Industrial Marketing – 10 Strategies to Boost Your Business

A thorough evaluation of industrial marketing, its key components, how to deploy them for success, and 10 strategies to boost your business.

Industrial marketing has been a fixture in the business world for decades. As with nearly every aspect of business, its implementation and execution have evolved significantly over time to satisfy the current conditions of the marketplace. 

In order to maximize the benefits of industrial marketing, it is critical to devise and deploy a thoughtfully constructed industrial marketing strategy. There are several key components that constitute a well-rounded approach to marketing for industrial companies, all of which complement each other and serve to bolster efficacy. 

In that vein, it is imperative to appropriately examine the essence of industrial marketing, its benefits, and its various elements. Read on to learn all you need to know about industrial marketing! 

Industry managers are studying the top 5 benefits of industrial marketing

What is Industrial Marketing? 

Industrial marketing is the practice of marketing goods and services from one business to another. As such, the term industrial marketing has become commonly referred to as “business-to-business marketing” or, simply, B2B. For all intents and purposes, the aforementioned terms are interchangeable and will be used as such moving forward. 

When speaking of industrial marketing, it is necessary to clearly define what constitutes the industrial market. According to the globally renowned Monash Business School, the industrial market can be defined as – 

“The industrial market (also called the producer market or business market) is the set of all individuals and organizations that acquire goods and services that enter into the production of other products or services that are sold, rented, or supplied to others. The major types of industries making up the industrial market (business market) are agriculture, forestry, and fisheries; mining; manufacturing; construction and transportation; communication and public utilities; banking, finance, and insurance; and services.” 

As is made clear by the above, the industrial market itself is vast and includes numerous industries which play substantial roles in the everyday lives of millions of people. Consequently, the industrial market is highly competitive and the need to separate your business from your competitors is paramount. To accomplish this crucial objective, it is absolutely necessary to utilize a comprehensive industrial marketing campaign. 

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5 Major Benefits of Industrial Marketing 

Industrial marketing provides clear, tangible benefits that all drive continued success.

1. Capture new customers

The very purpose of marketing – in any capacity – is to increase public awareness of your business. Doing so results in other individuals and businesses soliciting your services. Indeed, customers are the lifeblood of any business and the capture and retention of customers are vital to sustained success.

2. Increased Revenue

This benefit of industrial marketing is the natural (and desirable!) result of capturing new customers. The formula is rather elementary: new customers = increased revenue. Revenue growth is a fundamental goal of any business and permits appreciable expansion, both internally and externally. 

3. Separation from your competitors

In such a crowded marketplace, continued success demands that you stand out amongst your competitors. B2B marketing stands as a surefire way to achieve this goal, as it creates and perpetuates brand identity, ethos, and alignment. 

4. Faster, smarter maneuverability

Many factors drive an ever-evolving marketplace, which is beyond the scope of this article. Nonetheless, the fact remains that your business must remain “swift on its feet”, and sufficiently adapt to changes within the marketplace. Incorporating a malleable marketing strategy fulfills these needs and allows for quick, responsive alterations that ensure continued relevancy. 

5. Global awareness

Business in the 21st century is no longer provincial. Industries are now connected on a global scale, with transactions happening between different nations all over the world. Your business, therefore, needs an international presence to attract new customers. There is simply no better way to fulfill this necessity than through a proper industrial marketing campaign. 

The owner of a web agency is writing an article on what is the difference between "industrial marketing" and "consumer marketing"

Industrial Marketing vs. Consumer Marketing 

While both industrial marketing and consumer marketing (also known as B2C) seek to promote a business through public awareness, there are several key differentiators that separate the two enterprises. We’ll discuss a few of these below. 

Types of Relationships

B2B marketing is centered around building personal relationships. The process is heavily focused on lead generation, which requires a personal touch and a significant degree of communication between the business and the customer. Within this communication-driven process, there is ample opportunity to highlight and reinforce your business’s core beliefs and ethics, as well as bolster your brand identity. Doing so effectively will foster perpetuated loyalty within your customer base. 

Comparatively, B2C is more focused on swift transactional relationships. The goal of B2C marketing is to drive customers to the company website and make the purchasing process as quick and painless as possible. There is significantly less personal interaction between business and customer as, again, the goal is less on relationship building and more on the swiftness of the transaction. This is not to say B2C is void of any and all personal touch, but it is certainly less than what exists in its B2B counterpart. 

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

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Reaching an Intended Demographic 

When operating with industrial marketing, a primary objective is finding the appropriate niche. B2B marketing targets a rather narrow scope of potential clients, and the resulting marketing strategies need to reflect this reality. Part and parcel of properly targeting your niche is the careful evaluation of analytics, which will help inform where to best allocate marketing resources.  

B2C marketing, on the other hand, seeks to capture a much broader audience. The ultimate goal is to reach as many people as possible, and the marketing strategies deployed are far more diverse in construction. B2C’s funnel is quite broad and intentionally so; again, B2C is less concerned about a “personal touch”, and more about the total number of clients. In other words, quantity over quality is king for B2C. 

Construction of Advertising 

When deploying advertising in the realm of industrial marketing, the language and tactics used are heavily focused on the technical, purposeful aspects of the proposed item. The intention is to clearly and precisely inform a potential buyer of the uses of the product and what can be accomplished as a result of its purchase. In other words, the advertising isn’t supposed to be pretty – it’s supposed to be informative.

Comparatively, B2C advertising is engineered in a fashion to elicit an emotional response from the consumer. Companies operating in the B2C domain are seeking to leverage a buyer’s emotions into a purchase. Thus, B2C ads can be playful, sentimental, humorous, exciting, and so forth. For B2C, the more emotive a response to a product, the better. 

The marketing manager is defining the 10 industrial marketing strategies

10 Essential Industrial Marketing Strategies 

1. Beautiful Website Design 

Your website is often the first point of contact between your business and a potential client. As such, your website’s design needs to be flawless. It should be easy to navigate, visually appealing, offer pertinent and helpful information, and contain strategically placed CTAs (calls to action). 

Check out this awesome article on B2B website examples. All of the highlighted websites are showcases of successful website design and should offer a good dose of inspiration. 

2. Curated Landing Pages and Product Pages 

Landing and product pages are fundamental to generating new business. The former is essential to capturing new leads, while the latter is key in accurately portraying your current inventory. Both pages need to be carefully organized, current, and properly managed. 

In order to ensure that you’re engaging in a properly executed strategy to maximize results, be sure to dive into this insightful piece on landing pages. Conversion is the name of the game, and you’ll find plenty of tips to help you move forward in a meaningful way. 

3. Insightful Corporate Blog

A well-managed and regularly updated corporate blog is a vital component of your marketing strategy. Blogging offers numerous benefits: 

  • It’s an ideal method of indicating your industry knowledge and expertise. 
  • Allows heightened interaction between the company and the consumer. 
  • Puts a face to the company thereby adding a personal touch. 

Additionally, blogging is a rather straightforward and cost-effective marketing strategy. The copy itself is often performed in-house, and publication is as simple as uploading it onto your website. As such, blogging is a no-brainer!

4. Efficacious Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A thorough SEO campaign is absolutely critical. Consider this – 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. This fact alone underscores the necessity for SEO and its place in your broader industrial marketing efforts. 

Knowing the importance of proper SEO, it is highly recommended you allocate sufficient resources to this vital endeavor. Consider hiring an SEO expert to guide you through this process and boost your success. For more information, read through this in-depth piece on SEO experts and learn all you need to know about why they’re so beneficial. 

5. Powerful Digital Advertising 

It is no secret that in today’s technology-driven world, customers are engaging with businesses through digital means with ever-increasing popularity. In fact, Pew Research states that 70% of Americans use at least one form of social media. Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and others, are common portals through which customers discover and interact with businesses. Accordingly, establishing an impactful presence on these platforms will aid significantly in your ability to capture new qualified leads and drive increased revenue. 

B2B digital advertising requires a thoughtful approach. In that vein, be sure to read through this essential guide on digital advertising and learn how it can benefit you and your business. 

The copywriter is sending the daily newsletter to boost his client's industrial marketing

6. Meaningful Email Marketing 

There is no doubt that email marketing is one of the best uses of your time and efforts for generating new leads. It is highly cost-effective, simple in execution, and is an excellent method of reaching a plethora of people in one fell swoop. 

Furthermore, B2B email marketing offers a valuable way to maintain engagement with existing customers. Clients desire – and deserve – to feel appreciated, and routine email touchpoints are a great way to make them feel as such. 

As with any aspect of your industrial marketing campaign, your email efforts must be executed with care and foresight. To that end, this spectacular guide on email marketing will firmly place you on the path to success. 

7. Engaging Webinars 

Offering webinars is yet another impactful component of B2B marketing. Webinars offer a variety of benefits to your business, such as boosting brand awareness, capturing a large audience, generating new leads, nurturing existing leads, and exhibiting your exemplary industry knowledge. 

Be sure to plan ahead when considering webinars. Your presentations need to be carefully devised and thoughtfully executed. Audience engagement is critical and you need to come prepared! 

8. Informative Whitepapers 

Well-constructed whitepapers are an excellent means of exhibiting your industry expertise. Sharing your insights and critical thoughts regarding your particular industry is an opportunity to separate yourself from your competition and impress potential clients. 

Furthermore, whitepapers offer yet another opportunity for lead generation and can foster goodwill by sharing knowledge free of charge. Be sure to incorporate whitepapers into your industrial marketing strategy!  

Example of Mediaboom Chatbot, a software application used to conduct an on-line chat conversation with potential costumers.

9. A Helpful ChatBot 

ChatBots offer numerous benefits to your business and its marketing campaign. For example, ChatBots will help with customer support, reduce costs, improve lead generation, meet customer expectations, and provide valuable data on consumers that can be effectively leveraged in the decision-making process.  

With such an impressive array of benefits, adding a ChatBot to your website is a must! 

10. Measure Your Success 

Planning for the future requires a thorough examination of the present. It is imperative to analyze your data to pinpoint areas that need to be reworked or bolstered, as well as to push those endeavors that have proven fruitful. 

Thankfully, cultivating meaningful data is readily accomplished, thanks to the utilities that often accompany certain platforms. Google, for example, offers a myriad of data insights – including SEO, website, and social media statistics – that you can purposefully examine to refine your B2B marketing strategy. 

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Industrial Marketing – A Must for Your Business

Deploying a holistic industrial marketing campaign is an absolute must to propel success and prepare for the future. While there are several equally important components to consider, doing so in a thoughtful, meaningful manner will yield tremendous benefits. With that said, contact the experts at Mediaboom to help get you started on your industrial marketing journey!

