Creative HVAC Ads

15 Stunning Examples of Creative HVAC Ads to Get You Started

By: Frank DePino | August 24, 2022

Creative HVAC ads are as necessary as creativity in any other industry. You can separate your HVAC business from the competition with smart advertising ideas and appeal to your audience. What elements does your HVAC ad need?

The most effective and creative HVAC ads are targeted, attention-grabbing, and clear in their messaging, with strong calls to action that motivate a lead or customer to schedule an appointment. 

In today’s post, we’ll share our favorite HVAC advertising examples, highlighting the best advertising for HVAC business in the form of both Facebook and Google Ads. By the time you’re done reading, you’ll feel inspired to launch an ad campaign for your own HVAC business!

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15 Examples of Creative HVAC Ad Design

HVAC Facebook Ads

Let’s begin by talking about creative HVAC ads on Facebook. With 2.936 billion Facebook users as of April 2022 according to data collection resource DataReportal, the reach of this social media platform is wider and more encompassing than ever.

With a paid ad targeted to your segmented market, your HVAC business can make an impact. 

Here are some of the best advertising for HVAC business examples on Facebook. 

1. Speedy Air Conditioning Service

A dog wearing sunglasses sits in a striped beach chair in an HVAC ad.

The Port St. Lucie, Florida company Speedy Air Conditioning Service is our first example of creative HVAC ads on Facebook. 

The ad campaign was to promote the company’s latest rebates deal, which was an exclusive Facebook offer.

Let’s talk about what works in this ad, as there’s a lot. 

First, the graphic itself is why this had to go on our list of HVAC advertising examples. The dog wearing sunglasses and sitting in a striped beach chair couldn’t be more summery.

The dog doesn’t look sweaty or uncomfortable, but nice and chill, just like Speedy Air Conditioning Service’s customers could be.

Even if you weren’t swayed but the cute graphic, it’s hard to keep scrolling when you see a big bubble that reads 0% financing! 

2. Moore Heating & Air Conditioning

The creative Facebook ads of the company Moore Heating & Air Conditioning

Here’s another HVAC advertising idea if it doesn’t fit your company’s M.O. to use funny stock images like above.

Alaskan HVAC company Moore Heating & Air Conditioning ran a Facebook ad with a small baby crawling on the floor. It’s simple but reminds people how important good air conditioning and heating is, not only for themselves but their loved ones as well. 

The copy in the ad further drives that point home. 

3. Harris Plumbing, Heating, Air & Propane

Facebook ads campaign of "Harris Plumbing, Heating, Air & Propane"

This next in our list of creative HVAC ads on Facebook is from Maryland HVAC company Harris Plumbing, Heating, Air & Propane. 

The company was trying to push a summer sale, which they did very effectively in this Facebook ad. The words “summer air conditioner sale” are front and center, and the $59 per month starting price tag is also prominently displayed to incentivize you. 

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4. McAllister Service – Heating & Air Conditioning

A creative facebook ads campaign by Mcallister Service

At first glance, you wouldn’t even think that what you were looking at is an HVAC ad, and that’s part of what makes it effective as an HVAC advertising idea, we think. 

The image of a woman accompanied by the headline–“How is Your Home Comfort?”–might make you stop and think and evaluate your need for HVAC services. 

5. Anonymous HVAC Company

HVAC leads generation Facebook Ad

This last HVAC Facebook ad was part of a case study, which is probably why the HVAC company name is kept anonymous.

This successful ad can easily grab the attention of someone mindlessly scrolling through Facebook. It features fiery graphics (literally, in this case) plus the very motivating text, “No payments for 17 months.”

If someone was thinking about upgrading their HVAC systems but were deterred by the cost, this ad might finally inspire them to give an HVAC company a call. That’s why it’s recommended on our list of creative HVAC ads. 

HVAC Google Ads

Next, let’s switch gears and highlight creative HVAC ads on Google. 

Online business resource Website Rating states that the average Internet user is four times more likely to click a Google Ad than an ad elsewhere. 

Your HVAC business should be using Google Ads if you’re not already. Although less graphics-heavy than Facebook ads, Google Ads are still incredibly impactful.

Here are some creative HVAC ads on Google Ads to show you what we mean. 

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6. Trusted Plumbing & Heating

Plumber Seattle - Google Ads campaign

Trusted Plumbing & Heating fits a lot of relevant information into one small Google Ad. You can see their address, hours, and how much experience the company has. 

To motivate a user to click, Trusted Plumbing & Heating also adds copy such as “receive a free estimate” and “financing available.” Those kinds of words are music to a money-saving customer’s ears! 

7. On Time Heat and Air, LLC

A creative HVAC campaign on Google Ads

New Jersey HVAC company On Time Heat and Air, LLC is another on our list of HVAC advertising examples that is worth emulating.

We like how the Google Ad has two clickable links besides a link to the homepage, one for air conditioner tune-ups and another for air conditioner repairs.

In the summertime especially when everyone needs a working air conditioner, an ad like this would perform especially well. 

Changing the copy to focus on heaters and furnaces in the fall gives the ad longevity all year long. 

