Website content

Website Content – 14 Tips for an Irresistible Web Presence

By: Frank DePino | September 12, 2023

Every single day, Google receives over three billion website searches daily, and studies suggest that over 25% of searchers click on the first search result. Now, why should you care about this statistic? The reason is simple: these clicks lead them directly to the heart of website content.

What is web content?

Website content encompasses all audio, visual, and textual components hosted on a website, ranging from marketing copy, images, and logos, to embedded videos, podcasts, and more. Web content writing pertains to the textual material present on the site. Well-crafted content creation hinges on capturing readers’ interest within the initial 15 seconds for optimal engagement, and can enhance user experience, encouraging engagement, and contributing to the overall success of the site.

Capturing your audience’s attention is only the first step: the real challenge lies in maintaining their attention, whether it’s through website writing or website content. Understanding the key elements that make content compelling can turn your website writing into a powerful tool.

In this article, we’re going to teach you how to grab your readers’ attention and keep them engaged: keep reading to discover how strategic content creation can not only captivate visitors but also enhance your brand’s credibility, expand its reach, and ultimately drive valuable actions!

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

Definition of Website Content

Web content is the most important marketing tool that a company has. It is how you will gain new customers and retain current ones. It is the most common way that your customers will interact with you. Basically, website content is anything you have on your website. Anything textural, visual, or aural that is encountered as part of the user experience.

It encompasses a variety of mediums rather than being limited to a single type: For example, a blog post may contain written words, images, and video. Single elements like interactive infographics might also combine multiple elements. Here is an example of how Mediaboom combines infographics in this case study: “SEO and Content Marketing.

A user is contacting a professional after finding him thanks to the contents of the website

Benefits of Website Content Creation

SEO boost is one of the primary benefits of website content creation. Google and other search engines love when a website frequently updates its content. The easiest way to do this is to create blogs. Blogs are full of keywords that will help your business rank high in search engines.

Web content creation helps you build relationships with your audience, and it’s paramount to a good marketing strategy. When someone comes to your website, they want to get something from you. They want to be entertained, learn something or connect with real people. Content is all about your audience and creating a loyal following. The first step in doing this is showing up with content that they want and makes them want to come back.

AA Global Industries Case Study

Check out this case study about “AA Global Industries” and see how Mediaboom can help you with your website content.

Web Content builds trust with your audience. Anyone can call themselves an expert in an industry or niche, but building a great website shows you are an expert. Over time your expertise will be recognized, and clients and customers will come.

Arizona Tea Case Study

Check out this Fresh Website for Arizona Tea. They weren’t always a well-known brand, but over the years, their name has become synonymous with great-tasting tea.

Content created for the web is reusable. By creating a single piece of content, you have something you can share, change, and add things to for another platform. This is especially true with blog posts. You can use each section for a social media post, use it as a teaser for an email list; you can use it to make a sound recording for a podcast. All of this is from one blog post.

Building a digital brand” is essential to your business. This is an example of what we did for Spectrum Charter Communications.

The best thing about website content is it doesn’t cost a lot. Most of these methods are free or extremely cheap to create. If you’re just starting out and don’t have a lot of cash flow, you can grow a good foundation for cheap with these marketing methods.

  • Blog – you most likely have this on your website already
  • Video – create a video with your computer’s camera and upload it to YouTube for free
  • Podcast – start by using your phone or your computer and record and upload to Spotify.
  • Social Media – you don’t have to pay for ads on social media. Simply share content for free.
  • Emails – MailChimp is free for up to 2000 subscribers.

No matter what industry you’re in or how dry you think it is, you can create engaging content. The trick is to really target your audience. Target their dreams, fears, and problems and then speak their language.

Check out the “Paving Finder Paving Blog & Paving Companies Directory.” Mediaboom partnered with Paving Finder to create a paving blog with sleep and an intuitive interface.

Remember, when promoting content for the web, you can do too much, and it ends up becoming annoying. So make sure that you’re not being annoying or pushy. So follow the 80:20 rule, which is to offer free content 80% of the time and 20% advertising products or services.

The copywriter is thinking about how to write perfect content for the website

How To Write The Perfect Website Content in 14 Steps

1. Prepare a publishing strategy

 To prepare a publishing strategy, you want to combine Search engine optimization (SEO) with content marketing. What is SEO? Search engine optimization is the process of optimizing websites so that they rank well on search engines through non-paid services. Content marketing is a way to attract and engage an audience by using web content. When you combine SEO with content marketing, you create a publishing strategy.

Here is an example of a website Mediaboom created for Clarity which is a leading healthcare communications firm.  Your publishing strategy is about improving your SEO website content and increasing your click-through rate.

2. Create clusters on the site and display authority for each one

Topic or content clusters are groups of web pages used to establish authority around a certain subject in the eyes of search engines. A topic cluster includes a pillar page that provides a broad overview of a topic. Then from the pillar page, links to cluster pages that cover associated subtopics. 

