SEO Management

Elevate Your Search Visibility in 2023 with SEO Management

By: Frank DePino | February 1, 2023

A 2022 study found that 70% of marketers see SEO as far more effective than PPC. However, many new brands and companies don’t understand the first thing about SEO management and how to implement this effective marketing strategy into their business.

SEO management is the implementation of on-site and off-site search engine optimization techniques and strategies to benefit a website’s visibility. While some internal marketing teams handle SEO management, it is often outsourced to agencies or consultants who carry out SEO tasks while following best practices to deliver sustainable and effective strategies that align with the most recent search engine algorithm updates.

In this guide, we’re going to present you with several strategies to build your online presence through search engine optimization. You’ll learn the definition of SEO, how it works, and what you can do to increase your site’s position in search engine results pages.

What Is SEO Management?

SEO management is an overarching term for handling any strategies that are relevant to search engine optimization. Companies may partner with specialized agencies, such as a full-service digital marketing agency or a local SEO company, to develop an SEO strategy in order to achieve certain sales, marketing, or business goals.

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What Is an SEO Manager?

More than 63% of businesses invest in professional SEO Services nowadays, hiring SEO management teams to take care of their specific digital marketing strategies.

Within these management teams, you will find an SEO manager whose job is to consider every aspect of a search and develop strategies to funnel consumers to the products or services they are looking for.

The overall tasks of an SEO manager might include

  • Website content management
  • Content optimization
  • SEO strategy development
  • Negotiating backlinks
  • Campaign planning and organization
  • Keyword research
  • Website monitoring
  • Market and user analysis

Moz has an excellent video about what SEO managers do in their day-to-day work.

10 Steps for an Effective SEO Management Process

If you’ve already connected the dots, then you know how important SEO management is to create a successful SEO strategy.

Let’s look at the ten steps for crafting an effective SEO strategy.

SEO Audit

One of the first steps is to run an SEO audit on your website. With an audit, you can learn which portions of your site are working and what you might need to consider changing. An audit will identify weak points upon which you can improve.

Starting with a website audit will wipe the slate clean and help build a stronger foundation for your future SEO efforts.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO is an umbrella term to define the optimization of websites and servers, helping search engines crawl and index your website more efficiently. With proper technical SEO, you can improve your organic search rankings.

Search engines like Google prioritize websites that utilize special technical elements, such as fast loading times, responsive designs, or secure connections.

Here’s a small technical SEO checklist that you can implement in your SEO management plan to make sure your website is optimized:

  • Use SSL – Using SSL technology creates an encrypted link between the browser and the web server. You can easily install an SSL certificate on your website if your website builder doesn’t include one by default.
  • Optimize Your Site for Mobile – Not only must your site be responsive on a desktop, but Google has made it very clear over the past few years that the mobile-first approach is more essential than ever, especially when it comes to indexing. Ensure your website is optimized for mobile visitors.
  • Speed Up Your Site – Search engines give preferential treatment to websites with quick loading times, so make sure your site speed is optimal.
  • Get Rid of Duplicate Content – Having duplicate content on your website is a big no-no in the SEO world, as search engine algorithms see this as a website trying to manipulate search rankings with more keywords and content. Go through your site to ensure you do not have any duplicate content.

Audience Research

Having an in-depth understanding of your audience is crucial.

 An SEO manager will put in the research to understand what the brand’s target market is looking for from their products or services. Even if you have already come up with customer personas in the past, you might consider re-evaluating your research as you develop a new SEO management strategy.

Remember, just like your business will change over time, so will your customers.

Industry Research

Industry research begins with analyzing your competitors to see what kinds of content and SEO strategies they are using. The worst thing you can do is start creating content blindly without knowing what kind of content you are trying to compete with.

 There are a few questions you might consider asking:

  • What are some of the top keywords your competitors rank for?
  • What competitor has the top-ranking pages for your chosen keywords?
  • What makes their content rank highly and is their content valuable?
  • How many backlinks are they using?

Make sure to pay close attention to the number of backlinks your competitors are using, as it will give you a better idea of how many you should consider using to compete.

Semrush is an SEO keyword research tool which shows the difficulty to rank for a specific keyword.

Keywords Research

When considering keywords, think about the search terms that potential customers would use to find your brand’s website. There are plenty of great keyword research tools out there that can provide you with insights and metrics regarding ranking difficulty and relevancy.

When you develop an SEO management strategy with the right keywords, you can make sure that consumers are finding your business based on the proper Search terms.

Onsite SEO

Onsite SEO is a website optimization process wherein an SEO manager optimizes elements on a website rather than external links that are elsewhere on the internet. One might optimize both the HTML source code and the content on a given page.

