8 Ways to Build Your Brand for Venture Capital

A guide to venture capital branding: what it is, why it’s important, and the best strategies to create and execute a VC Firm Branding Plan

Venture capital branding is essential to the growth of each venture capital firm; indeed, a firm’s success can be predicated on a proper branding strategy. 

As such, a unique brand strategy is the fingerprint of each VC firm – it needs to be distinct and tell a story. The brand should be dutifully considered in order to raise awareness of a particular firm and set it apart from its competitors. There is no doubt that a successful venture capital branding campaign needs to be multi-faceted and implemented in a variety of strategic endeavors. 

With this in mind, let’s take a further look at the importance of venture capital branding, the necessary ingredients, and a few examples of current VC firm branding successes. 

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The Importance of Brand in Venture Capital Firms 

Every successful company, whether in venture capital or elsewhere, has a clear, recognizable brand that tells a particular story. A brand’s purpose is straightforward: to create association amongst the public with a particular company, product, or individual. This can be accomplished through the creation of recognizable symbols, logos, phrases, musical scores, and keywords. Broader examples include the Nike “swoosh”, McDonald’s “golden arches” and Coca-Cola’s signature red bottle. 

In short, a consumer’s encounter with any of the aforementioned brands immediately elicits an association with a certain company. Successful brand building is imperative for any company hoping to succeed in today’s world. To explain further, read this incredible blog from our site to learn about the importance of telling a story in branding.

While venture capital firms target a different demographic than, say, a beverage company, the same imperative remains to create a readily identifiable brand. Why? Because the United States lays claim to the world’s most crowded venture capitalist market. As of 2022, there are over 1000 VC firms operating in the US with market size of $63 billion. Clearly, the venture capital market is highly competitive and tantalizingly lucrative. 

Thus, the need for a VC firm to separate itself from competitors remains paramount. To achieve this goal, it must deploy an effective venture capital branding campaign. This will help the venture capital firm raise public awareness and distinguish itself within the marketplace. In fact, 88% of venture capital firm CEOs believe a strong brand can help solicit business from entrepreneurs. 

A mockup that can be customized for a venture capital firm.

Deployable Strategies to Create and Execute a VC Firm Branding Strategy

Having examined the importance of a branding strategy, we must now consider the different elements which comprise such a strategy. Venture capitalist branding campaigns are primarily divided into two separate yet supporting realms: digital and non-digital. 

Venture Capital Branding Using Digital Enterprises 

In today’s ever-evolving world of technology, there are a plethora of ways to leverage digital media to raise awareness about a brand. This piece from our catalog is a fantastic overview of the benefits of digital marketing in the venture capitalist market. Here are four examples: 

1. Maintain a corporate blog

A well-maintained and informative blog can go a long way in reaching a new audience. Plus, it allows members of the VC firm (CEO, CFO, etc.) to publicly share their knowledge and expertise with the public. Such contributions from various members of the VC firm add a “human” touch and provide insight into who entrepreneurs would be working with. Blogs should be infused with keywords and phrases that optimize search engine optimization (SEO) practices. Visit this illuminating article from our library for more information on SEO utilization for venture capital firms.

A venture capitalist owner is participating in a podcast to nurture its audience.

2. Produce a Venture Capitalist podcast 

Podcasting is an enormously popular form of media – 60% of the US population listens to podcasts, with 41% of the population doing so on a weekly basis. Producing a VC-focused podcast would be a fantastic method for a VC firm to connect with potential entrepreneurs and discuss relevant VC-focused material. Consistent production is key to ensuring audience retention.

3. Operate a thoughtful, engaging social media presence 

With nearly 81% of the US population engaging in social media, the importance of establishing a social media presence cannot be overstated. VC firms should be present on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. in a concerted effort to broaden their potential clientele. As with podcasts, consistency is key – firms should regularly be pumping out content to keep their audience engaged and coming back for more. 

4. Publish videos on YouTube 

YouTube remains one of the nation’s (and world’s!) most trafficked websites. Indeed, 98% of Americans visit the site at least once a month. VC firm marketing videos should be well produced, consisting of thoughtful and varied content covering a wide range of critical topics. 

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Venture Capital Branding – Non-Digital Operations 

While digital marketing endeavors are fantastic for reaching a wide audience, non-digital marketing plays a special role in fostering deep connections with potential clientele. Examples of non-digital marketing include:

5. Speaking at Venture Capitalist functions and conventions 

A successful brand can often be represented by a singular individual. Thus, VC firms would be wise to hand select a representative from their firm to deliver their unique message in public formats. This individual should be well-spoken, charismatic, and knowledgeable. 

6. Books

Despite the rise of social media and online content, good old-fashioned books remain a popular option for US consumers with book sales accounting for over $9 billion in 2021. Furthermore, when compared to digital endeavors, books allow for a more thorough and in-depth examination of a variety of subjects. As such, VC firms could boost their brand by composing and publishing books surrounding a myriad of VC topics. 

7. Utilizing the mail for targeted brand awareness

VC firms should employ the postal service to aid in raising brand awareness. With targeted mailing, a VC firm can share its message with a list of individuals who meet certain criteria (employment, income, age, etc). Firms can also include materials for browsing, including investment statistics, diversification strategies, and highlighting important achievements and benchmarks. 

Venture capital firm owners are promoting their firm locally.

8. Sponsor local events

Garnering goodwill amongst the public is critical in developing strong connections within the community. In addition, hosting and sponsoring local events will raise awareness of the VC firm and provide the firm with an opportunity to share more information with the public. 

When combined, both digital and non-digital strategies are highly effective in creating a recognizable brand for a VC firm. Having examined various elements of brand building, let’s turn our focus to a VC firm that implemented brand building in a distinctly successful manner: Andreessen Horowitz. 

Andreessen Horowitz Utilizes Their Brand to Boost Awareness 

Founded in 2009 by Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz, Andreessen Horowitz (known as “a16z”) has established itself as a premier entity within the venture capitalist market. The firm’s investments span a diverse range of sectors, including mobile, cryptocurrency, gaming, social media, and e-commerce. The firm’s rise to prominence, however, is not solely due to smart investments; indeed, Andreessen Horowitz places an emphasis on building its brand, an endeavor that continues to reap rewards. 

Andreessen Horowitz’s methodology in building its brand is multifaceted. Since its inception, Andreessen Horowitz has leveraged both digital and non-digital strategies to promote the firm’s brand. Let’s dive into examples of how the firm utilized both strategies. 

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VC Firm Digital Branding the a16z Way 

A16z excels in digital brand building. For example, Marc Andreessen first shared the news of the firm’s creation during an interview with Charlie Rose on CBS. Also, the firm produces and disseminates a podcast (now with over 500 episodes) and maintains a strong social media presence (including content on Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook). 

It’s also important to note that Marc Andreessen wrote and published an article entitled “It’s Time to Build”, a phrase that now stands as the firm’s slogan. Finally, the firm’s website offers an expansive online library of content relating to a wide range of investment topics. Andreessen Horowitz’s digital presence is remarkable – take a look at this critical piece from our collection to learn more about creating an impactful online presence.

Andreessen Horowitz Supplements with Non-Digital Branding 

A16z supplements its digital strategy with a robust non-digital plan. Various a16z personnel has published articles and books on numerous investment topics. Furthermore, both Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz make an effort to sit for interviews with media publications (this Wired interview is a perfect example). A16z employees also attend conferences to share their expertise and insights and to create connections in the community, both locally and beyond. 

Andreessen Horowitz Reaps the Venture Capitalist Branding Rewards 

As a result, Andreessen Horowitz has effectively catapulted itself to the forefront of the US venture capitalist market. As of this year, Andreessen Horowitz has over $35 billion under management diversified amongst different funds. The firm now employs more than 240 people and has been on a hiring spree, attracting top-tier talent such as Intel’s former CEO, Bob Swan. 

Andreessen Horowitz’s meteoric rise is nothing short of remarkable. In just 13 years, Andreessen Horowitz’s name has become synonymous with savvy and forward-thinking investments. Entrepreneurs the world over know and value the firm’s prestigious track record and often look to partner with the firm. 

Andreessen Horowitz is integrating with non-digital branding

VC Firms should look to Andreessen Horowitz for Inspiration 

There is no question that Andreessen Horowitz’s concerted, focused and varied brand-building strategy has helped the fund become a standout bedrock of the venture capitalist market. Both Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz recognized the importance of building the firm’s brand and actively engaged in the process. 

Furthermore, both of the firm’s founders instilled a culture within the firm that values the need for brand building. As such, they created an environment in which brand-building efforts are shared amongst all, thus amplifying those efforts across the board. This is a wonderful article on high-end branding and the need to separate your branding from your competitors.

Other VC firms should take note of the Andreessen Horowitz approach and would do well to incorporate their own brand-building endeavors in order to stand out in the crowded VC marketplace. Furthermore, a marketing firm can help tremendously in creating a brand and raising general awareness within the broader community. Reach out to us for help in formulating a branding strategy and getting started on a journey to success.   

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Venture Capitalist firms are business entities just like any other. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that VC firms employ and leverage an effective branding campaign to stand apart within the marketplace. Both digital and non-digital tactics should be used to ensure success – similar to how Andreessen Horowitz has done for over a decade.

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HVAC Email Marketing – 10 Steps to Success

Building a workable HVAC email marketing strategy involves choosing goals, segmenting your audience, and crafting memorable emails.

HVAC email marketing is a great way to build your audience, convert leads, and increase customer loyalty. You might have had intermittent success with email marketing for your HVAC business, but nothing sticks. What are the best email marketing strategies for HVAC contractors to improve your open rates?

We recommend the following as part of your HVAC email marketing plan:

  • Setting goals
  • Integrating with your marketing strategy
  • Making lead magnets
  • Picking an email platform
  • Crafting email content
  • Tracking metrics

In this guide to formulating an HVAC email marketing strategy, we’ll take you through 9 steps or stages needed to build a comprehensive strategy that will have your leads and customers eagerly opening more emails and interacting with the content therein.

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Why Should HVAC Companies Do Email Marketing?

Yours is a bustling HVAC business. You always have a full workload and thus not much time to commit to email marketing. Why should you prioritize it?

These are the advantages of using email marketing for HVAC contractors.

Propels Your HVAC Lead Gen Efforts

Even if your HVAC company is busy now, you never know when the customer activity can go from a deluge to a trickle.

You need a contingency plan and having leads in the sales funnel is that contingency plan.

HVAC email marketing is the perfect launching pad to collect more leads. When a lead visits your website, they’ll see your opt-in form or lead magnet.

Since you’re providing such highly valuable content, of course, the lead will have no qualms about sharing their contact information and signing up for your email list.

With email marketing strategies, your HVAC business could have more leads in the funnel than ever before.

Converts More Customers

Converting leads into customers isn’t an exact science, but a big part of the equation is building a relationship with your leads. Email marketing campaigns do exactly that.

Through your email content, you’ll educate your leads about the HVAC services you provide, peel back the curtain with informative newsletters, and provide current news on services and specials.

You’ll also have a team who can directly respond to emails rather than always send out automated emails.

All these efforts build a relationship with a lead. When a lead feels like they have the full breadth of information they’re looking for, they may be likelier to convert.

An HVAC business owner is completing a project for his client

Engages with Customers

It’s not solely your leads who benefit from the aforementioned email content.

Your customers too like to feel like you remember and care about them, especially the customers who go way back.

You can do more than send them informative content and newsletters. You can personalize and automate messages such as for their birthday and offer them exclusive discounts to reward their loyalty.

Increases Sales

Finally, yet another very compelling reason to use HVAC email marketing is to increase your sales.

Leads who have recently converted into customers will be readier to buy.

Some of your customers who maybe weren’t considering HVAC services this year might change their minds if you dangle a tantalizing offer in front of them. 

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How to Create an HVAC Email Marketing Strategy

Aspire Internet Design notes that the average HVAC conversion rate is two to five percent for your website alone.

Through a combination of your website, the other marketing strategies your HVAC business has in place, and email marketing, you should be able to increase your conversions.

Per the intro, let’s now go over the steps for crafting your HVAC email marketing strategy.

Create an Email Marketing Plan (and Set Your Goals)

Before you do anything else, you need a blueprint that will act as your guidepost as you navigate HVAC email marketing.

This blueprint will be known as your email marketing plan.

In your email marketing plan, you want to establish what your company’s goals are as they relate to email marketing.

Do you want to increase the size of your contact list? Generate more leads or perhaps even more qualified leads?

Build customer trust and retention, possibly with the goal of a referral strategy? Increase sales?

Maybe it’s even a combination of goals, which is likely.

Once you’ve identified your goals, it’s time to determine what steps you’ll need to take in your email marketing campaigns to achieve them.

Do you need a more robust email list? Maybe you should prune inactive contacts? Could personalization help? Perhaps email automation?

At this stage, the plans that comprise your email marketing plan are fluid rather than static. You’ll continue to refine the steps until it’s time to put them into action.

Even then, once you see your email marketing strategies play out in real time, you will undoubtedly go back and revise your strategy for the next campaign.

Mediaboom shows how it has integrated the email marketing strategy into its communication.

Integrate Your Email Marketing Campaign with Your Marketing Strategy

As you determine what your HVAC email marketing goals are and how you’ll achieve them, you can’t think of email marketing as a singular entity.

You must consider as well how your email marketing will integrate with existing HVAC marketing strategies.

Namely, you should pay attention to your content marketing.

You can integrate video from your YouTube channel and embed it into the body of an email (as appropriate, of course).

When integrating email marketing and your existing marketing strategies, the key is to avoid repeating content as much as you can.

You want to assume that those who read your blog also read your email and provide unique content for each.

Create Lead Magnets or Opt-in Forms

The next part of your email marketing strategy is to put together the forms that will grab the attention of your website visitors and hopefully inspire more signups to your email list.

You can do this through lead magnets and opt-in forms, which we’ve touched on several times already.

A lead magnet is a critical part of email marketing campaigns, as it’s designed to incentivize leads.

When a lead agrees to share their contact information and join your email list, they’re not doing it for “free,” per se. They receive something in return that’s known as a lead magnet.

The lead magnet should be a piece of highly valuable content but not a readily available post from your blog.

Perhaps you wrote an eBook on mold prevention in basements, so you take the first two chapters and use those as a lead magnet. Maybe your lead magnet is a checklist detailing signs you need a new furnace.

A lead magnet needn’t be extensive content, but it should be something that the lead will find valuable enough that they’re willing to give their contact info to you for it.

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Choose How (and Where) to Integrate Your Opt-in Forms

Next, you have to choose where your opt-in forms will go on your website.

After all, if the forms aren’t seen by your visitors, then no matter how enticing the content is, you won’t get many email list signups.

Here are some prime places to put the opt-in forms across your site:

  • In the middle and/or end of your blog posts
  • In your sidebar
  • On the about page
  • As a pop-up on popular webpages on your site
  • On your hello bar
  • In the footer

We recommend A/B testing to see which opt-in form location will drive the most signups.

Keep in mind that the form’s location is not set in stone.

You also don’t have to use a single opt-in form on your whole website. You can have several across the site, but don’t add so many that a site visitor would feel bombarded!

Select a Platform for Your HVAC Email Marketing Campaign

Assuming this HVAC email marketing campaign is your first, you might not yet have an email marketing platform or software.

There are countless options out there available at all sorts of price points, and we won’t cover them here.

Instead, we’ll provide some pointers that will make it easier for you to choose the right platform for your HVAC business.

  • Plan the types of emails you’ll send: You don’t want to find out after you’ve already paid for the year that your new email marketing software can’t send X or Y types of emails when that’s what you’ve built your HVAC email marketing campaign around. Know the kinds of emails you’ll send and be sure the software has them.
  • Set your budget: You also need a budget when shopping around for email marketing platforms. Many offer options to pay annually or monthly, with monthly plans usually cheaper. Review your expenditures to determine how much you can spend on software and then go from there.
  • Decide which features you can’t go without: Email marketing platforms do not offer identical features from one software to another. If they did, they would all be the same. Thus, it’s best for you to determine which features are must-haves and then choose an email marketing platform that has as many of those features as possible.
  • Use trials and free plans: Many email marketing platforms offer either free trials or free plans. Take advantage of these! Even if you can’t necessarily use all the features in a free plan, you can get a feel for how the software handles, how fast it loads, and what the customer support is like.
Example of a template that can be branded for an HVAC business

Make an Email Template

Once you’ve purchased an email marketing software of choice, it’s time to go in and create your first email template.