Guide to Healthcare SEO – 14 Ways to Optimize Your Site

In this article, we go over how healthcare SEO will help you reach potential clients and give you 14 proven ways to improve your on-page SEO.

Increasing your online presence in the healthcare space using healthcare SEO doesn’t have to be complicated. A solid healthcare SEO strategy has many moving parts and can take some time to curate. However, if you’re neglecting SEO for the healthcare industry, you are likely overlooking an untapped opportunity.

Healthcare SEO is search engine optimization for healthcare industries. There are several techniques you can use when trying to improve SEO on any website. When executed successfully, healthcare SEO will increase organic traffic and convert potential patients into regulars. Increasing your visibility can help your brand become a trusted name and reference point – for private medical practices and hospitals.

Regardless of the size of your medical practice, SEO for the healthcare industry can be incredibly beneficial. There are many approaches to how healthcare SEO can elevate your practice in the healthcare industry. Keep reading to learn about our best healthcare SEO tips.

What is Healthcare SEO?

Healthcare SEO (alternatively called medical SEO) is the focus on the healthcare industry in search engine optimization efforts.

For the most part, SEO for healthcare has most of the same practices as other SEO focuses. However, a standout difference in SEO for the healthcare industry is that the target audiences are already predetermined within local radiuses.

There is so much relevant content to be shared within the healthcare industry, so this market is prime for quality content production.  A good healthcare SEO strategy will boost your website’s overall rank and help improve your pages’ visibility.

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Why does SEO matter in the healthcare industry?

Now that we’ve gone over exactly what healthcare SEO is, we can discuss how it can benefit your business. Since most clinics, hospitals, and other medical practices receive plenty of foot traffic, many question the benefits of investing in a healthcare SEO strategy.

 An advantage of SEO for healthcare is that it’s easier to pin down your local market.

Typically, patients are locked in with a provider through their insurance. However, there are still plenty of lucrative reasons for healthcare professionals to invest in excellent SEO practices.

Reaping the benefits of more leads and conversions to new patients is just one of the perks you can get with SEO. You can also build your company’s reputation as a good, knowledgeable source.

Overall, it’s all about making it easier for your potential patients to be able to find you easily and understand what your practice has to offer them.

Doctors are applying Healthcare SEO strategies to increase traffic to their website

9 Healthcare SEO Strategies to Try

Most SEO strategies can apply to every industry. However, there are specific methods that can be beneficial to SEO for healthcare. Here are some of our top ways to increase organic traffic for healthcare providers:

1. Using a mobile-friendly website design

Chances are over half of your audience will browse your website on a mobile device. So, it’s essential to not overlook how user-friendly your website and content is.

Investing in a developer to ensure your website runs smoothly on mobile will be worthwhile. Another route people take is to make an app, to help offload some potential issues that may arise on mobile websites as well.

2. Optimizing your page speeds

Another factor Google takes into account when determining what websites to put at the top of SERPs is how fast they are.

Another thing to note is that it’s common for mobile versions of websites to load slower than their desktop counterparts. Some technical work will be needed to ensure both pages are optimized for speed, but it’s definitely a worthwhile investment.

You can conduct a speed test with any website URL using Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool.

3. Choosing the Best Healthcare SEO Keywords

When it comes to figuring out what keywords to target, tools like Semrush, Moz, Ahrefs and more are gold mines. These tools will show you exactly what your audience is searching for by volume. Once your team reviews all of the information and data these tools provide, you will have a clear idea of what keywords to target.

However, for healthcare SEO strategies it’s more beneficial to target long-tail keywords. This method allows you to target people searching for a specific solution for a problem that your company can help address.

For example, say that a potential patient is searching for the cause of their stomachache. Typically, searches like this start with broad searches, and are narrowed down into more specific causes. This is where long-tail keywords will come in. Long-tail keywords are less competitive and more effective if you offer the solution for what they are searching for.

4. Building Authority with Medical Content Marketing

Domain authority can take several months and even years in some cases to build. Most aspects of healthcare SEO rely on time, patience, and consistency.

It’s important to have realistic expectations for your content. You can target shorter search queries and see some success. However, it’s not likely you will be able to bypass big names like WebMD. Instead, a workaround many people utilize is targeting long-tailed queries mentioned above instead.

An example of a landing page that can be customized by any doctor.

5. Landing Pages

Landing pages are typically built around getting a user to take action. When executed properly, they can increase conversion. One of the strengths that landing pages possess is lead generation.

It’s good practice to have multiple landing pages to help funnel from different campaigns.

6. Incorporate Strategic Internal Linking

Internal linking is one of the easier and quicker ways to begin optimizing your site. Relevant and high-quality internal links direct users to more sites on your page that will provide value to them.

Internal links also help familiarize Google with your site. When inserting your internal links, think of this as another way to tell Google what your page is about.

An additional tip is to always go back and insert internal links to any new posts into your older posts. This will help indicate that the new page has good, relevant content and information.

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7. Building Backlinks

On most SEO tips lists, building a solid backlink profile will be one of the most challenging things to accomplish. However, it’s also one of the most effective ways to ensure your site always ranks well.

Acquiring backlinks is extremely time-consuming, as you will likely need to figure out an outreach strategy.

8. Implementing Schema Markup for Healthcare Practices

Schema markup is a form of structured data. Initially, Schema can be a bit intimidating since it involves some HTML coding. However, it’s pretty straightforward and can be a skill that is picked up quickly with a great return on time investment.

Utilizing Schema markup can benefit any business model, as it will improve your site ranks. Schema markup allows you more control over how Google indexes your site.

9. Tracking Your Results

It’s important to remember that SEO is a long game and can take years to see lasting and consistent results. With this in mind, keeping track of your results is a great idea.

Familiarizing yourself with the results and data will help you build solid healthcare SEO strategies. Tracking your organic traffic and paid traffic alike can help decipher trends as well as seasonal traffic. In most industries, there will be high influxes and extreme drops depending on certain factors, such as holidays and events.

Mediaboom shows how it increased the SEO of a healthcare website

5 Ways to Improve Healthcare Local SEO

One of the keys to healthcare SEO is nourishing local SEO. This will also set you up to focus on learning how to best serve your community.

However, healthcare local SEO can be stiff competition since your competitors are in such close proximity to you.

So, how do you master local SEO and overcome the competition for the top spot on search engine results pages? Here are five ways to establish your company as a trusted place in the healthcare industry:

1. Google Business Profile

Creating a Google Business Profile will allow you to control how your business shows on search engine results pages. Once your business is claimed, you’ll have benefits like verifying business hours, sharing photos of your establishment, and responding to reviews.

2. Healthcare business listings

Another great way to ensure your business’s fronts are optimized for search engines is to ensure your practitioners are listed. Many people find their providers through their own search efforts, especially for more specific specialists and issues. This technique doesn’t only work for individuals! You can also implement this strategy for specific hospital departments, where you can list your practitioners and their specialties.

3. Local Keywords

Local keywords are highly effective, especially for healthcare SEO. Utilizing local keywords can be as easy as just tagging relative locations to the original search query. For example, “Chiropractors near me” can be extremely effective paired with keyword bidding.

You may also notice long-tail keywords that will branch off general queries like: “Chiropractors near me that take [type of insurance]”. This is a great way to target potential patients with accepted insurance.

Localizing queries and content is an effective way to boost actual conversion. However, it’s not the best option when you’re looking to increase sheer impressions and engagement.

4. Content that targets local patients

The most relevant audience for service-based businesses is always the local audience. So, it makes sense that SEO for the healthcare industry is heavy on local keywords and long-tailed queries.

It’s important to know what your community needs and is searching for. Providing answers for exactly what they are looking for is a great way to establish rapport. As we just went over, using local keywords to serve your target audience directly is highly effective.

The patient is leaving a review of the service received from his doctor

5. Manage patient reviews

Reviews are a way to thank people for their business by responding to positive reviews in an appreciative manner. However, when it comes to managing bad reviews, it’s typically frowned upon to delete or invalidate them.

Instead, try responding to negative reviews with an apology with a genuine attempt to rectify whatever went wrong. This response method is a great reflection of any potential patients looking over the reviews.

There’s also a good chance that a one-star review will change if the problem is fixed. Or, at the very least, there is an effort to help.

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Working with a Healthcare SEO Agency

In some cases, in-house marketing can tackle SEO responsibilities. However, for some companies, outsourcing SEO services makes more sense.

Although there are many SEO agencies, finding one that specializes in your niche is essential. Working with an agency specializing in healthcare SEO will likely boast great results and help you gain more insights for your audience.

Luxury Brand Tier List – Discover 6 Levels of Luxury

A luxury brands tier list groups brands according to useful criteria. Mediaboom found six you should know—learn these to enhance your strategies!

You must consult a luxury brands tier list if you are a seller of luxury goods. Such a list is a market analysis presented in an easy-to-grasp format. Its benefit? It gives useful information about known luxury brands and enables you to size up your competition and comprehend buying trends.

A luxury brands tier list organizes brands into meaningful groups based on clear standards. Economists and marketers have made several of these lists, some of which are available online.  If you are a marketer, consulting such a list will help you know what to do and who to target.

Continue reading to discover what these tiers of luxury brands are and how you can benefit from them.

Luxury bags hold an important position in the pyramid of luxury fashion brands

What Are The Different Levels of Luxury?

Luxury goods are “highly desirable items within a society or culture.” Luxury can be considered the opposite of necessity. This means while you don’t really need high-end items to live, they are good for other things like status, self-esteem, and peace of mind.

High-End products are better than most products that only cater to the bare minimum. According to a 2019 Journal of Business Research study, luxury brands have these distinct traits:

  • Superior quality
  • Provide genuine functional or emotional value
  • Carry a positive image because of craftsmanship, quality of service, or other factors
  • Deserve an expensive price tag
  • Inspire deep connections with the consumers

Because a product can be superior to others in many ways, there are many levels of luxury brands as well. People categorize luxury differently, but it’s common to group brands in pyramids.

The Pyramids Of Luxury Fashion Brands

What Are Luxury Fashion Brand Pyramids?

Luxury fashion brand pyramids are classification schemes that segregate various fashion brands according to their price, accessibility, quality, and other features. As typical with pyramid models, the higher the brand is on the tier, the better its characteristics are.

How Are Luxury Fashion Brand Pyramids Built?

A luxury brands tier list or pyramid is often created based on statistics, voting, and survey feedback. Information may be objective (for example, costs and number of products manufactured) and subjective (such as customers’ opinions about the brand and its users).