Having good onsite SEO can help visitors determine whether or not a page is relevant to their search query and can help them quickly understand what a particular page is all about.

Content Marketing and SEO Copywriting

Consider optimizing the copy on your website based on your keyword research. Create content with those keywords in mind, and utilize copywriting with a focus on the products or services you specialize in.

Of course, don’t just start writing blogs with stuffed keywords. Having content that is both informative and valuable to the customer is crucial. The longer visitors stay on your site, the more Google will begin to recognize it as an authoritative platform.

The SEO specialist team is optimizing their off site SEO strategy

Offsite SEO

Offsite SEO, sometimes referred to as off-page SEO, is any SEO action that is taken externally from your website. These actions can be anything from mentions on other websites to backlinks.

Off-site SEO management looks at link building, social media, content marketing, reviews, podcasts, and more.

We like to think of offsite SEO as a website’s reputation. A website with a good reputation will rank higher, as search engines will see them as more trustworthy and authoritative. Let’s take a look at five different offsite SEO strategies you can use to optimize your organic search traffic and authority:

  • Link Building – Get other authoritative websites to link to pages on your own website to boost your own authority.
  • Content Marketing – Find ways to distribute your own content on other channels, such as guest posts, influence or marketing, social media, PR, and forums.
  • Social Media – While social media does not directly influence the ranking factors for Google, it is great for garnering more attention. Think about it this way. The more people that share your content on social media, the greater the number of links for that content you will receive.

There are many other offsite SEO methods to consider, though these should present a good jumping-off point to get you started.

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Now that you have some SEO strategies in place, how are they working?

By performing search engine optimization analysis, you can identify whether or not current strategies are working. In addition, you can discover more opportunities to improve the placement of your website in the search engine results pages.

A professional analysis might begin with a succinct report on potential improvements, such as URL optimization, new content creation, or keyword placement.

Think of the analytics portion of your SEO management strategy as an ongoing effort. Search engine results are constantly changing, and keeping up with that high velocity of change can help you stay competitive.

Refresh and Optimization of Older Content

Refinishing your old content to optimize it for SEO is one of the most effective methods of increasing your search engine results. Plus, it’s far more efficient than trying to create tons of new content.

Don’t leave your posts to rot. If you do, you could be missing out on major opportunities. One of the easiest ways to ensure your content is reaching its highest potential is to refresh it every so often.

Find blogs that are dead in the water or blogs that are past their time. Look at the data and see if there are ways that you can get the hearts of these blogs beating again. You may consider updating the content with your current keyword research in mind, adding new videos to old posts, or combining other low-performance blogs that cover similar topics.

SEO tools investigate the potential of Web pages for high placement on search engine ranking pages.

SEO Management Software and Tools


SEMRush is definitely a fan favorite when it comes to high-performance SEO tools. The beauty of SEMRush is that it allows you to perform a domain vs. domain analysis, helping you compare your website to your competition.

You can also get access to analytics to give you a better understanding of your website’s traffic, data, and more.


Ahrefs is one of the most recommended online SEO tools, second only to Google in the realm of website crawlers.

The site audit feature is one of the greatest tools we have ever used, highlighting different portions of your website that you need to improve in order to rank higher in search engines.


Moz continually pops up as one of the prime expert SEO tools, as it is seemingly always up-to-date when it comes to Google’s ever-changing algorithms. One of the things we love about Moz is the chat portal, as it provides insightful answers and responses to any question we might have.

Whether you’re looking for a site crawl or keyword recommendations, see what Moz has to offer.


Neil Patel developed Ubersuggest quite some time ago to help marketers identify keywords relevant to search intent. With this tool, you can find everything from short-tail phrases to long-tail phrases, making sure you have the right terms to use on your website.

You can get plenty of metrics from Ubersuggest, including competition, keyword volume, CPC, seasonal trends, and more.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is one of the top SEO tools for monitoring and reporting the presence of your website in the Google SERP. The best thing about this tool is that it is completely free to anyone with the website, so make sure to take advantage of its offering.

An SEO company offers search engine optimization services to businesses to help them improve their visibility online.

Work with an SEO Management Company

We know that all of this can seem overwhelming, especially if you don’t have experience developing SEO strategies.

This is why many brands and businesses hire SEO management companies to provide search engine optimization Services. They help their clients to increase the amount of traffic to their website by achieving higher rankings in relevant search results.

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Final Thoughts

With the right SEO company at your back, you can increase your visibility and keep your business on top in the rapidly evolving landscape.

Get in touch with us here at Mediaboom today to see how you can benefit from our many years of expertise in SEO management services.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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