This might be an HVAC newsletter template, a welcome email template, or another type of email content you plan to regularly send.

Many email templates feature drag-and-drop features for ease of use and speed in template creation.

You can save a template so you can refer back to it later when sending the same type of email, which is very convenient!

Create the Content

Your email template is finished. Next, you have to create the content that will comprise your HVAC email.

For instance, there’s the subject line.

According to HubSpot, about 35 percent of email recipients choose to open (or not open) an email based entirely on the subject line.

That does put pressure on marketers to write the best subject line ever with every single email they send.

The following best practices will make the act of writing email subject lines less strenuous:

  • Use emojis if appropriate, but only if they add to the message, and use them sparingly at that.
  • Don’t put any part of your subject line in all caps, even if you want to attract attention to it.
  • Don’t use spammy and salesy words just to get opens.
  • Avoid the use of special characters, as they don’t appear on all devices.
  • Stick within the parameters of nine to 60 characters.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

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You also have to write the email body

Here are some tips that will help you write compelling emails your audience won’t be able to wait to read:

  • Keep your paragraphs short and sweet. Add no more than three sentences to a paragraph.
  • Break up the text with visual elements such as videos, images, or bullet points at the very least.
  • Insert links, but don’t be spammy about it
  • Make it clear where the links take the reader. Instead of a hyperlink that says, “click here,” you’d say, “click here to schedule your furnace maintenance.”

Collect Leads and Build Your List

Through your marketing measures and especially through the email marketing strategies that we’ve discussed to this point, you should have begun collecting leads who have joined your email list.

Once you have your list, the next part of your HVAC email marketing plan is to segment your audience.

You should use criteria that account for demographics, geographics, and psychographics.

As a very easy example, you would segment heating-only customers from cooling-only customers and heating and cooling customers.

This is how you deliver a personalized experience through email.

Example of how email marketing strategies for HVAC can be tested

Monitor and Test Your HVAC Email Marketing Campaigns

Your first email marketing campaign has gone live. Now it’s time to review the metrics and see how the campaign does.

One of those metrics will be your email open rate, which determines who’s opening your messages.

According to management software company FieldEdge, the average email open rate for the HVAC industry is 23 percent. That’s not spectacular, but it’s not bad, either. You can work with it.

You also want to track the email click-through rate. This rate is a lot lower in the HVAC field, as customer service company Zyra states the rate is at about three percent.

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HVAC email marketing requires a comprehensive strategy to find the roadmap to success. If you’re struggling with your email marketing, trust in the pros at Mediaboom. We’ll discuss your goals, deploy your campaign, and monitor its success along the way.

Brand Development – Build Your Brand With 13 Strategies

This complete guide to brand development will teach you thirteen strategies to build a strong brand message and grow your target audience.

Brand development is how you make your company stand out among competitors with similar products or services. Use this strategy to build a strong brand and reputation for your business while you grow brand awareness to garner more attention from prospective customers. Brand development is a long-term plan to add value as you grow your business. 

Brand development is the process of adapting and evolving your marketing and promotional strategies to establish and grow your brand. It consists of all your branding company values, business goals, reputation, and brand promise as a solid foundation for your company. While some facets focus on short-term objectives, brand development is the long-term strategy for your brand’s success. 

Read on to learn everything you need to know about brand development. Here is a quick look at everything you will find in this guide:

  • What is brand development?
  • Industry terms
    • Brand development
    • Branding
    • Brand marketing
    • Brand identity
    • Brand image
    • Brand positioning
    • Target audience
  • How to develop a brand in 9 steps
  • 7 Reasons to invest in a brand development strategy
  • Hiring a brand development agency

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What is brand development?

Your brand consists of everything the public uses to identify your specific business. Brand development is constantly evolving your strategies to grow your target audience and align your brand with your values and objectives. 

While branding helps you draw in new customers, brand development builds your reputation. If you offer the exact same products as your competitors, brand development is how you get consumers to choose you. 

Brand development has many facets, but your long-term strategy should focus on connecting with your target audience. For example, branding is a part of brand development but likely requires a different expert skill set and has different goals.

Marketing experts are studying the best strategy to develop the new brand

Defining industry terms

Brand development

Brand development is the strategic process of creating and evolving your company’s images, products, and services to distinguish your brand from the competition. It includes identifying and communicating with your target audience, aligning your brand’s values with your business objectives, and continuously adapting your strategies to convey the brand message you wish to share. 


Branding includes all your promotional and advertising efforts. Think of your website, logo, color scheme, ads, and tone of voice as your company’s branding. 

Brand marketing

Brand marketing is your company’s journey to build a relationship between your brand and consumers. It focuses more on the brand rather than highlighting an individual service or product. Use brand marketing to reinforce your brand promise.

Brand identity

Brand identity is the visual element of your brand that consumers use to distinguish your company. All the colors, designs, logos, shapes, and language of your company make up your brand identity. Chose it wisely and maintain consistency. 

Brand image

Brand image is the result of your efforts to establish a brand identity. A positive brand image will draw in more consistent sales and lead to more successful promotions as you build brand loyalty.

Brand positioning

Brand positioning is earning a place in consumers’ minds so that when they think of your brand, the benefits your company offers come to mind. 

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

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How to develop a brand

1. Find your starting point

To develop and grow, you must have a starting point. Make an honest evaluation of your brand’s efforts to date and decide where your vision will take you. Once you determine where you are, you can make informed decisions about how to get where you want to be. Think about how your goals and vision align with your brand. 

2. Identify your target audience

Your target audience is the group of consumers who are most likely to become your customers. It can include a certain age group, income level, geographic location, or other characteristics. Advertising is only successful if it reaches the right people, and knowing your target audience is vital. Use the analytical data available to you and gather the most useful information about your customers. 

3. Define the core of your brand mission 

What drives your company? What are your goals? And what keeps your workers coming back each day? Your brand mission is the heart of your company and should authentically resonate with your workers. Your brand mission is what you want to achieve, and your brand vision is the values you believe should be used to accomplish it.  

4. Choose values that fit your brand

Derive your brand values from your brand mission, and make sure they match. Make it easy for consumers to identify what your company stands for, and ensure your actions align with your values. Clear values that fit your brand will make brand development easier, and customers will respond. For example, a recent report shows that 73 percent of millennials will pay more for a sustainable product.  

The brand analyst is studying the promises to keep within the brand.

5. Build a brand promise

What do your customers gain when choosing your business over a competitor? Your brand promise sets the standard customers expect from your brand. This will affect how your employees work and what customers expect when giving their business to you. Delivering on your brand promise becomes easier the further you develop your brand. 

6. Develop guidelines for your brand’s content

Create guidelines for the visual elements of your brand content. Don’t pick things merely because they look attractive. If possible, select visual elements that spark emotions in your target audience and relate to your brand. Content marketing should all have a similar format, making your promotions easily recognizable and related to your brand. 

7. Choose brand growth strategies in line with your message

Brand growth is a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t expect immediate results like you might see with a marketing campaign. Think of it as a long-term journey where you grow and strengthen your brand along the way. Choose strategies for growth that align with your brand’s message and identity. Consider offering transparency in your brand’s actions and philosophy. A recent study shows that 94 percent of consumers are more likely to give their loyalty to brands offering complete transparency.

8. Maintain consistent brand messaging across platforms

Use established guidelines to ensure your messaging and visuals are consistent across platforms and media. Consistency is a crucial part of brand development, both internally and externally. From your promotional materials and employee uniforms to company policies and customer service, maintain a consistent brand message for customers and employees. 

9. Monitor progress and adapt

Pay attention to what works and use it to tailor your future actions. Compare your progress to your starting benchmarks and take notice of where you’ve made the most improvement. Use those successful strategies for future efforts and continue adapting your brand development plan.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

Luxury brand development

When working on luxury brand development, focus on what sets your product apart from others in the industry and remember why consumers purchase luxury goods. Some act on their wants rather than their needs, spending their money on things that make them feel good in the moment. Others use luxury goods to make them feel better about themselves. Authenticity is also important to some luxury consumers willing to pay more for higher quality, authentic items. 

Know your target niche and focus your efforts on meeting their needs. Here are a few strategies focused on luxury brand development. 

10. Focus on brand positioning

Create a brand experience for your luxury customers. The luxury market relies on customer loyalty, so you must make sure they have a reason to be loyal. Many luxury consumers are affluent and willing to spend more on a personalized experience. Try to curate their experience with your brand to match their preferences. Use your brand positioning to foster loyalty among luxury consumers and differentiate your brand from others. 

11. Emphasize your brand’s symbolic value

Luxury brands thrive on perception. While higher quality and craftmanship are often qualities found in luxury products, many luxury goods don’t offer a higher functional value than their standard counterparts. For example, a generic purse carries items just as well as a designer bag, but consumers place much higher symbolic value on the designer product. Emphasize the symbolic value of your luxury brand and focus your efforts on sharing that message. 

12. Create the perception of exclusivity

Along with the symbolic value of your luxury brand, your product needs the perception of exclusivity. Push market desire for your brand higher by presenting your product as something that stands out in a crowd, thus making your customers shine as well. 

13. Deliver on your brand’s promise of superiority

One of the most important factors in luxury brand development is consistently delivering on your brand promise of superiority. Uphold your brand identity as a luxury product, no matter the demand. Maintain your brand’s high standards and earn the loyalty of affluent luxury consumers. 

The marketing team is explaining what are the top 7 reasons to invest in the development of a brand.

7 Reasons to invest in a brand development strategy

  1. Increase the perceived authenticity of your brand and build your authority in the industry. A recent report shows that 86 percent of consumers list brand authenticity as an important factor when choosing who to support. 
  2. Accumulate brand loyalty by providing consistent value to your customers and proving they can expect a similar experience on each return visit.
  3. Build trust among your target audience, making them more likely to give you repeat business. Ensure your brand’s actions remain in alignment with your values, and you will build trust with consumers who share those values. 
  4. Add value to your business by using brand development to focus on the company and the people working behind the brand. Consumers notice a well-developed brand and are more likely to share it with others, further increasing your brand’s value.
  5. Content creation for your target audience is much easier with a well-established brand development strategy. With consistent brand messaging, values, and image, you should have no trouble coming up with content ideas. 
  6. Brand development is an excellent way to highlight your company culture and values to potential customers. The philosophy of a company is becoming more important to consumers. They want to know the kind of people they give their money to, and their main experience with your company culture will be your employees. Ensure your company culture aligns with your brand values. 
  7. Brand awareness is built over time through brand development. A successful strategy will give you a competitive edge over others in the market because consumers are already aware of your product and the benefits you offer. 

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Hiring a brand development agency

Creating and implementing your brand development strategy can be a difficult experience if you aren’t knowledgeable about the underlying marketing industry. Trust the experts to help you build and grow your brand by hiring a brand development agency. They will guide you toward sustainable brand growth and help increase your brand awareness.


A successful brand development strategy will help your company attain long-term growth and authority in your industry. With brand loyalty among your target audience, you will see consistent sales and more fruitful promotions. Brand development lets you connect with consumers to secure your brand’s place in the market.

Contact now Mediaboom to develop your brand.

12 Components of a Successful Local SEO for Hotels Strategy

A guide with twelve facets of a successful strategy when planning local SEO for hotels to generate leads and grow your business’s visibility.

Search engine optimization (SEO) can help your hotel generate leads while building your brand and driving traffic to your website. While hospitality is the heart of your business, local SEO for hotels should be the heart of your digital marketing strategy. 

What is Local SEO for Hotels?

Local SEO for hotels is the practice of making your website rank higher in online search results using a combination of digital marketing strategies. Using keywords related to the hospitality industry, hotel location, and niche market, local SEO for hotels helps generate leads, increase bookings, build your hotel’s brand, draw web traffic, and grow your business’s visibility.

As pandemic restrictions lift and the world is ready to travel again, the hospitality industry must adapt to market trends to stay relevant. Numerous studies show that the majority of consumers research online intensively before booking a trip, usually also online. Hotels must be featured on the first page of results for searches in their area to be noticed and maintain growth.

Read on to learn more about local SEO for hotels and the twelve elements of a successful search engine optimization strategy. 

  • Local SEO ranking factors for hotels
  • Create a Google Business Profile (GBP)
  • Verify a GBP for each hotel location
  • Provide complete contact information
  • Manage GBP reviews and respond to all of them
  • Leverage reviews
  • Build popularity
  • Link building
  • Do local keyword research for your website
  • Add local content and local guides to your site
  • Implement, improve, or fix your Schema markup
  • Maintain the ongoing process

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Local SEO Ranking Factors for Hotels

1. Relevance

How well does your business profile match the customer’s search? Does your hotel meet the searcher’s needs? One of the most effective ways to leverage local SEO to benefit your hotel is by identifying your niche and focusing your digital marketing efforts on your target audience. An effective SEO strategy will make your site show up in relevant searches. 


The distance between your hotel and the location the customer searched for is a significant factor in local search engine optimization. Ensure your hotel’s SEO is effective in your area by linking your site to local attractions. Every page of your website should feature keywords for the local area.


How well-known is your hotel − online and offline? Maintain a stellar reputation offline and establish your hotel as an authority in the industry by ensuring Google has updated, verified information about your website.  Cultivate reviews at online sites like Google, Yelp, Yahoo, and Bing.

Mediaboom shows how to optimize a Google Business Profile listing to get more customers for a hotel.

2. Create a Google Business Profile

The single most important facet of local SEO for hotels is the creation of your Google Business Profile. Google Business Profile is a free tool for companies to make it easy for customers to find them online with information like location, hours, and reviews. Google is the first and only stop for many internet searches.

3. Verify a GBP for each hotel location

It’s essential to verify a GBP listing for each of your hotel’s locations. Verified locations carry more weight with Google’s algorithms and rank higher than non-verified businesses. Simply search for your hotel on Google, select the “Own this business?” option, and follow the verification instructions.  Each hotel location should have a separate listing, even if they are part of the same chain, and the information is available on the website. 

4. Provide complete contact information

Maximize the effectiveness of your GBP by ensuring your UNAP (URL, name, address, and phone) information is constantly updated and accurate. List the same information on your website as a footer across the bottom or on a separate contact page. Your GBP and website UNAP information should always match. Discrepancies in the UNAP information between Google and your site can negatively impact your search engine optimization. 

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

5. Manage GBP reviews and respond to all of them

Respond to all reviews for your hotel, whether they are good or bad. With most consumers checking reviews before booking their trips, responding to reviews becomes an integral part of how you represent your hotel. Responses reflect positively on your business because they show you value your guests and their experiences. Respond individually, skipping a copy-and-paste answer. Personal responses allow you to humanize your company, letting potential consumers see the person behind the desk. 

6. Leverage reviews

Leverage your hotel’s reviews by using the customers’ positive words where potential clients will see them. More than 70 percent of consumers read reviews online before making a purchase. Let reviews aid your conversion rates, as the experiences of paying customers carry more weight than even the best paid advertisements. A recent study by Fan and Fuel shows that as much as 92 percent of consumers hesitate to purchase a product or service with no reviews. Display your most positive reviews on your website. You have multiple options for sharing your reviews, like a header/footer on important web pages, a sidebar on your “about” page, a carousel on your homepage, or a separate webpage.

Mediaboom shows how to build popularity around your brand

7. Build Popularity

Solicit reviews from customers to continue building your hotel’s popularity online. If you use an email marketing service, consider an automated email to ask the customer how they enjoyed their stay. Use keywords related to your region and specifically to your location naturally. Consumers may use the same words in their reviews, further increasing your hotel’s local SEO. Focus your efforts on promoting customer satisfaction for your hospitality and tourism attractions near your location to build popularity, increase bookings, and rank higher in searches. 

8. Link Building

Building a network of internal links and backlinks to your website is an incredibly useful tool that makes your site more legitimate to Google and improves your SEO. Internal links take visitors from one page of your website to another, sharing additional relevant information. Backlinks point visitors to your site from external sites. Trusted sites linking back to your website will increase your hotel’s local SEO by boosting your site’s credibility. High-quality backlinks can be next to priceless for helping your website rank higher in search results. Local backlinks endorse your hotel as a prominent business in the industry. If your hotel partners with any local businesses, ask them to include a backlink to your hotel on their site, helping also with lead generation.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

9. Do local keyword research for your website

Research local SEO keywords relevant to your hotel and the region. Include geographic terms and locations, as well as tourism attractions. Every page of your website should include relevant keywords. Don’t stuff your content with keywords, as it can be off-putting, but natural keyword use that flows within the text will boost your SEO. Local keywords should be one of the center stones of your hotel’s digital marketing strategy.

