Brand Development

Brand Development – Build Your Brand With 13 Strategies

By: Frank DePino | September 21, 2022

Brand development is how you make your company stand out among competitors with similar products or services. Use this strategy to build a strong brand and reputation for your business while you grow brand awareness to garner more attention from prospective customers. Brand development is a long-term plan to add value as you grow your business. 

Brand development is the process of adapting and evolving your marketing and promotional strategies to establish and grow your brand. It consists of all your branding company values, business goals, reputation, and brand promise as a solid foundation for your company. While some facets focus on short-term objectives, brand development is the long-term strategy for your brand’s success. 

Read on to learn everything you need to know about brand development. Here is a quick look at everything you will find in this guide:

  • What is brand development?
  • Industry terms
    • Brand development
    • Branding
    • Brand marketing
    • Brand identity
    • Brand image
    • Brand positioning
    • Target audience
  • How to develop a brand in 9 steps
  • 7 Reasons to invest in a brand development strategy
  • Hiring a brand development agency

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

What is brand development?

Your brand consists of everything the public uses to identify your specific business. Brand development is constantly evolving your strategies to grow your target audience and align your brand with your values and objectives. 

While branding helps you draw in new customers, brand development builds your reputation. If you offer the exact same products as your competitors, brand development is how you get consumers to choose you. 

Brand development has many facets, but your long-term strategy should focus on connecting with your target audience. For example, branding is a part of brand development but likely requires a different expert skill set and has different goals.

Marketing experts are studying the best strategy to develop the new brand

Defining industry terms

Brand development

Brand development is the strategic process of creating and evolving your company’s images, products, and services to distinguish your brand from the competition. It includes identifying and communicating with your target audience, aligning your brand’s values with your business objectives, and continuously adapting your strategies to convey the brand message you wish to share. 


Branding includes all your promotional and advertising efforts. Think of your website, logo, color scheme, ads, and tone of voice as your company’s branding. 

Brand marketing

Brand marketing is your company’s journey to build a relationship between your brand and consumers. It focuses more on the brand rather than highlighting an individual service or product. Use brand marketing to reinforce your brand promise.

Brand identity

Brand identity is the visual element of your brand that consumers use to distinguish your company. All the colors, designs, logos, shapes, and language of your company make up your brand identity. Chose it wisely and maintain consistency. 

Brand image

Brand image is the result of your efforts to establish a brand identity. A positive brand image will draw in more consistent sales and lead to more successful promotions as you build brand loyalty.

Brand positioning

Brand positioning is earning a place in consumers’ minds so that when they think of your brand, the benefits your company offers come to mind. 

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

How to develop a brand

1. Find your starting point

To develop and grow, you must have a starting point. Make an honest evaluation of your brand’s efforts to date and decide where your vision will take you. Once you determine where you are, you can make informed decisions about how to get where you want to be. Think about how your goals and vision align with your brand. 

2. Identify your target audience

Your target audience is the group of consumers who are most likely to become your customers. It can include a certain age group, income level, geographic location, or other characteristics. Advertising is only successful if it reaches the right people, and knowing your target audience is vital. Use the analytical data available to you and gather the most useful information about your customers. 

3. Define the core of your brand mission 

What drives your company? What are your goals? And what keeps your workers coming back each day? Your brand mission is the heart of your company and should authentically resonate with your workers. Your brand mission is what you want to achieve, and your brand vision is the values you believe should be used to accomplish it.  

4. Choose values that fit your brand

Derive your brand values from your brand mission, and make sure they match. Make it easy for consumers to identify what your company stands for, and ensure your actions align with your values. Clear values that fit your brand will make brand development easier, and customers will respond. For example, a recent report shows that 73 percent of millennials will pay more for a sustainable product.  

The brand analyst is studying the promises to keep within the brand.

5. Build a brand promise

What do your customers gain when choosing your business over a competitor? Your brand promise sets the standard customers expect from your brand. This will affect how your employees work and what customers expect when giving their business to you. Delivering on your brand promise becomes easier the further you develop your brand. 

6. Develop guidelines for your brand’s content

Create guidelines for the visual elements of your brand content. Don’t pick things merely because they look attractive. If possible, select visual elements that spark emotions in your target audience and relate to your brand. Content marketing should all have a similar format, making your promotions easily recognizable and related to your brand. 

