Insurance Lead Generation

Insurance Lead Generation – Top 15 Expert Tips for Success

By: Frank DePino | April 14, 2023

Finding new insurance clients can be challenging, even for agents who know the nuances of the biz. You need actionable ideas to generate leads that can effectively transform into sales.

That’s where insurance lead generation comes in.

Insurance lead generation is the process of attracting potential customers through various marketing strategies such as online ads, social media campaigns, and email marketing. The ultimate goal is to capture the attention of individuals who are interested in purchasing insurance and to persuade them to provide their contact details, which can generate leads that are then passed on to insurance agents or sales teams. Through effective lead generation, you can expand your customer base, increase revenue, and improve ROI.

Read on to discover some efficient and result-oriented lead-generation methods that will bring the right people into your sales funnel and boost your business.

Understanding Insurance Lead Generation

Lead generation is the process of identifying and attracting potential customers to a business using various marketing strategies, whether they are located locally, nationally, or internationally.

To attract clients, insurance agents use various marketing strategies, and one of the most crucial elements of their success is search engine optimization (SEO). In fact, by using carefully selected keywords, SEO can help you to attract customers who are already searching for insurance-related services.

Furthermore, there are no built-in limits to insurance lead generation, which gives you complete control over what elements you use and what you eliminate through A/B testing. This process allows you to test and compare two different versions of a website, landing page, or advertisement to determine which one is more effective at generating leads.

By continuously tweaking and improving your approach based on data-driven insights from A/B testing, you can create a more streamlined and effective process that not only improves brand perception but also generates more revenue.

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Why is Lead Generation Important in an Insurance Business?

The insurance business is, in a way, quite personal.

It typically involves one-on-one communication between an agent and a prospect, but for it to yield results, the agent/agency has to “click” with the client and gain their trust. This isn’t easy, which is why you need a lead generation strategy.

Lead generation strategy allows you to customize every step of the client journey — documenting where they are in the purchasing process and what information or incentive they need to move to the end of the sales funnel and finalize the deal.

Over time, and with the right methods, it will generate leads that stick.

An Insurance agent is collecting new leads after following the 15 steps of Mediaboom.

Lead Generation Ideas for Insurance Agents – 15 Steps

Regardless of the insurance coverage you offer, lead generation is necessary for ensuring effective sales.

If you’re not sure where to start, here are 15 insurance lead generation ideas for insurance agents that will result in sustainable profits.

1. Create a Conversion Focused Website

Over 60% of shopping starts online. So, having a website is a need, not a want. An optimized website creates a strong impression in your prospects’ minds about your brand.

But how do you tap into that interest to convert site visitors into leads?

By creating or enabling these simple, impactful features:

  • A contact form will help you get more leads and build your email marketing list.
  • Add a “Quote” button, so potential clients can get in touch with you.
  • Provide your contact details, such as phone number, email, and address, so your customers can find and contact you quickly and easily.
  • Insert a call to action (CTA) at the right places to widen the path of connectivity, which can help generate conversions and boost sales.

More importantly, make sure your website is easy to navigate, so prospects will want to stay on your website to learn all about what you have to offer.

2. Include a Brandable Communication Strategy

In this strategy, your primary focus is to improve your branding in communication.

You can do this by asking yourself:

  • Who is my target audience?
  • What platform do they use?
  • How should I reach out to them?

Answering these questions will help you identify the best ways to share your business’ core message and voice with your audience. By taking a customer-centric approach, you can grab your customer’s interest and eventually generate higher conversion rates.

You should know that insurance branding can take a fair bit of resources: time and money. However, if you identify what channels your prospects use, you can get an edge in the game with effective resource allocation and create maximum impact with the highest possible ROI.

Mediaboom set up its SEO on-site in order to boost its visibility

3. Set Up On-Page SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is one strategy we can’t get enough of.

On-page SEO, also known as on-site SEO, uses carefully-crafted content to show search engines like Google how you can provide value to your prospects. This can put you on top of SERP results, bringing countless visitors to your website.

Sounds simple enough? Well, it’s a little tricky.

Not all content is created equal, so you must optimize your insurance SEO to rank high and reach the target audience. This can include:

  • Headers or body tags
  • Internal linking
  • Meta description
  • Page titles, also known as title tags
  • Page URLs
  • Target keywords and catchphrases

Think about how your solution addresses different pain points. This could include information on the various insurance types you offer, how to request a quote, and other niche topics. Attempt to explain it in simple terms, and combine it with search intent and keywords (with the best SEO metrics) to reach your audience in real-time.