10. Add local content and local guides to your site

Having a professionally designed website isn’t enough to get your hotel on the first page of search results. Make your hotel’s website an authority on the area by including local content and guides. Are there walking tours, local festivals, historic sites, or fun things to do in your region? Publish content on your website to share helpful information about the local attractions. Most travelers will plan their trips online, and the more often your hotel appears in search results, the more likely searchers will book a room with you for their vacation. Leverage SEO and storytelling in your content marketing plan. 

Mediaboom shows how it has optimized its structured data to improve SEO

11. Implement, improve, or fix your Schema markup

Delving into the technical side of SEO, your Schema markup − used by the internet’s top search engines − can help your website stand out from competitors in the industry and get rich snippets. Category-specific Schema lets you provide information about your hotel, like check-in and check-out times, amenities, UNAP, website, and social media links.

12. Maintain the ongoing process

Search engine optimization is not a set destination. Instead, it is an ongoing process you must maintain. Even if you hire an SEO agency to handle your day-to-day digital marketing activities, continuing efforts are required to achieve and maintain the first page of online search results. Pay attention to the market so you can anticipate hospitality marketing trends. Ensure your UNAP information is consistently accurate and up to date everywhere. Post regular content to your blog or insight page. Build relationships with other businesses in your industry and grow your backlink network. Local SEO for hotels should become a central part of your company’s digital marketing strategy.

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Think about how often you’ve searched for something online. How many times did you find the information you needed on the first pages of search results? Now you can see the power of effective local SEO for hotels. Whether you build your own strategy or outsource it to the experts, search engine optimization can make an enormous difference.

Get Listed on Google with SEO for Accounting Firms and CPAs

SEO for accounting firms is a vital part of your digital marketing strategy, to drive traffic to your CPA website and generate sales.

Warren Buffet once famously said, “If you can’t communicate, it’s like winking in the dark—nothing happens.”

If you’re like most accounting firms, a well-designed website is crucial to your communications strategy. (If you’re not sure your website is up to snuff, be sure to check our posts on web design and digital marketing.)

Unfortunately, too many accounting firms and CPAs overlook the obvious. You can have the best website on the planet, but if potential clients can’t find you amidst all the internet clutter, you are still winking in the dark!

That’s where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in.

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What is SEO for Accounting Firms and CPAs?

SEO for accounting firms is the process of optimizing the content and technical presentation of a firm’s online presence to ensure that potential clients see that accounting firm among the top-ranked organic search results.

As an example, we did a quick search on Google for accounting firms in Akron, Ohio. 

The results shown by Google for the keyword "Accounting firm in Akron"

The first four results are paid ads, aka pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. PPC is an essential part of your lead generation strategy, but it’s not cheap, especially in a competitive market like accounting services.

Furthermore, research shows that savvy consumers (those are the kind of clients you want, right?) are increasingly skeptical of paid search results. 

The Nielsen study “Global Trust In Advertising” found that ads in search results have the lowest credibility ratings, an average of 47% across all age groups. For comparison, old-fashioned TV ads have a 63% credibility rating. 

After the paid search results, is a map. Many of your potential clients are interested in the geographic convenience of their accounting service provider. Your presence on the map is crucial. That’s part of your SEO strategy, and we’ll talk more about it shortly.  

After the map, we start to see real organic search results…or do we?

The following seven search results in our example are lists of accounting and CPA firms. Companies specializing in SEO create those lists and usually sell listing on them. 

Search engines love them, but they are far from objective. In many cases, such lists are yet another form of paid advertising, albeit somewhat more subtle than standard PPC ads

Finally, in position 12, the first actual accounting firm appears.

That’s a crowded landscape.

A well-thought-out SEO strategy is the only way to make sure you own a piece of real estate on the first page of search results.

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On-Site SEO for Accounting Firms 

Keyword Optimization

When a potential accounting client enters a line of text into a search engine, they use predictable words and phrases.

The specific words used speak volumes about their intention, i.e., where they are in the process of choosing an accounting services company and what precisely they need.

Keyword optimization is about anticipating the most likely search strings for your ideal clients and ensuring that the content on your website has those same phrases and words presented in a way that the search engine’s algorithms perceive as beneficial to the searcher.

The search phrase, “accounting firm near me,”  tells you a lot about the searcher. They are in the market for an accounting service  (we don’t know what kind yet), and they are most interested in the provider’s physical convenience.

Compare that to “highest rated accountant firm near me” This potential client is also in the market for a conveniently located accountant, and they are most concerned about a firm with good reviews.

Even more specifically, “highest rated tax specialist near me” tells you the searcher wants a well-reviewed tax specialist within a short driving distance to their current location.

If your firm happens to fit that bill, that search is a golden opportunity to convert a searcher into a paying client. But without the right keywords on your site, Google has no way to know this is a match made in heaven.

The screenshot shows the title tags used by the clutch.com site for its article

Tags and Metadata

Google’s search algorithm is nightmarishly complex. Not even the engineers and data scientists at Google themselves understand it in all its complexity.

We know your site’s content, the keyword phrases, and the length of time spent on your site all play a role in SEO for accountants and CPA firms.

Amidst all this complexity, it’s easy to overlook the easiest way of all to clue in the search engines about your accounting prowess.

Just tell them.

Hidden on every webpage are small pieces of HTML that tell the search engine what that webpage is about.

Title Tags are just what they sound like. They are HTML codes in the header of a webpage that tells the search engines the webpage title.

Usually, the title tag is identical to the actual page or article title, but it need not be. 

You should remember, search engines often present the contents of the title tag in the search results.

From our earlier search example for accounting firms in Akron, the first organic result is a list of accounting firms.

The title tag for that article is “Top Accounting Firms in Akron – 2023 Reviews | Clutch.co”

Meta Descriptions

Immediately following the title tag in the header should tell the search engines what the web page is about.

Looking at our example above, the meta description for the page corresponding to that search result is “Detailed client reviews of the leading Akron accounting firms. Hire the best accountant in Akron, OH.”

As you can see, a meta description can be more than just a description. In this case, the webmaster included a value proposition. 

Why should the searcher click on this link? Because they want to hire the best accountant in Akron, of course!

Alt tags were conceived initially to tell vision-impaired users and searchers who block images what images appeared on a webpage. 

They now also tell the search engines how you want them to understand the image content.

Suppose you have a webpage about financial auditing with an image of a group of people sitting around a conference table. In that case, Google doesn’t know how to interpret the image in context.

If you include an alt tag that says, “accountants performing a financial audit,” then Google understands your intent, and you could receive extra relevancy points in the search algorithm.

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Another often overlooked way to make search engines your best friend is a well-structured XML sitemap.

An XML sitemap is a file on your server that tells search engines before they start analyzing your website’s content, which pages you explicitly want them to index and what the relationship is amongst the various pages.

You might have a page for “Our Accounting Services,” where you list all the specialties your firm offers. That page would, in turn, link to sub-pages describing each service in more detail.

Search engines may or may not understand that hierarchical relationship. A sitemap tells the search engine explicitly instead of leaving it to chance.

Your sitemap can also tell the search engines useful things about your content, like how often the content on a page is updated and when you last updated it. The more recent your content, the more relevant the search engines are likely to consider it.

Site Structure

Search engines are logical. They like websites neat and tidy. Messy websites confuse them and cause them to misunderstand and deprioritize the content you worked so hard to create.

Search engines also take clues about the importance of a piece of content based on its placement in the structure.

Often an accounting firm’s website grows organically. As you think of things you feel are meaningful to your clients, you add them to the site. This process can result in a disorganized meandering website.

Even if you started with a well-thought-out structure, it behooves you to check if you’ve outgrown it. That’s often the case.

A well-thought-out website structure is not just important to search engines. It also better serves your clients and leads to higher conversions.

Semrush shows the off-site SEO performance of the wikipedia.com website

Off-Site SEO for Accounting Firms

Google Business profile

Remember the map that showed up mid-page in our example search for accounting firms? Google Business Profile is how you get your accounting firm to show up on that map, and that’s just the beginning of the benefits of this terrific free tool from the folks at Google.

Google created the My Business tool so companies of all kinds can claim their business and provide vital information to searchers like address, phone number, website URL, hours of operation and the types of service you offer.

Unless you’ve only just recently hung up your shingle, chances are you already have a Google Business Profile listing. The first step for most firms is simply claiming their listing. 

Once you’ve claimed your listing, you control the data in your GBP listing, and that opens the door for many SEO opportunities. Now,  Google knows you officially exist, and that automatically improves your search rankings.

A complete Google Business Profile listing is also key to building client trust. Google research shows that customers are 70% more likely to visit a business with a complete My Business listing. 

Also according to Google, businesses with a complete My Business listing are twice as likely to be considered reputable.

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Google’s search algorithm changes continuously and is increasingly sophisticated, but at its core, the algorithm appears to be still highly dependent on something called “page rank.” 

Page rank is a ranking algorithm based on the number and quality of the links to your site from other sites. 

In short, the more other people talk about your accounting firm (hopefully in a good way), the more important Google thinks your site is compared to your peer group.

Remember in our example, all those lists of accounting firms that showed up at the top of the organic search results?

Those are examples of backlinks from other sites. There are many ways to get other sites to link to you. Of course, one way is to buy them, but Google’s on to that strategy and tends to discount those links somewhat.

A better approach is a well-thought-out content strategy with compelling content that others want to link to because your content is considered the definitive source for that information. We’ll talk more about content marketing shortly.

A customer is leaving a review for the company's accounting department


According to the Nielsen study,  “earned media” like recommendations, reviews, and editorial content are among the most trusted forms of marketing.

Reviews are also an essential part of your off-site SEO.

Google shows reviews or “ratings” in three places;

  • on google maps,
  • in search results, 
  • and, next to your online ads.

Some clients will submit a review to Google without being asked. But they are more likely to take that step if they are unhappy. That’s not going to lead to the kind of reviews presence you’re hoping for.

A smarter approach is proactively soliciting reviews – which can ultimately boost SEO for accounting firms.

Include in your post-engagement follow-up email sequence, asking customers explicitly for a 5-star review.

Be sure to explain why that’s important to you. And mention, if their review would be anything other than a 5-star, they should reach out to you first so you can make it right.

Google also may show your reviews directly next to your site in search results from 3rd-party review sites like Yelp. 

Again, being proactive is the key to success here. Explain to your customers in a follow-up sequence why you need good reviews and encourage them to visit rating sites like Yelp and post 5-star reviews.

One strategy that works well is first asking for a client’s feedback directly as part of post engagement follow up.

Then cherry-pick the most positive reviews and ask them to post the same feedback on Yelp.

Make it as easy as possible for them by including the link to your Yelp listing and reminding them what they said so they could just cut and paste into the review.

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Content Marketing – Becoming a trusted authority

People have accounting questions every day. They use search engines to get answers to those questions.

Content marketing is about publishing content, on your site and external sites, that answers those common questions and, in turn, positions your firm as the trusted authority on that subject.

The logic here is obvious. If a client has seen your firm referenced repeatedly during their efforts to answer an accounting question, when they decide to engage a firm to help with that question, you have already positioned yourself as the obvious choice.

Content marketing is also an excellent opportunity to get those inbound links from other sites.

It’s a win-win. You are positioned as the authority while improving your search rank.

The case study of how St. Clair CPA Solutions boosted its local SEO

Case Study – How St. Clair CPA Solutions used local SEO to Improve Traffic and Land More Clients

Based in Philadelphia, St. Clair CPA Solutions faces plenty of competition. With the help of Mediaboom, they redesigned their website with local SEO and streamlined conversion in mind.

This increased focus and awareness made a clear contribution to their bottom line.

  • Total traffic to their site has increased 171%
  • Organic traffic (i.e., the traffic directly resulting from their SEO efforts) is up a staggering 327%.
  • And, the fast-growing segment of online traffic, mobile, has increased by 246%.

Learn more about St. Clair CPA Solutions’ push for improved local SEO.

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Mediaboom makes sure that when you wink, somebody sees

There’s probably no other group of people more keenly focused on the bottom line than accounting firms. 

SEO for accounting firms is a vital part of your digital marketing strategy, but its direct impact on the bottom line can be tough to quantify.

At Mediaboom, we’re committed to providing digital marketing and SEO for accounting firms to help all our clients get quantifiable results like the ones St. Clair CPA Solutions experienced. 

Contact us today, and let’s talk about what we can do for your accounting practice!

30 of the Best Insurance Website Design Examples

Like with many other industries we’ve discussed on this blog, in insurance, an exemplary website is necessary to propel your firm to the top of search results…

Whether you’re a small insurance firm or a growing one, differentiating yourself from your competitors is one way to keep increasing your customer base. 

Like with many other industries we’ve discussed on this blog, in insurance, an exemplary website is necessary to propel your firm to the top of search results. This will attract new clients. Presenting a website that’s easily navigable and gives visitors the information they need will also lure in leads and maintain current clients.

If you’re scratching your head wondering which elements of web design are most necessary for an insurance firm like yours, you’ve come to the right place. Ideally, you want a website that’s responsive, has great CTA placement, and supports the customer journey. 

Below are 30 examples of successful insurance website designs that each have unique features to them. You can use them as inspiration as you seek to create your own exemplary insurance firm website. 

  1. Stone Agency Insurance
  2. Steadily
  3. Sanlam Indie
  4. Insurance Jack
  5. Oscar
  6. Jetty
  7. AmSuisse
  8. Brown & Brown Insurance
  9. American Family Insurance
  10. 123
  11. Lumico
  12. The Insurance Experiments
  13. Family Financial Insurance Group
  14. Lemonade
  15. Titan Insured
  16. Rideshur
  17. Amwins
  18. GB&A
  19. Charles Milnes
  20. Ladder Life
  21. Fetch Pet
  22. Burton A. Harris Insurance
  23. Insure Your Toy
  24. AIS Insurance Angel
  25. Allstate
  26. Mercury Insurance
  27. Aflac
  28. Chubb
  29. Pets Best
  30. Trusted Choice

1. Stone Agency Insurance

The Stone Insurance web design emphasizes humanizing their business with images of people.

Useful information presented in a concise way

The Connecticut-based Stone Insurance Agency specializes in business, home, and auto insurance. Their website has lots of great design elements, so let’s discuss these now. 

Emphasis on Humanizing Their Business

We’ve talked about this before on our blog, but it’s so important to remind your customers that yes, the people behind your insurance firm are human too. Stone Agency does this in a phenomenal way. It starts from the moment you reach their homepage, where you see an image of people gathered at a meeting. 

Their testimonials are another humanizing element, but above all, Stone’s “We’re Your Neighbors” section is the one that most reminds you most that Stone’s staff is comprised of friends, neighbors, and community partners. 

Easily Accessible Contact Information

If you feel inclined to reach out to Stone Agency Insurance’s staff quickly upon landing on their website, it’s not hard to find the contact information. At the top of the page, well above the fold, you’ll see Stone’s phone number, their email address, and a Facebook icon link that, when clicked, redirects you to the firm’s social page. 

No-Frills Navigation

Even if you find you need more time before reaching out to Stone, navigating their site is very simple. They have five menus, About, Home & Auto, Business Insurance, Contact, and Claims & Carriers. All are very clear so you don’t have to guess what you’re clicking.

2. Steadily

The home page of Steadily insurance website

Color and graphics unite for a clean, navigable site

A landlord insurance service, Steadily continues our list of insurance website design examples. Their services include insurance for single-family homes, multi-family homes, vacation units, manufactured homes, condos, and apartments.

Excellent Use of Color

Whether it’s the social-media style blocks of color, the hand-drawn art style, or the CTA buttons, the dark purple color that is Steadily’s logo permeates the website. It’s even in the contact number above the fold.

The simple beige background and lack of navigation bar keep the strong color from being overwhelming.

3. Sanlam Indie

Sanlam exaplain the insurance processes in a simple and easy-to-understand manner on their website.

Youthful graphics and energy

New Zealand’s own Sanlam Indie is a life insurance provider with a design that skews towards a younger demographic without being exclusionary to other customers.

Creative Graphics

Like Brown & Brown, Sanlam Indie chooses to go with a clean white backdrop on its website that acts as a blank canvas. They don’t go overboard with their graphics, instead choosing fun, funky patterns like half-circles and rows of dots that complement the images of people that are prevalent on most pages on their site. 

