Hospitality Marketing Trends

Hospitality Marketing Trends – 22 Strategies to Implement in 2023

By: Frank DePino | January 28, 2022

After bidding farewell to 2022, it is time to think ahead to 2023 for hospitality marketing trends. If you want to attract more customers to your hospitality brand, it is important to leverage the power of marketing. 

The importance of marketing for hospitality brands cannot be overemphasized. For one, it offers you the opportunity to reach and engage your clients. Also, marketing helps in brand building, getting new leads, and maintaining customer loyalty.

So, have you been unable to attract potential clients through your online campaigns? Here, you will learn about trends that will positively influence your hospitality brand’s marketing efforts in 2023.

Top 22 Hospitality Marketing Trends for Brands

  1. Influencer marketing
  2. Paid social media
  3. Google paid ads
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  5. Content marketing
  6. Email marketing nurture campaigns
  7. Mobile optimized website
  8. Retargeting ads
  9. Organic social media strategy
  10. Video content marketing
  11. Promote safety in communications and promotions
  12. User-generated content
  13. Loyalty programs
  14. Mobile apps
  15. Spotify and Pandora audio ads
  16. Cause marketing campaigns
  17. Utilize analytics to your advantages
  18. Customer service & chatbot for inquiries
  19. Voice search SEO
  20. Partner with local businesses and vendors for the ultimate experience
  21. Virtual tours
  22. Reputation management

Here are 22 hospitality marketing trends you should be using in 2023.

An influencer is promoting the hotel that is hosting her for free in exchange for advertising

1. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing uses individuals who have a strong ‘influence’ or following on social media. They utilize their following to promote a brand or product. 

Quickly becoming one of the top hospitality marketing trend for brands, influencer marketing allows brands to partner with notable hospitality influencers to give your brand a bigger audience.

Your hospitality brand harnesses a large percentage of trust and reputation based on the influencer’s words through this strategy. 

2. Paid Social Media

Everyone knows that building a solid social media presence takes time to get going. For this reason, it is necessary to include marketing plans that hasten this process. Paid social media is one way to achieve that. 

Paid social media occurs when a brand pays to advertise on a platform. Two things make this a good marketing approach. First, it is a precise form of advertising. Secondly, most platforms use a pay-per-click payment method which means you only get charged when leads engage. 

As a hospitality brand, you should consider paid socials to increase your brand and product awareness.

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3. Google Paid Advertising

Pay-Per-Click ads or PPC ads are sponsored links or ads on search engine pages. Brands that use PPC ads as a marketing strategy pay to pop up under a particular search query.

People worldwide use search engines like Google to make inquiries about services or things important to them. Brands pay these search engines to show users their ads, which leads to brand awareness and growth. 

The great thing about PPC ads are that they are only charged when an interested customer clicks the advertised brand.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is a marketing technique that involves optimizing your brand’s online presence to promote search engine visibility with online users.

Most times, the issue your brand might be facing is that people around you are not aware of your brand’s existence.

Mediaboom is constantly publishing new articles to boost its content marketing strategy.

5. Content Marketing

Content marketing articles are an excellent method to build your brand’s audience and credibility. These blogs also contribute to a brand’s marketing strategy on search engines. 

These topics should include keywords in your industry to help your posts rank well on search engines. As articles are optimized for search engines and posted, potential and current customers will be brought to your page to enter into the top of your marketing funnel.

6. Email Marketing Nurture Campaigns

An email marketing nurture campaign entails building a relationship with your client by delivering personalized messages. Through client behavior observation, you can segment your audience. This is achieved through email automation technology that forwards periodic blasts to potential leads.

The beauty of this approach is that it appeals to the reader and is backed by reliable data making it more effective. When successful, you can then turn potential leads or customers into conversions or sales. This is the end goal of most marketing strategies. 

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

7. Mobile Optimized Website

Every brand needs to have a website where customers obtain more information about the brand when they need it. But what is the point of having a website when it is not well optimized or easily usable by a potential customer?

Mobile devices account for more than half of the website traffic in the world. This statistic shows the importance of possessing a mobile-optimized website. 

A mobile-optimized website means that your website must be easy to open and navigate on a mobile device. This will attract more customers to you because they can get more information about your brand as soon as they click on your website, while easily being accessed on their mobile device. 

