Marketing Ideas For Finance Companies

10 Marketing Ideas For Finance Companies

By: Frank DePino | December 11, 2020

The business-to-consumer finance industry is one that relies on results, customer loyalty, and brand establishment. If finance companies want to stay relevant in their industry and truly help their clients, there’s one thing they must know how to do well: market themselves. 

Why Do Finance Companies Need Marketing?

Finance companies, like all other companies out there, need to generate brand awareness in order to gain new leads. 

Marketing allows finance companies to deliver the right message to the right people via the right channel. When the right person gets the right message at the right time, they’re likely to take action and check out your services. 

That’s why finance companies constantly need to be thinking of new marketing ideas for their business. Fresh marketing ideas are vital to a company’s overall success and relevance. 

Below we’ll discuss the top 10 marketing ideas for finance companies, including:

  1. Updating your website 
  2. Investing in SEO 
  3. Starting a blog 
  4. Optimizing landing pages 
  5. Creating free lead magnets 
  6. Having a social media plan 
  7. Creating a YouTube channel 
  8. Working with influencers 
  9. Creating generation-specific campaigns 
  10. Getting personal with your audience 

In this article, we’re diving into these ideas and explaining how each idea can boost the marketing efforts of your finance company. 

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

1. Update Your Website 

When thinking of marketing ideas for finance companies, something that should be at the top of the list is updating your website


Because your website will influence whether or not people invest in your services. Statistics show that 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content and/or layout is unattractive. 

With that in mind, take a look at your website. Does the design:  

  • Align with your brand? 
  • Tell your brand’s story in a compelling way? 
  • Provide a clean layout for your content? 
  • Encourage website users to navigate the site? 
  • Show a united brand throughout the website? 

If you answered “no” to even just one of the bullets above, it’s time for a website update. Need inspiration for your redesign? Check out these case studies and articles regarding financial advisor website design, banking website design, and how Runway Growth Capital revitalized its brand with a new website design.

Google Search Console shows the results achieved by a website after investing in SEO.

2. Invest In SEO

Along with a solid website design, another key thing to consider when brainstorming marketing ideas for finance companies is to invest in SEO. 

SEO (short for “search engine optimization”) is crucial for your organic growth and organic marketing strategy. If you want to grow your finance company’s organic reach (and not have to pay for advertising), investing in SEO is a must. 

The first thing to do is look at your website’s overall SEO health and see where you can improve. There are technical aspects of on-page SEO to look at during this audit, including: 

  • Your website’s code structure 
  • Title Tags 
  • The meta descriptions of website pages 
  • The URLs of website pages 
  • Whether or not your website renders on multiple devices 

The way you’re going to utilize SEO properly is to create relevant and unique content that answers website users’ questions. 

You create this content by targeting relevant keywords for your industry. You can find out what these keywords are by doing keyword research and creating content that incorporates those keywords in a helpful and authentic way. 

Google will reward you if you do SEO right. 

The more relevant and original content you produce, the more likely it’ll rank well online. The higher it ranks, the better your chances are of more people finding your content (and therefore, your brand) faster. 

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3. Start a Blog 

So, how are you supposed to create content that gets found online? One way to boost your SEO efforts and establish your brand as an authority in the finance industry is to start a blog.

Blogging can lead to incredible results for brands, especially since marketers who prioritize blogging are 13x more likely to have a positive ROI on their efforts. 

You can start a blog and host it right on your website. There’s no limit to the topics you can cover, but remember that you want to do keyword research and create blog posts that incorporate those keywords throughout the piece. Blogs are typically between 500 and 2,000 words apiece, but it depends on the kind of blog you’re creating and the topic. 

Starting a blog will also help you establish your brand as a leading establishment in the finance industry. 

Think about it: you’re giving out good financial advice to the public, which will help build your reputation and trust with your online audience. Show the world what you have to offer and you’ll be rewarded in your space. 

Mediaboom has created optimized and specific landing pages for each search intent.

4. Optimize Landing Pages 

When it comes to marketing ideas for finance companies, something that’s easy to overlook is the optimization of your landing pages. Landing pages are pages that are specifically made for advertising and marketing campaigns. They’re the pages people land on once they click on a link in one of these campaigns. 

When they’re optimized correctly, landing pages can have a huge impact on your campaign conversions. Make sure they contain the right amount of text, offers, and images. If there’s a form on the page, make sure there are just enough fields to get the information you need. Too many form fields can cause website visitors to leave your page without taking any action. 

Other important ways to optimize landing pages include: 

  • Having enough visuals on the page 
  • Having enough white space on the page 
  • Having a strong call-to-action (CTA) 
  • Using powerful words in your landing page copy 
  • Incorporating video into the page 

If you properly optimize your landing pages, you could see a noticeable increase in campaign conversions and receive a greater ROI for your marketing efforts

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

5. Create Free Lead Magnets 

One of the most underrated marketing ideas for finance companies is creating free lead magnets for website visitors. Lead magnets are free (or low cost) offers extended by a business to collect information from prospective customers or clients that enables follow up marketing activities. These include: 

Lead magnets are beneficial for finance companies’ marketing initiatives in numerous ways. For starters, they literally make new prospects come to you. They have a problem, and you provide the solution. How simple (and rewarding) is that? 