Convenient Client Logins

You don’t have to go searching high and low to find the client login section as a member of Sanlam Indie insurance. At the top of the homepage to the right is a login link. No matter which page you navigate to on their site, this box doesn’t disappear.

Also smart is how Sanlam places a yellow “Get a quote” CTA box right next to the login box to incentivize leads to learn more about their firm. 

Easily Explained Processes 

Insurance can be confusing to the uninitiated. Yet whether you’re looking for death income protection, disability coverage, critical illness coverage, life insurance payouts, or funeral coverage, Sanlam makes it easy to find what you want.

On their homepage, they also explain their process clearly and simply, such as how they provide a quote in 10 minutes or less as well as what your policy does and does not include.

4. Insurance Jack

Insurance Jack is a Canadian insurance company that uses a free and simple website design.

Sometimes the best homepage is practically no homepage

The Canadian insurance company Insurance Jack promises “hassle-free insurance” with a website design that’s equally as hassle-free. Let’s look closer at why this is among the best insurance website designs.

Simple, Short Pages

The homepage on the Insurance Jack site is one of the briefest you’ll see. Items are hardly above or below the fold because, on desktop at least, you’re not scrolling very far either way.

The other pages on the site are equally brief, living up to Insurance Jack’s reputation of keeping things simple.

5. Oscar

Oscar is a health insurance provider with a unique and distinctive website design featuring appealing graphics and clear navigation.

A service that matches the slogan

As a health insurance provider, Oscar has some steep competition. Here are the ways this firm is making such an impact through its design.

Appealing Artwork and Graphics

Aninsurance website design needs a distinct identity, and Oscar has that in spades. As you explore their site, you’ll see unique artwork that illustrates their services, including family or individual plans, Medicare advantage plans, and business plans. 

These graphics are interspersed with images of real people as well. 

Clear Navigation

Oscar says it does “health insurance made easy.” That’s why the firm boasts simple navigation for just that. They have five menu items, Medicare, Individuals & Families, Businesses, For Brokers, and For Providers. Each menu has a dropdown with more comprehensive information per each category. 

Easy Login No Matter the Type of Customer

What kind of customer are you to Oscar? Be it a provider, broker, business, or service member, the login feature at the top right of their website makes it simple  for you to quickly sign in to check your policy or make changes. 

6. Jetty

Jetty's website design has a great color scheme with a vivid teal hue.

Great color cohesion throughout

New York’s Jetty deals in renters’ insurance. The design of their website is a winning one in multiple ways, so let’s explore.

Color Cohesion

It takes only a moment of looking at Jetty’s website to get a feel for their branding and design. Their main color is a vivid teal. It’s on the giant J logo right on the homepage, in their CTA button (“Get Quote”), and it’s even the star color for Jetty’s often-five-starred reviews. 

This cohesion links together elements on Jetty’s site that would otherwise be disparate, creating great unity. 

User Experience Tailored to Their Audience

Since Jetty offers, as they call it, “lower move-in costs for everyday renters,” they admittedly have a specific audience. Their customers tend to be younger apartment renters, and Jetty’s bright, youthful design reflects their audience’s tastes perfectly. 

Easy to Get in Touch 

Do you want to reach out to Jetty right away? This is another insurance firm that makes it overwhelmingly convenient to make contact. Their Call Us link at the top of the page gives you their phone number so you can dial them, join their insurance, and get protection on your rented property right away.

7. AmSuisse

Animated elements on the AmSuisse website create a professional and engaging user experience.

Animated, unassuming, and clean

The Texas-based insurance broker AmSuisse specializes in a wide range of insurance, from flood insurance to environmental insurance, life insurance, and even special event insurance. Here’s what we liked about their site.

Good Use of Animated Elements

The transitory animated elements as you scroll down a page on the AmSuisse website or jump from page to page give the site a wholly professional appeal.

8. Brown & Brown Insurance

Eye-catching red call-to-action buttons stand out against a white and navy blue color scheme.

Clean, simplified, and easy

Brown & Brown Insurance is also a great industry example in its own right. Here are the elements of the site we most recommend integrating into your insurance firm’s website design.

Eye-Catching CTAs

The Brown & Brown color scheme is white, navy blue, and red. Their red call to action buttons, whether against a white background or a blue box, always have a way of standing out. Besides grabbing your attention, the CTA placement is also very well done here. For instance, there’s one CTA, “Find Your Solution,” right at the top of the homepage. Another is in the center of that same page.

Search Function

If you know what you’re looking for but you don’t want to spend the time clicking through menus, you don’t have to on Brown & Brown’s website. A search feature right at the top of the page is convenient and handy. 

Clean, Uncomplicated Design

Even if you do spend some time poking around such pages as Investor Relations, What We Do, or About Us, one thing is abundantly clear on Brown & Brown’s site. The firm prioritizes clean design with a simple white backdrop, images that enhance the design, and neat boxes throughout. 

9. American Family Insurance

American Family Insurance website screenshot showing neatly organized insurance categories and various conversion elements

History kept modern

American Family Insurance was founded in 1927 in Madison, Wisconsin, and today remains a key insurance firm. Once you see their website, you’ll understand how Amfam has transcended the generations.  

Neat, Contained Pages

Amfam offers a lot of services, among those farm and ranch insurance, business insurance, renters’ insurance, life insurance, and the standards like home and car insurance. They give their customers plenty of options, but an unorganized design would make it confusing and difficult to navigate to just the right type of insurance. 

That’s why Amfam keeps all its many insurance categories neat and contained. You can navigate straight to renters’ insurance if that’s what you want, or life insurance or anything else. This saves you time. 

A Multitude of Conversion Elements

The American Family Insurance website also excels in converting leads. As you look around the site, you’ll come across a variety of conversion elements, from the “Contact Us” and “Sign In/Up” links at the top of the site to the “Find an Agent” CTA on the homepage, the “Report a Claim” button on the Claims page, and more.

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10. 123

The website in the background is designed with warm colors, soft shapes, and images of people

Creating a sense of comfort through web design

In Ireland, 123 Insurance provides travel, home, and car insurance. What is it about their site that makes it among the best insurance agency website designs? Let’s take a closer look.

People-Based Approach

There’s something comfortable and familiar about scrolling through the 123 Insurance website. Perhaps it’s the appealing use of colors, the soft shapes throughout, or the images of people, but the site has a mood that makes you feel right at home.

11. Lumico

The simplified navigation with only four menus makes it easy for users to find information on insurance expenses.

Colors and images combined for an amazing effect

Once known as Generation Life Insurance, when Lumico rebranded, they brought with them an invigorating website design. Here are some elements to pay attention to. 

Attention-Grabbing Graphics

Insurance website design doesn’t have to be stuffy, as Lumico has proven. Their homepage greets you with colorful text in bright neon pink and electric orange. This is combined with animated graphics that you can’t turn away from. The overall effect is one that surely captivates attention. 

Simplified User Experience

To better understand your insurance, Lumico keeps its navigation simple, with only four menus, Products, Our Story, FAQ, and Contact Us. On their Products page, you can learn about insurance expenses, term coverage, and which of Lumico’s insurance best suits you. If that’s not clear enough, their FAQs will answer any other questions you may have.

12. The Insurance Experiments

The Insurance Experiments has managed to bring a fun and creative approach to insurance through their website design.

Making insurance fun

In the UK, The Insurance Experiments bring a unique approach to insurance that certainly warrants them a spot on this list. Let’s talk more about their website now.

Fun Cartoons

With a name like The Insurance Experiments, you had to expect a different way of doing things. Indeed, this firm delivers, with cartoony graphics (some that even animate!) all over their homepage. 

Underneath this cutesy, cartoony layer is the same great insurance you’d expect out of any viable firm, but The Insurance Experiments finds a way to keep things interesting.

Instant Navigation 

Once you scroll past the graphics, you’ll see a section of The Insurance Experiments’ website that says “filter by insurance type.” Here you can choose from a myriad of insurance, for pets, vehicles, travel, property, health, and business. You only have to select one and you’re off to the races!

Fantastic Theming

If you’re wondering why this UK firm calls itself The Insurance Experiments, it becomes quickly apparent on their homepage. Their FAQs are categorized by experiment number. Each includes its own graphics so you can quickly and easily track down the info you need most and then get on with your day.

13. Family Financial Insurance Group

Family Financial, an insurance website

A prevailing family-first approach

Texas’ Family Financial Insurance Group lives up to that name through its website design, which you’ll notice the moment you land on the homepage.

Family-Centric Images to Drive Home Values

You don’t have to guess at Family Financial Insurance Group’s values when everything is laid out in front of you.

From the homepage to any of the pages on the company’s many insurance services, you’ll see photo after photo of happy families.

The message is clear. By getting insured, you too can protect your family for more happy days ahead.

14. Lemonade

Lemonade's website includes a blog with articles on a variety of topics, from home improvement tips to social justice issues.

Another playful approach to renters’ insurance

In the same vein of Jetty is Lemonade, a renters’ and homeowners’ insurance provider. Here’s a glimpse into their website and what makes it tick.

Designed for the 21st Century

It’s like Lemonade themselves say. Their insurance website design is for customers who are living firmly in the 21st century, aka those who use apps (Lemonade has one), read reviews before buying anything (Lemonade has those too), and like to know the prices of what they’re buying (yes, Lemonade divulges this information).

Colorful Website Elements

Lemonade’s web design is kept purposefully simple, with a white background and grayscale illustrations of a cityscape. It’s so their neon pink elements, like CTA buttons, hyperlinks, and even some graphics will stand out that much more.

Socially Connected

Any company, insurance firm or not, that says it’s designed for the 21st century should have a wealth of social buttons. Lemonade delivers, linking you to their Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and even their Dribble and Stories accounts. Talk about staying social! 

15. Titan Insured

Titan - Insurance website design

Localized insurance done right

Boston’s own Titan Insured operates out of Jamaica Plain and the Bay Back area. They’re very proud of their location, and they use it to their advantage. Here’s what we mean.

Localization for a Close-Knit Feel

If you’re in the Boston area and looking for insurance, Titan Insured sets itself up as a great option right from the get-go. On their homepage, they say “we are your Boston insurance agency.” Other localized copy throughout their site also lends Titan’s website that neighborly feel.

Easy Access to the Client Portal

Once you become a customer of Titan Insured, logging right in is quick and easy. Their client portal at the top of their website takes you to a page where you can log right in, ask for a policy review, pay your bill, get an auto ID card, request a certificate, make a policy change, or report your claim.

16. Rideshur

Rideshur website is composed with a captivating and familiar graphic.

Futurism wins the day

Rideshur deals in business fleet insurance, which is something that can seem a little futuristic to some people. That’s why the UK-based company so strongly embraced that element in its insurance website design.

Futuristic Approach, Clear Explanations

Rideshur doesn’t want you to be mystified by what business fleet insurance is or what it can do. That’s why they clearly outline the extent of their services complete with cartoons to break up the reading material.

17. Amwins

Amwins - insurance website design

Mobile optimism for insurance on the go

The worldwide insurance service Amwins, considering it has so many locations and serves so many industries with its vast solutions, could have a rather cluttered website, but it doesn’t.

Here’s what else works so well.

Mobile-Optimized Site Mirrors the Desktop Experience

The Amwins mobile site is a perfect replica of the desktop site. Sure, the navigation bar is in a different location, but you’re not getting an abbreviated version of the site whatsoever.

Considering how many millions of people are on mobile and that this might be how Amwins’ leads find them, this was a good move!

18. GB&A

By highlighting their expertise on the site, GB&A is able to establish trust with potential customers right from the start.

A focus on legacy

Entrusting your insurance to any company shouldn’t feel like a gamble. The New York insurance agency GB&A understands that innately, and it comes through well in their insurance website design.

Driving Trust from the Homepage On

On the homepage of the GB&A website, you’ll see an old photo of its original founding members with the copy, “Better insurance through generations of experience & personal attention.”

You’ll then see all the company’s top-rated carriers, which include heavy hitters such as Bloomberg BNA, Chubb, Insurance Journal, and CAN.

This all inspires trust in their services.

19. Charles Milnes

The creative home page of Charles Milnes & Company

Embracing the colorful side of life

The best insurance website design does not have to shy away from color as the Charles Milnes website proves.

Color, Color Everywhere

From the tri-colored navigation panels to the oversized patterned and illustrated homepage background with colors galore, the Charles Milnes website bucks the trend that an insurance website has to be boring!  

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20. Ladder Life

Ladder Life insurance website design

Insurance simplified with a website that achieves the same

Ladder Life’s slogan is “flexible life insurance in minutes.” Here’s how the site inspires that sense of comfort in its audience.

Simple Navigation + Clean Design

The Ladder Life website doesn’t have a navigation bar, per se, only the options Learn and Sign in above the fold.

You’ll also see an above-the-fold CTA button to get a customized life insurance quote.

The navigation is clean and easy, explaining the three steps to get your own insurance while valuably inserting reviews in between.

21. Fetch Pet

The company's insurance website provides clear information about its insurance services.

Insurance website design to put pet owners’ minds at ease

Fetch Pet, as you might have guessed from the name, is a pet insurance company.

While we like how they immediately separate themselves from the competition by describing how they’re better, that’s not the part of the site we’ll highlight here.

Quick, Comprehensive Services List

If you’re shopping around for insurance for your precious pet, you want to know what you’re getting. Fetch Pet doesn’t waste your time, including a full list of services right on the homepage in a neat box.

22. Burton A. Harris Insurance

Burton A-Harris - Insurance website desgin

Color cohesion at work

The California-based Burton A. Harris Insurance is a partner of Farmers Insurance. That’s probably why Harris’ website design is as exemplary as it is.

Great Use of Logo Colors Throughout

It’s a common website design trick to use one’s logo colors on a website. When you have more than one color in your logo such as the Burton A. Harris Insurance site (they have three), this task can become trickier.

Yet the red, white, and blue color scheme is prevalent enough without feeling tastelessly patriotic.

23. Insure Your Toy

The cool home page of Insure Your Toy website

Calling on you to protect your valuables

The Georgia-based company that’s also called Peter Laczko Insurance but today is better known as Insure Your Toy makes it clear through that name what it’s all about. So too does its website.

Easy-to-Find Services and Easier-to-Find Quotes

If you spend even a minute on the Insure Your Toy website, you’ll quickly learn that the company insures cars, boats, motorcycles, homes, and RVs.

To inspire trust, the Insure Your Toy website makes it clear that the company is licensed in 50 states. You’ll also see CTA buttons inspiring you to get your quote today.

24. AIS Insurance Angel

The original 3D design of AIS - Affordable Insurance Angel website

Incredible use of 3D graphics

When first stumbling upon the AIS Insurance Angel website, you’ll certainly agree with us that this is one of the best insurance agency website designs out there. Let’s take a closer look at why that is.

3D Graphics That Don’t Detract from the Site Message

The 3D angel mascot is simply awesome and is sure to keep anyone who landed on the homepage eager to stick around.

The design doesn’t detract from the fact that this site has a clean design, simple navigation, and other animated graphics (that aren’t nearly as complex but are still a nice touch).

25. Allstate

The Allstate website incorporates several design elements without feeling cluttered or unmatching.

Insurance that needs no introduction

Allstate is one of those companies that everyone already knows. That sets the bar ultra-high for a well-designed website, so let’s see how Allstate measures up.

Great Use of Color Without Feeling Clunky

Too many colors, especially when in tight, united elements like small blocks on the Allstate website, can feel cluttered and unmatching.

Allstate, being the major company that it is, knows how to incorporate several design elements all at once in a way that feels intentional and could motivate your own insurance website design!

26. Mercury Insurance

Mercury - Insurance website design

Navigable design from mobile to desktop

The Los Angeles insurance company Mercury Insurance offers everything from local insurance to business auto, mechanical, landlord, renters, condo, homeowners, and auto insurance. Keeping that under one neat umbrella looks easy when they do it.

Uncluttered Navigation

To find exactly what you’re looking for when you land on the Mercury Insurance website, the navigation bar at the top keeps things simple.

Although the navigation doesn’t scroll, with links at the bottom of the homepage that replicate the navigation, you don’t need a traveling bar.

27. Aflac

The Aflac insurance website design is easy for users to find what they need.

Insurance you can count on with a comprehensive web design

Aflac is another of those companies that need no introduction. While nearly any website design would do, Aflac prioritizes design elements that make it one of the best insurance website designs around.

Convenient to Find What You Need

From the scrolling navigation bar to a sample cost calculator on the homepage, a full list of services, and yes, a bit of the duck mascot as well, the Aflac site has it all.