The composition of brand pyramids and placement of the brands may differ depending on the brands included and the criteria selected. They may also change over time to reflect changes in public perspective, prices, accessibility, and so on.

What Are The Criteria Of Fashion Luxury Brand Tiers?

These are some of the criteria of a fashion luxury brand hierarchy:

  • Craftsmanship: High-end fashion products may be hard to make because their creation involves special techniques that may take a long time to finish. Skilled artisans make some items by hand.
  • Quality and rarity of materials: Fashion brands need to protect their reputation, so they are motivated to use only the best quality items. Using rare materials will also entice customers who equate rarity with value.
  • Advertising: Luxury items are all about prestige, which is based on people’s awareness and perception of the brand. As a result, high-end brands will invest significantly in advertising.
  • Social Media Popularity: Aside from traditional advertising, luxury brands make themselves known through social media posts and other digital marketing strategies. These brands will make every effort to provide excellent customer service to maintain their good reputations.

Building a luxury brand image requires a lot of investment, so high-end goods are pricey.

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Luxury Brands Tier List: The Hierarchy Of Luxury Brands According To Rambourg

Erwan Rambourg, managing director of HSBC, has created a luxury brand hierarchy in his book “The Bling Dynasty.” In this book, he described how luxury brands and their diverse markets thrive despite economic slowdowns.

Rambourg’s model shows that brands vary in accessibility. In particular, the higher the price of the products, the number of consumers purchasing them decreases.

In Rambourg’s pyramid, designer accessories and apparel are considered “accessible core”. Brands in this category are Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Tod’s, Prada, David Yurman, and Tissot.

Luxury Brands Tiers And Rankings

This is how Rambourg classified brands according to price points in USD (cost) and the number of points of sale (accessibility):

  1. Tier One (Bespoke/Custom-made and Ultra High End; costs above $50,000): Graff, Leviev
  2. Tier Two (Super Premium; costs $5,000 to $50,000): Harry Winston, Patek Philippe, Breguet, Bottega Veneta, Van Cleef & Arpels, Panerai, IWC
  3. Tier Three (Premium Core; costs $1,500 to $5,000): Hermes, Chopard, Cartier, Bulgari, Rolex, Omega, Tag Heuer, Tiffany (excluding silver)
  4. Tier Four (Accessible Core; costs $300 to $1,500): Designer accessories and apparel
  5. Tier Five (Affordable Luxury; costs $100 to $300): Designer eyewear, Montblanc, Geox, Tiffany silver jewelry
  6. Tier Six (Everyday Luxury; costs below $100): Restaurant/Entertainment, Spirits, Champagne, Imported Wine or Beer, Starbucks, Swatch
Luxury shoes are one of the main products desired by high-spending customers

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Luxury Branding Key Theories

Why do people buy luxury brands?

  • Customers feel better knowing they are purchasing a genuine luxury item than buying an inferior imitation.
  • Consumers often believe that paying more means getting more.

On the other hand, Wharton associate professor of marketing and economics Pinar Yildirim claims that people purchase luxury brands not only because they care about the quality, composition, or craftsmanship of the product; they also want to express certain ideas about themselves.

There are several psychological theories about why people buy luxury brands. Listed below are a few of the most common ones:

  • Luxury brands enhance consumers’ self-concept. Being able to afford expensive things makes people feel good.
  • They feel a sense of belonging when they make the same purchases as a particular group of people.
  • Luxury goods can serve as “rewards” for an accomplishment.
  • Consuming luxury items in public signals wealth, which signifies power and status.
  • People use possessions to create an ideal identity.
  • It helps individuals stand out when there are too many similarities in their environments.
  • Using high-end goods can make people see themselves as better than others.
Ferrari is among the most famous and important luxury car brands in the world

Insights on Luxury Brand Tier List

According to Rambourg, using luxury brands is a way for millionaires to flaunt their wealth. Interestingly, he discovered that for these ultra-rich folks, the brands they purchased were actually more important than the level of money they earned.

In “The Bling Dynasty,” Rambourg used avatars to represent the five groups of newly-rich individuals in China. These five representations reveal that luxury brand shoppers have varying backgrounds, preferences, means, and aspirations.

The book makes the crucial point that these Chinese “new shoppers” opt to buy luxury goods abroad for the following reasons:

  1. Prices are cheaper abroad than in their own country.
  2. There is a lesser chance of getting imitations abroad.
  3. Buying abroad allows them to travel for leisure.
  4. Possessing passports allows them to demonstrate their status (it’s hard to get passports in China)

This tells us that purchasing high-end brands is more than just an activity; it is an experience. Thus, marketers must be familiar with the entire process of luxury purchases and understand what consumers go through when buying luxury goods.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Hire a Luxury Brands Marketing Agency

Having a luxury brands tier list will give you an idea of who your consumers are, what they like, and how much they are willing to spend for something, but it’s not enough to guarantee your success.

Marketing luxury brands is challenging because customers have high standards, and they need to be convinced the right way. If you want to sell anything related to luxury, like luxury hotels, fine jewelry, or gourmet food, it is best to invest in the services of a highly-skilled marketing agency to ensure maximum ROI.

When dealing with luxury brands, guessing games can be costly. Mediaboom has almost twenty years of experience in marketing luxury brands, so we have learned the most profitable strategies and the most ineffective ones.

Our luxury expertise makes us the best choice for you, so get in touch today.

Digital Marketing for Law Firms – 11 Ways to Boost Results

An insightful analysis of digital marketing for law firms, complete with helpful tips and tactics to ensure newfound levels of success.

Law firm digital marketing is a necessity in order to grow your law firm’s business. It is no longer sufficient to rely solely on word-of-mouth referrals to capture new clients. Indeed, in today’s technology-driven world, you must utilize various digital marketing strategies to keep pace with your competitors and boost visibility within the marketplace. 

Successful and comprehensive law firm digital marketing requires a multi-pronged approach. Law firms need to establish and nurture a presence on social media, engage in search engine optimization (SEO) practices, deploy email and video marketing, and optimize their website to recruit new clients. All the tactics mentioned above will combine to ensure heightened awareness, new clients, and a boost to your bottom line. 

In order to fully understand the various, yet equally critical components of law firms’ digital marketing, let’s take an in-depth look at how to formulate a premier digital marketing strategy for your law firm.

What is Digital Marketing for Law Firms? 

Law firm digital marketing refers to the online utilities employed to sell the services offered by your law firm. The purpose of these utilities is to strengthen your presence within the marketplace, thereby driving increased user traffic to your website. When done correctly, this will aid significantly in increasing your client list and the amount of money flowing into your law firm. There are numerous avenues through which to accomplish this goal, and we will examine those in detail a bit later. 

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Key Benefits of Law Firm Digital Marketing

Thoughtful and carefully executed digital marketing will provide wonderful benefits to your law firm. 

More Clients 

Clients are the lifeblood of your law firm. With that said, you can’t afford for your client list to stagnate. Indeed, it is vitally important that you continually grow the number of your clients to facilitate the long-term health of your law firm. In order to realize this goal, you must execute a robust digital marketing strategy. The greater the presence of your law firm, the higher the likelihood of new clients engaging your services. 

Increased Revenue

It may seem obvious, but it bears mentioning: the more clients you have, the more revenue you will generate. Increased revenue will permit the actualization of several appealing advantages. 

First, it will allow you to offer enticing salaries, thereby attracting top-level talent and besting your competitors in the realm of recruiting. 

Second, more revenue will serve to expand your marketing budget. In effect, successful digital marketing stands as a self-fulfilling entity, simultaneously creating immediate financial rewards as well as protecting the future of your law firm. 

Finally, increased revenue will allow the expansion of your firm as a whole. Bonuses such as upgrading office space, increasing the number of lawyers working for your firm, and the diversification of your services are all possibilities. 

The lawyer is getting numerous phone interviews after boosting his law firms digital marketing

Greater Reach 

The success of your law firm is dependent on the number of potential clients who are aware of your existence. To that end, imperious digital marketing for your law firm will significantly assist in increasing general awareness among potential clients. 

Digital marketing is unique in its execution and potential reach. As an example, consider that a well-placed online advertisement has the ability to reach individuals spread out among a vast geographical area. In contrast to their traditional counterparts (print advertising, local commercials, billboards, etc.), digital marketing efforts are not constrained by locality.

Brand Recognition 

Furthermore, digital marketing for law firms will serve to strengthen your brand. Efficacious brand optimization is key in fostering a sense of recognition and loyalty among your clientele. This will foster repeat business and a strong referral network, leading to increased business. 

11 Law Firm Digital Marketing Strategies and Services  

Having highlighted the benefits of digital marketing for your law firm, it’s now time to thoroughly examine the diverse methods used in exemplary law firm digital marketing.

1. Set Your Online Marketing Goals 

To maximize your chances of success, you must first establish a set of attainable, realistic goals prior to the deployment of your digital marketing campaign. Doing so will allow you to consider the different resources needed to accomplish each goal. For example, analyze which areas of your law firm require the most bolstering and what supplementations need to be committed to those areas. Furthermore, consider the strengths of your team and which employees can be assigned to various tasks that will result in the efficient, successful completion of assignments. 

2. Know Your Audience 

Pay close attention to the demographics of your client list and develop your marketing efforts in a manner to best attract similar constituents. Gather data surrounding the age, income, profession, location, and familial status of your clients and leverage this information to fine-tune your marketing campaign. 

An example of a law firm website with a very attractive design

3. Build a Beautiful Website 

Your website will be the first point of contact for many new clients. Accordingly, be sure to create a website that is engaging, easy to navigate, logically formulated, and provides all pertinent information in a readily accessible manner. At its core, your website needs to encourage visitors to take the next step in their search for a lawyer by contacting your firm. 

In addition, be sure to optimize your website for operation on mobile platforms. An ever-increasing number of consumers are choosing their mobile devices as their primary means of conducting an internet search, and you must ensure that your website functions beautifully within the mobile realm. 

As is often the case in creation, a little inspiration goes a long way. In that vein, be sure to check out this amazing article on law firm website design. Take the time to browse through the highlighted examples of great law firm websites and use them as a guide in creating your own. 

4. Legal Content Writing 

The language deployed in your digital marketing efforts should reinforce the fact that you are, indeed, a law firm. While there is a balance to be struck between technical legalese and layman verbiage, your writing should underscore your expertise in your specific area of law. Take this opportunity to prominently display your knowledge and strive to elicit sentiments of confidence and security within your target demographic. 