4. Optimize User Experience

Nearly 60% of online searches are performed via mobile devices, and 40% of smartphone users — with an annual income below $50,000 — purchased personal insurance on their smartphones in 2018.

Making your services easily accessible and convenient can thus translate to higher revenue.

So, while you’re making the design more user-friendly on mobile phones to deliver a better user experience, check whether there are any elements you can upgrade on your website to get a higher number of leads.

5. Provide Interactive Content

Interactive content, such as gifs, infographics, quizzes, and videos, can increase user participation. It creates a richer, more fulfilling experience for prospects and makes them more interested in your business, making it a valuable addition to your insurance lead generation strategy — turning leads into gold.

Once you have their attention, you can use incentives to guide them on the journey to conversion. You can do this by using interactive content to simplify hard-to-understand concepts surrounding insurance to keep your prospects hooked.

6. Create a Lead Magnet

Lead magnets are free items you give your customers in exchange for their email addresses and other related contact details. This can include sought-after assets like case studies, checklists, guides, e-books, coupon codes, consultations, reports, webinars, white papers, and even gated content!

To produce the desired results, your lead magnets should:

  • Provide a solution to a pain point
  • Be related to the insurance products you offer
  • Offer valuable advice to boost your brand’s credibility

These assets create leads, but ultimately, it is upon you to reach the end goal of converting potential clients into paying customers.

HubSpot is one of the most popular marketing automation platforms available. It offers a range of tools, including email marketing, lead management, social media management, and analytics.

7. Start Your Marketing Automation

More than 30% of marketers use marketing automation to enhance measurement and reporting, helping them streamline marketing processes and improve overall user experience. This can further help guide website visitors through the sales funnel.

Marketing automation solutions can streamline:

  • Campaign management
  • Audience segmentation and targeting
  • Website monitoring
  • Generating leads
  • Customer data analytics

By doing the heavy lifting across various touch points in the tactical section, it leaves you free to focus on more important aspects like research, goal development, and more to take your lead-gen game to the next level.

8. Collect Testimonials

Testimonials are a type of social proof that shows prospects how your clients have benefitted from getting your insurance services.

With 92% of consumers reading online reviews before making a purchase of any sort, testimonials can help build customer trust, and add credibility to your business, thereby allowing you to acquire more leads.

Mediaboom added a chatbot to improve the customers experience on its website.

9. Add a Chatbot and a Kind Customer Service

Humans have an average attention span of 8.25 seconds. So, unless you offer them answers to their questions pronto, you’ve lost their attention in a snap.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to offer 24×7 support and be online always, which is why you need chatbots.

Chatbots, an insurance digital marketing must-have, allows clients to connect with your insurance agency even when you’re out of the office.

They enhance digital customer experience by:

  • Identifying user intent
  • Capturing names, emails, and contact details for follow-ups
  • Providing them with information on insurance types and rates
  • Helping visitors file insurance claims
  • Providing customized quotes
  • Scheduling appointments with an insurance agent
  • Answering common insurance questions

As you can tell, chatbots can be very helpful in transitioning visitors into leads.

Plus, you can access exclusive chatbots like Drift and MobileMonkey for free — and utilize them even if you don’t have programming knowledge. You just have to feed the bot with basic content and triggers to engage customers, and it will detect the keywords and respond accordingly.

10. Create a Community on Social Media

When it comes to insurance lead generation, marketing isn’t the only thing doing the heavy lifting.

You can establish yourself as a caring and customer-centric business by hosting Q&As, appearing as a guest speaker to spread awareness, sponsoring charity events, and assisting your online community when required.

Humanizing your business will help foster trust with prospective clients by allowing them to form deeper connections. It can help demonstrate that you value them for more than their money, thus producing a network of people who equate you with insurance.


11. Record Helpful Videos

Di you know that 86% of marketers use video as a marketing tool? And of them, 78% say it has increased their sales, and 86% claimed it has increased traffic to their website. Pair that with 79% of customers who’d rather watch a video to learn about a service/product, and video marketing strategy becomes a great way to drive quality traffic and generate leads.

Your video content should provide helpful information that your prospects tend to look for. Talk about insurance coverage, tell a customer’s story, or talk about updates in the industry on Youtube. On TikTok, however, stick with short topics like tips and tricks to gain attention and awareness.

