B2B sales leads

B2B Sales Leads – 16 Ways to Elevate Your Lead Generation

By: Frank DePino | February 27, 2023

The way in which companies are approaching B2B sales leads has evolved quite dramatically over the past decade, especially with the ever-evolving digital era. So, how would a modern company go about attracting new leads?

A successful B2B lead generation method requires a combination of internal and external strategies geared towards generating interest in specific products and services. While there are many types of B2B sales leads that require unique approaches and strategies, the overarching goal is to convert them into potential customers.

If you want to attract the right leads for your B2B company, continue reading to gain more insight into how you can find quality leads to convert into prospects.

What are Sales Leads?

A sales lead is any company or individual that has the potential to become a customer. Figuring out which leads have potential begins with the first step of the lead generation process —  identifying your ideal customer profile and buyer persona.

Why Leads are Important for a Business?

Without leads, maximizing revenue and growth can be a major challenge. Successful lead generation can build trust, credibility, visibility, and interest from those who may turn into potential customers.

The marketing experts are studying 8 internal ways to get some b2b sales lead generation.

B2B Sales Lead Generation – 8 Internal Ways to Get Them

1. Qualify your Sales and Marketing Team

As we said before, there are different types of leads, which are defined by how they are qualified.

For starters, you have marketing qualified leads, which are those who have engaged with the efforts of your marketing team, though not quite in the sales call life cycle. For example, someone who filled out a landing page to receive an offer would be a marketing-qualified lead.

Second, you have sales-qualified leads, who are those who have expressed their interest in becoming customers. For example, a lead that has filled out a question form on your website regarding your products or services would be a sales-qualified lead.

Make sure your sales and marketing teams are set up to distinguish and capture these leads.

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2. Create a Stunning Website

Your B2B sales leads will only ever be as good as the website that produces them. The good thing is that designing a lead-capturing landing page does not have to be a time-consuming or overwhelming process.

You can start by looking at a few examples of the top lead-converting websites to see what is working for them and to get a better idea of how you can implement those elements in your website.

3. Write High-Quality SEO Blog Posts

A good blog post can help with search engine optimization, which, in turn, can help with capturing leads who are looking for your products or services. If your website isn’t on the first page of Google, the chance that consumers will discover your website organically is very slim.

Invest in SEO writing, B2B content marketing and increase traffic flow to your website.

4. Implement Calls to Action

A call to action or CTA is a direction or statement created to motivate engagement from the person reading it.

CTAs are crucial for generating B2B leads, so you want to make sure that they’re placed high up on your website. We highly recommend placing CTAs in blog posts, as they can exist pretty much anywhere in the form of submission forms, social sharing buttons, and more.

5. Improve your Customer Care Services

Optimizing your customer care services is a great way to improve your lead generation. Some ideas include:

  • Using live chat on your landing pages
  • Building a knowledge base for faster query solutions
  • Investing in a chatbot

Customers are done with the sales pitch era and are looking for brands and companies that value their needs.

Content marketing experts are creating useful resources to give after email submitting.

6. Create Useful Resources to Give After Email Submitting

If you have a good idea of the pain points your target audience is dealing with, then coming up with a valuable or irresistible resource for them to have once they submit their contact information is a great way to generate traction.

No one wants to provide information for an opt-in form if they are getting anything out of it, so providing actionable tips, exclusive offers, and answers to burning questions is a prime way to generate leads.

Find out more about creating successful lead magnets.

7. Start your Marketing Automation

Getting the most out of your B2B lead generation means revving up your marketing automation strategies.

We recommend starting by creating an automated email sequence with specific triggers built in, ensuring they’re sending the proper emails to the proper subscribers when necessary. A potential trigger could be one of the following:

  • Customer signs up for an email list
  • Customer purchases one of your products
  • Customer subscribes to a services
  • Customer registers for a webinar

Marketing automation has proven effective time and time again, especially with primarily eCommerce businesses, and can also reduce your marketing overload by 12.2%.

Check out our 15 tips for getting started with email marketing.

8. Build a B2B Sales Funnel

Having a B2B sales marketing funnel is essentially having a guide that provides you with insights into your customer’s desires while highlighting factions you must take at every point in their purchasing journey.

If you don’t already have a B2B sales funnel, you are falling behind. Around 87% the marketers utilize content that parallels particular points in the customer journey.

The marketing experts are studying 8 external ways to get some b2b sales lead generation.

B2B Sales Leads Generation – 8 External Ways To Get Them

1. Facebook Ads

Facebook is one of the few social media platforms that offer lead-generation ads, allowing you to collect customer information. It is important to send your Facebook visitors to specific landing pages to retrieve their email information. We highly recommend offering potential customers newsletter sign-ups from your Facebook business page as well.

2. Google Ads

As a successful B2B lead generation agency, one of the best ways we always recommend to increase website traffic is Google Ads. While capturing leads with paid advertisements is a pretty straightforward process, it’s important to make sure that you consider the search volume and user intent for each keyboard you pay to put ads behind.

3. TikTok Ads

TikTok has definitely established itself as the trend-setting social media platform over the past few years, then there are plenty of great ways to generate B2B leads while using it.