The Yale Center For Dyslexia & Creativity is a good example of the use of cluster pages to display they are an authority. Their pillar page advocacy and research have cluster pages you click on to learn more about dyslexia, including the signs of dyslexia.

3. Do keyword research

Keywords are terms and phrases used to establish and develop website content. Someone, usually a writer, will develop terms and phrases used to create content. Keyword research is important because it defines what your business is about and what you sell. The keywords help determine where you rank on the search engine result page (SERP). The higher you rank for SERP, the more people you reach and traffic you will get.

Contact Mediaboom today for your keyword and website needs. They can help you get the traffic you need to succeed.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

4. Target a single keyword for each article

The goal is to target one keyword with a few related keyword variations for each page. But the key is to find what keywords and variations work best for that page. The reason focusing on fewer keywords per page is better is because they are more targeted, and it reduces the risk of keyword dilution. This is when you focus on so many keywords that they lose their power.

Have you heard of branded keywords? If so, that’s great, but if not, this is a term you should know. Here is an article by Mediaboom, “Examples of Branded Keywords and Non-Branded Keywords.”

5. Divide the main topic into subtopics

This will give you your pillar page and cluster pages. Remember, cluster pages are used to add authority to your pillar pages. Adding authority improves your ranking in SEO and shows your website is trustworthy. 

SEO specialists are studying the performance of their web content

6. Create an optimized structure for reading

Your average reader has a reading ability of a 12-14 year old. This means when creating web content you should keep your sentences short and have paragraphs that are long enough but not too long. Keep your sentences between 10-15 words and your paragraph 3-4 sentences long.

JW Marriott Luxury Hotel Advertising Hotel Web Design. The short paragraphs mixed with infographics and pictures make this easy to read and keep your attention.

7. Include visuals in the text

This goes along with the one above. You want visuals to keep people interested and to break up the paragraphs, plus it adds understanding to your ideas. Vision is responsible for 80% of things a human learns and understands. Making visuals key for your website design.

Qazi is a dermatology clinic Mediaboom helped by creating a strategy, developing paid ads, creating a website, and doing SEO. These changes helped increase their online leads by 302.75%.  Contact Mediaboom today to see what they can do for you.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

8. Assign HTML tags properly

Tags are needed for accessibility it makes the parts of a webpage immediately apparent. HTML tags are also needed for SEO because they indicate the role of the content within the tags. Without the headers, your page looks like a mess, and the SEO search bots will not be able to decipher your page.

Without the proper tags, you wouldn’t be able to tell where the header and footer were on this Learn Italian Go website design done by Mediaboom.

9. Include internal and external links

Internal links help users and search engines better find pages within your site. External hyperlinks are used to show that a page is credible to search engines and is part of the SEO technique

10. Write more (and better) than your competitors

This is where Mediboom’s website content writing services can come in. You do this by knowing and understanding your audience, writing in a clear, concise style, and being original. You want to consistently write and publish articles on your website.

Content marketing team tracked the performance of content marketing for the website and made efforts to improve it

11. Include exclusive assets to differentiate yourself

Study your competitors and figure out what makes you different from them. What sets you apart, and what can you do differently or better than them? Answer these questions and then play them up in your content marketing strategy.

12. Include CTA and contact form

Your audience has to be able to contact you easily, and a CTA invites them to contact you, and the contact form makes it easy for them to contact you. If you do not have a clear call to action a potential customer may become lost and unsure of the next steps on how to get in touch with you or sign up for email marketing.  Without a clear call to action, a user may not know the next steps to take to purchase a product or sign up for email marketing. CTAs help companies generate leads, but they also help customers to avoid being frustrated.

13. Avoid keyword stuffing

keyword stuffing is when you overuse keywords. The article comes across as too wordy, and it makes your page rank lower in search engines. Keyword stuffing is easy to notice and will oftentimes start annoying your readers.

Contact Mediboom today for all your website content needs.

14. Publish content and monitor its performance

 You want to learn which of your content marketing efforts are doing well and which you need to work on. You do this by tracking the performance of your content marketing.

What to Expect From a Web Content Writer Services

  1. Traffic Increase – You’ll get more website traffic and online leads.
  2. More leads and sales – You’ll notice that the number of calls you’re getting and your sales will increase.
  3. Increased authority in the industry – You’ll get a company that understands you and what your goals are.

If you’re ready to make these changes contact Mediaboom today!

Elevate Your Luxury Brand Today

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Hire Now A Website Content Writing Agency

Content marketing sounds like it should be simple and easy to do, right? But if you’ve been doing it on your own without results, you know this is not the case.  There are a lot of complicated steps, from HTML tagging to keyword searches, that can leave you scratching your head. Let Mediaboom do the work for you, and contact us today!

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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