SEO Consultant Services

SEO Consultant Services – Top 10 Critical Components to Know

By: Frank DePino | April 21, 2023

SEO consultant services can demystify the sometimes-confounding world of SEO and drive results for companies of all sizes. If you’re struggling with your SERP ranking and aren’t sure what to do to increase it, it might be time for help.

What kind of services does an SEO consulting firm offer?

SEO consultant services that a firm may offer run the gamut and include:

  • SEO audit
  • Backlinks audit
  • Competitor analysis
  • Keyword strategizing
  • SEO Content Plan
  • Offsite SEO strategy
  • Local SEO audit
  • Local SEO services
  • Monitoring and updating
  • SEO reports

This guide will act as a deep dive into expert SEO consulting services. Learn about the valuable insights and advantages that our services provide.

The SEO results that Mediaboom achieved while working on one of its clients' websites.

What Is SEO Consulting?

Let’s begin with a definition. What exactly is SEO consulting?

SEO companies will optimize and improve your website to rank higher in SERPs.

An SEO consulting firm will typically offer the services spotlighted in the intro, but the variety of services a firm provides can differ, which is why companies should always do their due diligence before making a hiring decision.

Besides improving your site ranking, SEO consulting services can also educate you on how to maintain your spot in the rankings or improve your SEO further.

According to HubSpot analytics company Demand Sage, in 2023, the SEO industry is valued at more than $50 million.

More companies of all sizes have begun to realize SEO’s impact in getting their businesses found online, so more are willing to pay for the SEO consultant services required to become more visible.

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The Benefits of SEO Consultant Services

Why spend money on an SEO consulting firm? Your company can reap many short-term and long-term benefits. Let’s take a closer look.

Improves Your Brand Awareness

If you’re a young startup, you’ll want to do all you can to raise brand awareness and put your name in people’s mouths.

While many marketing and advertising methods you utilize will surely achieve that goal, you also need SEO.

When you hire an SEO consulting firm, their strategies will boost your website to the top of search results. Your site could even occupy the top spot.

Even if your company was a little-known contender before, you’ll soon find that your star will rise.

Strengthens Your Brand

If you already took strides to increase your brand even without great SEO, it’s still worth hiring professional SEO consultant services.

The consultants can revise your website to make it more appealing to leads and customers and more visible online. You can strengthen and grow your brand.

Mediaboom increases its organic website traffic through SEO.

Increases Your Website Traffic

Search Engine Journal reports that a website has a click-through rate of only 15 percent when it’s second on SERPs and an 11 percent rate when it’s third.

As your website rises in the ranks, you’ll naturally attract traffic, likely more than your company has ever seen. An SEO consulting team is ready for this business growth and will redesign your website for mobile optimization, fast loading speed, appeal, and navigability.

This way, when you get leads on your website, they will want to stay for longer. However, it’s still up to your company to use opt-ins and lead magnets to keep leads around.

Once they find your site, click on it, and read up a little bit, they will surely become interested in your company and your products and services.

Since you’ll have measures enabled to get leads to subscribe to your emails, they’ll enter the sales funnel and hopefully convert.

Generates More Leads

If you’re struggling with your SEO, you likely also have difficulty with consistent lead generation. You get leads in a trickle, not a deluge.

Once your consulting team uses SEO strategies to increase your site ranking, you’ll see steady lead generation.

Boosts Sales

Leads often convert into buying customers, and with enough nurturing, buying customers become loyal customers.

The increase in sales your company can experience makes the initial costs of SEO consultant services worthwhile.

This professional service more than pays back dividends!

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What Mediaboom Consulting Services Include

Mediaboom is a digital marketing company that offers expert SEO consultant services. If you’re contemplating hiring an SEO consulting team for better conversion rates or technical SEO, Mediaboom is an exemplary choice.

Let’s review the SEO services Mediaboom offers.

1. SEO Audit

Mediaboom will begin with an SEO audit. An audit can reveal issues with your website, including:

  • Pages that Google has not indexed in its database and thus can’t rank
  • Duplicate versions of a website due to different versions of a URL
  • Issues with a website’s health, including sitemap, redirect, and crawlability problems
  • Keyword stuffing
  • Incorrect link usage
  • Poor content that doesn’t add value
  • Lack of mobile optimization
  • Slow website loading speed
  • Low Cumulative Layout Shift, First Input Delay, and Largest Contentful Paint rankings
  • Low-quality internal links
  • Unoptimized keywords

An SEO consulting audit reveals to the team exactly where your website lacks so they can create a roadmap of work to do.