28. Chubb

The smart use of color on the home page of Chubb

Color-blocking that works

The Switzerland-operated Chubb company serves individuals, families, and businesses with its assortment of insurance products. Why did we include this website on the list of exemplary designs? Let’s review.

Smart Use of Color

Everything about the use of color on the Chubb website is fully intentional, which you’ll notice as you leave the vivid homepage and navigate elsewhere on the site.

Each page has its own unique color element that lends the homepage more cohesion.

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29. Pets Best

The site's design is easy to navigate, with clear and concise information about pet insurance coverage

Inspiring customer trust through excellent website design

The second pet insurance site we’ll look at today is called Pets Best. This site is all about inspiring trust, so let’s see why it works so well.

A Design That Makes It Easy to Get Started

From the sample pet insurance coverage plan to a link straight to Pets Best apps so you can track pet insurance on the go, Pets Best’s website wants to make obtaining pet insurance the easiest thing you do today.

30. Trusted Choice

The Trusted Choice insurance website design is colorful and professional.

Professional, colorful design to motivate your service

Trusted Choice, a company of independent insurance agents that offers auto, home, and other types of insurance, is also a well-known company. Its website further adds to its reputation.

Multicolored Design with Linking, Cohesive Elements

This is yet another website that proves that you don’t have to eschew color to still look professional. The alternating orange and blue colors–between the colorful panels, CTA buttons, and text–on a white background create a welcoming air.

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Is it time for your firm to consider a new insurance website design?

The insurance market may be a crowded one, but a solid website is your first step to making your firm stand out. The 10 examples of top-notch insurance website design we showcased here prove that whether you’re going for a whimsical or no-nonsense approach to insurance, you should design your site with clean backgrounds, great graphics, and easy navigation. 

Contact now Mediaboom to create an outstanding insurance website design for your business!

HVAC Leads – 20 Powerful Strategies for Getting More Leads

HVAC leads are the perfect way to get the information you need to build a profitable sales funnel. These strategies will help you get more leads.

HVAC leads are a subset of the market research industry. This area focuses on the needs of heating and air conditioning (HVAC) professionals. HVAC leads are people who have expressed interest in your HVAC services. These potential customers might be looking for a new system for their home or business. Or, they simply want to learn more about their options.

HVAC leads are a group of people that you want to target as your ideal customers. They are the people who have the highest potential to buy your product or service. These leads are valuable because you can often generate more business from them than you could from a cold call. The HVAC industry is a highly competitive market. You need to do everything you can to stand out from the crowd, and that includes creating an effective lead generation campaign.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your business, lead generation is a great place to start. The problem is many people aren’t sure how to go about it. This article will help you learn some of the secrets of heating and cooling leads.

What is HVAC lead generation?

HVAC lead generation refers to the process of creating qualified prospects from an initial list of prospective customers. The goal of lead generation is to create business opportunities by identifying and engaging these prospects in a targeted manner. This process can help you increase sales, generate more qualified leads, and improve your overall marketing efforts.

The benefits of lead generation are many. These opportunities include:

  • Increased sales numbers
  • Higher conversion rates 
  • More qualified leads 
  • Improved acquisition cost per sale 
  • Better marketing ROI
  • Improved customer satisfaction
The worker has just started a new job after getting some new leads

How to get HVAC leads

The first step in harnessing the power of marketing for HVAC leads is to have a clear strategy. You need to know what you want to achieve with your campaign and how you’re going to get there. The most effective leads are generated through a combination of the following strategies:

1. Optimize your website

Your website is an important part of your online marketing strategy. The first impressions you make will influence what happens next in a visitor’s journey with you. Website optimization is crucial to a successful lead generation strategy. 

Make sure you have optimized your site for search engines. This means optimizing every aspect, from the content to the layout and design. Optimization can help increase traffic and it makes it easier for people to find what they’re looking for.

2. Invest in local SEO

Local SEO (search engine optimization) is about making sure people can find your business when they search for it. It involves optimizing content on your website so that it ranks well for relevant terms in local searches. This helps to attract potential customers looking for your services.

You can do this by optimizing the text and images on your site to reflect local information. For example, the name, address and phone number of your business. Optimizing your website for local search is crucial if you want to reach new customers and make more sales.

3. PPC and Google Ads

PPC stands for pay-per-click advertising. This is an effective way to generate leads from search engines like Google. You can run PPC campaigns through Google Ads. This can be done by paying per click or by bidding on keywords in order to reach relevant audiences. The more bids placed during an auction, the higher up on the search engine results page (SERP) they appear. 

The content marketing specialist is developing the content marketing strategy for HVAC

4. Content marketing for HVAC leads

Content marketing is a great way to reach potential customers. It allows you to tell your story and build trust with them in the process. It’s especially effective for reaching clients who may be hesitant about choosing your services.

You don’t have to be an expert at blogging or writing articles. All you need is knowledge about what you do and how you can help prospective clients. For example, you can simply create an article about how heating and cooling systems work. 

5. Use video in your marketing mix

Video marketing is another effective way to engage with potential customers in a fun and entertaining way. Some people prefer watching videos over reading long articles or listening to podcasts. This is because it’s easier for them to digest information.

Plus, video marketing allows you to show off your company’s personality and brand identity. This makes it more memorable for consumers than written content or other forms of communication.

6. Leverage social media marketing for HVAC lead generation 

Social media marketing has become an invaluable tool in today’s world. It’s an excellent way to reach a large audience and get them interested in your business. So you need to ensure that you have an active social media presence. 

Use social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to promote your HVAC business. You can also share information about new developments in your industry, and build relationships with potential customers.

7. Research keywords

When it comes to generating leads, research is essential. You need to know what keywords people use when they search online for HVAC services. That way, you can optimize your website and content accordingly.

To find these keywords, use the Google Keyword Planner tool or SEMRush. These tools will help you determine which keywords are most popular among potential customers in your area. 

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8. Optimize your site for mobile

It’s important that your website is mobile friendly. Most people use their phones or tablets when they’re browsing the internet.  And many of them will abandon your site if it doesn’t load quickly enough on their devices. 

This means they won’t read any content on your website or even contact you with questions about your services. Ensure that your website loads quickly on all devices so that you can attract more potential customers.

9. Use email marketing to your advantage

One of the best ways to find the right HVAC leads is by leveraging your existing customer base. Email marketing is a powerful way of keeping in touch with your customers and potential leads. You can include a sign-up form on your website, which people can use to subscribe to your email list. 

This will allow you to send them offers, new product updates and information about your services. You can create an email list with any provider like Mailchimp or Constant Contact. They offer affordable plans with great features.

10. Google Business Profile

Google Business Profile is a free tool that allows you to claim and manage your local business information on Google Search and Maps. If you have not yet created one for your HVAC business, this is an excellent opportunity for lead generation. 

This platform allows you to enter information about your business such as phone number, address, and hours of operation. It allows customers who are searching for services like yours in their area to easily find you. You can also add photos of your team members or office space. 

11. List yourself on local directories and review sites

Review sites play an important role in lead generation. Yelp, HomeAdvisor and others are all good places to list your business information for potential customers to find you. These sites also allow people to leave reviews about their experiences with your company. This can help build trust between you and your audience.

The marketing team is tracking the lead generation trend for their HVAC client

12. Monitor and test your HVAC leads

Monitoring is one of the most important parts of your lead generation process. In this stage, you can track how many people are visiting your website from each channel. You can also track what content they are viewing and how long they stay on your site. 

It’s also a good idea to set up Google Analytics to track bounce rate and conversion rate. This tool can also track other metrics that can help you optimize your website for better conversions.

13. Ask for referrals from existing customers

You can ask clients who are happy with your service if they know other people who could benefit from it too. If they do, offer them a discount on their next purchase if they refer them to you. 

This helps create more loyal customers who will continue to use your service or recommend it to others in turn. You may not get many referrals at first. But once they start rolling in, you’ll be able to quickly scale your business and increase revenue.

14. Online reputation management

If you’re not managing your online reputation properly, you may find yourself with a negative image. Take steps to improve your online reputation and make sure it’s always positive. 

For example, you may see negative mentions about your business on social media platforms like Facebook. Try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

15. Have clear call-to-actions

It also helps to have a clear call-to-action (CTA) that directs your visitors through the conversion funnel. Make sure that your CTA is easy to find and read for visitors to notice it easily. 

Use words such as “Click here” or “Learn more” instead of using long sentences. Also use action verbs such as “Buy now”, “Get Started”. And anything else that makes sense for your business and helps drive traffic towards your sales funnel.

SEO specialists are trying to get backlinks from other websites

16. Get backlinks from other websites 

There are many strategies to get backlinks, but the most effective one is to create great content that people are available to share on social media and to mention and link from their website. An editorial plan can be the starting point of a link-building campaign.

But why should you get links from other sites? Links are considered a kind of positive vote by Google and they are still an important part of the algorithm. If you get good links from authoritative websites, your ranking on Google is going to improve, you will have more organic traffic and more lead generation opportunities.

17. Make landing pages clear

The first thing that any prospective customer looks at when visiting your website is the landing page. If the page takes too long to load or is too cluttered, they will immediately leave and go elsewhere. 

You need to make sure that your landing page is easy to read. It must also have clear fonts, images, and other elements that enhance its appeal. It should be easy for visitors to understand the product or service being offered by your company.

18. Discounts and coupons

Discounts and coupons are another great way of increasing your HVAC lead generation. They can help you create new customer relationships and increase customer retention. By offering special deals and discounts, you’re demonstrating that you care about your customers. 

In addition to making your customers happy, they will also share their positive experiences with others. This is a great way to spread awareness about your company through word-of-mouth marketing.

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19. Networking

Networking is another effective method to generate more leads for your HVAC business. You can attend networking events or join local associations. You can also find ways to connect with others in your industry. They may be able to refer clients or prospective customers to you.

20. Answer forum questions

You can also participate in online forums and communities where people discuss HVAC issues and problems. These include Reddit threads and Google forums. The key is to find a forum that fits your target market, and answer relevant questions. Make sure you are as helpful and respectful as possible when answering questions or giving advice.

Hire an HVAC lead generation company

If you are a small business owner, consider hiring a lead generation agency to help you. These companies have access to different sources that can help in generating leads for your business. For example, they can create websites and blogs on the internet. 

They can also use social media sites as well as local newspapers to get the word out about your business. When hiring a lead generation company, make sure they have experience in your industry. 


HVAC leads are a critical part of your business. As a company that serves the HVAC industry, you need to bring in new customers on a regular basis. This industry is a very niche market. So it’s vital that you reach out to your target audience in a way that’s relevant to their needs.

Contact now Mediaboom to acquire more HVAC leads.

Bank Website Design – 32 Top Samples of Banking Websites

The banking industry has been along for a long time – and so have their websites. Some banking websites have been stagnant for years, while others are progressing ahead with new design websites…

The banking industry has been around for a long time – and so have their websites. Some banking websites have been stagnant for years, while others are progressing ahead with new design websites with superb functionality that engage users, increase brand awareness and convert prospective clients.

Below is a list of 32 of the best bank website designs you must see.


KeyBank's homepage features their simple and bold logo.

KeyBank, a KeyCorp subsidiary, is a Cleveland, Ohio-based financial institution and regional bank. Their branding is simple yet effective: a key for their logo, that appears on their homepage and every subpage, and a cohesive, bold color scheme of red, gray, and white.


GSB, the website of a local bank

Guilford Savings Bank’s website utilizes their brand colors well throughout the site not only in page elements but in their photography as well. Their imagery also features GSB related content that adds a more personal touch to their site.


Alliant's bank website design incorporates their logo's circles in creative ways

Alliant’s bank website design makes use of the circles from their logo throughout the site by using overlapping circle elements to have a rounded design for their buttons.


Wells Fargo's website is responsive and user-friendly on all devices

Wells Fargo’s website is responsive and makes it easy for the customer to navigate on all devices. Making sure people can easily navigate your site on all platforms is always important.

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 BBVA's website employs a mix of professional photography and vector graphics, resulting in a professional yet friendly atmosphere

BBVA’s website combines professional photography and vector graphics that create a professional but approachable feel. Their use of blues and overlays adds contrast and gives a clear message of what their brand is.


The home page of Santander

Santander’s brand is simple and to the point. The entirety of the site is mostly white which lets their red pop and be the main element throughout.


Liberty Bank's website features a left-aligned menu, setting it apart from traditional navigation placement.

Liberty Bank’s site is a little different from what you normally see. They use a left-aligned menu instead of having the navigation at the top. This can be an interesting approach to bring something different to your site.


Live Oak Bank's dynamic website effectively utilizes different elements, bringing energy and cohesion to the brand

Live Oak Bank’s site is dynamic and utilizes different elements well that brings energy throughout. Not only do they make use of the their green and purple in their copy and icons but also add a gradient of the colors to their imagery as well. This helps the brand feel cohesive and helps promote their branding.


Byline Bank's website features darker elements.

Byline’s site uses darker elements in their site which is different from the other light and airy sites we previously saw. Using black and white photography at the beginning of each page helps make their orange pop and creates a professional and serious feel.

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The design of the home page of Mizuho Americas

Mizuho’s site is visually stunning and intrigues you right away with the use of a full-screen video. This use of full-width imagery is seen throughout the site as well as continuously using rectangular callouts.


Bank website design - Season

Season’s Bank website design is approachable from the start with their use of outdoor photography and a neutral color palette that ties the whole brand together.


Huntington Bank's website is bold and fun, with cohesive branding featuring their green color and logo icon.

Huntington’s website is bold and fun. Their brand is cohesive by using their green throughout the site as well as utilizing their icon from the logo as an element throughout.


Gateway Bank's website features stunning photography and a video with a neutral color scheme

Gatweway Bank’s website makes great use of video and stunning photography throughout their site. Their brand’s color scheme is neutral with a pop of rusty red that makes the website feel fun yet comfortable.


Field & Main Bank's website effectively uses their logo icon as a design element

Field & Main’s website makes use of their icon from their logo throughout the site, applying it over photos and using it as an element behind the text. Their site is also easy to navigate with their use of white space and simple photography.

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First Horizon's website prominently features their blue brand color

First Horizon’s website applies the brand’s blue throughout the site making it a dominant element all over. Along with using their blue, they consistently use grid elements that help organize information but also add an extra detail to the page.


Webster bank site design

Webster bank site is simple and sleek. They use their brand colors sparingly along with black and white photography that helps their colors pop.


Discover's website incorporates overlapping graphics

Discover keeps their website simple yet makes use of out-of-the-box elements like overlapping graphics, and adding subtle animations. They also use their brand’s orange as more of an accent than a dominant color that helps keep the site feel clean yet energized.


Afrasia bank website design

Afrasia’s bank website design certainly makes an experience when you visit. They utilize scroll animations throughout while encasing the design into a white border that stays while you navigate.

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The use of colors that tie into their brand and represent the charities they support

Charity Bank’s website use of full screen imagery and elements that let you immersive yourself into the page. Their fun use of colors ties back into their brand and represents the charities they give back to.


Website design for td bank

TD Bank’s brand’s green a dominant throughout their site, making use of the color as much as they can without making it overwhelming. TD Bank keeps it simple and to the point with no excessive elements, just simple imagery and iconography.


Vista Bank effectively showcasing their company and providing information to clients

Vista Bank’s website not only uses video elements on the welcome screen but through the site as well to better illustrate who they are as a company. They utilize video well as a design element but also as a way to better provide information to their clients.


salem co-op bank web design

Salem Co-Operative’s brand is fun and professional. Their brand colors complement each other well and help add contrast to their site. Along with using their brand’s color scheme dominantly throughout, they use full-width components that really make the website feel full and utilized to its full extent.

23. JPMorgan Chase & Co.

The website of JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Another contender for the best banking website design is the JPMorgan Chase & Co. site. The design of this site is clean and uncomplicated, with a simple white background and text above the fold in lieu of a navigation bar.

A block-style layout keeps the website design seamless as you go from the careers page to the company’s annual report and news stories.

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24. Lone Star National Bank

The website of LSNB has easy navigation and cohesive use of brand colors.

The South Texas Lone Star National Bank has a bank website design to emulate. What helps it rank among the best bank websites is its easy navigation and great use of brand colors.

Those colors–blue, gray, and white–are subtly represented throughout the site, lending great cohesion.

The traveling navigation bar complete with a search function and an option to find an ATM and banking center offers customers more of what they need.   

25. U.S. Bancorp

The website design of U.S. Bancorp

U.S. Bancorp’s website is a stellar sample banking website, so we had to include it.

