Pagination or Infinite Scrolling – A Comparison

Web developers are notorious for their debate of nearly any topic regarding design and UX. However, one of the decisions you will need to make is one of the biggest debates in the development world — pagination or infinite scroll….

Web developers are notorious for their debate of nearly any topic regarding design and UX. However, one of the decisions you will need to make is one of the biggest debates in the development world — pagination or infinite scroll. This is a bigger decision than you may think. After all, the wrong decision can lead to frustrated customers and a website that doesn’t feel “right.” While the decision about pagination vs. infinite scrolling may come into play in nearly any type of website, it is an essential consideration for e-commerce sites. After all, the goal is to keep your customers engaged, looking at the product and hopefully pulling the trigger to make a purchase. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of both options, to help you make the best decision for your website.


Pagination offers a simple, controlled method of organizing items or products in a list. A set number of items are listed on a page, and when the user reaches the end of the page, they must click through to continue looking at new items. One prime example of this is the Google search engine results page. The benefits to pagination are that users have, or feel that they have, a sense of control as they browse through results. It can also be easier to “find” a certain list item later, by remembering the page number. Pagination also keeps users engaged (and leading to conversion) since they need to click to continue browsing. The biggest con, from a browsing standpoint, is that it can be a little bit more “work” to deal with pages, especially on mobile devices. Plus, with all of the sites utilizing infinite scrolling, it is easy for a site with pages to appear dated, if it is not carefully developed with modern coding.

Infinite Scrolling

The other option when it comes to list navigation is infinite scrolling. Infinite scrolling means that when users get to the “bottom” of the page, more results load. Think about your Facebook or Twitter feed—these pages offer infinite scrolling. The main benefit is that the user essentially never reaches a stopping point, keeping them on the page. However, since they are not actively engaged, there is debate as to how useful this is as a selling point. Infinite scroll can also be quite attractive, providing endless “eye candy” for the user. On the negative side, if the user needs to stop browsing or loses his or her place, finding it again can be nearly impossible. Additionally, it is not hard for a user to become overwhelmed with a vast amount of content, when there is no end in site.

Person using paginated website design

Which Option is Best?

As mentioned earlier, the infinite scrolling vs. pagination debate is quite heated in the web development world. In reality, the answer of “which is best,” will vary from website to website. On a page that is highly-visual, perhaps infinite scrolling would be a good choice since users will not get to view as many results at one time. However, if you are truly struggling with the decision, it is important to remember that pagination is always a good “universal” option, and it’s hard to go wrong choosing to go this route. Whether you are creating a brand new site or updating an older site, sometimes it can help to talk to an expert about these important decisions.Mediaboom is a Connecticut-based digital marketing agency that is here to help. If you have any questions about making your page accomplish more, give us a call or contact us online today.

What is UX and Why Should You Care?

If you’ve heard the buzzword UX and you’ve been wondering what it means and why you should care, let us demystify things for you. UX, which stands for user experience, can have a major impact on your business, reputation…

Luxury design agency conducts research to optimize user experience design for premium brands.

If you’ve heard the buzzword UX and you’ve been wondering what it means and why you should care, let us demystify things for you. UX, which stands for user experience, can have a major impact on your business, reputation, and profits. Dive into the world of UX to understand what contributes to a good user experience and how to make sure your website delivers.

UX Explained

User experience refers to the positive or negative impression a user has after interacting with your website. If you have ever tried to order an item online, only to give up halfway through because the checkout process was confusing, then you understand the frustration that bad UX can cause.

To determine how a user feels after interacting with a website, and thus control UX, you must be able to answer one question with authority: What do the users of my website want from my site?

Once you understand this, you can tweak different elements of your website to deliver information users want in a manner that is intuitive and easy to find.

For example, if you have a law firm, users of your website likely want information about services you provide. They hope to find out how you can help them win a custody battle, beat a criminal allegation, or seek restitution after injury. By providing them with this information, you demonstrate authority and build trust and confidence.

If you have an e-commerce store, your consumers do not want a lot of information about your mission, vision, hopes and goals, or past clients. They want to see your products, view high-resolution images, and easily be able to buy. They want transparent information about issues affecting their purchases, from shipping cost to return policies. Only when you know who uses your website and what they want can you deliver good UX.

Person using social media platform

Why You Must Care About UX

As these examples illustrate, you must care about UX if you have a business and sell products or seek clients over the web. After all, your competitors are only a click away. If your website is a pain to navigate, users will not keep with it. They’ll click the back button and find another service provider.

Poor user experience is one of the main causes of shopping cart abandonment, which constitutes $31 billion in lost consumer spending Forrester Research notes. If you want to grow your profits, ensuring your UX is high will instantly improve sales and help customers become repeat buyers.

Are you struggling to understand who your target audience is, or why people leave your website? Do you have a high bounce rate and aren’t sure why? Mediaboom advertising and design can conduct user research on your website to unpack what is going wrong and develop a plan to fix things. By improving your UX, you will improve your customer experience, your reputation, and your sales. How can you not afford to care about these variables?