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5. Content Marketing 

Content marketing is the practice of providing industry analysis and insights to the public – for free. This not only serves as a wonderful opportunity to display your skills and expertise within your area of law, but it is also deeply appreciated by current and potential clients. 

Indeed, content marketing is a fantastic endeavor that yields tremendous results. For example, successful content marketing has the potential to increase brand awareness, generate new leads, bolster customer satisfaction, and the growth of your customer base. Clearly, content marketing deserves a prime spot in your overall digital marketing efforts. 

6. SEO and Local SEO 

Search Engine Optimization is an absolute must when executing a digital marketing campaign for your law firm. Consider that 91% of US consumers perform an internet search every month, and the necessity for proper SEO becomes abundantly clear. An overwhelming number of your future clients will discover your law firm through an internet search, and the importance of utilizing SEO practices to ensure visibility is fundamentally paramount. 

Furthermore, it is also vitally important that you take the time and effort to localize your SEO efforts as a supplemental endeavor. Oftentimes, potential clients seeking a law firm are doing so within their local vicinity; trips to the office may be common, and the need for a local law firm could be decisive. As such, it is important that you infuse your SEO in a manner that lends itself to easy discovery within your local community. To learn more about the different tactics used in excellent local SEO, dive into this insightful piece on lawyer-specific local SEO

A social media post mockup that a law firm can customize and brand.

7. Social Media 

The past several decades have seen a meteoric rise in the use of social media in everyday life.  In fact, 72% of the US population engages in some form of social media on a daily basis. The various social media platforms – Meta, Twitter, Instagram, etc – are rife with advertising possibilities. In addition, these social media platforms offer powerful tools to analyze your advertising efforts, allowing you to hone and modify your advertising as needed.

Furthermore, social media platforms offer tremendous opportunities to engage with your clientele. Doing so will add a personal touch to your law firm and will increase customer satisfaction. As such, be sure to maintain a consistent, lively, and engaging presence on several social media platforms to reach a broad audience. 

8. Video Marketing 

Video marketing is the practice of using video to engage with clients. It stands as a uniquely personal and engaging form of marketing. In contrast to written advertising, video offers a medium through which emotional connection is significantly amplified. People love being able to “put a face to a name”, and using video marketing allows you to infuse a deeply personal touch within your law firm’s digital marketing campaign. Be sure to solicit the services of an employee of your law firm who is comfortable, confident, and personable in front of the camera. And, carefully consider the length of your videos – be cognizant of the fact that consumers tend to prefer shorter videos. 

9. Email Marketing

Email marketing is an efficient, effective, and low-cost form of digital advertising that stands as a fantastic way to not only engage your current client list but also generate new leads. Create an email marketing calendar to hold yourself accountable; choose a proper cadence and solidify the material contained within. 

Effective email marketing requires thoughtful execution. In that vein, read through this highly beneficial article on email marketing complete with 15 tips to get you started. 

10. Landing Pages  

The ultimate goal of a landing page is to generate new leads. When a user interacts with one of your advertisements, they are guided toward a landing page that will allow for the capture of critical user information (such as email addresses, telephone numbers, physical addresses, and so forth). This abundance of information is incredibly powerful in allowing you to purposefully target unique individuals and encourage them to continue further engagement with your law firm. 

The law firm's team is thrilled to have been able to manage the online reputations left by their clients

11. Online Reputation Management 

It is absolutely critical that you take the time and care to properly manage your online reputation. A positive reputation will significantly help in generating new business, as consumers place a heavy emphasis on what others say about a particular business – in this case, your law firm. 

To underscore this reality, it is important to note that 78% of consumers weigh online reviews prior to finalizing a purchase decision. As such, you must be intensely diligent in managing your online reputation, as failure to do so could result in a significant decline in business. 

To accomplish this goal, you must actively monitor your online reviews to keep tabs on what people are saying about your law firm. Be sure to take an engaging approach by responding to reviews. Show gratitude for positive reviews, and take all appropriate and reasonable steps to rectify any customer concerns – doing so will increase customer satisfaction and exemplify the fact that you care deeply about your clients. 

Measure Your Success 

An effective law firm’s digital marketing campaign needs to evolve over time. The initial strategies deployed may wane in effectiveness, and it is critical that you take the necessary steps to inject your marketing efforts with newfound vigor. 

To determine when and where to modify the digital marketing for your law firm, it is crucial that you track and measure your success as you move forward. Considerable time, effort, and money are assigned to a comprehensive digital marketing campaign, and you deserve to obtain the necessary insights to achieve maximum levels of success. 

Take advantage of the analytical tools provided by certain platforms to gain powerful knowledge regarding your advertising efforts. Google Analytics, for example, offers a plethora of data points to consider and is a tremendous boon in optimizing your law firm’s digital marketing strategy. 

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Hire a Digital Marketing Agency for Your Law Firm 

By now, it should be readily clear how involved a digital marketing campaign truly is. It demands considerable resources – temporal, physical, and financial – and can be quite a consuming endeavor. With this in mind, do yourself a favor and strongly consider employing the services of a professional digital marketing agency to handle your law firm’s marketing efforts. 

The wonderfully talented and highly experienced team at Mediaboom is standing by to help you get started with your digital marketing efforts. The experts at Mediaboom provide a holistic, deeply personalized experience that will provide meaningful, measurable benefits to your law firm. So, what are you waiting for? Reach out to Mediaboom today!

Visual Marketing – Mastering The Top Strategies in 2023

Every brand participates in visual marketing, but some see more success than others. Discover now the key techniques to increase engagement.

The digital market is highly saturated with media, so it’s essential to be intentional with your brand’s content, especially when it comes to improving your “visual marketing”. It’s easy to become overwhelmed and wonder what the best strategy for your brand is.

What is visual marketing?

Visual marketing refers to the use of images, graphics, videos, and other visual elements to promote a product, service, or brand. The goal is to grab the attention of the audience, convey a message, and create a lasting impression. It can be used in various mediums, such as social media, websites, print materials, and advertisements. A good visual marketing strategy relies on the flexibility of using multiple forms of media to engage your audience. People resonate with good storytelling, and visual media can help you achieve that. Using social media platforms to engage your audience visually can be extremely rewarding for your brand.

To learn more about curating the perfect visual content for your marketing campaigns, this guide will help you get there.

What is visual marketing?

People are visual learners. So, it makes sense that digital visual marketing strategies use multiple media formats to reach and entice your audience. 

Many brands and creators have grown their following substantially just by providing consistent and high-quality content. Knowing how to leverage different mediums to your benefit can be game-changing for your brand.

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How effective is visual marketing?

Visual marketing is one of the most effective marketing approaches you can do! So many people are immersed in social media for hours daily. It’s an opportunity like never before to get your brand in front of as many eyeballs as possible. 

Many variables are at play when it comes to perfecting your brand’s content marketing strategy. Of course, there is no one perfect formula that will work for every business. However, once you understand the basics of visual marketing, it’ll become easier to achieve successful marketing campaigns.

Professional marketers are comparing visual marketing to content marketing

Visual Marketing vs Content Marketing

Essentially, visual marketing focuses on media, while content marketing can encompass that and more. For example, content marketing includes text-based forms such as blogs.

10 Types of Media Used in Visual Marketing

Digital visual marketing comes in many formats. Which gives you plenty of room to explore which forms of media work best for you. In this section, we will go over all the different kinds of mediums that can be used in your visual marketing strategy.

1. Images

Images are the first form of visual media used on social media and are still extremely influential today. There are so many possibilities you can create with images in your campaigns. 

Images are diverse and can be included in the other media formats listed in this section. 

2. GIFs and Memes 

Much like images, GIFs, and memes can quickly grab users’ attention. Many brands use GIFs and memes in a playful way, usually accompanying a lighthearted joke.

Another way to help raise brand awareness is to self-insert your brand in popular memes like this. Making content funny is a great way to boost shares and engagement, and memes excel at this.

3. Videos

Incorporating videos into your visual marketing strategy is essential in today’s world. Generally, videos are either considered to be long-form or short-form. Long-form videos can be up to several hours long and can usually be found on YouTube.

Short-form videos are all the content you see on social platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, and so on.

Since videos encompass a wide range of strategic approaches, we’ll revisit how to use videos in your visual marketing strategy in later sections.

4. Infographics

Infographic images aren’t something you should overlook in your digital visual marketing strategy. Infographics are an effective way to reach your audience, as they receive 3x more likes than other forms of media.

Additionally, infographics are considered highly sharable content. Infographics provide valuable information in an easy-to-read format, and the visual aspect of the image helps readers retain the information. 

5. Presentations

Creating a visual presentation can be as simple as making a slideshow. Carousels are a post type that allows you to have up to 10 photos and even videos within a post.

People have gotten extremely creative with social media posts, even creating “choose your own adventure” series with slideshows. Thus, creating an extremely immersive experience for their audience.

6. Screenshots

Screenshots are a quick and easy way to make a post. Many brands will post screenshots of a funny or relevant post from another site to prompt engagement.

Another way screenshots are used as content is as a “preview” of the full post, or even as a sneak peek at a new feature.

Marketing managers are creating an interactive timeline of their brand story.

7. Interactive Timelines

Every brand has an “About” page, and an interactive timeline can be an engaging way to walk your audience through your brand’s story. This is a great way to highlight brand roots and values. In general, timelines can be an effective way to visualize longer stories in a snapshot.

8. Visual Quotes

Chances are, you’ve had a friend send you a post of a quote they found extremely relevant. Visual quotes are relatively straightforward and have been shared through social media posts for years.

9. Calls to action

Calls to action (or CTAs) are typically found on landing pages and within visual content prompting the reader to take relative action. A well-placed and intentional call to action can seal the deal for the user moving into the next step of the buyer’s journey. 

It’s also worth noting that CTAs perform better when placed at the end of a post once the reader is fully informed of the benefits of taking the suggested action.

10. Before and After Interactive Images

For certain services, before and after images can be one of the best endorsements you can get. Before and after interactive images allow users to effectively see the service in action and the benefits of investing in it.

A marketing expert explaining 10 strategies to use in visual marketing.

How to use visual marketing: 10 effective strategies

Now that we’ve gone over the mediums of visual marketing, we can look more into the strategies that utilize visual content. Here are our top ten effective content marketing strategies.

1. Outline your brand goals

Establishing your brand goals is the first step in creating a visual marketing strategy.

Understanding your brand’s goals will help you narrow down your target audience and better serve their needs. This is where buyer personas come in handy, so you can focus on where your target audience can be found.