7. Choose brand growth strategies in line with your message

Brand growth is a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t expect immediate results like you might see with a marketing campaign. Think of it as a long-term journey where you grow and strengthen your brand along the way. Choose strategies for growth that align with your brand’s message and identity. Consider offering transparency in your brand’s actions and philosophy. A recent study shows that 94 percent of consumers are more likely to give their loyalty to brands offering complete transparency.

8. Maintain consistent brand messaging across platforms

Use established guidelines to ensure your messaging and visuals are consistent across platforms and media. Consistency is a crucial part of brand development, both internally and externally. From your promotional materials and employee uniforms to company policies and customer service, maintain a consistent brand message for customers and employees. 

9. Monitor progress and adapt

Pay attention to what works and use it to tailor your future actions. Compare your progress to your starting benchmarks and take notice of where you’ve made the most improvement. Use those successful strategies for future efforts and continue adapting your brand development plan.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

Luxury brand development

When working on luxury brand development, focus on what sets your product apart from others in the industry and remember why consumers purchase luxury goods. Some act on their wants rather than their needs, spending their money on things that make them feel good in the moment. Others use luxury goods to make them feel better about themselves. Authenticity is also important to some luxury consumers willing to pay more for higher quality, authentic items. 

Know your target niche and focus your efforts on meeting their needs. Here are a few strategies focused on luxury brand development. 

10. Focus on brand positioning

Create a brand experience for your luxury customers. The luxury market relies on customer loyalty, so you must make sure they have a reason to be loyal. Many luxury consumers are affluent and willing to spend more on a personalized experience. Try to curate their experience with your brand to match their preferences. Use your brand positioning to foster loyalty among luxury consumers and differentiate your brand from others. 

11. Emphasize your brand’s symbolic value

Luxury brands thrive on perception. While higher quality and craftmanship are often qualities found in luxury products, many luxury goods don’t offer a higher functional value than their standard counterparts. For example, a generic purse carries items just as well as a designer bag, but consumers place much higher symbolic value on the designer product. Emphasize the symbolic value of your luxury brand and focus your efforts on sharing that message. 

12. Create the perception of exclusivity

Along with the symbolic value of your luxury brand, your product needs the perception of exclusivity. Push market desire for your brand higher by presenting your product as something that stands out in a crowd, thus making your customers shine as well. 

13. Deliver on your brand’s promise of superiority

One of the most important factors in luxury brand development is consistently delivering on your brand promise of superiority. Uphold your brand identity as a luxury product, no matter the demand. Maintain your brand’s high standards and earn the loyalty of affluent luxury consumers. 

The marketing team is explaining what are the top 7 reasons to invest in the development of a brand.

7 Reasons to invest in a brand development strategy

  1. Increase the perceived authenticity of your brand and build your authority in the industry. A recent report shows that 86 percent of consumers list brand authenticity as an important factor when choosing who to support. 
  2. Accumulate brand loyalty by providing consistent value to your customers and proving they can expect a similar experience on each return visit.
  3. Build trust among your target audience, making them more likely to give you repeat business. Ensure your brand’s actions remain in alignment with your values, and you will build trust with consumers who share those values. 
  4. Add value to your business by using brand development to focus on the company and the people working behind the brand. Consumers notice a well-developed brand and are more likely to share it with others, further increasing your brand’s value.
  5. Content creation for your target audience is much easier with a well-established brand development strategy. With consistent brand messaging, values, and image, you should have no trouble coming up with content ideas. 
  6. Brand development is an excellent way to highlight your company culture and values to potential customers. The philosophy of a company is becoming more important to consumers. They want to know the kind of people they give their money to, and their main experience with your company culture will be your employees. Ensure your company culture aligns with your brand values. 
  7. Brand awareness is built over time through brand development. A successful strategy will give you a competitive edge over others in the market because consumers are already aware of your product and the benefits you offer. 

Elevate Your Luxury Brand Today

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Hiring a brand development agency

Creating and implementing your brand development strategy can be a difficult experience if you aren’t knowledgeable about the underlying marketing industry. Trust the experts to help you build and grow your brand by hiring a brand development agency. They will guide you toward sustainable brand growth and help increase your brand awareness.


A successful brand development strategy will help your company attain long-term growth and authority in your industry. With brand loyalty among your target audience, you will see consistent sales and more fruitful promotions. Brand development lets you connect with consumers to secure your brand’s place in the market.

Contact now Mediaboom to develop your brand.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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