You’ll first notice the humanistic approach that the banking company took with its site design, as there are many photos of smiling people.

The clean white background makes the red CTA buttons stand out that much more. The red happens to match one of the three colors of the U.S. Bancorp logo (the other two are white and blue).

26. Avidia Bank

The unique design of the Avidia Bank website

The unique bank website design that Avidia Bank utilizes is why it’s cemented its spot on this list.

The site is a lot more colorful than most bank websites and features 3D character mascots like the characters you’d see in a Pixar movie. These characters follow you as you click from page to page.

27. United Community Bank

United Community Bank website design

Also embracing the humanistic approach is the United Community Bank, the next on our list of the best bank websites.

This clean site with a white background showcases an image of a family taking a walk outside with options on the homepage for personal or business accounts.

CTA buttons above the fold that are built into the navigation feature login and open an account options.

A drop-down menu, denoted by three horizontal lines, lets you learn more about the United community, the bank’s history, careers, and much more.

28. Truly Financial

Truly Financial website design

The Truly Financial site design proves that you can incorporate a literal rainbow of colors and still have a bank website that looks clean, crisp, and professional.

The key is to use pastel versions of the colors, apply them sparingly, and keep the bulk of the site simple with a white background and black CTA buttons.

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29. Capitol Bank

Capitol Bank's banking website design features a bright blue overlay on photos of their staff.

The bank website design of Capitol Bank might inspire your own banking website.

The bright shade of blue overlays photos of bank staff as you click from page to page. The site also features two navigation bars atop one another.

The first bar is a very slim bar in the same blue color with links for personal or business banking accounts, the Capitol Bank phone number, and a link to open an account.

The second, larger navigation bar in black and white features standard dropdowns like mortgages, about, contact, and private banking. Both navigation bars scroll with you.

30. BankWAW

The design of BankWAW website

If you’re still looking for sample bank website designs, BankWAW in Australia is a good one to check out.

The site features a carousel of scrolling images that are all people-centric.

This site also uses more color than most bank websites, with dark blue navigation, light blue opt-in forms, and even a salmon pink fixed rate calculator.

31. Banner Bank

The website of Banner Bank

Banner Bank’s navigation bar is rather simple in comparison to the other sites we’ve looked at, but that’s because the homepage features all the navigation options about midway down the page as clickable links.

This makes sense considering the navigation bar at the top does not travel as you jump from one page to another. 

32. Customers Bank

The website of Customers Bank

Wrapping up our bank website design examples is Customers Bank.

Although lengthy web pages can feel like information overload as you scroll, Customers Bank keeps its pages neat and concise with social-media-style boxes that can redirect you elsewhere on the site, including pages for loans or instant payments.

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Update Your Bank Website Design

If your bank does not utilize the traits listed above, then it is time to consider a refresh. Making updates to your website will help your business in a multitude of ways such as increasing brand consistency and converting prospective clients.

Contact now Mediaboom to talk about your next bank website design!

15 Luxury Influencers Creating a Stir in Their Fields

Brands have incredible opportunities when partnering with luxury influencers. Here’s what to know about working with them, plus a list of great luxury influencers to follow.

In a time where people crave quality, personalized content, brands have an incredible opportunity to align themselves with specific communities and boost their brand awareness without having to do much content creation. How? By partnering with luxury influencers. 

What is a luxury influencer? 

A luxury influencer is a person of social prominence who uses their influence to expose luxury brands to their audience. They often build their presence online, but they can use traditional mediums, such as television, as well.

What does a luxury influencer do? 

Luxury influencers use platforms like social media, (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc.) blogs, and email (newsletters) to create engaging and relevant luxury content for their audience. They use that content to: 

  • Build trust with their audience 
  • Share their luxury recommendations and expertise 
  • Gain authority in the luxury brand space 
A luxury influencer understands the importance of luxury brands and started a collaboration together.

Why should brands partner with luxury influencers? 

Brands should partner with luxury influencers for multiple reasons, with the biggest one being that they allow brands to associate with a trusted person of influence. That gives brands the opportunity to tap into that influencer’s engaged audience in an authentic way. If a person of influence recommends something or spotlights a brand, the people who follow them may be more inclined to purchase from that brand. 

Another reason brands should partner with luxury influencers is that their online platforms could generate simultaneous online purchases. According to Upfluence, it’s predicted that 20% of total personal luxury purchases will happen online by 2025. Working with a luxury influencer could help brands get a piece of that 20% by giving their products the opportunity to be promoted and bought online in one place. That place? A luxury influencer’s content. 

Working with a great influencer is a critical step in any luxury brand’s influencer marketing strategy, which is a plan that capitalizes on the influencer and luxury brand relationship to, ideally, boost brand awareness and, ultimately, the brand’s bottom line. 

We can talk about the perks of working with luxury influencers all day. Instead, let’s spotlight some great luxury brand influencers and what makes them stand out from the rest. 

Luxury brand influencers 

Chiara Ferragni

We can’t talk about luxury influencers without mentioning Chiara Ferragni. The Italian blogger and fashion designer has gained a massive 27.7 million followers on Instagram, 755,000 followers on Twitter, and has her own brand website in addition to her blog The Blonde Salad

Ferragni is a successful luxury influencer for multiple reasons. One of the things that stands out most is how she uses her blog to build on her brand’s already solid fashion foundation. The blog produces thought-leading pieces in the fashion industry, displaying the brand’s expertise and a keen eye for luxury. It’s a great example of content creation that can then be marketed across platforms. 

Jocelyn Partee 

Jocelyn Partee has quite the social media following, with 111,000 YouTube subscribers, 26,700 followers on Instagram, and 13.8K followers on TikTok. One of the things that help Partee stand out from the rest are the luxury hauls she does on YouTube. 

Her honest reviews of luxury brands like Carolina Herrera, Dior, Gucci, and Chanel make her relatable and trustworthy to her audience. She’s showing authenticity in these videos, which is key for any influencer to convey in their content. After all, statistics show that nearly 25% of consumers will stop following a content creator if they can’t trust them to be authentic. By giving realistic hauls, Partee establishes an invaluable trusting relationship with her audience. 

Lena Mahfouf 

Lena Mahfouf, also known as Lena Situations, has an impressive 3.8 million Instagram followers, 1.2 million followers on Twitter, nearly 2.4 million subscribers on YouTube, and 2.5 million TikTok followers. That’s some serious reach the French influencer has—and her knack for fashion has landed her campaigns with big luxury names like Prada. 

Something that Mahfouf does so well in the world of luxury influence is to use her platform to proudly display her own unique take on fashion and luxury. It’s original and authentic, which helps her align with those who value original and authentic content. Honing in on those values helps her establish brand loyalty within her audience. 

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Gabrielle Caunesil

With 1.3 million followers on Instagram, 115,000+ TikTok followers, and more than 99,000 YouTube subscribers, Gabrielle Caunesil gives us a taste of her luxurious lifestyle (and wardrobe) through various social media posts. On her Instagram, we get a sense that she lives a luxurious lifestyle, but she posts in a relatable and genuine way, sharing pictures of her family, travels, and other life events. 

Luxury influencers share their lives publicly online, and Caunesil’s posts make you feel like you relate to her and her endeavors. That, as a result, can make her audience feel like luxury is relatable and attainable

Ibrahim Assad

Ibrahim Assad is one of the car luxury influencers that does a stellar job with their Instagram pots. Assad has 3.5 million followers on Instagram, and when you scroll through his feed, you see eye-catching posts that specifically cater to his luxury audience. 

The luxury car rental founder and CEO posts crisp and vibrant photos in his feed, enhancing the overall look and feel of his page. Add in a luxury car or two to the mix and you’ve got a great combination of audience intrigue and luxury influence. People who love luxury cars—and the luxury lifestyle—can enjoy the posts. 

Jason Oppenheim

Selling Sunset’s Jason Oppenheim is proof that subject matter experts can hone in on their talents to become influencers. Oppenheim is a real estate expert buying and selling luxury homes in Orange County, California. His successful group is featured on the Netflix TV show Selling Sunset. He now has 1.4 million followers on Instagram and more than 23,000 followers on Twitter

What can we learn from Oppenheim? Those in the luxury space, whether it’s luxury real estate or luxury watches, can leverage their expertise to create content and gain a following. That content can come in the form of the following, but isn’t limited to: 

  • A TV show 
  • A YouTube channel 
  • A blog 

Supercar Blondie

With 10.6 million Instagram followers and 9.4 million YouTube subscribers, Supercar Blondie is a luxury influencer who has an incredible following—and for good reason. One of the things she does best is create unique and entertaining content that allows her to stand out from others. Her YouTube channel is filled with videos tackling topics like “The World’s Most Powerful Bentley” and “World’s Coolest Concept Car.” These are great examples of an influencer really honing in on their audience’s interests and catering to them to create valuable, sharable content. 


GOODLIFE has 2.9 million followers on Instagram, with a feed filled with vibrant photos of a luxurious lifestyle. Cars, fabulous vacation spots, luxurious shopping—it’s all there for the audience to consume and enjoy. The subject matters of the photos on this page are smart. They effortlessly capture the essence of living a luxurious life. That subtleness speaks volumes, as proven by the thousands of likes on each post. 

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Erica de Lima

Erica de Lima has more than 470,000 followers on TikTok, more than 66,000 followers on Instagram, and 71,500 YouTube subscribers. The luxury fashion influencer creates content focusing on luxury fashion, but she does so with humor sprinkled in. That humor element not only makes her content entertaining—it gives her brand a unique voice, angle, and appeal. It brings realness to luxury, which is something that clearly resonates with people, as evidenced by her following. 

A key takeaway from de Lima’s content: luxury influencers should find ways to incorporate their own voice and style into their content. Otherwise, they could get lost in the luxurious sea. 

Lauren Conrad

Lauren Conrad is one of the luxury influencers who has taken her platform and used it to launch her career and expand her brand. She currently has 5.9 million followers on Instagram and 2.8 million followers on Twitter, giving her great platforms to promote her clothing lines and fragrances. 

Conrad, who starred on reality TV shows like Laguna Beach and The Hills, used her already existing brand and expanded it to reach her goals. That’s something any aspiring luxury influencer can take note of—look at the strengths you already have and evaluate how to leverage them. Using what you already have, whether it’s an already impressive social media following or an affiliation with a notable brand, can boost our influencer efforts and help you get results faster. 

Emma Chamberlain

With a whopping 15.9 million followers on Instagram and 11.7 million YouTube subscribers. She’s taken her online presence and blown it up, allowing her to work with luxury brands like Louis Vuitton. Her vlogs provide a very real, honest look at her life, which is refreshing to see from someone who has ties to luxury brands. Again, it goes back to authenticity—people feel like she’s expressing her true self online and like they could even be friends with her. The brands that work with her, as a result, are tied to that brand storytelling and authenticity

Luxury travel influencers

Tara Whiteman 

Tara Whiteman is a luxury travel influencer who has 1.3 million Instagram followers, as well as her own blog, Tara Milk Tea. Her luxurious travel photos, combined with her creative travel blog content, make her a desirable influencer to work with. According to Daily Mail, Whiteman earned around $15,000 per sponsored Instagram post back in 2019. That’s some serious cash for an influencer—but it’s also some serious reach for brands, given the size of her following. 

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Miguel Carrizo

Miguel Carrizo has more than 67,000 followers on Instagram and has a feed filled with interesting pictures of a luxurious lifestyle. He also contributes to Condé Nast Traveler, a lifestyle and luxury travel magazine, which helps enhance his brand and authority as a luxury travel expert. Carrizo is another example of how influencers can expand their reach beyond social media to establish themselves as thought leaders. This is also appealing to brands looking to partner with a luxury influencer who has some bylines to their name and connections to publications. 

Dreamy Travelz

It’s pretty easy to see why Dreamy Travelz has a million followers on Instagram. The page is filled with luxurious travel pictures that give audiences wanderlust. The dreamy images make audiences crave a luxurious adventure filled with exclusivity and the finer things in life. The crisp images, combined with helpful content like peaks into luxurious hotels, make the page a must-follow for any luxury traveler—or luxury traveler hopeful. 

Tiffany Dowd

With 85,200 followers on Instagram, Tiffany Dowd is one of the luxury travel experts who knows the power of content when creating a following. Take a look at the Linktree she has featured on her page. It’s filled with helpful links to her website, podcasts she’s been on, and other content she’s been featured in or created. By having all that content readily available to her followers, she’s inviting them to engage with her brand and follow her expertise outside of Instagram, which is a smart influencer strategy

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When done right, brands that collaborate with luxury influencers can: 

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Increase their own social media following
  • Boost sales
  • Align themselves with a prominent figure of influence
  • Gain new brand loyalists 

If a brand decides to work with a luxury influencer, they should ask themselves the following questions: 

  • Does the influencer share similar values as the brand does? 
  • Does the influencer have the reach the brand is looking for? 
  • What target audience does the influencer have? 
  • How engaged is the influencer’s audience? 
  • How would working with that influencer enhance brand and overall business goals? 

And listen, we get it—working on a luxury marketing plan can be time-consuming and daunting. How do you know you’re making the right choices for your brand when marketing to high-end customers?
Mediaboom can answer that question, plus your other top questions about luxury branding, luxury marketing, and more. Contact us today to discuss key strategies that will take your luxury marketing plan to the next level.

12 Strategies for Digital Marketing in Financial Services

More than ever before, financial companies need digital marketing services to stand out from the competition. This guide will examine marketing trends

Digital marketing for financial services is your ticket to increasing visibility, improving customer perception, building better engagement, and increasing your audience. What are some digital marketing trends and strategies for those in the financial sphere to pay attention to?

The following digital marketing trends are a must for financial services companies:

  • Social media marketing
  • SEO
  • Content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Mobile-optimized web design
  • Customer reviews
  • Personalization

In this guide, we’ll first delve into the benefits of digital marketing for financial services as well as some facts to know. Then we’ll share our list of the top 12 digital marketing trends and strategies for a bank or finance company to incorporate.

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The Advantages of Digital Marketing for Finance and Bank Companies

According to 2021 stats from marketing resource Ruler Analytics, the average customer conversion rate for financial services is 4.3 percent.

Without digital marketing, you could be missing out on a huge share of your audience!

Digital marketing involves utilizing a series of strategies within the digital or online sphere to achieve the goals of your financial organization.

Let’s now go over the benefits of digital marketing for financial services.

Build Brand Awareness and Trust

According to Wikipedia, there are almost 5,000 banks in the United States alone as of late 2021.

Customers always have options for who they’ll entrust their money. How do you get them to choose your financial institution over any other?

Digital marketing strategies are key.

By focusing on personalizing the customer experience and bettering your customer service, you’ll begin to generate trust in your existing audience.

Redesigning your website with the user experience in mind and focusing on areas of digital marketing such as content marketing, email marketing, and social media marketing can pay back dividends for financial services companies.

You’ll generate brand awareness and then build on that brand awareness so that your name recognition grows.

When leads feel like they recognize your brand even if they’ve never done business with you before, there’s an inherent sense of trust there.

You can continue to build trust throughout the customer journey to cinch a conversion.

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Engage with Your Audience in Innovative Ways

The financial services industry is perhaps not the most engaging compared to retail sectors, but with an improved marketing strategy, you can find continually innovative ways to connect with your audience.

That could be through a highly personalized drip email campaign, gripping social media content, whitepapers and blog posts, email newsletter content, or your website.

Track How Your Audience Progresses Through the Sales Funnel

How does your average customer go from an inquisitive lead to a loyal customer? As you begin to utilize digital marketing for financial organizations, you can better understand how a lead finds you and what their process is.

This allows you to in turn better accommodate your customers on their way through the sales funnel, so they have a greater likelihood of sticking around until they convert and then for a good deal of time afterward.

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Generate New Leads

As your financial service company prioritizes digital marketing, you’ll notice an influx of traffic to your website and your social media pages. Your email list might begin filling up as well.

Some of the leads that find you will be more qualified right off the bat, which could lead to a higher rate of conversions.

Convert More Customers

Speaking of conversions, this is the ultimate goal for financial services companies, to convert more customers and grow the business.

The measures we’ll discuss later in this guide will help you reap more of that 4.3-percent conversion rate!

The CEO of a financial company is consulting the checklist before launching his digital marketing campaign.

Facts to Know Before Launching Your First Digital Marketing Campaign for Financial Services

As we discussed in this article on our blog, a lot of strategies that banks and other financial services use are out-of-date and difficult if not impossible to measure.