In January 2022, TikTok introduced a new lead generation tool with CRM integration, enabling seamless lead management to help businesses expand their customer base.

4. Taboola

Taboola is the largest discovery platform in the world, thanks to exclusive partnerships with some of the top publishers on Earth. With a Taboola account, you can share your company with a massive audience to increase brand awareness, create meaningful engagements, and hit higher marketing objectives.

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5. Influencer Marketing

More than 86% of B2B companies use influencer marketing successfully, and many brands are beginning to integrate it into their long-term lead-generation strategies.

When trying to look for “influencers” to represent your brand, consider expertise, relevance, and credibility over the sheer number of followers they have. Look for niche experts, internal executives, industry analysts and experts, and customers.

6. Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing methods offer a wide variety of ways to reach consumers, and though they might not be as glamorous as getting leads with digital marketing strategies, they are still very effective. Promoting products and services through traditional media, such as television commercials, radio advertisements, and print ads, can be helpful when trying to reach particular audiences.

The marketing department is developing a new affiliate platform to get help from worldwide marketers to sell their products.

7. Build Partnerships to Increase your Authority

Collaborating with partners or influencers in your industry is a great way to increase your brand’s credibility, reliability, and trust.

Beyond working with influencers, you may consider writing guest posts on reputable Publications that are relevant to your industry to increase your authority. As a bonus, doing so can provide you with better search engine results, more backlinks, and increased traffic.

8. Create Affiliate Links and Get Help from Marketers

According to the team at Statista, brands investing in affiliate marketing rose to $8.2 billion in the United States in 2022.

The beauty of affiliate marketing is that it is low-cost, low-risk, and very easy to scale. If you have an affiliate that speaks highly of your brand online, and that affiliate has a trusting audience of eager buyers, then every time someone purchases your product or service, that affiliate gets a cut.

It’s a win-win for everyone.

A marketer is analyzing all the KPIs to track in B2B lead generation

KPI Not To Miss in Your B2B Lead Generation Strategy

There are several KPIs you might consider tracking when analyzing your lead generation strategy, though there are a few extremely important ones to look out for.

Track your Funnel

One of the first and most important things to do is track your funnel. When you track a customer’s activity on your website, you gain inside knowledge into their behavior — how they navigate through pages, what they click on when they get there, and what they spend most time reading or browsing.

You can use what you learn from your file tracking to guide marketing decisions in the future.

Monitor your Adv Campaign

There are numerous ways to monitor advertising campaigns, and doing so is crucial. The way in which the campaign performs can help marketers determine whether or not they achieved their goals or if there are any hurdles they need to focus on to hit their target.

Some things to consider monitoring include your conversion rate, your website bounce rate, your website traffic, engagement levels, and the ROI

Focus on CPA and CPC

CPC, or cost-per-click, is a pretty self-explanatory metric and is an important consideration for low-conversion funnel strategies, as it can tell you how effective your advertisements are. If you have a low CPC, then you know you aren’t paying very much to garner a lot of traffic.

CPA, or cost-per-acquisition, is a metric that measures the cost of converting a single person, which could mean sales, demo requests, form fills, or whatever your business deems a conversion. It’s an excellent bottom-funnel strategy that focuses on driving conversions.

Calculate ROI from your new Leads

ROI is often used to determine the success of particular strategies and create long-term campaign goals. Marketers who are willing to develop consistent lead nurturing strategies often find themselves with huge ROIs.

B2B Sales Tips – Don’t Miss These Tools

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the best tool to track customer behavior and analyze website data for companies.

Google Analytics is one of the best tools for companies that want to track customer behavior and analyze website data. The best part is that it is absolutely free to use, and it comes with a ton of powerful options to create campaigns, filter audiences, set website goals, and track visitors.


Hotjar is a powerful tool to monitor your business in order to sell more products or services.

If you’re looking for a tool that can provide deep insights into your B2B customers, look no further than HotJar. When combining B2B customer insights with in-depth customer analytics, you get a much better idea of how you can predict customer needs and improve their experiences with your products or services.


MixPanel provides event-based tracking analytics to help product teams convert and retain users across digital platforms.

MixPanel is another leading products analytics software company that uses event-based tracking solutions to provide product teams with insights into how to convert and retain users throughout various digital platforms.


Favorite all-in-one tool for automation marketing: GetResponse - email, website, and eCommerce solution to boost sales.

For automation marketing, one of our absolute favorite tools is GetResponse. This all-in-one email marketing tool, website builder, and eCommerce marketing solution can help you generate more leads and boost your online sales.

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Hire Now a B2B Sales Leads Marketing Agency

There you have it! Now that you know a bit more about how to generate leads for your business, you can start adding these elements to your current strategies to optimize your conversion rates.

Of course, if the idea of building landing pages, CTAs, and multi-channel campaigns doesn’t appeal to you, let a professional lead generation agency like Mediaboom do the work. From boosting awareness to driving traffic to generating qualified leads, we can help your business grow with our many services.

Get in touch with us today to learn more!

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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