Semrush allows marketers to run backlink audits to discover toxic links.

2. Backlinks Audit

Additionally, the consultants will perform a backlinks audit. This style of audit focuses exclusively on the quality of your backlinks, which are links that go to your website.

If you have outdated, harmful, or spammy backlinks, this hurts the quality of your website in the figurative eyes of search engines like Google.

SEO consultant services include more than auditing your website’s backlinks but editing or erasing the ones that harm your site ranking and suggesting suitable replacements.

3. Competitor Analysis

Another service that Mediaboom’s SEO consultant services offer is an SEO competitor analysis.

Every one of your competitors isn’t only chasing after the same audience and revenue share, but they too want that top website spot for your industry, niche, and location.

Since only one site can occupy the top spot, you must stay abreast of what your competition is doing and may do.

Once your SEO consulting firm performs its competitor analysis, it’ll recommend strategies you can implement to one-up your competition.

You might begin incorporating new keywords with less competition or produce higher-value content like infographics and whitepapers.

4. Keyword Strategy

Speaking of keywords, having an ironclad keyword strategy is critical to get your site to the top of search engine results.

Search Engine Journal reports that only 25 percent of search volume happens outside of the 100 million top keywords. If you don’t harness the power of those keywords, your website might as well be invisible.

An SEO consulting company has access to keyword research tools to project the best keywords for your company’s goals, including short-tail and long-tail keywords.

Once you begin naturally incorporating those keywords into your website and content, you should see business growth.

An example of how Mediaboom has optimized the keyword for one of its customers

5. SEO Content Plan

The content your company produces influences your standings, so creating an SEO content plan is another SEO strategy your consultancy firm offers.

As part of an SEO audit, the consulting team will review the level of content you produce, the keywords you target, and your content publication frequency. From there, they’ll work with you to create a new content roadmap.

The roadmap will include strategies for writing valuable evergreen content that resonates with your audience. You’ll also go back and revise and update old content or simply remove older pieces that could harm your SEO.

An SEO content plan goes hand in hand with your keyword strategy, as you’ll use those keywords to inspire content ideas and make your website more easily found.

6. Offsite SEO Strategy

Offsite or off-page SEO is another part of SEO consulting services proudly offered by Mediaboom.

As the name implies, offsite SEO is the strategies and tactics implemented outside of a website that can boost its rankings.

From social media marketing to guest posting, link building, forum posting, directory submissions, and RSS, your company can do many things to improve this form of SEO.

Your SEO consulting team will guide you on precisely which strategies to focus on.

7. Local SEO Audit

If yours is a small business or startup, you might need assistance with local SEO. Mediaboom’s SEO consulting team will begin with a local SEO audit.

This audit entails the same steps and processes as outlined above, only applied on a more local scale.

8. Local SEO Services

You can also count on the SEO consultants at Mediaboom to assist you with a variety of local SEO services, from keyword research and planning to revise your content strategy, backlinks audits, and competitor analyses.

Mediaboom is an Expert SEO Consulting Company.

9. Monitoring and Updating

SEO consultant services are not a one-and-done job. Even after making changes, it can take four to 12 months for Google to reflect those changes and increase your website’s SEO ranking.

All along, the consultants will continue to monitor your website’s progress and update the SEO plan, keeping you abreast of the changes.

10. SEO Reports

Part of keeping you in the loop on your website’s SEO growth involves frequently publishing and issuing SEO reports.

In these reports, the SEO consulting firm will share details like conversions, organic traffic, keyword rankings, click-through rates, technical SEO, website health, and backlinks.

Elevate Your Luxury Brand Today

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Work with an Expert SEO Consulting Company

SEO consultant services can improve your site ranking. Rather than use a patchwork method to try to rise in the ranks yourself, you’re relying on the expertise of professional consultants.

Their deep knowledge of SEO and ability to craft an SEO roadmap for your company will gear you up for success.

If you’re interested in exploring SEO consultants, contact Mediaboom today. Our SEO services will deliver the results your business wants!

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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