In this stage, it’s also essential to establish your brand tone, so your content can maintain a consistent purpose and tone.

2. Be consistent with your brand’s visual identity

Maintaining a consistent look and style can be a bit challenging if you don’t have a style guide! A style guide contains brand guidelines regarding color choices, fonts, and general templates.

However, a visual identity includes a lot of factors. People love an aesthetic brand and honing in on your visuals, and aesthetics can really elevate your brand.

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3. Tell a story

Being able to tell a story through your content marketing is an important skill. Guiding your audience through a story with visuals is more important than ever. 

As brand awareness increases amongst consumers, they like to know that they align with the brands they give their business to. Show your target audience you share the same values!

4. Choose the best media format for your message

The medium chosen for a marketing campaign can make or break it. So, evaluating your intent with each campaign is essential to determine which format will work best for the results you seek.

5. Creating high-quality visuals for your social media posts regularly

Although every brand should strive to post consistently, it’s just as important for your visual elements to be of high quality.

Your videos should be clear and provide value to your audience. You get the most out of posting images if you make sure they provide helpful information. This way, your audience is more likely to share and bookmark them.

Building up a brand that is known to produce quality content helps your brand become a trusted name and source. Additionally, the algorithm will also favor you and give you a boost!

6. Use different formats

It’s also important not to limit your brand to one visual marketing style. The best visual marketing strategies include all formats of media.

7. Choose the right visual marketing tools

There are so many options when it comes to finding tools for curating the perfect graphic designs and visuals. Here are some of our favorites to make the process as seamless as possible.

There are also more options to help you flesh out any idea you have for content creation right at your fingertips!

The CEO is explaining to managers how to make their work and brand unique.

8. Be original and unique 

All of your content needs to be unique and original. Earlier this year, Google implemented a new search engine update called the helpful content update. This update prioritizes original content “written by people, for people.”

Not only will this help your content rank better, but it will also provide better value to your audience.

9. Be mobile-friendly

With mobile users accounting for over half of web traffic worldwide, chances are most of your traffic also consists of mobile users. A solution many businesses opt for is to push people to their app, which is optimized solely for mobile experiences.

However, not everyone wants to have an app for every single brand they’re interested in. So, it’s still important to make sure the user experience on your website is as enjoyable on mobile as it is on desktop.

Some tips from Google to ensure your website is mobile-friendly include: 

  • Conducting speed tests to ensure your site does not lag.
  • Have a user-friendly design.
  • Ensure the content is the same on mobile as it is on the website.

10. Promote your visual content

Another great benefit to focusing on visuals is that there are usually a few ways to repurpose content. 

For example, many brands will promote a new blog post on social media platforms. Many blogs will also convert an entire blog post into an infographic, making it a more condensed but sharable version.

It’s also common for brands to use their newsletter to help redirect their audience to other valuable visual content they have produced.

11. Run A/B tests

A/B tests are very useful in determining what kind of content your audience wants to engage with. A/B tests help your brand hone into details, such as what colors, formats, and image styles grab the attention of your audience the best. Ultimately, successful A/B tests can result in higher conversion rates.

4 Successful Visual Marketing Examples

1. E-mail Newsletter

HubSpot shows how to create a successful newsletter with optimized visual content.
E-mail Newsletter

View the example here (from HubSpot)

E-mail newsletters are very versatile themselves, with hundreds of templates to choose from. Newsletters provide a unique value as they can serve as more of a curated feed delivered straight to your audience’s inbox.

In this example of the New York Times Cooking, they send their audience a “Popular Recipes of the Week” update.

2. Carousel

If you want to know how to do something, chances are there are video tutorials online for it. Especially since the pandemic, recipe tutorials have seen a significant increase in interest. Now, many people are turning to Instagram and TikTok to watch easy how-to videos for quick meals and treats. 

3. Video

@chipotle 🎶🧀 don’t ask, just vibe 🧀🎶 #chipotle #queso #chipotlehack ♬ Queso on Mondays – Chipotle

When it comes to video marketing, brands have taken much more creative freedom lately. This viral video posted by Chipotle has over 4 million views and is essentially an ad. However, it’s so catchy and playful that their audience loved it.

4. Infographic

As mentioned before, infographics receive higher engagement than most other posts. The unique thing about carousels is that they can feature a mixture of images and video. 

This particular example is an infographic, but also incorporated a small moving arrow, thus making it a video too. This can also be considered a “hack” for repurposing still images into videos to help get more reach.

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Overall, there are many different approaches you can take when it comes to creating the perfect visual marketing strategy for you. We hope after these visual marketing examples, you’ll be all set to launch your own revamped social media campaign!

Or, you can fill out a request to speak with a professional and schedule a consultation with us!

13 Ways to Stand Out in Home Services Marketing

Home services marketing can help your company meet more of its goals, increase your business and grow both your audience and your bottom line.

Home services marketing utilizes various marketing techniques to further business objectives such as customer retention and an increased customer base. What kinds of services should your home improvement business focus on to grow this area of your digital marketing?

Here are some indispensable techniques for home services marketing:

  • Website design
  • Google Business profile
  • Business listings
  • Local SEO
  • Content marketing
  • Advertising
  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Referrals
  • Live chat
  • Reputation management

This guide will be a comprehensive overview of home services marketing, including a definition of this form of marketing, the benefits of investing in your home services business, and further details on the strategies above.

The owner of a home service business invested in marketing and found a new client

What Is Home Services Marketing?

Let’s begin with a definition. Home Services marketing combines traditional and modern marketing techniques (such as digital marketing for home services) for the furtherance of business objectives related to those in the
realm of home services.

From transportation and storage services to home construction, gardening, carpeting, HVAC, plumbing, and more, home services online marketing runs the gamut, serving a variety of home
services businesses.

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Why Home Services Businesses Should Invest in Digital Marketing

Home service businesses carry enough on their plate that the thought of an additional financial burden can be straining.

Investing in digital marketing though is anything but a burden. It will behoove your business now and long into the future to have a marketing strategy you can rely on.

Home services online marketing is especially advantageous. Call tracking service Invoca reports that online search drives a significant portion of the average consumer’s purchasing and converting decisions.

Here’s a breakdown of the percentage of shoppers who did their online research before converting:

  • Appliance repair – 64%
  • Home remodeling – 65%
  • Moving – 82%
  • Carpet cleaning – 65%
  • Housecleaning – 59%
  • Painting – 64%
  • Patios and decks – 60%
  • HVAC repair – 62%
  • Pest control – 75%
  • Electrical work – 58%
  • Lawn care – 67%
  • Plumbing – 54%
  • Fencing – 57%
  • Locksmith services – 73%
  • Roofing – 62%

It’s not necessarily that these potential customers have their minds made up. Not at all, actually!

Inbound marketing resource BlinkJar Media reports that most consumers have yet to decide on a purchase yet, giving home services businesses like yours the chance to swoop in and convert.

That’s not all. A 2022 report in Cision PR Newswire reports that the increase in both home services marketing and advertising has spearheaded market growth for the industry as a whole.

You can trust that no matter what type of service company you are, your competitors in the home services industry are already utilizing digital marketing. You should as well.

The owner of a home services has found benefits since investing in marketing

What Are the Benefits of Home Services Marketing?

Home services online marketing can advance a number of your service company’s goals, so let’s take a closer look at how.

Lead generation

Differentiating your company among the wide number of service providers in the home services industry is important in increasing your lead generation.

Through the strategies that we’ll outline ahead, you’ll have several secure methods for boosting the number of leads that enter your marketing funnel.

While there’s always a need for home services among the general populace, those needs wane. Most home improvement jobs, once done, don’t have to be redone for years if not decades.

That’s why it’s always to a home service company’s advantage to have new leads in need of services.

Increase in Customers

Attracting leads is wonderful, but you have to convert them to make a meaningful difference in your home services company’s bottom line.

Through digital marketing strategies such as content marketing, advertising, and reputation management, you can nurture and educate your audience to inspire them to make a purchasing decision they’ll be confident in.

Driving Authority

Home Services marketing gives your home services business the opportunity to increase your authority and inspire more consumer trust in your brand specifically.

Through your website design, business listing presence, referrals, and content marketing, you’ll establish your business as a rock-solid choice for all a consumer’s home improvement needs.


You can also use home services online marketing to increase the reputation of your business. By displaying reviews and building a strong referral system, you’ll have a sterling reputation that will inspire more leads to convert.

The worker is assembling a boiler after finding a new customer thanks to home service marketing

Home Service Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Brand

Next, let’s look at some digital marketing strategies for service companies.

Website design

A stellar website design not only separates you from the pack but also engages leads and can begin the conversion process as they sign up for your email newsletter.

In this HVAC website design examples list, we showcased what it makes for an exemplary web design in the HVAC sphere.

  • Even if your home services business doesn’t specialize in HVAC, there are certain design elements of a website that transcend industry, such as:
  • Complimentary colors
  • Using your logo colors as a basis for the color scheme
  • Clear, easy-to-read fonts
  • CTAs above the fold
  • Clear CTA links that tell a visitor where they’re going when they click
  • Neat navigation bars
  • Search feature in the navigation
Mediaboom shows you how to optimize your Google My Business profile for home service marketing

Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile, which for a long time was known as Google My Business, is an excellent way to increase your local search results, improve your visibility, inform and educate your leads, and drive new business.

You can also increase audience trust through a Google Business Profile, as social media resource Business Wire states that 90 percent of consumers will read through reviews before finalizing a purchasing decision.

Here are some best practices courtesy of our blog for your Google Business Profile:

  • Make sure the profile is filled out completely
  • Triple-check the accuracy of your information, including spelling and business hours
  • Include a website link
  • Upload your own photos of your work and allow customers to share before and after photos as well
  • Post on your Google Business profile about things like new services, promotions and deals, or limited-time offers

Business Listings

Another home services marketing strategy to add to your list is getting your service business on various listings.

It’s not enough to have a comprehensive Google Business profile, after all. Showing up on listings could be how leads find you. Then they’ll look into your Google Business profile.

If your company is interested in marketing on a budget, there are plenty of free listings for your business’s name to appear on.

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Local SEO

Local search engine optimization or SEO will act as the backbone of your home services digital marketing campaign.

It focuses on reaching customers in your neighborhood and adjoining cities or towns. You’re not trying to build a nationwide presence though.

Some of the strategies we’ve discussed already, such as a Google Business Profile and being added to local listings are excellent ways to boost your local SEO.