This is a creative and effective strategy that can:

  • Answer complex insurance questions
  • Perform well in search
  • Serve as shareable content

It can also generate qualified leads by helping you connect with customers on an emotional level. Ensure the videos are attention-grabbing and provide value that your competitors don’t offer.

12. Create Partnerships with Influential People

Strike up partnerships with businesses and influential people for generating leads.

You can do this in two ways:

  • Partner with other businesses that are related to the types of insurance coverage you offer. You can then recommend each other’s services to your prospective clients to reach a wider audience organically.
  • Partner with influential people and pay them for the leads they generate. It’s similar to influencer marketing but for insurance.

Both methods will help your clients get interested in your business and will reach out to you — instead of you chasing them.

13. Promote your Best Content on Social Media

Globally, 4.76 billion people use social media. So, it’s a good idea to use it to generate leads that could help you reach a broader audience. It will also provide a great platform for starting conversations, building relationships, and converting prospects into paying customers.

Insurance social media marketing can help you generate more ROI with minimal cost and effort. Posting original, shareable, easy-to-understand content can leave a lasting impression in the minds of your followers. Ensure the content you post reflects your brand voice.

Even if one of your posts goes viral, your insurance marketing will put you on the radar (aka FYP) and increase brand awareness and visibility. You can pair this with digital insurance advertising in the form of PPC, Facebook ads, and video ads to ensure your business gains more traction than your competitors.

Payoneer referral link as an example of Referral Program.

14. Create a Referral Program

People are four times more likely to buy a product or service when referred by a friend. So, if you’re trying to get more customers through the door or your online portal, launch a referral program. You can offer incentives like movie tickets or discounts for every person that signs up with their referral code, which can also generate a healthy flow of organic word-of-mouth leads.

It’s important to note that sometimes regulations do not permit offering any referral bonus to clients. However, you can still ensure you stay relevant to your client by sending personalized messages on their birthdays and holidays. It will increase their loyalty to you, which makes them more likely to refer you to others.

15. Offer More Value than your Competitors

Insurance agents are a dime a dozen. So, you need to answer why you are better than your competition and why people should choose you over them.

One way to do so is by building your expertise and establishing yourself as a thought leader in your industry. You can do this by:

  • Highlighting your value proposition — what do you offer that others don’t
  • Matching your service to the insurance needs of your potential clients
The insurance agent is applying additional advice when negotiating with his clients.

3 Additional Insurance Lead Generation Tips

The above-listed strategies can help you get the attention of potential clients, but these tips can also help influence your success rate.

1. Do Your Best Work and Give it Some Time to See the Results

Lead generation takes time to show results, so when you select a strategy to attract new clients, set realistic expectations. To get a rough estimate of how long you may have to wait, consider touchpoints like the type of services you offer and what kind of experience you have in the industry.

Once you’ve established a good foundation for lead gen, you can then focus on creating a good content and SEO strategy to grow your pipeline and generate a healthy ROI.

2. Track Each Important KPI of Your Business

Key performance indicators (KPIs) help you understand the health of your business. So, when trying to generate leads, keep track of metrics like budget and conversion rates to monitor company health.

Once you understand how your business is performing, you can make adjustments to your lead gen strategies to stay on track with your desired business objectives.

3. Study the New Evolutions of the Sector

Although the clientele has largely remained the same, the insurance biz is evolving. And you must stay abreast with new developments in the industry to bring your A game to the clients.

Insurance agents must show agility, innovate how they market products to their consumer base, and use automated software to keep up with the changing time.

Mediaboom is a Marketing Agency that can provide Insurance Lead Generation and so on services.

Hiring an Insurance Lead Generation Marketing Agency

Lead generation can be tricky to maneuver, which is why you need a trustworthy lead generation marketing agency like MediaBoom in your corner.

We’re skilled in selecting and implementing lead gen strategies unique to your business needs. We bring qualified leads for your insurance offerings, thereby increasing your ROI in a cost-effective manner.

Want to know more about what we can do for you? Contact us today to get results!

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These insurance lead-generation ideas for insurance agents can play a major role in boosting sales. But which method will do the trick for your business will depend on factors such as the type of insurance you offer, your competition, and your target audience. Test out different lead gen strategies to see what works best with your audience, and personalize it to create a powerful impact on your customers!

If you want to take your insurance lead generation to the next level, contact us today!

We specialize in creating effective lead-generation strategies that can help you reach your sales goals. Let us help you tailor a strategy that works best for your business and target audience.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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