Digital marketing allows financial services companies to reach out on a global scale, which is an unparalleled marketing service that was simply unfathomable once upon a time.

Tracking the success of a digital marketing campaign is as simple as reviewing analytics. All results are quantifiable.

The costs of digital marketing are also usually more agreeable to financial services such as banks. There aren’t exorbitant television advertising fees or the costs associated with mailing 2,000 fliers.

There’s more still. If your financial services company is still relying on cold calls or warm calls to drive sales, you should at least begin supplementing that with digital marketing strategies.

According to marketing resource Act-On, more than 62 percent of financial service provider calls are driven by organic search results. It’s time to focus on that SEO!

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12 Strategies and Trends of Digital Marketing for Financial Services

Now that you understand the value of digital marketing for financial services, we want to take the rest of this article and dedicate it to the pertinent strategies and trends driving this area of marketing.

1. Website Design

According to blogging resource Blogging Wizard, an Internet user will form an opinion about your website in 50 milliseconds.

Not 50 seconds, as in almost a minute, but 50 milliseconds.

Your site must be easily navigable, with visual elements that complement rather than detract from the website design. You might organize patterns and elements after the way that the eye naturally scans a page.

You need clear CTA buttons above the fold, and it’s not a bad idea to consider adding a search function that’s built into the navigation. The easier is it for someone to use your site, the better designed it is.

The site must be mobile-optimized as well so users can get the same experience whether on their smartphone or computer.

We have a smattering of financial service website design examples for your perusal. They include hedge fund site examples, bank site examples, financial services site examples, and venture capital site examples.

2. Email Marketing

The next digital marketing strategy for financial organizations is email marketing.

As you prioritize your website design and the creation of your blog, you’ll begin to collect the contact information of customers and leads who are interested in staying in touch.

Your email list is an excellent communication tool. You can send your customers monthly or quarterly newsletters that peel back the curtain of your financial services institution and grant them a behind-the-scenes look.

You can offer exclusive offers on mortgages or life insurance through your email as well as use it as a tool to inform your customers of any changes or additional services your firm now offers.

Email can lead to more conversions as well. You can use an automated drip email campaign to guide a lead through the funnel.

While you can reply to leads in real-time, the bulk of the emails they receive would be time-based according to actions they take.

The frontman of an important company is providing a custom experience to his customers.

3. Personalizing the Customer Experience

A 2021 study published in Business Wire by bank company Capco surveyed 1,000 customers. While there were a lot of interesting takeaways for certain, the one that matters most to you is this.

Up to 72 percent of the respondents called personalization “highly important.”

Your financial organization can utilize machine-learning personalization, real-time personalization (that relies on historical and real-time data), or prescriptive personalization (that uses historical data) to personalize your emails, blog content, and social media content.

4. Corporate Storytelling and Personal Stories

Peeling back the curtain in your bank newsletter is a great start, but customers want more transparency from you still.

That’s why corporate storytelling is the next trend on our list of digital marketing for financial services.

Every bank or financial institution has a unique story. How can you craft yours?

Corporate storytelling creates a connection and engages with your audience while increasing trust through your transparency.

In some instances, as appropriate, you may even wish to divulge personal stories. Of course, keep the subject matter tied to your financial services firm and avoid topics like religion, sex, and politics.

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5. Customer Engagement

Customer engagement is another major digital marketing trend that financial services companies cannot afford to ignore. Throughout this guide, we’ve detailed many methods for increasing customer engagement and tracking that engagement.

6. Content Marketing

To build trust and further the user experience, content marketing should be a key pillar of your digital marketing strategy.

From blog posts to whitepapers, eBooks, checklists (such as tips for saving up for retirement), podcasts, and–as we’ll talk more about momentarily–webinars and educational videos, content is still king even into the 2020s.

More so than just offering content for content’s sake, you want to produce valuable content that your audience will want to engage with, including liking, commenting, and sharing your content.

Valuable content is something your audience finds interesting, educational, or even entertaining (although maybe not so much that in the finances sector).

Whether you teach them something new or help them save money, valuable content will become the benchmark of your future marketing campaigns.

A worker of an important financial company is conducting webinars to convert new leads.

7. Webinars and Educational Videos

In finance, some topics are simply too broad or in-depth to cover in one blog post. Even an eBook wouldn’t really do a topic justice.

Your financial organization might produce webinars and educational videos instead.

These highly valuable forms of content will allow you to plumb the depths of a financial concept. In the case of a webinar, it can keep making money for your firm for a long time to come.

You can charge to access the webinar initially, charge for replays, sell a transcript, or take sections of the transcript and use them as a lead magnet to build your email list.

Video content has become increasingly valuable, and thus, your financial services company should produce videos too.

Rather than an entertaining YouTube-style skit, your videos could be question and answer sessions, video tutorials, and explainers on financial topics and concepts.

8. Social Media Marketing

Your digital marketing strategy must include social media marketing.

These days, consumers expect to see all their favorite brands on social media, including banks and financial institutions.

Building a social media presence has a slew of benefits. You’ll increase brand awareness, for starters.

Social media is a great place to cross-promote your blog content, and your ads on social media can redirect traffic back to your website.

You can also engage with your audience directly by responding to comments and answering direct messages.

The key to social media marketing for any industry is to share valuable content.

This content shouldn’t only come from you. If you find a retirement report and you know that most of your customers are of retiring age, then you might share that as well.

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9. Brand Building

We’ve discussed throughout this guide how digital marketing for financial services can build a brand, and we want to underscore that point here.

Your brand is about everything you convey, from the colors of your website to your logo, the font choice you use, your slogan or catchphrase, and your tone.

Crafting your brand should be a deliberate, calculated decision made by key members of your financial services company.

The key to building a brand and strengthening it is to keep your brand consistent. Multiple people will handle your brand, but none should deviate from the brand messaging.

10. Customer Reviews

Do people love your financial services? If so, then encourage them to leave a review!

You want to make it as easy as possible for your customers to write a review.

Your Google Business Profile should be complete. You might leave a reviews section open on sites like Facebook or email links to your customers to leave a review after an interaction.

Semrush helps financial company to boost their SEO.

11. SEO

Search engine optimization or SEO is how your financial services company gets found. It’s another major marketing strategy to utilize.

As we discussed in this post on our blog, the following are exemplary SEO strategies to boost your online standing:

  • Use keyword optimization
  • Update alt tags, meta descriptions, and title tags, incorporating keywords
  • Build a sitemap so Google can index you
  • Complete your Google Business Profile if you haven’t already
  • Get on financial business listings

12. Chatbots

The last digital marketing strategy for financial institutions is chatbots.

You always go above and beyond to help your customers, but your company is not open 24/7. When you go close shop and go home, a chatbot bridges the gap.

The chatbot can answer questions, address complaints, and keep customers patient until a banker or accountant is back in the office to speak with them.

If you’re looking to expand your digital marketing services, you should hire a marketing firm that specializes in financial services such as Mediaboom.

With our extensive services, we can redesign your website, select ad campaigns to build brand awareness, help you create and maintain a social media presence, use email and content marketing to your benefit, and track the analytics that matter to you in real-time.

Elevate Your Luxury Brand Today

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.


Digital marketing for financial services is critical for building customer engagement, generating more leads, strengthening your brand, and increasing sales. With the strategies and trends we outlined today, you should have a blueprint to follow for your own digital marketing plan.

Contact now Mediaboom to get help with your marketing strategies.

Digital Branding Services – 15 Online Marketing Solutions

The internet continues to play an outsized role in our daily lives. Companies have to take charge of their online image and presence to help…

The internet continues to play an outsized role in our daily lives. Companies have to take charge of their online image and presence to help customers know who they are and what they can do for them.

To carve out their place online, there are some steps a company needs to take to establish themselves and their brand with top-notch digital branding services.. 

First things first—What Is Digital Branding?

Digital branding is a form of branding and brand management. It takes the traditional concept of branding and translates it into the digital world. It uses the power of the internet, along with digital marketing strategies, to elevate the profile of a brand online. 

The objective is to create a connection between the brand and the products it markets by using the internet to make the brand recognizable.

While producing sales is a welcome byproduct, that isn’t the primary goal of digital branding.

Digital branding services seek to increase awareness of the brand, tell the story of the company, and cultivate & drive customer loyalty.

Branding is how you put your message into the world; your brand is what people think of when they hear the name of your business. 

Digital branding strategies

Everything needs to be reviewed—your logo, typeface, color schemes, website, social media channels, messaging & tone, etc.

Every piece of your brand message has to complement each other and work together to meet your objectives. 

As a reminder—branding is not marketing.

Marketing is what you do when you are trying to increase exposure to your brand or drive sales for your business. Branding is developing the voice for your company’s story and the elements you will use to tell that story.

They can be easy to confuse but serve starkly different purposes.

Throughout this article, successful examples of digital branding services will be highlighted so you can see what it takes to establish your company online.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

1. Identify Who Your Target Customer Is By Creating Customer Personas

Before you start trying to brand, market, or sell anything, you have to know who your ideal customer is.

If you have not already done so, create your buyer personas and map out the customer journey.

Without this information, everything else you do will be for nothing. If you don’t know your target, your branding and marketing efforts may not even work.

You will gain valuable information about your target group during these two activities.

You can learn:

  • Their purchasing habits
  • Preferred method of purchase
  • What items they like to purchase
  • What time of day/week/month/year do they make a purchase
  • What the needs are of your target groups

Once you gather this information, you can sketch out your persona. You should know their gender, age, demographic information, income bracket, education levels, and many more details.

Consider also how you will target customers at different stages of the buyer’s journey.

This information then helps you develop your digital branding strategy.

Lush Cosmetics: a succesful example of caompany that used digital branding services

An example of a business who utilized digital branding services and understood their target customer is Lush Cosmetics.

As a company, Lush is big on the environment and eco-friendly causes. Minimalism is evident in their stores with a focus on reusable packaging and sustainability.

Their target customer is a person who supports many of the same ideals.

Lush and their customers embrace and support each other in terms of their values.

2. Developing your brand image and message

Now that you know who your target customer is, you have to develop your brand messaging and creativity.

At this stage, you can start creating your brand collateral, website, and developing your social media channels.

These are the elements you need to address while creating your brand image and message.

3. Logo

Logos are what make brands memorable and iconic. Think of Nike or McDonald’s. Think of a logo that will encompass what you stand for and leave a lasting impression as well. When it comes to digital branding services, the creation of your logo is one of the most important.

4. Brand colors and typeface

The color you use in your logo will end up reflected across many pieces of collateral. For example, if you are a retail store, these colors will end up on your shopping bags and even on signage used throughout your store. The typeface you use is the same way. Both need to continue the message of your brand. If your company sells beard oil to highly masculine men, bright colors and flowery typeface is not a good idea for your collateral. 

5. Website

A responsive website is a must in today’s business world. Your website is a one-stop shop for everything pertaining to your business. Potential customers should be able to come here and learn about your company, how and why to purchase your products (if applicable), what the advantage is of doing business with you, how to find you on social media, how to sign up for emails, etc. Since 50% of searches come from mobile devices, everything must be equipped for mobile traffic. In a nutshell, a website should reinforce your digital branding and help customers communicate with you. 

6. Social media channels

There are dozens of social media networks to choose from to share your messages with customers. The trick is to only use the ones you need. If your core customer is men from 45-55, there isn’t a point in having a Snapchat or Pinterest account. Use channels where your customers are and provide them with quality content on those platforms. Also, use your social channels as a chance to have a conversation with your followers. This is a chance to get their feedback and help them with any service issues. 

7. Messaging & tone

It is important to decide the specifics of how you want to communicate with your customers. It needs to match your products and your brand. If your messaging and tone don’t match your products, you won’t be viewed as trustworthy by your customers. 

Apple: excellent digital branding services include the choice of the tone of voice to communicate with customers

As an example of a company that hits this point home, I would refer you to the computer company Apple.

They do many things right in terms of branding and marketing, but this is one area they knock out of the park.

Every brand detail is used and reinforced throughout the company. Even the silver in the Apple logo is the color silver used on many of their products. 

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

8. Create digital marketing campaigns to increase your visibility

Now that you have determined who you are targeting and how you want to speak with them, you are ready to start marketing to your customers. 

Print media and advertisements still have a place in some marketing campaigns. Depending upon what type of campaign it is, that may even be the best method to use.

But digital advertising channels reign supreme for most purposes and demographics. 

Online branding in digital marketing

Digital advertising is the quickest way to reach your customers. You can also see your results virtually in real time and get an idea of your ROI. Digital campaigns can produce very large ROIs for a company. 

While it can get harder to track a precise number like that for other digital marketing types, as a whole, digital marketing produces a 118% ROI for a company. 

In essence, that means if you spend $100 on a campaign you will generate $218 from your efforts, netting you $118 in profit. Traditional media just does not deliver those kinds of results. 

To run a digital marketing campaign, these are digital branding services you will want to consider.

9. Email marketing

As already mentioned, email marketing offers an eye-popping ROI. In addition to ROI, email marketing campaigns have a 15-25% open rate. This is far above the click rate of digital ads. Create marketing campaigns with a CRM so you can use even more targeted emails. 

10. Social media marketing

The sky’s the limit when it comes to social media marketing and what a business can do. You can conduct polls, cross-promote with other channels, share content, create branded hashtags, and so much more. These platforms are free or at a nominal cost, so you can expand your reach at a cost-effective price. 

11. Paid online advertising

The digital world provides businesses with tons of free exposure through social media posts. But you can’t count on that alone. Luckily, online advertising is budget-friendly and has a very large reach. You can pick flat rate options or pay-per-click models for your ad buys. Digital ads can also be targeted to your ideal customer. These are great ways to expand your customer base. Google and Facebook have millions of daily users. You want to devise a plan that will get your ads in front of that many potential customers.

12. Influencer marketing

One of the newest trends in the digital world is influencer marketing. If your target market could be swayed by celebrity influencers, it is worth looking into as another avenue of lead generation. 

13. Content marketing strategy

Content is still king, even in the digital world. Where people get confused is thinking that content is only words. Content covers everything, including pictures and videos. To make sure you aren’t just haphazardly posting content, develop a content marketing strategy. If you draw people to your channels, you have to provide them with quality content once they are there.

14. SEO optimization

SEO, aka search engine optimization, may seem like just another buzzy acronym, but this term holds a lot more weight than some may think. And it plays a big role in any digital strategy. There is more content on the web than a person could ever view. To get your content in front of the most people, you need to rank high with search engines like Google and Bing. Any content you produce needs to be optimized to help you rank as high as possible. Prepare a keyword strategy so those words can be used naturally throughout your content. Don’t forget to optimize your website as well!

Dove - digital branding services

It is tough to pick a company that does well for this point because so many companies do well with digital outreach.

However, Dove does a terrific job with developing hashtag and buzzworthy digital campaigns so we opted to showcase them. Here is an example of one of their recent campaigns. 

15. Make sure that you test and make adjustments as needed

This is the biggest thing in the digital world that can be overlooked. 

A person can create a winning email campaign or a viral video and think they can recreate that same magic using the same techniques time again.

In the digital world, that isn’t the case. Digital marketing moves at lightning speed and what works one month might not get the same results by next month.

You have to be willing to make adjustments and change your strategy in the moment. When possible, you should test your material so you can make adjustments to have more impactful campaign elements. 

You can apply this testing to multiple elements. Here are some tips about how to test your material for effectiveness:

  • Testing email subject lines
  • Testing call to actions for a sense of urgency
  • Only test one variable at a time
  • Get feedback on everything, including layout, colors, placement of buttons and text blocks, etc.

To give you a better idea of what this testing looks like, here are three examples that showcase what to do to get the best results. 

What Can a Digital Branding Services Agency Do For You?

Brand Positioning and Strategy

Digital branding solutions can help you determine the spot in the consumers mind you want to occupy.

We will help you determine if you are one of the common brand positioning strategies like:

  • Price-Based
  • Convenience-Based
  • Customer Service
  • Quality-Based

These are only four differentiation strategies you can follow. There are many more you can target with your brand positioning. We will help you determine the one most potent for your market.

Brand Platform

A brand platform distinctively lays out your brand purpose, vision, personality, values, promise, and brand positioning.

It’s a strategic must that will determine the success of your brand. A strong and well-defined brand platform will make a cohesive brand for years to come.

As your branding agency, we will help arrange and define your brand. Therefore, you will have a stunning and unforgettable brand.

logo design branding
logo design agency


Logos are extremely important to your brand. Your logo will do a lot of heavy lifting throughout its lifetime.

