B2B lead generation agency

B2B Lead Generation Agency – Gain Results to your Business

By: Frank DePino | October 1, 2020

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A business cannot survive off of word of mouth and referrals alone. Whether they be paid or organic, a business needs additional leads to keep growing its customer base. Many businesses don’t know where to look for these additional paid leads. This is where a quality B2B lead generation agency can help your grow your business. They will find the leads that will help you grow your business and implement the strategy to engage them as well. 

Here is an overview of the ways a B2B lead generation agency can help you build your business.

  1. Identify Your Target Market/Customer
  2. Clearly define your brand for potential customers
  3. Use digital/social media as a generation tool
  4. Use content creation as a way to generate additional leads
  5. Utilize paid ads to target additional leads
  6. Use email marketing in lead generation
  7. Create and utilize opt-in offers

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Why Use A B2B Lead Generation Agency To Prospect New Leads?

Business owners are savvy people. 

They know how to develop a concept or create a product from the bottom up. However, business owners are not marketers. They might not always know where to look for additional leads nor or know how to qualify them. 

Hiring a B2B lead generation agency is a financial benefit to your business. 

They can find your leads and qualify them. They know where to look and what techniques to use. Using a lead generation firm lets a business owner do what they are good at—running their business.

Identify Your Target Market/Customer

Before you pay a marketer to start creating content and campaigns, the first thing you need to do is know who you need to reach out to. 

If you have not identified your target market that is the first thing that needs to happen.

While we all believe that our product is wonderful, not everyone needs what we are selling. You will generate sales when you are targeting the right groups.

If you have not already, use these steps to identify your target sales market:

  • Study your current customer base. New customers will look a lot like your current ones.
  • Check out what the competition is doing and who they are targeting. You can choose to target the same group or you can choose to go after a group they may neglect or a subsection they are overlooking.
  • Study your products and outline the benefits they offer. Think about who would benefit from those services. Then tailor your marketing services to that group.
  • Consider demographics when you target. If your product is best suited to women over 50 don’t waste your money trying to reach men under 35.
  • Use psychographics as well when creating your ideal target customer. This category includes things like attitudes, values, lifestyles, etc.
  • Review your decision and compare your target to your product. Ask critical questions to make sure you truly believe this is your target before diving into a lead generation campaign.
The B2B company owner has found her ideal target audience

Clearly Define Your Brand For Potential Customers

Using a B2B lead generation agency allows you to check all parts of your marketing plan. 

An agency will review everything and make sure it works before you launch it. They also review what you currently have and make sure that it sends the right brand message. An agency will review everything from your logo to your website, social media and more. You want every detail to make sense. 

You also want to make sure your brand messaging aligns with the core customer that you target.

Not everyone realizes the valuable resource that their company website is. It can also play a huge role in your lead generation efforts. 

Your website should serve as a central hub for all information about ways to contact your company. It should also have email signup forms and contact forms/sheets on almost every page. Make it as easy as possible for someone to get in contact with you about a business opportunity.

Use Digital/Social Media As A Generation Tool

Digital media is a way to reach more people than possible through traditional television, radio, or print media. 

On Facebook alone, there are 221 million people in the US with an account. Out of those with an account, 74% are active each day. Statistics will be similar to other social media platforms. As a point of reference, in the B2B world, the social network that generates the most leads is LinkedIn. This proves the point that you have to know your customer and understand where to find them. 

Having a social presence on the networks that your target customers use the most is no longer an option. 

Businesses need to meet people where they are. That place for many is social media.

Being on these platforms will allow you to create posts, generate feedback, and connect to your customers with ease. Social platforms like Buffer or Hootsuite let you put all of your social tools in one place for ease of content creation and responding to guests.

Having a brand presence online also helps build trust in your brand. Even though overall consumer trust in social media companies is falling, brands using social media aren’t being impacted in the same way. 

Customers are less likely to trust a brand with no social footprint. 

Not every company will need every social media network. Most networks appeal to different age groups. But these networks draw some of the greatest numbers of daily users. 

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Pinterest
  • Twitter
  • Snapchat
  • TikTok
  • WhatsApp
Mediaboom shows how to use content creation to attract potential customers

Use Content Creation As A Way To Attract Potential Leads

To win new customers, you have to position yourself as an authority in your field. 

If you are trying to get new clients, you have to show how much you know and what you can do. Use content creation as a way to do that for you. A favorite method to showcase a company’s knowledge and authority is creating a whitepaper.

Whitepapers mean different things to different industries. In marketing, these documents are used to showcase your knowledge. They are primarily written on a topic that would be of interest to those being targeted as a lead. Once the paper is finished, it is then published and promoted to those leads. These papers are great ways for a brand to establish itself as an authority on the subject. 

