law firm digital marketing

Digital Marketing for Law Firms – 11 Ways to Boost Results

By: Frank DePino | January 18, 2023

Law firm digital marketing is a necessity in order to grow your law firm’s business. It is no longer sufficient to rely solely on word-of-mouth referrals to capture new clients. Indeed, in today’s technology-driven world, you must utilize various digital marketing strategies to keep pace with your competitors and boost visibility within the marketplace. 

Successful and comprehensive law firm digital marketing requires a multi-pronged approach. Law firms need to establish and nurture a presence on social media, engage in search engine optimization (SEO) practices, deploy email and video marketing, and optimize their website to recruit new clients. All the tactics mentioned above will combine to ensure heightened awareness, new clients, and a boost to your bottom line. 

In order to fully understand the various, yet equally critical components of law firms’ digital marketing, let’s take an in-depth look at how to formulate a premier digital marketing strategy for your law firm.

What is Digital Marketing for Law Firms? 

Law firm digital marketing refers to the online utilities employed to sell the services offered by your law firm. The purpose of these utilities is to strengthen your presence within the marketplace, thereby driving increased user traffic to your website. When done correctly, this will aid significantly in increasing your client list and the amount of money flowing into your law firm. There are numerous avenues through which to accomplish this goal, and we will examine those in detail a bit later. 

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Key Benefits of Law Firm Digital Marketing

Thoughtful and carefully executed digital marketing will provide wonderful benefits to your law firm. 

More Clients 

Clients are the lifeblood of your law firm. With that said, you can’t afford for your client list to stagnate. Indeed, it is vitally important that you continually grow the number of your clients to facilitate the long-term health of your law firm. In order to realize this goal, you must execute a robust digital marketing strategy. The greater the presence of your law firm, the higher the likelihood of new clients engaging your services. 

Increased Revenue

It may seem obvious, but it bears mentioning: the more clients you have, the more revenue you will generate. Increased revenue will permit the actualization of several appealing advantages. 

First, it will allow you to offer enticing salaries, thereby attracting top-level talent and besting your competitors in the realm of recruiting. 

Second, more revenue will serve to expand your marketing budget. In effect, successful digital marketing stands as a self-fulfilling entity, simultaneously creating immediate financial rewards as well as protecting the future of your law firm. 

Finally, increased revenue will allow the expansion of your firm as a whole. Bonuses such as upgrading office space, increasing the number of lawyers working for your firm, and the diversification of your services are all possibilities. 

The lawyer is getting numerous phone interviews after boosting his law firms digital marketing

Greater Reach 

The success of your law firm is dependent on the number of potential clients who are aware of your existence. To that end, imperious digital marketing for your law firm will significantly assist in increasing general awareness among potential clients. 

Digital marketing is unique in its execution and potential reach. As an example, consider that a well-placed online advertisement has the ability to reach individuals spread out among a vast geographical area. In contrast to their traditional counterparts (print advertising, local commercials, billboards, etc.), digital marketing efforts are not constrained by locality.

Brand Recognition 

Furthermore, digital marketing for law firms will serve to strengthen your brand. Efficacious brand optimization is key in fostering a sense of recognition and loyalty among your clientele. This will foster repeat business and a strong referral network, leading to increased business. 

11 Law Firm Digital Marketing Strategies and Services  

Having highlighted the benefits of digital marketing for your law firm, it’s now time to thoroughly examine the diverse methods used in exemplary law firm digital marketing.

1. Set Your Online Marketing Goals 

To maximize your chances of success, you must first establish a set of attainable, realistic goals prior to the deployment of your digital marketing campaign. Doing so will allow you to consider the different resources needed to accomplish each goal. For example, analyze which areas of your law firm require the most bolstering and what supplementations need to be committed to those areas. Furthermore, consider the strengths of your team and which employees can be assigned to various tasks that will result in the efficient, successful completion of assignments. 

2. Know Your Audience 

Pay close attention to the demographics of your client list and develop your marketing efforts in a manner to best attract similar constituents. Gather data surrounding the age, income, profession, location, and familial status of your clients and leverage this information to fine-tune your marketing campaign. 

An example of a law firm website with a very attractive design

3. Build a Beautiful Website 

Your website will be the first point of contact for many new clients. Accordingly, be sure to create a website that is engaging, easy to navigate, logically formulated, and provides all pertinent information in a readily accessible manner. At its core, your website needs to encourage visitors to take the next step in their search for a lawyer by contacting your firm. 

In addition, be sure to optimize your website for operation on mobile platforms. An ever-increasing number of consumers are choosing their mobile devices as their primary means of conducting an internet search, and you must ensure that your website functions beautifully within the mobile realm. 

As is often the case in creation, a little inspiration goes a long way. In that vein, be sure to check out this amazing article on law firm website design. Take the time to browse through the highlighted examples of great law firm websites and use them as a guide in creating your own. 

4. Legal Content Writing 

The language deployed in your digital marketing efforts should reinforce the fact that you are, indeed, a law firm. While there is a balance to be struck between technical legalese and layman verbiage, your writing should underscore your expertise in your specific area of law. Take this opportunity to prominently display your knowledge and strive to elicit sentiments of confidence and security within your target demographic. 