It’s in charge of your first impression. A great logo will give you an identity that’s hard to forget. Lastly, a stunning logo helps create loyalty among customers.

design board agency

Design Boards

In order to understand how your brand should work in all design spaces, we use digital design boards.

Here you will see how your brand will look on websites and business cards. Among many other digital and physical spaces.

brand book guidelines

Brand Book & Guidelines

Your brand book will determine all the nitty gritty details that make up your brand. This entails all that has been talked about above.

Including your brand platform, brand messaging, visual identity, brand guidelines, and more.

In other words, your brand book is your business’s bible.

Getting Started with Digital Branding Services

If you use the tips shared in this article and study the examples, you will be on your way to success in providing strong online branding solutions.

Mediaboom is a digital branding company that can help you with every step of your online services review and execution of your digital strategy.

Real Estate Investor Marketing – 10 Ideas and Strategies

Real estate investor marketing is great for businesses – it drives website traffic, brand awareness, giving you an edge over the competition.

Real estate investor marketing can be described as a means of developing an overall strategy with the goal of driving website traffic, brand awareness and ultimately an increase in profitability.

Marketing is what gives you an edge over the competition. It allows you to reach outside of your normal business sphere into new avenues, and allows you to generate new leads while also increasing your chances of landing a lucrative real estate deal. 

Marketing doesn’t have to be expensive. 

This guide will provide an overview on everything from how to market yourself affordably on social media to the benefits of classic offline strategies. 

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

The Marketing Funnel and The Power of The Website

Digital marketing for real estate investors begins with a website. A website is a place where you can showcase your story and establish the tone of your brand. A website is an anchor point that gives potential leads a place to connect with you.

Having a website may generate leads and help draw in potential sellers; however, it is just the start. 

Another valuable item to consider creating is a marketing funnel.

This is a model used to describe a customer’s journey with a business. For real estate investors, the same model applies as it does with other businesses. At the top of the funnel is awareness, when leads become aware of your business. That leads to consideration; when leads know that you are an option, they can consider a deal. 

Next is conversion, which is when a deal is made. However, this is not the end of the funnel. The goal of the funnel is to continue to interact with leads and sellers. Next in the funnel is loyalty and advocacy; this means continuing to work with sellers and adding them to your network for future business. 

A website alone is not enough to spread awareness of your business. In order to effectively market yourself as a real estate investor, it is necessary to drive traffic to your website by other means. 

A real estate investor is observing the increase in traffic to his website thanks to SEO.

SEO For Real Estate Investors

SEO is a series of techniques that elevate a website to the top of the search results, making it easier for sellers to become aware of your business. There are two different kinds of SEO, national and local:

  • National SEO focuses on ranking in the search results for broad keywords. No matter where someone is searching from, your website will come up as the first result if you rank for that keyword. This is a great way to separate your business from competitors in the long term. 
  • Local SEO focuses on ranking for keywords in a specific region. It is the difference between the search “luxury apartments” and “luxury apartments in L.A.” When someone specifies a location in their search, the results that come up will be local results. This may be ideal for real estate. 

The purpose of SEO is to drive traffic to your website through organic search results.

Good SEO can put your business on the map, so sellers can easily locate you with a quick Google Search. SEO is a good investment for real estate investor marketing.

Unlike other forms of marketing, SEO is less about reaching out to generate leads and more about making it possible for leads to find you. 

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Social Media Marketing for Real Estate Investors

Because marketing is all about relationship building, social media is ideal as a space where you can maintain a presence and make real-time connections.

Social media is a form of marketing that can be very affordable.

When mounting a successful real estate marketing campaign, you are your own greatest tool. Your campaign should not only be about properties, but about you. This is your chance to be yourself and show that there is a person behind the website. Here are some tips for how to craft your online presence to market your business.

1. Be Yourself

People respond to individuals better than they respond to brands. Social media can be a great way to network and make new connections, starting when you build up a following. If potential sellers see a person, not just a business, they are more likely to engage. 

2. Use Your Platform to Educate

It is not enough to just shout your business goals. Online users will scroll right past overt advertisements. This is why it helps to give users something of value. Be funny, be informative, offer tips and insights. By providing something helpful to online users, you are more likely to get their attention and make a memorable impact on them. 

3. Chat With Your Followers

Don’t underestimate the power of “sliding into the DMs.” Don’t be afraid to talk to followers, give advice, and reach out to others in the real estate business. The more people who know about and trust your business, the more people who may be able to help you land a great property down the line. Word of mouth can be a powerful tool, and it starts by connecting directly with your audience.

4. Tailor Your Media Usage to Your Goals

Different apps and platforms are ideal for connecting with different demographics. For example, Twitter is used by nearly all age ranges and is ideal for spreading news. Tik Tok is dominated by teens and young adults, so it probably won’t help you make business connections. On the other hand, Facebook is used by all age ranges and demographics, but older people tend to be more active. Depending on what type of properties you want to invest in, some social media platforms may be better for marketing than others. 

Real estate investors are watching the performance of their direct email.

Successful Marketing Strategies in the Real World: The Power of Direct Mail

It does seem like everything is online nowadays. But it isn’t. Physical marketing tools like direct mail are still a highly effective method of real estate investor marketing.

One misconception is that most people sort their mail while standing over the recycle bin; however, this actually isn’t the case.

If you are already using social media to market yourself as a real estate investor, doing direct mail also can be a great way to cover all your bases. Potential sellers who may not be involved on social media may respond well to direct mail and vice versa. 

The real estate investor has found new customers thanks to his network of acquaintances

The Role of Networking in Your Real Estate Investor Marketing Campaign

As a real estate investor, building your network is one of the most important things you can do. The size and strength of your network can greatly influence how many deals you do and how much you make off of those deals. 

Networking and marketing actually go hand in hand.

The same tools you use for marketing – your website, media presence, and mailing materials – can be very useful for networking. Real estate events and meetups are the classic places to build your network by connecting with insurance agents, contractors, appraisers, and other real estate professionals who may be able to help you land a luxury property. 

Similarly, a recent Forbes article recommended charity events as an optimal place to make connections for potential luxury real estate deals.

Physical marketing materials like flyers and business cards can make your in-person networking more effective. 

How often do you forget someone’s name or lose their email address?

Printed materials are the solution to this. Handing out business cards at events is a surefire way to stick in their mind and ensure that they have a way of contacting you in the future. 

A social media presence can also help with this; a media presence allows people in your network to easily contact you and keep up with what you are up to. 

If you are highly experienced, others who are new to real estate may want to learn from you. By organizing in-person workshops or producing online classes, you can effectively establish yourself as a leader in the industry and gain greater visibility.

Not only does this broaden your reach to potential leads, but having the right connections can help you land deals on luxury real estate

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Grow Your Business With Real Estate Investor Digital Marketing

If you are a real estate investor and want to start marketing your business more effectively, let Mediaboom help. We are an experienced, full-service agency that specializes in creating an extraordinary digital presence for your brand. Our services include everything from website design to online advertising to SEO and email marketing.

We can even create a story for your brand with our copywriting, photography, and video production services. Contact Mediaboom today to grow your real estate investing business with our top-notch marketing services. 

Top 8 Services and Benefits Offered by Digital SEO Experts

Digital SEO experts provide services such as audits, link building, and content marketing to develop brand authority and boost lead gen.

Digital SEO experts are a must these days. According to digital marketing agency Intergrowth, nearly 70 percent of experiences online start with a search. What kinds of services do digital SEO experts offer and how can those services help a business like yours?

Digital SEO experts can provide services such as keyword research, SEO audits, technical and local SEO, link building, and content marketing. Hiring a digital SEO team can strengthen your brand authority, increase lead gen, and generate more organic traffic.

In today’s guide to digital SEO experts, we’ll explain who these experts are, what their job encompasses, and why your company might want to hire them. 

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

What Is a Digital SEO Expert?

Let’s begin by talking more about the role that a digital SEO expert fulfills.

Sometimes referred to as an SEO specialist, a digital SEO expert is a professional who understands the ins and outs of search engine optimization. They stay abreast of the latest Google algorithms and can advise their clients on SEO strategies that drive results.

A digital SEO expert will work with their clients to optimize the client’s website, keeping the user experience and thus navigability in mind. 

All along, SEO specialists are aware of the client’s goals and will use SEO to achieve those goals, which are usually increased web traffic, more leads, and an influx of sales.

SEO experts are compiling a list of all the services they can provide to their clients.

What Are the Services Provided by a Digital SEO Expert?

Next, let’s unpack the services that digital SEO experts provide so you can better understand the crux of their job responsibilities.

1. Keyword Research

When you produce content on a blog, what keyword(s) are you targeting?

Depending on how you answer that question, you’re either helping your blog’s SEO (and thus your website’s SEO as a whole) or you’re not. 

Digital SEO experts can perform keyword research to determine which keywords are most relevant to your brand and would resonate the most with your target audience. 

SEO specialists know the difference between branded and non-branded keywords, such as Nike shoes versus tennis sneakers. 

They’re well aware of which instances are the most appropriate to use branded or non-branded keywords to elevate your content and thus your business.

2. Keyword Strategy

Upon finishing their keyword research, a digital SEO expert will next use that data to formulate a keyword strategy. 

This strategy will inform your business’ content marketing, which is something we’ll discuss a little later in this section. 

Thanks to the research collected by the digital SEO expert, you’ll know what kind of content to produce and which keywords to implement. 

As your keyword strategy goes live, your SEO specialist will continue to monitor and adjust the strategy to maximize its effectiveness. 

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

3. SEO Audits

Another service that you can rely on digital SEO experts to do is known as an SEO audit.

An SEO audit is a formal review of your current SEO practices as showcased on your website. 

During the audit, the SEO specialist will assess a multitude of areas, including content gaps, user experience problems, and SEO issues. They’re looking for issues with your website structure and technical SEO (more on this to come in just a moment). 

Although it’s not fun when your SEO audit results come back less than desirable, the audit is a necessary part of your company’s SEO strategy as a whole.

You can’t expect an SEO expert to fix a problem they don’t even know is there. That’s the biggest benefit of an SEO audit, as it shows the glaring holes in your company’s current SEO strategy as well as introduces opportunities to expand your SEO. 

4. Technical SEO

Okay, so what exactly is technical SEO? It’s yet another service your digital SEO expert will reliably offer.

Technical SEO refers to optimizing your business server and website for better indexing. Although that may sound complex, technical SEO is the key to bettering your organic site rankings and is thus worth doing. 

Here are some strategies a digital SEO expert might recommend in the realm of technical SEO.

  • Get your site on Bing Webmaster Tools and Google Search Console: Both Bing Webmaster Tools and Google Search Console are free, so there’s no reason for your company not to join. When you sign up, you can upload your website XML sitemap through these tools.
  • Use structured data markup: Structured data markup refers to a type of code that goes on your site to help a search engine make heads and tails of your content. You’ll see more relevant search engine results tied to your site as well as more accurate site indexing. 
  • Make an XML sitemap: XML sitemaps are a must for all websites, as Google uses the sitemap to determine which pages are on your website. Your digital SEO expert can assist you with creating an XML sitemap.
  • Remove duplicate content: Duplicate content that crops up can harm your SEO positioning. SEO specialists do more than remove the offending duplicate content but can also introduce canonical link elements and check the CMS publisher to ensure duplicate content stays a thing of the past.
  • Improve site loading speed: A slow-loading site is a huge SEO slap on the wrist, but most people don’t know how to speed up their sites. Your digital SEO expert knows. They might recommend strategies like:
    • Changing your hosting
    • Modifying your site’s code
    • Compressing webpages
    • Shrinking image files
    • Switching to one CSS stylesheet
  • Get on SSL: Secure Sockets Layer or SSL is what makes some sites start with https:// rather than http://. Since at least 2014, Google has prioritized SSL sites since they’re securer for people to use. With an SEO specialist, you can make the switch to SSL too.
Mediaboom shows how it has boosted its local SEO and how it manages to get more customers.

5. Local SEO

Not every company necessarily wants to reach the world with their website, especially if they’re a bricks-and-mortar business with only one or two locations.

For these companies, digital SEO experts also specialize in local SEO

Search engines are still hugely important even for small businesses. Digital marketing company On the Map says that 93 percent of people found local businesses using online search in 2020. That’s quite a large percentage!

SEO experts are well-versed in what makes local SEO different from further-reaching SEO strategies such as technical SEO. They’ll create targeted solutions that work on a local scale.

They can advise you on which keywords to target, which markets to pursue, and how to make a Google My Business profile that stands out and earns you more business. 

6. Link Building

A critical element of any successful SEO campaign is link building, so that’s yet another service that many digital SEO experts offer.

Link building is an SEO strategy that builds links to increase your SEO standing. Google relies heavily on backlinks to determine which sites should rise in the ranks, after all.

Not just any links will do, as it’s quality over quantity. 

Your SEO specialist understands what makes for a high-quality link. If your links aren’t rating for quality, they can assist you in increasing your authority, making your site more relevant, and positioning your links correctly.

Blogging resource ThriveMyWay states that more than 40 percent of marketers think that link building as an SEO strategy will become increasingly more important in the years to come.

By prioritizing your link building now, you’ll be ahead of the curve. 

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

7. Content Marketing 

Earlier, we touched on content marketing, but now it’s time to give it more focus.

All websites need a content strategy, as content marketing can increase your brand’s reach, improve brand awareness, generate leads, increase conversions, elevate sales, and bring in more organic traffic. 

Content marketing encompasses many types of content, from long-form content like whitepapers to eBooks, webinars, case studies, testimonials, user-generated content, infographics, social media marketing, podcasts, videos, and blogs.

Your digital SEO expert can help you determine which form of content is best suited to your business according to your target audience and digital marketing goals. 

Blogging is always a cornerstone of content marketing, and video is increasingly becoming one of the top forms of content, if not the top form. 

Oberlo notes that in 2022, the United States alone has 244.4 million digital video viewers. That’s a large potential audience you can reach through video marketing. 

8. Reporting 

How do you know if your SEO strategies are working? You shouldn’t merely guess, and with a digital SEO expert at the helm, you won’t have to.

They’ll frequently produce reports that you can review together. You’ll be able to see how your SEO stats stood before you two began working together and where they are now.

Rising in the ranks isn’t always an overnight change. As you see that your SEO is steadily improving with SEO specialists, you’ll know that a rank increase is only a matter of time. 

Digital SEO experts are talking about all the benefits associated with SEO optimization for a website.

What Are the Benefits of Hiring a Digital SEO Expert?

Now that you better understand their services, you can see how hiring a digital SEO expert can be highly advantageous for businesses of all sizes. 

To wrap up, let’s go over the benefits of working with an SEO specialist. 

Increased Organic Traffic

Anyone can buy traffic, but generating organic traffic is different. It’s also sometimes better, as it usually tends to be more targeted traffic.

More Leads

Targeted traffic means that the leads who are arriving on your site are already somewhat privy to who you are and what your products and services are. These are known as warm leads.

You’ll generate regular leads through a digital SEO expert as well, but warm leads are always worth focusing the lion’s share of your attention and effort on. These leads are further along the sales funnel and thus are readier to convert. 

Example of how a website increased its brand authority thanks to SEO.

Better Brand Authority

Building a brand is one thing but having brand authority is something else entirely.

Brand authority refers to how much your customers trust you. 

When your audience trusts you, they’re more willing to invest in your current products and services, they’ll give your new products and services a try, and they might even recommend your company to their friends, family, and colleagues. 

A digital SEO expert can help you build your brand authority by producing high-quality and trustworthy content. You could even rank as the expert in your particular niche or industry, which is the ultimate goal. 

More Sales 

Through the combination of factors above, working with an SEO specialist can of course generate more sales for your company. 

You’ll have a valuable place in the search engine rankings and a site that’s optimized to convert leads. Once your leads enter your sales funnel, whether it’s from the very beginning or deeper into the funnel, you’ll be ready to convert them into long-term customers.

You’ll also earn their trust, which is a huge part of building loyalty. 

Elevate Your Luxury Brand Today

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Digital SEO experts are specialists in all things SEO. They understand the complicated algorithmic changes and what goes into them in a way that the average company owner or marketer might not. 

By pairing with an SEO specialist, you can achieve more of your SEO goals, which will result in more leads, increased trust among your audience, more organic traffic, and better sales. If you’re looking for digital SEO experts to assist in your next campaign, trust in the team at Mediaboom!