Lead Generation for Real Estate Agents

Top 15 Lead Generation Strategies for Real Estate Agents

By: Frank DePino | July 27, 2023

Lead generation for real estate agents is tricky in a competitive market. Up to 37% of real estate marketers say they struggle the most with lead generation. But leads don’t have to be a mystery. With a robust real estate lead generation strategy, you can attract potential homebuyers with ease!

Lead generation for real estate agents enables marketers to collect personal contact details from potential customers. By providing a form fill option, interested parties willingly share their email address, phone number, and other relevant information. Segmentation of leads into categories like homebuyer or investor is possible. Marketers leverage this data for nurturing and cultivating leads.

If you’re looking for the best lead generation for real estate agents, there isn’t one concrete answer. A comprehensive lead generation strategy for realtors requires a deep understanding of your target audience and your local community. We’ll explore the most effective ways to generate leads for your real estate business.

How does lead generation work for real estate agents?

Lead generation for realtors is a process of generating interest among your target audience. Once the homebuyer is nurtured by your efforts, they may feel compelled to provide their contact information. By gathering contact information, you create a pipeline of interested potential homebuyers.

You don’t want to gather anyone’s contact information though. Your efforts should be targeted toward those who want to buy a home soon in your area, otherwise known as qualified leads. Those qualified leads will be likely to convert and give you their contact information. A healthy conversion rate means that you are reaching the right people. Learn more about who your qualified leads are through your lead generation efforts.

15 Lead generation ideas and strategies for real estate agents

If you’re looking for lead generation ideas for real estate agents, look no further. These 15 strategies will help engage your target audience.

1. Crafting a Distinct Brand Identity

Real estate branding is an integral part of your identity as a real estate agent. To build your brand, research your market well. Examine what works well for other realtors in your area. From there, consider your unique selling point. You may specialize in townhouse sales or know a nearby suburb very well. Make sure your brand identity is unique from the other local realtors. Brand yourself with a unique logo and website.

Agents landed good traffic on website by applying Mediaboom's optimization techniques

2. Optimize Your Website for Lead Generation

Leads won’t just come to you. Your real estate website needs to give people the option to contact you! Optimize your website for lead generation by including contact forms with clear calls to action. Create a lead magnet-like e-newsletters about recent real estate market statistics. If homebuyers fill in contact information, they receive interesting information from you.

Mobile Optimization

Make sure your new real estate website is also optimized towards mobile. Increasingly, local homebuyers use their phone to do research. Clickable screens on mobile make it easy and convenient for leads to navigate a website and instantly give you a call.

Websites need to be both responsive and interactive to work well on mobile. Our expert team is experienced in creating user-friendly websites optimized for mobile. See how we made an incredible website for Millennium Tower.

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3. Leverage Local SEO

Depending on your market area, lead generation for real estate competition might be fierce. Local SEO gives you the ability to hyperfocus your SEO efforts on a particular area. Creating a strong local SEO strategy can also help you build your community. Implement the following strategies to improve lead generation for real estate agents.

Optimize Website for Local Keywords

It’s time to go back to your keyword research. Do some digging in your analytics to see what geographical terms locals use near you. Ensure your site is well-optimized for queries like, “near me” from potential clients as well. If homebuyers are looking for a realtor near them, you should show up immediately!

Mediaboom shows how it has optimized its Google Business Profile to get more leads

Google Business Profile

If you haven’t created a Google Business Profile yet, you’re missing out on clients! Create a Google Business profile and update the information with your hours, photos, phone number, and address. The Google Business profile helps Google determine your ranking in local search results. Plus, this visible profile gives customers a space to leave you 5-star reviews.

Local Business Listings

Use local online directories to improve your online presence and credibility. For example, you can join a local chamber of commerce and pay for a membership that allows you to advertise on their online directory. Position yourself as a pillar of your community when potential homebuyers are looking for local realtors. Plus, this online directory can show up in search results, further helping your local SEO efforts.

Local Backlinks

Getting your name out there in the community is important. Your efforts will also shine in your local SEO strategy as backlinks. Gain authority through backlinks by doing PR-worthy events. If you sponsored a local sports team or hosted a charity event, local journalists may write a story about it. A backlink from your local news station or a nearby nonprofit would do wonders for building your local SEO in your community. Lead generation for real estate agents starts with good press and backlinks.

Local Schema Markup

Despite holding events in your community, Google still needs help understanding your website. Local schema markup is an opportunity to help search engines understand your real estate business. By selecting the proper category and creating schema for your real estate business name, address, geolocation, and more, you tell Google where and who you are. In turn, search engines can show your website in relevant search results for nearby realtors.

Track Local SEO Performance

Once you’ve implemented all these elements, keep a close eye on Google Analytics. Metrics like organic traffic, referral services, and engagement will help you understand how your local SEO efforts are performing. If users are bouncing from the page after finding you organically, you likely need to tweak your local SEO strategy.

If you need lead generation for real estate experts in the local SEO real estate space, look no further than Mediaboom. Our experts can help you optimize for your local market.

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4. Build a strong online reputation

Reviews speak volumes about you as a realtor. Anytime you make a sale, encourage clients to leave reviews on your Google, Yelp, and Zillow accounts. Automatically send reminders through an email CRM to leave reviews to past clients. Maintaining favorable reviews on your profiles helps with your SEO reputation management. Your search engine results page reputation relies on positive reviews from former clients.