Sometimes these papers also offer free tools and resources to the reader which also helps draw the lead to your company.

One thing to keep in mind is that content creation is about more than just words. Content is anything from videos to pictures, to blog posts. Whatever mediums you decide to use, use them to the fullest to bring in more business. Here are some additional ways you can use content creation in B2B lead generation.

  • Optimize your website for SEO. This will attract more traffic to your site, and hopefully, to all your content as a whole.
  • If video is an applicable format for your business, shoot educational videos about subjects important to your business, and share them on YouTube.
  • Make sure any photo content has optimized alt-text.
  • Write SEO optimized blog posts and that can convert at a high rate.
  • Before you start creating and posting any content, develop a mapped out plan.
  • Use your social channels to amplify your content.

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Utilize Paid Ads To Target Your Ideal Customers

Social media and SEO optimized content will bring you a decent amount of leads. But don’t forget to harness the power of paid ads shown on digital platforms. The power of Facebook is well documented. With 166 million people actively using the platform each day in the US, that is a lot of potential eyes to draw to your business.

Google also offers businesses a wide reach with digital ads. It is the most used search platform, performing 63,000 searches per second. Yes, that is per second. Even though ads are targeted and won’t go before everyone using Google, even a fraction of that is a large platform. Ads on Google are very budget friendly and will give a company a lot of bang for their buck.

Many digital ads don’t take visitors directly to your website. They take visitors to a landing page. A landing page will give visitors a brief blurb about you or why they are there. They will then have the chance to sign up for offers and how to connect with you on social media. These work well because sending people to your home page doesn’t always generate the results you need. A landing page can deliver those results.

Utilize digital media

Digital media offers businesses a much larger return on investment (ROI). 

That ROI can be seen much quicker as well. You can see how many people clicked on your ad, at what time, and from what digital platform. This can help you determine what style of ad works the best and what platform gives you the best results.

That can help you decide what type of ad to run and what platform to use in the future.  

The great thing about digital media is that you can see results in as close to real time as possible. There are multiple tracking tools out there that let you see exactly where your results are coming from and what desired actions they are taking. Those tools are called heat maps and goal trackers. These maps and trackers don’t just monitor results from your digital ads or places like Google or Facebook. They can track results to your webpage as well. This can be set up via Google Analytics.

There are tools for both heat mapping and goal tracking available through their data. 

Google will break down where you are getting results from so you know how to better target in the future. 

Copywriter is preparing lead magnet to get more leads for his B2B business

Using Email Marketing To Generate Leads

Email marketing is the digital marketing tool that time and again delivers the best results. 

While social media and digital ads are effective, none of them produce results like email marketing campaigns. The click rate on Facebook and Instagram hovers in the 2% range. The open rate on a marketing email is 17.8%

One way to use email in your lead generation is to use a welcome email when someone joins your email list. Several email automation tools on the market can set that up to happen automatically. Pop up ads and windows can ask website visitors for this information when they arrive at your site, before they leave your site, and as they navigate around your site.

Here are some other methods a B2B lead generation agency can use email marketing to generate business and leads:

  • Create a drip campaign to nurture leads
  • Segment your list so the right emails go to the right people
  • Develop a tool to share and promote your content and social media channels
  • Send invitations to events
  • Create a referral program and generate additional business and leads

Just a note of caution – as much as figures would indicate it is wise to grow your email list, don’t add people at random or without their permission. This can cause your email list to be flagged as spam. Also, most reputable email client providers will not allow you to do this. 

Using Opt-In Offers

Sometimes there will be a lead that just isn’t ready to commit yet. 

If you push too hard, you could lose this lead for good. Sometimes when a person says they need more time to think, they are being honest and not trying to blow off a salesperson. In those instances, you need some collateral to help you continue the selling process. This can happen if you meet someone at a tradeshow or they contact you because of a prospecting email you sent. 

This is a great time to use offers that will bring them back at a later point. This type of offer is called an opt-in offer. 

For the potential customer to get said offer, they have to give you some of their information. The offer can be anything that will entice them to continue the conversation. It can be a discount to use at a later date, downloading a whitepaper, or signing up for a newsletter. Regardless, these are great ways to continue the conversation without fully walking the sale. 

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Final thoughts

As much as we hope organic traffic will sustain our companies, that is not the case. 

A business needs fresh leads to keep its sales thriving. Using a B2B lead generation agency will get a company the leads they need to add new clients to their business. A full-service B2B lead generation agency will make sure the company is well-branded and they will develop a plan to find new leads and cultivate them as well.

Contact now Mediaboom to boost your B2B lead generation.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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