Per this post on our blog, here are some other strategies you can try:

  • Run a local SEO audit to determine if your website has foundational issues that are holding you back from rising in the ranks.
  • Focus on link-building, choosing only quality links to maintain your reputation.
  • Write localized content with local keywords.

Blog and content marketing

Speaking of content, that’s the next marketing tactic we’ll look at.

Content still is and will likely always be king, so a content marketing strategy is critical for your home service business.

What kinds of content should you focus on?

Blogging is a great one to start with. Through your blog posts, you can write educational and informative content about your services without being too salesy.

Other types of content for your consideration are checklists, eBooks, and webinars.

Mediaboom has created a budget calculator for Google ADS

Google Ads

When determining what your home services business advertising campaign will look like, Google Ads should be a part of that equation.

Using Google Ads can help you target your ads according to criteria like interest or location.

You can level out the playing field by advertising on a major platform like this, increase your SEO, and boost brand awareness too.

Budgeting your ad spending is easy when you can use our Google Ads Cost Calculator!

Social Media Ads

Social media is undoubtedly a pillar of your home services marketing campaign, but what if your posts fail to generate enough traction? Between the measures we’ll discuss in this subsection and the next, that should no longer be the case.

The first social media measure we recommend is advertising on social media.

With so many social media platforms out there in this day and age, you can’t possibly advertise on every single one unless your service company has a tremendous marketing budget.

It’s best to start with one or two platforms that you know the largest subset of your audience uses. Then you can scale up your social media advertising efforts as your advertising and marketing begin paying back dividends.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is another fantastic strategy to have in your back pocket.

In this post on HVAC social media marketing, we recommended social platforms such as YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram for your marketing efforts.

  • Here are some other tips to follow:
  • Livestream content, such as projects in progress
  • Post consistently
  • Strive to post content your audience will be happy to engage with
  • Use hashtags, but only as they’re relevant, and never too many
  • Incorporate quality visuals like infographics
  • Showcase reviews (with a customer’s permission)

Video Marketing

We talked about content marketing as a home services marketing strategy above, but video content marketing is excellent as well and deserves its own spotlight.

Video resource Wyzowl reports that 86 percent of companies are using video as a marketing tool in 2022, which is a marked increase from 2016 when it was only 61 percent.

Through video, you can explain home improvement concepts that your customers might not understand and even show tutorials for basic repairs a homeowner can do themselves.

The copywriter is launching his email marketing campaign to boost home service

Email marketing

The goal of bringing leads to your website is to inspire them to sign up for your service company’s email newsletter. Once they’re on the list, you need to begin using email marketing to keep them there.

Before you launch any email marketing campaign, you must set goals such as conversions. Then you have to create email content.

Templates come in handy for this, but you will have to create unique subject lines and body content for each email you send out.

Don’t forget to track analytics to ensure your email marketing campaigns have succeeded.


Your home services marketing campaign needs a referrals aspect as well.

Referrals are a more hands-off way of promoting your home services business.

More so than that, referrals are incredibly successful, with business review service FinancesOnline reporting that most consumers find word-of-mouth promotions more reliable compared to paid ads.

You could see your rate of both leads and conversions increase once your company has an active referrals program.

An example of how Mediaboom has set up a chatbot to facilitate communication with customers

Live chat

Your team is busy serving customers, so you can’t be in the office 24/7. In your absence, live chat is a great way to ensure that leads and customers get their questions answered in a timely fashion.

Live chat increases customer satisfaction and allows for better time management for other sectors of your company (especially your customer service reps).

Online and SEO Reputation Management

The last home services marketing tactic we recommend is reputation management, especially online.

Your brand’s reputation is all you have at the end of the day. If you alienate your audience, you’ll lose customers and struggle to onboard new ones.

That’s not to say that negative reviews won’t come through. When they do, you need a mitigation strategy in place to assuage customer concerns and solve ongoing issues.

Deleting or ignoring negative comments is never the answer!

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Hiring a Home Services Marketing Agency

Is your business considering hiring a professional home services marketing agency to achieve the above goals?

Mediaboom is here to help. Our services include digital marketing for home services, advertising, content marketing, email marketing, SEO, content management, ad management, and video production.

We serve a variety of industries, including home services and HVAC. Contact us today to learn more.

Hotel Reputation Management – Set Yourself Up for Success

A thorough analysis of hotel reputation management. Various utilities and strategies are examined in detail to ensure sustainable success.

Hotel reputation management is crucial to ensuring the long-term success of your hotel. It requires a multi-prong approach that dutifully addresses key areas and demands an adequate allocation of resources. 

While establishing a favorable reputation is a must for any hotel, maintaining and managing that reputation is equally as important. Doing so involves a meticulous and thorough approach while successful execution will yield tangible results of increased revenue and broader public awareness. 

In what follows, we’ll take a look at the various components of hospitality reputation management and cover the best methods to implement these strategies into your daily operations. Read on to learn all you need to know about hospitality reputation management! 

What is Hotel Reputation Management? 

Proper hotel reputation management is exactly what its name implies – monitoring, managing, and maintaining your hotel’s reputation. This requires astute attention to what people are saying about your hotel on review sites, social media platforms, and other online domains. Furthermore, it requires consistent online engagement with clientele and utilizing pertinent marketing strategies such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), effective storytelling, digital marketing, software implementation, and various other endeavors. 

The hotel is working on online reputation management

5 Benefits of Hotel Online Reputation Management 

Engaging in the practice of managing your hotel’s online reputation is absolutely essential for success in the hotel business. Doing so will wonderfully serve your hotel for the better and provide substantial benefits. Let’s examine five of these key advantages. 

1. Increased Revenue

It may seem obvious, but it must be said a hotel’s reputation has a direct influence on revenue. The better the reputation, the higher the likelihood of increased revenue. As such, it is imperative that you carefully tend to your hotel’s reputation in order to foster further revenue growth. 

2. Improved Customer Relations 

Your hotel’s reputation is forged by customer experience. Therefore, it is essential to continuously seek to improve customer relations through meaningful engagement, spectacular customer service, and adroit attention to customer needs. All of these will serve to bolster customer relations and, in turn, produce a positive reputation for your hotel. 

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3. Brand Awareness 

Your hotel’s brand is a vital component of your overall level of success. Your brand speaks to who you are, what you believe in, and how you wish to be perceived by the general public. Hotel reputation management aids significantly in the preservation and growth of your hotel’s brand and effectively aligns your hotel’s brand with sentiments of positivity. 

4. Separation from Competitors 

With over 187,000 hotels worldwide, it is undeniable that the hotel industry is quite crowded and highly competitive. Customers all over the world are presented with numerous options when considering a hotel, and the need to stand out in a crowded market is paramount. Knowing this, managing your hotel’s reputation is absolutely necessary to separate yourself from your competitors and secure bookings. 

5. The attraction of Top-Level Talent

Establishing and managing a shining reputation for your hotel will make it a popular destination not only for travelers but for professionals, too. Professionals working in the hotel industry will view your establishment as a desirable employer and the hiring of such individuals will only further your hotel’s growth and success. 

The hotel has managed to improve its reputation and a new client has just checked in

10 Ways to Improve Your Hotel’s Reputation 

The longevity of your hotel is directly related to its reputation. Knowing this, all steps must be taken to attach an exemplary reputation to your hotel. To accomplish this feat, we’ve compiled 10 invaluable tips that will collectively aid in boosting your hotel’s reputation. 

1. Set a Strategy 

Proper hotel resort reputation management requires a thoughtfully considered strategy. Multiple ingredients are present in a holistic approach, and each needs to be carefully executed so as to be complementary to the whole. 

Take the necessary time to decide which tactics to implement and how to do so in a thorough manner. Create goals and establish milestones within those goals in order to track progress. Utilize your team and set assignments that play to individuals’ strengths – leveraging talent in the right way will yield tremendous results. 

2. Know Yourself 

A large portion of success comes from being self-aware. Though it’s not always easy to be critical when self-reflecting, you must identify your areas of weakness and address them accordingly. Also, be sure not to operate in a silo – seek the help of others who excel where you may fall short. 

Pinpointing and actively working on improving weak points is vitally important to bolstering your hospitality reputation management. 

3. Celebrate and Value Your Strengths 

In the same vein, it is also significant to recognize your strengths and appropriately celebrate those areas in which you thrive. Be sure to reinforce your strengths and keep them at the forefront of your operations – you want the general public to readily recognize what you do best. 

Guests leave feedback on their stay at the hotel.

4. Survey Your Guests and Leverage the Feedback

Customer insights are fundamentally crucial to gaining valuable knowledge of how your hotel is perceived by the public. Surveying your guests offers the insight necessary to fix any common areas of concern, solidify customer satisfaction, and plan for the future. 

With that said, it can be a challenge to entice customers to take action and complete your survey. Consider attaching a benefit to doing so – such as a percentage off their next stay, a complimentary meal, or something in a similar vein. 

5. Respond to Online Reviews

Online reviews are undeniably influential in customers’ purchasing decisions. In fact, 97% of consumers consider customer reviews before finalizing a purchase. As such, engaging with customer reviews and responding in a timely manner needs to be a top priority. 

Doing so accomplishes several key objectives. First, it exemplifies the fact that you care about your customers and value their feedback. Second, a prompt response indicates that you operate an efficient and organized institution and allocate the necessary resources to customer satisfaction. Finally, it presents an opportunity to elevate yourself above your competitors – potential guests will surely be considering several hotel options, and exhibiting exemplary customer service is a great method of standing out from your competitors. 

6. Be Empathetic and Open to Criticism 

This may be easier said than done, but it is nonetheless vital that you remain receptive to negative feedback. Every single business – no matter the industry – contains certain areas that should be honed and improved; and, frankly, your hotel is no different. 

How you respond to criticism says quite a bit about your hotel and its core values. Always be respectful (whether or not you consider the criticism to be valid) and engage in reasonable measures to fix the issue. Ideally, this will not only pacify the disgruntled customer but will also indicate to other potential guests that you believe in making their stay as agreeable as possible. 

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

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7. Leverage Storytelling 

Proper storytelling is a vital aspect of both reputation management and your overall marketing efforts. When done correctly, storytelling informs customers of who you are, what you stand for, and what your mission is. In other words, it is the process of bringing your brand to life. Leverage your storytelling to further entice customers to visit your hotel and, thereby, foster customer loyalty

For more information on the power of storytelling in the hotel industry, be sure to dive into this incredible piece that examines the benefits of telling your hotel’s story

8. Invest in Digital Marketing 

Due to the popularity of social media platforms, it should come as no surprise that 70% of Americans are active on at least one form of social media (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) Therefore, it is imperative that you put forth an appreciable degree of effort into advertising on these social media platforms. Indeed, it will keep your hotel relevant, boost customer interaction, result in new leads, and positively influence your hotel’s reputation.

