UX Digital Marketing

UX Digital Marketing – The Power of a Great User Experience

By: Frank DePino | September 28, 2023

In today’s digital marketing landscape, capturing and converting current and potential customers takes more than just a visually appealing website. Your entire digital presence must also be optimized to deliver the great user experience consumers today have come to know and expect. The key to accomplishing that? A comprehensive UX digital marketing strategy

User experience digital marketing, or UX digital marketing, involves making all of your online presence—website and social media—as user-friendly as possible to make it easy for your ideal customer to gather information, engage with your brand and understand your product or offering. It includes both the visual and aesthetic sides of creating a website and the functionality to create an enjoyable experience for the audience.

Are you curious to learn more about how you can implement a UX digital marketing strategy that delights your customers and provides a great online experience? Keep reading to learn more.

It’s a complicated and nuanced part of digital marketing that requires an in-depth analysis of your target audience, including how consumer behavior impacts best practices.

Benefits of UX Digital Marketing

Improving how a user interacts with your website through a UX digital marketing strategy not only provides a positive user experience for customers When you improve your UX design and marketing, you’ll benefit from:

  1. Higher conversion rates: When you’ve kept the user front and center in your design choices, your audience is more likely to convert. This means more leads to grow your business and an opportunity to gather information about your customers.
  2. Lower bounce rates: Audiences in today’s saturated digital world have little tolerance for slow loading times or inefficient websites. That’s why 87% of users abandon a website after 2 seconds if the website hasn’t loaded. But when your website is designed to deliver a positive user experience, you’ll find they stay on it longer.
  3. Better SEO rankings: Did you know that search engines will consider the user experience when positioning your website in search results? With a better UI or UX design, you can improve your brand awareness and get better visibility on search engines.

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Challenges in UX Digital Marketing

Whether it’s limited resources or a lack of understanding, implementing a UX digital marketing strategy is easier said than done for most businesses. And for good reason! It’s a complicated and nuanced part of digital marketing that requires an in-depth analysis of your target audience, including how consumer behavior impacts best practices.

Case Studies or Examples

Clarity SSI

Mediaboom shows the results achieved for its client Clarity SSI after optimizing UX digital marketing

As a niche healthcare communication firm, Clarity SSI needed a way to reach its audience and provide a stellar experience across its platforms. Mediaboom helped them optimize their content and redesign their website to create a connected user experience that drove conversions. The result? A 1,200% increase in website conversions and a 250% increase in search visibility are thanks to our digital marketing strategy, which focused on delivering a top-notch user experience.

JW Marriott

Mediaboom shows the results achieved for its client JW Marriot after optimizing UX digital marketing

The Marriott brand is globally recognized as a hospitality leader. But JW Marriott needed their brand to be consistent on a local level as they prepared to launch their luxury hotel in downtown Austin. The core focus for Mediaboom was designing a website that focused on the user experience while leveraging the backing of its well-known luxury brand. By focusing on a responsive design that guests can use on mobile and on their desktop, JW Marriott Hotel Houston provides a delightful user experience, no matter where guests are viewing the website.

As a trusted digital marketing agency, Mediaboom is here to take your UX digital marketing strategy to the next level. Contact us today to get started!

How to Improve Your UX Digital Marketing on Website in 10 Steps

Developing a holistic approach to your UX digital marketing doesn’t need to be difficult, but it does require understanding, expertise, and time to execute it properly. Here are some ways you can start improving your UI/UX experience for your customers.

Marketers are studying their audience to improve the UX experience

1. Understand Your Audience

What does your audience expect when they visit a website? Analyze their preferences, demographics, and behaviors to develop a strategy that works for them.

2. Align UX with Business Goals

What are you, as a business, trying to accomplish? Determine how you can merge your own business goals with the needs of your customers.

3. Choose fonts and colors in line with your audience

 Picking the right visual aesthetic contributes more to the overall user experience on your website than you realize. These visual choices can convey important things to your audience and should contribute to a positive user experience on your website.

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4. Design User-Centric Content

We all know content is king in your digital marketing strategy. But is that content benefiting your audience and driving conversions? Make your content easy to understand by using bullet points, visuals, and short paragraphs to enhance its readability.

5. Create web pages with the same design style

The brain can better comprehend content when it’s consistent across your web pages. Keep your website design and user interface similar from page to page to improve the cognitive recognition of your audience.

6. Optimize Website Navigation

The fewer clicks your customers need to get to the content they’re looking for, the better. This means optimizing your website navigation to include search bars, simple menus, and placing valuable information where it’s easiest to find.

Page speed insight shows the excellent results obtained following site speed optimization

7. Mobile Optimization

Did you know that over 55% of website traffic globally comes from mobile phone users? Optimizing your website for mobile is crucial to improving the user experience through responsive design, easy-to-read text, and dynamic call-to-action buttons.

8. A/B Testing + Speed and Performance Optimization

The only way to really understand consumer behavior is through A/B testing your UX digital marketing strategy. You can compare different versions of your website to see which performs better and loads faster, which improves the user experience.