Some ideas for financial lead magnets include: 

  • A how-to guide for setting up a 401k 
  • A webinar for finance best practices 
  • A whitepaper on how the state of finance looks in the next 5 years 

The key with lead magnets is to provide a free resource that’s incredibly valuable to your leads. The more value you provide, the more trust you build. The more trust you build, the more likely people will follow your brand and want to work with you. 

The social media manager of a financial services firm is defining the new publishing plan for social media.

6. Have a Social Media Plan 

If your finance company doesn’t have a social media plan, make it a priority to map one out. We live in a world where brands simply can’t afford to not have a social media presence. Statistics show that the average American has 7.1 social media accounts. 

If you’re not on at least one of those social media platforms, you’re missing out on a great opportunity to connect with your audience. 

You should have a social media account for every platform your target audience is on. These platforms include: 

  • Facebook 
  • Twitter
  • Instagram 
  • LinkedIn 

Each platform has a different algorithm for posting, so do your research and come up with a posting schedule that works for each platform. It’s also important to create content that’s digestible on each platform. For instance, people on Instagram are expecting to see images and videos, whereas people on Facebook or LinkedIn may expect to see articles. 

Pay attention to what kind of content is on each platform and how your audience consumes it. 

And, remember that social media is a fundamental way to build a community of brand enthusiasts. Don Schultz, a pioneer in the marketing field, once said, “Social media creates communities, not markets.” The more people think they’re in your community, the more likely they’ll want to use your services. 

Show them they belong by posting relevant content and engaging with them on social media. 

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

7. Create a YouTube Channel 

One of the more unique marketing ideas for finance companies is creating a YouTube channel. YouTube is an extremely popular platform, hosting 2 billion users around the world. Seriously, 2 billion people. That’s a lot of people your finance company can reach. 

Why create a YouTube channel? 

For starters, video marketing remains a vital pillar in the overall content and marketing realms. Cisco reports that online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic by 2022. People love to watch videos, and there’s no sign of that trend dying. 

Creating a YouTube channel gives you a whole platform that’s dedicated to video content. You can make videos that outline finance tips, talk about finance trends, and interview key players in the finance industry. There’s no shortage of video content to be generated. 

An influencer who talks about finance is partnering with a company to promote their financial services.

8. Work With Influencers 

Influencer marketing is on the rise as the fight for more digital space continues for brands across the globe. Influencer marketing is a type of social media marketing where a brand partners with someone who has social influence on marketing its products and/or services to their audience. 

The influencer gets paid for the endorsement, and the brand gets exposure to a new audience. 

There are perks to working with influencers, including: 

  • Brand validation through social proof 
  • Quickly building trust with a new audience 
  • Boosting your SEO efforts with backlinks 

It’s important to work with influencers whose target audience is similar to yours. That way, you gain new viable leads that are actually interested in your services. When done right, influencer marketing can create a viable partnership that benefits both parties for years to come. 

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9. Create Generation-Specific Campaigns 

When it comes to marketing ideas for finance companies, it’s important to note that not all campaigns are one-size-fits-all. Different generations have different pain points when it comes to finances, so it would be beneficial for your finance company to run marketing campaigns that target different generations. 

You can divide your target audience into generations and brainstorm from there. 

For instance, Millennials may need tips on how to further save for retirement, whereas Baby Boomers may need tips for cashing out their retirement accounts and living on what they’ve got. While these are both valid pain points, they need to be addressed in ways that speak directly to the target audiences they impact. 

One way to ensure the right message gets to the right people is through segmentation in email marketing. If you have the information, you can segment your audience based on their age and send them specific emails that target their pain point. 

That way, you aren’t sending out a generic email blast that doesn’t speak to a specific pain point. 

A financial advisor is addressing his clients in a personal way.

10. Get Personal With Your Audience 

When it comes to marketing ideas for finance companies, one way to set your company apart from the rest is to add a personal touch to your messages. Show empathy and put the customer first in your marketing messages. Show them you care about their finances and you know what it’s like to be in their shoes. 

Personalization and empathy can go a long way, especially in today’s world. So, put the customer first in your messages and see how your conversions do.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Final Thoughts 

Finance companies, just like any other company, have to be strategic and intentional with their marketing efforts if they want to generate the right leads. While it’s important to focus on the distribution channels of your marketing messages, you can’t forget about the most important piece: the message itself. 

Craft a compelling message first, and watch the leads come in through multiple channels. 

Get in touch with Mediaboom for more details.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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