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5. Content Marketing 

Content marketing is the practice of providing industry analysis and insights to the public – for free. This not only serves as a wonderful opportunity to display your skills and expertise within your area of law, but it is also deeply appreciated by current and potential clients. 

Indeed, content marketing is a fantastic endeavor that yields tremendous results. For example, successful content marketing has the potential to increase brand awareness, generate new leads, bolster customer satisfaction, and the growth of your customer base. Clearly, content marketing deserves a prime spot in your overall digital marketing efforts. 

6. SEO and Local SEO 

Search Engine Optimization is an absolute must when executing a digital marketing campaign for your law firm. Consider that 91% of US consumers perform an internet search every month, and the necessity for proper SEO becomes abundantly clear. An overwhelming number of your future clients will discover your law firm through an internet search, and the importance of utilizing SEO practices to ensure visibility is fundamentally paramount. 

Furthermore, it is also vitally important that you take the time and effort to localize your SEO efforts as a supplemental endeavor. Oftentimes, potential clients seeking a law firm are doing so within their local vicinity; trips to the office may be common, and the need for a local law firm could be decisive. As such, it is important that you infuse your SEO in a manner that lends itself to easy discovery within your local community. To learn more about the different tactics used in excellent local SEO, dive into this insightful piece on lawyer-specific local SEO

A social media post mockup that a law firm can customize and brand.

7. Social Media 

The past several decades have seen a meteoric rise in the use of social media in everyday life.  In fact, 72% of the US population engages in some form of social media on a daily basis. The various social media platforms – Meta, Twitter, Instagram, etc – are rife with advertising possibilities. In addition, these social media platforms offer powerful tools to analyze your advertising efforts, allowing you to hone and modify your advertising as needed.

Furthermore, social media platforms offer tremendous opportunities to engage with your clientele. Doing so will add a personal touch to your law firm and will increase customer satisfaction. As such, be sure to maintain a consistent, lively, and engaging presence on several social media platforms to reach a broad audience. 

8. Video Marketing 

Video marketing is the practice of using video to engage with clients. It stands as a uniquely personal and engaging form of marketing. In contrast to written advertising, video offers a medium through which emotional connection is significantly amplified. People love being able to “put a face to a name”, and using video marketing allows you to infuse a deeply personal touch within your law firm’s digital marketing campaign. Be sure to solicit the services of an employee of your law firm who is comfortable, confident, and personable in front of the camera. And, carefully consider the length of your videos – be cognizant of the fact that consumers tend to prefer shorter videos. 

9. Email Marketing

Email marketing is an efficient, effective, and low-cost form of digital advertising that stands as a fantastic way to not only engage your current client list but also generate new leads. Create an email marketing calendar to hold yourself accountable; choose a proper cadence and solidify the material contained within. 

Effective email marketing requires thoughtful execution. In that vein, read through this highly beneficial article on email marketing complete with 15 tips to get you started. 

10. Landing Pages  

The ultimate goal of a landing page is to generate new leads. When a user interacts with one of your advertisements, they are guided toward a landing page that will allow for the capture of critical user information (such as email addresses, telephone numbers, physical addresses, and so forth). This abundance of information is incredibly powerful in allowing you to purposefully target unique individuals and encourage them to continue further engagement with your law firm. 

The law firm's team is thrilled to have been able to manage the online reputations left by their clients

11. Online Reputation Management 

It is absolutely critical that you take the time and care to properly manage your online reputation. A positive reputation will significantly help in generating new business, as consumers place a heavy emphasis on what others say about a particular business – in this case, your law firm. 

To underscore this reality, it is important to note that 78% of consumers weigh online reviews prior to finalizing a purchase decision. As such, you must be intensely diligent in managing your online reputation, as failure to do so could result in a significant decline in business. 

To accomplish this goal, you must actively monitor your online reviews to keep tabs on what people are saying about your law firm. Be sure to take an engaging approach by responding to reviews. Show gratitude for positive reviews, and take all appropriate and reasonable steps to rectify any customer concerns – doing so will increase customer satisfaction and exemplify the fact that you care deeply about your clients. 

Measure Your Success 

An effective law firm’s digital marketing campaign needs to evolve over time. The initial strategies deployed may wane in effectiveness, and it is critical that you take the necessary steps to inject your marketing efforts with newfound vigor. 

To determine when and where to modify the digital marketing for your law firm, it is crucial that you track and measure your success as you move forward. Considerable time, effort, and money are assigned to a comprehensive digital marketing campaign, and you deserve to obtain the necessary insights to achieve maximum levels of success. 

Take advantage of the analytical tools provided by certain platforms to gain powerful knowledge regarding your advertising efforts. Google Analytics, for example, offers a plethora of data points to consider and is a tremendous boon in optimizing your law firm’s digital marketing strategy. 

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Hire a Digital Marketing Agency for Your Law Firm 

By now, it should be readily clear how involved a digital marketing campaign truly is. It demands considerable resources – temporal, physical, and financial – and can be quite a consuming endeavor. With this in mind, do yourself a favor and strongly consider employing the services of a professional digital marketing agency to handle your law firm’s marketing efforts. 

The wonderfully talented and highly experienced team at Mediaboom is standing by to help you get started with your digital marketing efforts. The experts at Mediaboom provide a holistic, deeply personalized experience that will provide meaningful, measurable benefits to your law firm. So, what are you waiting for? Reach out to Mediaboom today!

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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