To learn more about how digital marketing can help you, read our guide dedicated to SEO Reputation Management.

9. Develop Your Brand 

First, let’s clearly identify exactly what a brand is. As is precisely stated by Market Business News, a brand can be defined as the following: 

“A brand is the image and personality of a product or service that a business provides. A product’s features, such as logos or slogans, make it unique and different.” 

To succeed in the crowded hotel market, you must develop and maintain a distinctive brand. Your brand creates awareness, engenders customer loyalty, and carves out a niche in the broader marketplace. 

For further insights into branding, and the management thereof, check out our remarkably helpful brand reputation management guide.

10. Deploy Hotel Reputation Management Software 

Properly managing the reputation of your hotel is an involved process that demands considerable attention and resources. Thankfully, the process of doing so can be significantly aided by particular software. 

These programs will actively scan the web to identify reviews – both positive and negative – of your hotel, allowing you to expeditiously respond. This can save you an ample amount of time (continuously and manually scanning the myriad review sites for mentions of your hotel is simply unreasonable), thereby permitting you the opportunity to commit your attention to other pressing matters. 

Hotel Owner using software to manage his hotel's reputation.

How to Choose the Right Hotel Reputation Management Software 

Incorporating this beneficial tool into your hotel reputation management strategy is a no-brainer. There are, however, numerous options to choose from and you may be contemplating the right one to choose. 

In order to take some of the guesswork out of your purchase, let’s examine the capabilities that should be present in the software. The best hotel management software utilities include the following –

  1. Necessary documentation to solicit online reviews 
  2. The ability to scan review sites to collect customer reviews for examination
  3. Effective management platforms to provide data on online reviews 
  4. Continuous monitoring of the web to instantaneously notify you of mentions of your hotel 

The above checklist should serve as your guide when weighing different hotel resort reputation management software options. With that said, let’s make things even simpler by providing you with a list of some of the options available.

3 of the Best Hotel Reputation Management Software Choices

1. TrustYou

TrustYou provides vital insights into customer experience by thoroughly evaluating customer reviews. The resulting knowledge allows you to address areas of concern and rectify any customer complaints. Doing so will result in customer appreciation, thereby increasing your hotel’s reputation. 

2. Revinate

Featuring an easy-to-navigate operation, Revinate is perfect for those who don’t consider themselves tech-savvy. This is not to say that it doesn’t offer fantastic utility; in fact, Revinate is a fully realized management software tool. Combining customer surveys, analytics, automated marketing, and reputation management, Revinate will allow you to better understand your clientele, thus driving increased growth. 

3. GuestRevue

GuestRevue is heavily focused on the learning process – what your guests are saying about your hotel and how to respond accordingly. To achieve this, GuestRevue includes instant notifications of any online mentions, integration with TripAdvisor and Google, and data reports – not only of your property but those of your competitors as well. 

All of the above are viable options to consider when shopping for hotel reputation management software. Do yourself a favor and invest sooner rather than later – it will save you time, effort, and money! 

Team of experts that are working in a hotel reputation management company.

Hiring a Hotel Reputation Management Company 

In conjunction with software, it is highly recommended you hire a professional company to manage your hotel’s reputation. As a hotelier, you no doubt have enough on your plate. Therefore, it is absolutely worth your while to outsource the management of your hotel’s reputation to a team of experts. A hotel reputation management company will surely make your life easier and allow you to focus intently on other pressing matters. 

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Hotel Reputation Management: You Can’t Afford Not To! 

Succeeding in the hotel business requires a herculean effort. With enormous competition, you absolutely must take advantage of every resource available to stake your claim as a hotelier. As such, managing your hotel’s reputation is paramount and you would do well to invest in software and professional help to meet your goals. Reach out to the team at Mediaboom today for even more valuable insights!

Real Estate Digital Marketing Agency – 10 Reasons to Hire One

Hiring a real estate digital marketing agency is vital to the growth of your business. With ninety-seven percent of real estate searches occurring online, prospective buyers depend on digital platforms to research properties and connect with agents. If you aren’t well-represented online, you’re missing countless sales opportunities.

A real estate digital marketing agency has the expertise and industry knowledge to grow your business exponentially. Digital strategies such as SEO, keyword research, paid advertising, email marketing, content marketing, and website development help to improve online visibility, lead generation, and real estate sales. These agencies can achieve higher results more quickly and at a lower cost than antiquated marketing techniques or trying to digitize your marketing on your own.

Real estate professionals compete in a saturated and growing market. As of July 2022, the National Association of Realtors reported over 1.5 million members.

A digital marketing strategy is paramount to standing out among the competition.

Read on to learn the ten benefits of hiring a digital marketing agency for your real estate firm.

What is a Real Estate Digital Marketing Agency?

A real estate digital marketing agency is an outsourced partner specializing in growing website traffic, extending brand reach, enhancing social media presence, and generating leads and sales for real estate agents and brokers.

Whether your marketing focus is on commercial real estate, real estate development, investing, or residential, you will benefit from the services and expertise of a digital marketing agency.

Depending on your business’s needs and goals will determine the type of real estate digital marketing agency you’ll want to hire. Let’s explore the different levels of agencies.


A full-service digital marketing agency acts as your outsourced Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) and offers a full menu of digital marketing services, including:

This type of agency is well-suited for small to mid-sized businesses with no internal marketing team. Or can be beneficial to reduce the burden of marketing managers in larger organizations.

Niche Agencies

These agencies specialize in one area of digital marketing and offer that service exclusively. For example, an SEO agency would focus on search engine optimization, helping your website get top organic rankings on search engines.

A PPC (pay-per-click) agency would be focused solely on running your paid advertising strategy across various platforms such as Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.

Lastly, you may benefit from digital marketing consultation. These agencies guide real estate firms to drive the development and implementation of a marketing plan themselves.

The Role of Digital Marketing in Real Estate

The real estate industry experiences volatile market trends. Agents must watch the economy, rising interest rates, declining gross domestic product (GDP), and more that can affect their business.

Agents who stick to a consistent marketing plan and follow up with prospects can thrive in any market, up or down, good or bad.

Digital marketing is the key to success for every industry and is especially true for real estate. Outdated, inconsistent marketing strategies won’t cut it.

Our mobile-first society has transformed the behaviors and expectations of consumers surrounding real estate properties.

Where billboards and direct mail may have worked in the past, the modern real estate client now does all their leg work using online web searches. With just a few clicks, you can learn about any property or broker before establishing a relationship with someone.

Of course, people won’t make a final buying decision without seeing a property in person.

However, the results garnered from digital marketing are transformative.

Real estate digital marketing goes beyond just posting your listings on every possible platform hoping to attract customers. You need to identify your target audience and the most effective channels to engage with them and collect analytical insights that guide future strategy.

A real estate digital marketing agency is vital to executing the strategies and campaigns that attract and convert potential buyers. These include:

Reasons to Hire a Real Estate Digital Marketing Agency

Here are ten reasons you need to hire the experts and how their services benefit your business growth.

1. Leverage Their Knowledge and Expertise

Running a successful digital marketing campaign that gets results is difficult. You may not know the right marketing strategies to utilize where you lack the time and skills, but a digital marketing agency specializing in real estate knows what to do.

When you leverage their knowledge and expertise, you can focus on your clients and the leads coming in.

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2. Connect With Your Digital Audience

Real estate digital marketing agencies understand the unique challenges agents face, who their ideal audience is, and where to reach them. They develop and execute digital campaigns that improve the connection with your audience, increase online visibility, and generate qualified leads.

Mediaboom has increased the visibility of its client who has a real estate business.

3. Increase Your Online Visibility

An agency uses its knowledge of top-performing keywords and SEO to position your real estate business at the top of searches, to deliver the right message at the right stage of the sales funnel for a higher-quality lead.

With this strategy, you will reduce trial and error, resulting in an increased ROI and a lower lead acquisition cost.

4. Improve the Connection With Your Customers

The use of digital channels helps real estate agents expand their reach and communicate with potential buyers and sellers all over the world.

Digitizing your communication through virtual tours and videos is a more effective method of reaching your audience. Recent studies show that 86% of homebuyers prefer video to research a community. For your listings, you can offer 3D virtual tours that your leads can access from mobile, tablet, or desktop.

Social media, email marketing, and blogging allow you to have regular contact with your customers and keep them engaged. You can post about the properties you have for sale, share tips and advice on buying and selling property, and more.

Automated responses, chatbots, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data allow for personalization and enhance customer experiences while reducing workload.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

5. Get Qualified Leads

According to The National Association of Realtors, eighty-seven percent of buyers use a real estate agent. A Zillow study shows more than twenty-six percent finding their agent online.

Digital marketing strategists strengthen your lead generation, improving your sales funnel from the awareness stage to purchasing.

Companies that excel at lead generation and nurturing generate 50% more sales-ready leads at a lower cost.

6. Branding

Authority and trust are crucial aspects of real estate. Your digital marketing efforts need to be personal and recognizable. Clear and comprehensive branding establishes your credibility.

An experienced real estate digital marketing agency can review your brand and craft the perfect brand messaging strategy to effectively communicate who your brand is, establish your goals, and position your brand to stand out against competitors.

7. Online Reputation Management

The mainstay of building a respected and trusted brand is online reputation management (ORM). Online reputation management is vital in establishing your online presence.

Manage your digital footprint with SEO, review monitoring, and social media to improve your credibility, establish authority and trust, and attract new clients.

8. Cost-effective

Investing in an agency partner is a commitment. However, it is a boon to the growth of your business. Rather than spinning your wheels, working with experts in the industry will reduce your overhead costs, increase opportunities, and lower acquisition costs.

9. Benefits from digital marketing tools

Agencies have access to digital marketing tools for SEO, keyword research, email marketing, competitor analysis, web development, and more.

These tools provide insights into your marketing but they usually have a monthly or annual fee. You’ll need more than one in your repertoire to run a comprehensive marketing strategy, and someone to analyze the data. Working with an agency gives you the benefits of the insights from these tools without the added work or expense.

10. You Can Focus on Your Business

Agency experts develop, execute, and make all the minor and major adjustments to your marketing plan to get you the best return. They spend hours analyzing data, writing copy, creating video content, and more to get optimal results for your business.