5. Attend networking events

As important as your online presence is, don’t forget about networking events. Local community networking events allow you to meet other people in the real estate industry. Real estate networking events help establish you as a key realtor in your community. Networking events will connect you with homebuyers and obtain their contact information in person. Get to know other realtors near you and gather their contact information as well. You might get some great ideas based on others’ experience with lead generation for real estate agents.

6. Create educational content

Remember your clients don’t want to be inundated with promotional posts. Providing educational real estate content can make potential homebuyers naturally navigate onto your website and see you as an authority on your craft. You can create SEO-optimized blog posts about the current real estate market.

As homebuyers learn more from you, you help them make critical decisions about the homebuying process. They also see you as a resource of information, making it more likely they’ll contact you when they’re ready to purchase. All this educational content helps with your search engine optimization. SEO is extremely important for lead generation. Receive the following benefits from a robust SEO strategy:

Increased Visibility

Educational real estate content improves visibility in search results for home buyers. This lead generation for real estate SEO strategy boosts your website’s ranking in search results over time. In turn, you attract more organic traffic and interested customers.

This SEO expert used SEO educational content to get targeted traffic on the website

Targeted Traffic

Your educational content can target specific keywords, which in turn focuses your organic traffic. SEO enables you to attract users specifically interested in your services through keywords. This strategy helps with lead generation for real estate agents.


As opposed to paid advertisement, organic search results are free. Compared to other digital marketing strategies, SEO can be more cost-effective over time. Because it’s affordable, it does take work to continuously optimize and create content that helps your ranking.

Credibility and Trust

Get creative and cover subjects that you find your clients often ask about in the homebuying process. Generating awareness about this content helps your customers trust you and see you as an authority on the subject. Your reputation can also attract new potential clients.

User Experience

Providing useful and interesting content to the user focuses them on their homebuying search. A good SEO strategy promotes a user-friendly website experience. If your content resonates with users, visitors will stay on your website and possibly convert.

Creating an SEO-friendly strategy requires a user-friendly website, too. If you need a holistic SEO strategy, contact Mediaboom.

7. Host open houses

Real estate agents have a unique marketing tactic at their disposal: open houses. When you host an open house, lead generation for real estate agents is at the front door! Use the opportunity to ensure visitors sign in and provide their contact information. Once the open house is over, be sure to contact the visitors and follow up. Even if the house is sold, you can foster the relationship from there. Reach out and learn more about what the potential homebuyers are looking for in their next home.

8. Use email marketing

Email marketing is an effective lead generation for real estate marketing tools with a massive ROI. Once you receive information from your leads, your emails can continue to nurture them into making a purchase. Segmentation is on your side with email marketing depending on the types of leads you receive. You can send different emails to your past clients as opposed to prospects. Get creative with personalized messages on birthdays and holidays or market updates and newsletters.

9. Use targeted advertising

Targeted advertising is a lead magnet for your real estate business. Facebook advertising allows you to target users in your areas based on certain behaviors like looking for a home or recently getting married. Keep the advertising going in the consideration phase through PPC ads on Google. As homebuyers turn to search engines to peruse realtors in their area, your ad is front and center. Focus your advertisements with specific landing pages with concise call to actions.

Our seasoned PPC team can help you learn how to target the right audience and hook them with engaging landing pages. Contact Mediaboom to learn more.

10. Partner with other businesses

Get to know other business owners in your community. Joining a chamber of commerce in a nearby town or going to networking events can help you integrate yourself in the community.

Make an effort to meet other business owners. You might find an important partnership with an interior designer or contractor. Lead generation for real estate agents may come from a partnership in your community. Strong partnerships with related businesses allow you to help one another source potential leads.

These real estate online directories will help you increase your online visibility on listings

11. Leverage online directories

If you haven’t signed up for the major real estate online directories, you can bet your competitors already have. Major players like Zillow, Realtor.com, and Redfin provide lead-generation services for you. Use these directories to increase your online visibility on your property listings. Interested homebuyers fill out a user-friendly form and you instantly receive their contact information.

12. Utilize social media

Don’t underestimate the power of social media for potential clients. Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are excellent lead resources. Use your profile to post updates about your property listings and promote them through paid advertising. You can also join local community groups through your social media profile and learn more about your target audience.

Managing a successful social media strategy takes time and expertise. If you need assistance building your lead generation pipeline through social media, contact Mediaboom.

3 Bonus Ways to Create Generate Real Estate Leads

You probably have a good idea of what lead generation techniques for real estate agents work well by now. Think outside the box and try these 3 bonus techniques.

13. Video Tours and Drones

Realtors are increasingly turning to video as an engaging medium for sales. Leverage the power of videos and drones to create virtual tours of your properties. Virtual tours appeal to people out-of-town, busy homebuyers, and those who simply prefer video. An extra bonus: videos also improve your SEO!

14. Utilizing CRM Systems

Generating leads is exciting, but don’t let them get lost in a sea of email addresses. Consider using a customer relationship management system (CRM) to manage your leads. CRMs take the heavy lifting out of follow -emails, retaining contact information, and more. Keep track of all your future homebuyers with this organization tool.

15. Running Webinars and Online Courses

Educational content is great for SEO. Take it beyond a blog and start a webinar or course. Share industry insights and advice on the homebuying process with your audience. Audience members view you as an authority and can leave their coveted contact information at the end of the course or webinar.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.


Lead generation for realtors isn’t always straightforward. In a sea of competition, the best way to generate leads for real estate agents is to provide value to clients. The real estate business is a busy one, so if you need assistance with lead generation services, contact us. Our real estate experts at Mediaboom can help you generate high-quality leads.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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