8. The Heating Specialist

A creative HVAC campaign on Google

Portland’s The Heating Specialist has a creative HVAC Google Ad as well. If you’re searching for Portland HVAC systems, the copy in this ad is sure to bump their company to the top.

There’s also info in the copy that a lead will want to know to make an educated purchasing decision. That includes how long the company has been in business, whether the techs are certified, and whether the consultations are free. 

The Heating Specialist’s number is right at the top of the ad. Now a lead could contact the company if they like what they see after reading the Google Ad or browsing through the company’s website

9. Joe Hurley Heating & Cooling

Joe Hurley Heating & Cooling campaign on Google

How about a Google Ad that offers a discount in the headline? Joe Hurley Heating & Air Conditioning, a New Jersey company, puts it right in the ad headline that you can save $20 on your next air conditioning repair.

The digital ad has three links below the main homepage link, and the first–Valuable Coupons–is sure to also whet the appetite of anyone looking to save on HVAC services. 

10. Dukes Heating & Air Conditioning 

Dukes Heating creative campaign on Google

The last of the HVAC advertising ideas we’ll look at on Google Ads is Dukes Heating & Air Conditioning, a California HVAC company.

If you were searching for heater or AC repair right away, this Google Ad ought to catch your eye. Dukes reinforces itself as the best decision for your HVAC repair by touting its experience, mentioning its licensed contractors, and noting its certifications. 

Other HVAC Ads

To wrap up, here are five more creative HVAC ads that, while neither Facebook or Google Ads, use appealing elements to captivate attention and drive website traffic and call-backs.

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11. Lennox

Creative HVAC ads: the example of Lennox

Lennox is one of the biggest names in heating and air conditioning, so you would expect that this major, well-established company would know a thing or two about what makes for a creative HVAC ad.

Indeed, Lennox doesn’t disappoint with this ad. 

The copy reads, “Soon it will be too hot for your air conditioning to go out.” To further drive the point home, the background showcases a barren desert landscape with orange and red tones that exemplify heat.

The large copy is the focal point, as it should be. Lennox inspires current and new customers to schedule an HVAC tune-up now before it gets any hotter. This way, they can ensure their air conditioner will work all summer long.  

12. Not Just Cooling

Not just cooling ads campaign

One of the best HVAC advertising examples by far is this one by UK HVAC company Not Just Cooling. 

It’s a tongue-in-cheek ad for sure, and that won’t suit the branding of all HVAC businesses. For those with an established personable attitude to service, you can run an ad like this.

The ad shows a woman dressed in summer garb with sunglasses. Beside the image is text that says, “your wife is hot!”

At first glance, you’re going to wonder what that has to do with HVAC. The second line on the ad, “Better get the air conditioning fixed,” drives it home.

Not Just Cooling is talking about being warm, not attractive. The image of the woman allows you to interpret the ad both ways, which is why it works as well as it does. 

For billboards especially, you only have seconds to make an impression on a viewer, and this ad does so very, very well. 

13. Outer Banks Heating & Cooling

Creative HVAC ads: the example of Outer Banks Heating & Cooling

This next creative HVAC ad is from Outer Banks Heating & Cooling. It’s an ad that once again focuses on the concept of working HVAC being for the whole family’s comfort.

The ad shows a photo of a mother, a father, and their two children in bed. Everyone is all smiles, presumably because their HVAC system is in tip-top condition. 

The headline, which reads “Your ‘One Call’ Comfort Solution,” plus a quick overview of services that Outer Banks provides inspires you to pick up the phone and call or visit the HVAC company’s website so you and your family can be just as comfortable. 

14. SunGlow Heating & Cooling

Creative ads campaign by "SunGlow Heating & Cooling"

In a similar vein is this excellent HVAC advertising example from SunGlow Heating & Cooling. 

Even though an adult might be able to live in a house that’s too warm in the summer or too cold in the winter, they don’t want to put their child through that. 

That’s the crux of the SunGlow ad, as it shows a little girl asleep on the kitchen floor with a pillow underneath her. The fridge is open, letting out all that frosty air so she can get a good night’s sleep.

The ad’s text reads, “Ready for the summer heat?” Clearly, the little girl was not, which is why she’s napping by an open fridge.

It’s powerful imagery that ought to inspire you to contact SunGlow for an appointment.

SunGlow gives you several options for reaching out, including their phone number, website address, and their socials. You can also scan the ad to schedule an HVAC tune-up via QR code. 

15. Daikin

Th creativity of the Daikin ad

The last creative HVAC ad we’ll look at is a newspaper ad from Daikin, which is a significant name in HVAC. 

This is another of those ads that doesn’t immediately look related to HVAC yet is. The ad shows a polar bear sitting on a living room floor. 

The text on the ad, “Touch of home,” is part of what ties the message together, as does the Daikin split-level air conditioner on the wall.

Daikin is indirectly saying that their new split-type AC will make your home cold enough that it’s suitable for a polar bear. 

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Creative HVAC ads are a chance to show off your imagination and promote heating, cooling, and other HVAC services inventively. Whether your HVAC company is focusing more on Facebook ads, Google Ads, or other forms of advertising and marketing, the 20 examples of HVAC ads in today’s guide will surely inspire you to reach your target audience in a novel way!

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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