Mediaboom is creating retargeting campaigns for a new hospitality business

8. Retargeting Ads

Retargeting means displaying relevant sponsored ads to previous users. Those that have visited or searched about your hospitality brand without making a conversion will be targeted. Through these ads, you reignite the interest of a previously interested customer. Here are some ways to perform retargeting:

  • Include a call to action if it was not there before.
  • Offer a discount.
  • Include complimentary products.
  • Run campaigns at specific times. 

Retargeting remains a great way to improve your conversion rate.

9. Organic Social Media Strategy

Today’s most popular social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok

The content you put out on these platforms plays a significant role in spiking your customer’s interest in your hospitality brand. 

To get more organic engagement on your social platforms in 2023, your brand has to:

  • Respond and engage with its followers on social media platforms.
  • Offer a unique selling proposition (USP) or business value.
  • Use social media to build up your reputation by staying current and trendy.
  • Use social media analytics to create more engaging content.

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10. Video Content Marketing

Videos are engaging, visually appealing, and can capture any mind in a matter of seconds. If your hospitality brand is interested in capturing customers’ minds from around the world in seconds, video content marketing is the answer.

Getting people to use your hotel, resort, or apartment requires showing them what you have to offer in real-life using videos. 

Video content marketing itself goes beyond showing what your property looks like in reality. One of the main reasons that video content marketing is a top hospitality marketing trend is that this content allows your brand to tell a story.

11. Promote Safety in Communications and Promotions

Potential and current hotel guests should always be kept in “the now.” Your hotel – whether it be for one night or two months – will be the guests’ home for whatever period of time they are staying. Hotels should communicate safety, cleanliness, and wellness reassurance to guests. 

With a sense of caution and safety, hospitality brands have found innovative ways to promote safety in communications and promotions for guests. Some communications methods they use include: 

  • Email campaigns
  • Text messages
  • Social media
  • Commercials

What can be included in these communications? Some ideas include photos of housekeeping, videos of the peaceful common areas your hotel offers, highlights of your fitness equipment, or content regarding your healthy dining options.

Above all, a hospitality brand that prioritizes their client’s safety gains more trust as it shows they value their clientele. 

Customers have left numerous testimonials after staying in the best New York hotels

12. User-Generated Content (UGC)

The hospitality industry is client-focused, and it means that any customer’s satisfaction determines the brand’s success. And so, UGC content can be social media comments, blog posts, testimonials, or reviews. 

When potential customers want a feel of your brand, they look for reviews of other customers who have patronized you. Consequently, UGC helps to increase brand awareness and customer satisfaction. As a hospitality brand, you should create a conducive environment around your customers. 

13. Loyalty Programs

Loyalty programs are a marketing strategy that hospitality businesses use. These programs attract, maintain and retain their guests by offering exclusive discounts and extra benefits.

Loyalty programs aim to reward guests for spending money in a hotel, restaurant, or any hospitality-related place. 

Information from the MIT Sloan Management Review reveals that seventy-seven percent of customers agree to choose a loyalty brand over other brands regardless of the price. This number proves how important it is for hospitality brands to improve their services and guest experiences with hospitality marketing trends.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

14. Mobile Apps

With the introduction of mobile apps to hospitality businesses, guest experiences have significantly improved, and the customer database has expanded a great deal.

A mobile application that serves your brand customers can quickly gain more people’s attention and showcase your brand offerings to a broader audience that are not strictly on desktop or laptop computers. 

The benefits of a mobile application for a hospitality brand are limitless. Why? Most will have their phone in their hand to look for information over a computer or tablet.

15. Spotify & Pandora Audio Ads

Music streaming is still untapped even in this day and age, but in 2023 it poses an excellent hospitality marketing strategy. 

Information from Mobile Marketer reveals that consumers spend only two-thirds of their digital time on mobile devices, and digital radio (Pandora and Spotify audio) counts for 15% of this number.

Spotify and Pandora are two popular music streaming platforms millennials love to use. 

Unlike traditional radio ads and related marketing campaigns, in-stream audio ads target specific demographics. Generally, ads on Spotify and Pandora run during ad breaks or in-between playlists, gaining impressions from users who don’t pay streaming fees.

The hotel owner is forming a partnership with a non-profit organization

16. Cause Marketing Campaign

Simply put, cause marketing highlights a collaboration between a for-profit business and a non-profit organization – “you buy, we give.” A cause marketing campaign promotes donations being made based on product or service sales.