They take this off your plate so you can focus on what you do best–building and maintaining client relationships, and closing sales.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Reach Your Goals by Hiring a Real Estate Digital Marketing Agency

If you’re still unsure about hiring a digital marketing agency, ask yourself if you struggle with any of the following:

  • Getting started in online marketing
  • Growing your business quickly
  • Time or staff to handle marketing internally
  • Stagnant growth or sales

Yes? Then it is time to partner with a real estate digital marketing team to help you reach your goals to grow. Consider a leading marketing agency like Mediaboom!

Why Do You Need a PPC Ads Agency to Grow Your Business?

Discover all the benefits of hiring a pay-per-click or PPC ads agency that will ensure your company’s PPC campaigns run smoothly!

A pay-per-click or PPC ads agency ensures your company’s PPC campaigns run smoothly. With PPC spending on the rise for the average marketer, perhaps you should hire such an agency. What are the benefits?

Working with a PPC ads agency is advantageous for the following reasons:

  • Saves you time
  • Ensures high-quality copywriting, ad design, and more
  • Access to targeted keywords your audience cares about
  • Can increase ROI
  • Detailed, precision reporting

This guide to PPC ad agencies will tell you everything you need to know. First, we’ll explain the services that an agency offers, including the various types of PPC ads. Then we’ll expound further on the above benefits and even tell you how to find the right PPC agency.

Let’s begin! 

PPC Agency at work in order to create a successful ad campaign

What Is PPC in Digital Marketing and How Does It Work?

As we touched on in the intro, PPC is short for pay-per-click. This is one advertising model on the Internet of many that are designed to direct traffic to a company’s website. 

Your company is the advertiser and the PPC ads agency, a website owner, or a search engine would be the publisher. In other words, you’re advertising your services but paying a third party to publish the advertisement.

When an Internet user finds your ad, they will likely click on it. They’re then redirected, usually to your website, but possibly also to a special landing page or even a social media page. 

Each time an Internet user clicks your ad, the advertiser (you) pays a fee to the publisher. You’re essentially paying for website traffic. 

Using PPC ads can be the only way you generate traffic to your website or used to augment organic visits. 

How much are you paying when a user clicks a PPC ad? This is where a PPC ads agency can help, as they can keep costs down. 

An efficient PPC advertising campaign is not going to be costly for a company like yours to pay for. 

Even if you’re paying for several dollars per click, if that click causes a lead to spend several hundred dollars and then convert into a customer who can spend hundreds or thousands more over time, then the money spent was worthwhile.

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Is Working with a PPC Ads Agency Worth It?

Now that you’re clearer on PPC advertising, your company may be eager to get started. Admittedly, you have no experience in PPC ads, but you want your next ad campaign to be a success.

Is hiring a PPC ads agency worth your while? Absolutely! 

Per the intro, here are the benefits of working with a professional ad agency.

Saves You Time

Your company has a marketing and sales department, but that’s not what your business deals in. You make products. 

The time you put into advertising takes away what could be spent on research and development, bug fixes, customer service, and product brainstorming.

When you hire a PPC ads agency, you can win back more of that time. You’ll have the bandwidth to further your company’s objectives while ensuring your ad campaigns excel with professional assistance.  

Guarantees High-Quality Copywriting and Design

Even if you place an ad in front of the perfect target audience, if the ad is riddled with grammar or spelling mistakes or looks ugly, no one is going to want to click it. They’ll be dubious about where they’d be redirected if they were to click.

The staff at a PPC ads agency are trained professionals. They have extensive experience writing clean, concise copy. They know how to produce titles that grab attention and meta descriptions that fit within the character requirements.

They can design a simple but appealing display ad or a shopping ad that shows your products in a positive light and induces curiosity.

Provides Access to Targeted Keywords

Have you ever gotten in a bidding war over a keyword thinking it’s good but not being 100 percent sure? That’s no way to spend your advertising dollars!

A PPC ads agency can guide you in the direction of which keywords will grab your audience’s attention. The agency will do extensive research into the popularity and competition of certain keywords and then recommend them to you.

They can also help you when it comes to bidding on keywords so you don’t overbid and put your company in a financial hole. 

Can Boost ROI

If your PPC ad campaigns have failed in the past, that should change with the professional bolstering of a PPC ads agency. For the dollars you spend when an Internet user clicks on your ad, you could make back twice, thrice, or more for each click. 

Offers Detailed, Precision Reporting on Metrics That Matter

How successful was your PPC ad campaign? No longer will you have to worry. The agency you hire will produce rich, detailed reports that highlight the metrics your company cares the most about. 

Businessman who is choosing the Right PPC Agency for his Business

How to Choose the Right PPC Agency for Your Business

How do you springboard your PPC goals? You need the right PPC agency. The following pointers will help you hire a winner.

Be Clear on Your Goals

You can’t fairly ask a PPC agency to achieve a goal for you if you don’t yet know what that goal is yourself. Spend some time with your company’s decision-makers to determine what you hope to achieve with a PPC ad campaign.

If you have multiple goals such as more sales and conversions, then so be it. You need to be crystal clear on those goals, though. 

Ask for Campaign Case Studies or Examples

A PPC ad agency with a track record of success should easily be able to cherry-pick examples and even case studies of their greatest campaigns. 

You can review the campaign details and the outcomes to determine if this agency could be a viable partner. 

Discuss Their Process

Talk hypotheticals with the PPC ad agency as well. Say that you’re trying to complete X objective and then ask them how they would go about doing that. 

This is your chance to pepper in important questions such as which tools the agency uses and whether you’ll be able to see your campaign’s metrics in real-time. 

target ad campaign include: amazon ads, gmail sponsored ads, paid social ads, shopping ads and video ads

The Different Types of PPC Ads and Which Type Your Business Should Run

Not all PPC ads are the same. You have your pick among eight recognized types. 

With a PPC ads agency at the helm, you can select the right kind of ad for your business. This section will also point you in the right direction.

Amazon Ads

According to Amazon re-pricer software Seller Snap, as of 2022, over 2.7 billion people have visited Amazon on mobile and desktop devices. It’s projected that about 200 million people go on the site every day.

If your company sells its products on Amazon, then Amazon ads are a viable type of PPC ad to explore. 

You can select from three types of Amazon ads. The first is a product display ad, which displays images of your company’s products. 

A headline search ad floats to the top of the Amazon website. When an Amazon user searches for a keyword that you purchased as part of your PPC campaign, your products appear first.

You can also select a sponsored product ad, which is where your ad appears when a user searches for a related product that matches your keyword. 

Gmail Sponsored Ads

In 2020, Gmail was a vehicle for sending and receiving 306.4 billion emails per day says tech resource Techjury

With over a billion users today and counting, Gmail-sponsored ads can help your company reach a brand-new audience with the assistance of a PPC ad agency.

You can make a Gmail-sponsored ad using the Google Ads platform. Your advertisement appears like an email in a user’s Gmail inbox, at least until the Internet user clicks. Then they see the advertisement in full.

Using Google Ads, you can track specific metrics that are limited to Gmail. For example, when a Gmail user forwards an email with your advertisement in it, you can review that data in the Gmail forwards column.

You can also track those who save the ad using Gmail saves. 

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Paid Social Ads

Business resource Oberlo projects that nearly four billion people will use social media by 2022. 

From TikTok to Quora, Snapchat, and the heavy-hitters like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, each social media platform has its own respective PPC ad platform.

Navigating the paid social ads jungle is easier with a PPC ads agency on your side. Since a paid social media ad only applies to one social media platform at a time, you need to select the one with your largest target demographic, at least to start.

Then, as your advertising budget grows, you can expand your PPC advertising on social media. 

One of the biggest advantages of paid social ads is that you can be as exclusionary as you wish, targeting only the demo you’re after. 

Shopping Ads

The next type of PPC ad your company might consider is the shopping ad. 

For companies that sell a lot of visually appealing products, a shopping ad is a fantastic way to get your product in front of the eyes of potential customers. 

Included also with the image is a short product description as well as a title and pricing information. This way, the person seeing the ad has all the information they need to make a purchasing decision (or not make one).

Agency members improving their PPC ads strategy with video content

Video Ads

In the 2020s, video reigns supreme. Video marketing resource Wyzowl reports that up to 88 percent of businesses rely on video as a marketing tool. Now your company can too with a PPC ads agency in tow.

A video ad doesn’t have to feature members of your company but may showcase the beauty and functionality of your products. It’s up to you, but you don’t have long to make an impression with your video, so now is not the time to go off-the-cuff.

PPC video ads should focus on storytelling more than selling. You can also use the video ad to establish or solidify your brand personality. 

Remarketing Ads

Most online shoppers have experience with remarketing ads, the next type of PPC ad you should consider.

When a website user toys around with buying your product but then decides not to, a remarketing ad is a second chance for them to change their mind. 

With a PPC ads agency, you can target parties like those who spend X amount of time on your website or cart abandoners.

Remarketing ads are also useful for capturing the interest of newsletter subscribers who have yet to make a first purchase, one-time shoppers who haven’t bought again, or previous customers. 

Display Ads

One of the most common types of PPC ads is the display ad. 

A display ad appears when an Internet user has shown in some way that your product interests them, such as searching for a similar product or coming across your company website or social media profiles.

Display ads do not boost conversions by a huge degree, especially when pitted against the next type of PPC ad we’re going to talk about, which is the search ad. 

The low cost of display ads makes them an appealing option for companies just starting with PPC advertising or for those on a tight advertising budget.

Further, display ads are a great means of strengthening a brand, which is another reason they’re small business-friendly.

Making a display ad is rather simple. You can rely on the PPC ads agency you hired or use the Google Display Network or GDN. If you’re already using Google Ads, then making a display ad through GDN is very convenient. 

Businessman improving his search ads using Google Ads

Search Ads

Last but anything but least is the search ad. The most common PPC ad by far, search ads are prevalent across Internet search engines, especially Google.

You can create a search ad using Google Ads just as you can a display ad. As the advertiser, you’d choose the keywords that would qualify your search ad to appear. You must bid for keywords as well as the order of ad appearance. 

The bidding at the auction mandates your PPC search ad price. Quality keywords are more expensive than common ones, for instance. 

When scrolling through organic search results, a PPC search ad may be above the organic search result or below it. They can also appear above and below. 

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A PPC ads agency can use search ads, display ads, social media ads, Google ads, and more to drive website traffic for your company, increase brand awareness, convert more leads into customers, and boost your sales. 

If you’re looking for the right PPC agency, consider Mediaboom. With our expertise, we’ll work closely with you to initiate a PPC campaign that will achieve your goals!