come through. Constant editing will send your ad back into review. This means your ad won’t be live again until a Facebook content moderator reviews it. It’s also hard to measure the effectiveness of your campaign with constant editing.

Once the campaign has finished, you can make changes for your next ad campaign based on the data you receive. If you’ve successfully installed the pixel on your website, you’ll get valuable information on the traffic, engagements, and conversions you received once the campaign finishes. Analyze this data to determine what worked well and how you can improve your ads. For additional assistance in real estate ads for Facebook, work with us.

A real estate agent is creating Facebook Ads campaigns after reading the Mediaboom article

The best Facebook ADS Campaign for Real Estate

When choosing your campaign goal, Facebook provides many options for generating real estate leads. From gaining awareness of listings to selling a property, guide homebuyers through the entire sales funnel with your ad campaigns.


Awareness campaigns are ideal for getting your message and brand out there. This is an ideal campaign if you want to increase your brand or property’s reach among your target audience. One con of awareness campaigns is you don’t always know how they’re resonating with users without lead or conversion data.

Lead Generation

Lead generation campaigns allow you to capture essential customer contact information such as their phone number and email address. You can create sales funnels based on the leads you receive from your real estate Facebook ads. This is clearly an attractive ad campaign because you get direct access to your customers for other marketing initiatives. However, lead generation campaigns can be more expensive than awareness campaigns as you pay for each lead.


Conversion campaigns are designed to make the sale. Locate people who are likely to purchase your product or service based on their demographics, location, or recent life event. You also can retarget users who have seen your ad before. The conversion campaign acts as the final campaign in a full sales funnel. Users who showed interest and provided their contact information through a lead gen campaign are likely ready to convert through this campaign.

If you’re looking for help getting conversions on your ads, our team can help. Contact Mediabloom to learn more.

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5 Facebook Real Estate AD Examples

By now, you understand how to set up a Facebook ad campaign and which goal to choose. Writing compelling ad copy, choosing the right creatives, and picking an appropriate ad format can be challenging. See these 5 excellent examples of Facebook ads for real estate to inspire you.

1. Exterior Photo

When looking for a new home, curb appeal matters. This advertisement profiles the exterior of the home and its most important features: 4 beds, 3 baths nearby. Interested buyers see a photo of the realtor they will work with. An intriguing description piques their interest and draws them in further.

2. Emotional Branding

The home-buying process is an emotionally charged process. Homebuyers are burdened with disappointments and stress. This unique advertisement shows a family that struggled with their homebuying process. While the family faced roadblocks that many homebuyers face, one of their agents helped find them the perfect property. If you’re looking for a great way to raise awareness and use emotional branding, this ad is an interesting way to do it.

Theory offers a Facebook Ads campaign that leverages customer emotions
Source: Theory Real Estate

3. Property Photo Album

When searching for properties online, homebuyers typically scroll through photos of each room. This advertisement puts the photo album front and center. A beautifully written description of the property complements the photo album. If a Facebook user wants to reach out, they can click the “learn more” button to see the entire property within the real estate Facebook ad. The call to action tells a user exactly what the next steps are if they’d like to view the property in real life.

4. Carousel Ads

Customers who are early in the home-buying process may want to look at multiple options to see what’s out there. This ad utilizes the carousel ads feature to show multiple properties at once. Right away, the ad copy classifies the properties as single-family lots nearby. The realtor also inspires urgency in their copy, compelling viewers to scroll through the properties and learn more about them.

Richard Grenfell offers carousel ads for his Facebook ADS campaign
Source: Richard Grenfell – REMAX

5. Video Property Tour

Video is an effective storytelling medium for real estate ads. This advertisement shows a full video tour of the property. Interested buyers can see the entire home immediately on Facebook! A description rich with imagery draws them in further. The property description helps answer additional questions they may have after viewing the video while keeping the reader engaged.

Creating engaging ads takes time. If you need assistance with your real estate Facebook ads strategy, contact us.

FAQs from Real Estate Owners about Facebook Ads

Busy real estate professionals need to know if Facebook provides the ROI they need for their business. The real estate business is a competitive one, so it makes sense that realtors want to make themselves known while spending wisely. Read these commonly asked questions from real estate owners regarding Facebook advertising.

What Is the Best Targeting In Facebook Ads For Real Estate?

Facebook offers an array of effective targeting techniques on the platform. The best targeting strategy depends on your business goal. If you’re trying to increase reach with your real estate Facebook ads, try layered targeting techniques like life events, demographics, and location. Target people interested in buying a home near your real estate office.

Retargeting is a great targeting technique for those in the consideration or conversion phase. Facebook allows you to reach people who have shown interest in your business before. Create custom audiences to show your ads to people who have looked at your listings or website in the past.

What are Facebook Dynamic Ads for Real Estate?

Dynamic ads populate the most relevant ad for your audience members. Using a person’s intent from previous searches, dynamic ads can populate across Facebook and Instagram. To use it, you would have to implement a product feed and pixel. Once live, your entire product feed is available to dynamically populate ads based on user’s interests.

Are Facebook Ads Effective for Real Estate?

Facebook ads are effective for real estate. Potential homebuyers keep their future purchase at the top of their mind when they see your ads. Plus, in a world where 90% of real estate agents use Facebook to promote their listings, you can’t afford to do it.

Having a real estate advertising strategy keeps you competitive. If you aren’t using real estate Facebook ads yet, you can bet your competitors already are.

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Hire now a web agency to boost your Facebook Ads

Real estate marketing is competitive in our current landscape. With your busy schedule, it can be challenging to stay on top of current digital media trends. Hiring a real estate marketing agency allows you to take advertising off your plate.

If you’re looking for help with your Facebook ads, look no further than Mediabloom. Our expertise in the real estate industry will bring your Facebook advertising strategy to the next level.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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