Buyers are heavily concerned with how their patronizing enterprises are engaged with society. According to Salesforce Nucleus Research, the price elasticity of philanthropy speaks for itself: consumers are willing to pay 6-9% more for a product or service from a company that contributes to their communities.   

17. Utilize Analytics to Your Advantage

The hospitality industry is data-rich. Hence, having this information gives you a competitive advantage to better understand your customers, hospitality marketing trends, and industry insights. 

There are many advantages to utilizing analytics and how it can help your brand’s marketing efforts in 2023. Some of these advantages are:

  • Analytics assists in optimizing the spontaneity of guest experiences and services.
  • It helps to improve the effectiveness of your hospitality marketing efforts in 2023.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

18. Customer Service & Chatbot for Inquiries

Customer service is vital in gaining brand loyalty as the hospitality industry is customer-focused. The type of experience your customers get determines if they return or refer to your brand. Therefore, to have a unique customer experience plan, your hospitality brand can leverage hospitality marketing trends like chatbots, online reviews, polls, blogs, and websites. 

Likewise, chatbots significantly improve customer experience, and they have become a crucial part of hospitality marketing efforts in recent times. In addition, chatbots allow immediate responses to customer inquiries and complaints, notwithstanding human staff’s physical or online presence. 

19. Voice Search SEO

Voice Search SEO is a marketing technology that uses search engine functions with voice recognition capabilities. 

With voice search SEO, a user gives a spoken command, and the voice recognition technology interprets and understands the user’s commands. Therefore, hospitality brands that utilize this strategy in 2023 assist customers in acquiring information about their services by using their voices. 

More and more consumers have an Amazon Echo or Google Home in their home. These devices use automatic speech recognition (ASR) to input signals for search engine optimization.

According to BrightLocal’s 2018 study, 76% of voice search users search on smart speakers for local businesses at least once a week, with the majority doing so daily. Make sure your hotel has a strategy in place to rank when users are searching for hotels in your area by voice – and you are sure to take advantage of this statistic.

The map shows all the New York hotels we can partner with.

20. Partner with Local Businesses and Vendors for the Ultimate Experience

Your brand can never have it all in terms of services, and what better way to give your customers the ultimate experience than having partnerships? Partnering with local businesses and vendors around you contributes to the customer experience and helps further gauge hospitality marketing trends for your hotel. 

By forming local partnerships with vendors, you create positive relationships with other businesses in your community, generating revenue and boosting the local economy.

Try partnering with local restaurants, wineries, or entertainment centers to offer a “package” in which you can piggy-back off the other businesses, and vice versa. This also incentivizes more overnight stays at your hotel.

21. Virtual Tours

Virtual tours are an extension of video content marketing strategy for hospitality brands. As the world evolves, people no longer have the luxury of moving from hotel to hotel looking for the place with the best facility. 

With virtual tours, guests have a real-time experience of the services and facilities you have to offer. Also, it is very convenient as they do not have to visit in person. Virtual tours are accessible via a desktop or a mobile device.

For instance, Lake Austin Spa and Resort offers a comprehensive, 360° virtual tour, utilizing Virtually Anywhere Interactive. This company offers hotels and hospitality brands virtual tours that integrates onto any website.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

22. Reputation Management

The advent of social media platforms, Google reviews, mobile apps, websites, and online forums has made sharing experiences more effortless than ever. For this reason, hospitality reputation management is vital to the survival and marketing efforts of any brand today.

A study by Expedia shows that a guest pays more for a hotel with higher guest ratings rather than selecting a hotel based on its brand name. This means that how your brand responds to criticisms, customer complaints, social media comments, or Google reviews plays a vital role in how much clients – both old and new – patronize your brand. 


Undoubtedly, implementing these hospitality marketing trends into your hospitality brand in 2023 guarantees you a step-up in terms of profit. Through marketing, owners can reach out to customers, create awareness and communicate their brand’s unique selling propositions. If you want to boost your marketing efforts in 2023, try the 22 trends listed in this article.

Are you struggling with your marketing efforts and results? Mediaboom can help. We have a team of marketing experts who can help implement these trends for you in 2023 for effective results. It’s pretty easy to move your marketing efforts to the next level. Contact us today for a free, 30-minute online consultation.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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