9. Accessibility and Inclusivity

Your UX/UI design should cater to everyone, including those with disabilities. Don’t forget to add alt text for images, provide closed captioning for videos and use contrasting colors in your design. This will not only provide an inclusive experience but benefit your search engine rankings as well. 

10. Collect feedback from users

The only way to improve your user experience is to get feedback from your users! Regularly collect your audience’s feedback and suggestions so you can deliver a website experience they enjoy.

If you’re ready to implement a UX digital marketing strategy but aren’t sure where to start, we can help. Mediaboom is a trusted digital marketing agency that has helped countless clients improve their website’s user experience to improve conversion rates and search engine rankings. Contact us for a free consultation and learn how we can help.

4 Tips to Improve Your UX Digital Marketing on Social Media

Improving your UX marketing isn’t just about your website; it’s about all things digital, and that includes social media. If you’re looking to create a holistic UX digital marketing strategy, try these four tips on social media.

1. Audience Analysis

When it comes to your user experience, you need to start with your user! You should use social media analytic tools to gather insights about who follows you, where they live, their interests, and the type of content they engage with most. This can help you develop a deeper understanding of how you can better engage with them on social media and produce content that resonates with them.

2. Consistent Branding

Don’t forget that your social media accounts are just another way to grow your brand awareness and reach new and current customers. You want your audience to connect with and remember your brand across your online presence. Make sure to keep your colors, visuals, and overall aesthetic consistent across your website and social platforms to create a seamless brand identity.

The SEO specialist is optimizing content to improve digital marketing UX

3. Engaging Content Creation

Your brand’s content should be engaging, valuable, and, ultimately, the core focus of your social media strategy. But frequently, the actual content creation is overlooked by brands because of the time and effort it takes. By investing in high-caliber content creation, you can improve the user experience and elevate your brand across social channels.

Some ways to do that include:

  • User-Generated Content: One of the easiest ways to improve your UX digital marketing experience and elevate your content is to leverage user-generated content produced by your customers. Whether it’s customer testimonials, reviews, or other photos and videos of your product, you can showcase the personal stories of your customers on your social media.
  • Consistency in design and tone of voice: By creating a style guide or brand guidelines for your digital marketing strategy, you can ensure that no matter where your customers find you, they are having a similar experience. You should maintain consistency in the brand tone and voice of both your visuals and words across social media to resonate deeper with your followers.

4. Analytics and KPIs for Social Media

As with all UX digital marketing, you want to ensure the content and time you’re spending on your strategy are actually moving the needle. One way to confirm the effectiveness of your actions is by tracking metrics through a platform or tool. Keep an eye on your engagement rate, organic reach, follower growth, and other relevant factors.

If you’re looking for an expert digital marketing agency to help you create a positive user experience across your online presence, reach out to Mediaboom today.

How to monitor the performance of the UX Experience

Once you’ve developed your strategy and started executing it, it’s time to track your results. You’ll want to monitor how your website and social media are performing with respect to the channel-specific metrics related to your UX digital marketing strategy.

On the website

Semrush shows all SEO errors present within the website to improve UX digital marketing
  • Click-through rate (CTR): the percentage of users who click on a link out of your total traffic.
  • Exit rate: The percent of users who leave a site on a specific page
  • Average session duration: How long someone is on your site
  • Pages per session: How many pages a user views during their time on site
  • Conversion rate: percent of users who complete an action like filling out a contact form or signing up for a newsletter
  • Scroll depth: How far down a user scrolls on your page
  • Time on page: How long a user spends on your page
  • Return visitor rate: The percentage of users who revisit your site after leaving
  • User satisfaction surveys or feedback forms: What specific feedback are your users providing?

On social media

  • Likes: How many of your followers like your content?
  • Shares: When a user shares your content with their followers, it helps you increase brand awareness
  • Comments: The number of comments you get can be indicative of the engagement and interest your followers have
  • Engagement rate: calculated by dividing the number of likes, comments and shares by the number of followers you have
  • Follower Growth Rate: The rate at which your followers grow over time
  • Audience Sentiment: The measure of negative, neutral or positive feelings about your social media
  • Story Engagement: How your audience responds and reacts to your posted stories

Not sure how to start tracking these metrics? Let Mediaboom help you. Our digital marketing agency works with clients across industries to help them improve their UX and UI strategies and drive measurable results.

Analytical tools that can help you monitor UX digital marketing

To really measure how your UI and UX digital marketing strategy is moving the needle, you’ll need the right tools. There are countless platforms to consider when looking for a way to gauge how impactful your strategy is.

For website

  1. Google Analytics
  2. Google Search Console
  3. Hotjar
  4. A/B testing platforms
  5. CRM systems
  6. Advanced analytics solutions like Adobe Analytics

For social

  1. Facebook Insight
  2. Instagram Insight
  3. YouTube Analytics
  4. Third-party solutions like Sprout Social, Buffer or Hootsuite

Elevate Your Luxury Brand Today

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Hire a digital marketing agency now

Navigating a UX digital marketing strategy requires the expertise and time to fully execute a strategy that works. That’s where hiring a digital marketing agency like Mediaboom can help.

Contact us today to learn how we can drive leads, grow your brand awareness and provide a delightful user experience.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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