Plumbing Marketing

Plumbing Marketing – 20 Strategies to Grow Your Business

By: Frank DePino | July 26, 2022

When reaching new customers, you know how important plumbing marketing can be for your business.

As the owner, your job is so much more than fixing pipes. You need to stand out from the competition, and an effective plumbing marketing strategy is essential for success.

This guide will cover 20 tactics to build your brand and market your plumbing business.  

What is the best plumbing marketing strategy?

The short answer is—whichever one works best to grow your business. An effective plumbing marketing strategy can take your business from struggling to successful. Excellent service isn’t enough on its own. You need to build a brand and stand out against your competitors.

Marketing isn’t just a stray newspaper ad or radio jingle. It is a vast network of communication that allows your business to connect with countless potential customers. We live in a digital world now, and to ignore digital marketing is to set yourself up for failure. However, this doesn’t mean you should ignore traditional methods.

You must manage your reputation on and offline to successfully market your plumbing business in 2023. Clear branding and a blend of traditional and digital marketing techniques could take your business to the next level if you get to know your target audience and tailor your efforts toward them.

Read on for twenty strategies to market and grow your plumbing business. 

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

What is a brand?

Your brand is the sum of all things consumers use to identify your specific business. It is more than your logo, a catchy slogan, or a clever color scheme. Your brand is your business, or at least the face of it. It includes your reputation, public image, customer service methods, history, marketing, and word-of-mouth advertising. 

Some of it you can control, and if you do it effectively, the rest will take care of itself. Your brand will gather your target audience’s attention if you offer skilled plumbing repairs by professionals with excellent customer service and maintain an up-to-date, responsive online presence. You will build a name for your small business and become a local entity. 

Stay consistent with your brand

Your brand logo and colors should be unilateral across all your marketing. Work with a designer and plan to adapt your brand image across multiple platforms and mediums. A memorable brand and the service to back it up will make you stand out from your competitors. 

In this guide, you will find:

  • How to make a plumbing marketing plan.
  • Website design.
  • Local SEO optimization.
  • Social media marketing.
  • Google Maps for plumbers.
  • Email marketing.
  • Video marketing.
  • Content marketing.
  • PPC ads/Google Ads.
  • Build a professional network.
Two plumbers are discussing how to make a marketing plan

How to make a plumbing marketing plan

Building an effective plumbing marketing plan is an evolving process. It will change and grow with the market trends in your region. You must adapt to the market to stay relevant, and one way to do that is to build a versatile plumbing marketing plan.

1. Build a strong brand identity and engage with the community

Plumbing isn’t an impersonal service. Your customers welcome you into their homes when things go wrong, and they need to know who you are before they hire you.

An established brand and presence in the local business community will help immensely here. If you’re just starting a new business, then clean, professional branding is even more important.

Your marketing needs to get on your potential customers’ radar. The image you project to the community is up to you.

2. Understand the consumer purchasing process

Understanding the modern consumer’s thought process when hiring a local plumber is vital for marketing success. There are countless ways to reach the local community.

As a plumber, you have knowledge of value that the general public doesn’t have. Consider publishing some basic information about common plumbing problems. It will help lead generation and build your brand as helpful and informative.

Then, when a potential customer has a more serious plumbing issue, they may recognize your name from the helpful article or video and be more likely to choose your local business.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

3. Develop a strong online presence

Modern consumers expect to find the information they want with minimal effort and an online search. Make it easy for customers to find you because if you aren’t one of the first results, your competitors certainly are. Your website will be your most important marketing investment.

If your plumbing business has a strong online presence, your target audience will find you. You need to ensure they find accurate, updated contact information. When someone needs a plumber, they often need one immediately.

When they search for local plumbers, your business should be one of the first things they see. It is absolutely vital your website is optimized for mobile use and will display correctly on screens of all sizes.

4. Make business profiles on review sites

You must also establish a profile for online reviews and claim your business profile on sites like Google My Business and Yelp. A recent BrightLocal survey says up to 77% of consumers look at online reviews before making a purchase. The more positive reviews your local business has, the more likely you appear in search results.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

5. Research agencies and software to lighten the load

Be responsive and respectful. There is no better advice for marketing. Sometimes, it can be hard to maintain your normal workload and quick communication with customers. If you don’t have time to manage customer communication yourself, ensure someone on your staff is responding as quickly as possible. 

A wide range of advertising and marketing agencies and programs are available to help with your task load. These programs can be vital, especially when working on a limited marketing budget. Some programs will allow you to outsource aspects of the marketing process, such as email and social media marketing, customer loyalty and referral programs, consolidation of message inboxes across platforms, content marketing, and more.

Whatever your needs, there is a service available to help.

6. Invest in your marketing and monitor your ROI

The old saying “you have to spend money to make money” is cliché for a reason. It’s true. You need to invest in your plumbing marketing efforts in a way that makes sense for your business. Monitor your return on investment for whatever marketing plan you choose. Review the available analytics and focus your efforts on the avenues that show results.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

Website design

7. Functional website design

If you choose only one way to market your plumbing business, it should be a functional, up-to-date website optimized for mobile use. It is worth the investment to hire a skilled professional for this task. According to a study done by GE Capital Retail Bank, up to 81% of customers research businesses online before making a purchase.

8. Use engaging copy for your website

By the time they find your website, your potential customers are already looking for a plumber. Every business wants its website to function as a lead-generating machine. To make that happen, you must have text highlighting what your local business offers the customer. If you aren’t confident in your ability to write it yourself, many freelancers are available to help.

The copy on your website needs to achieve several tasks.

It must:

Create interest in the consumers by informing them about your business and services. Ensure your “About” section is informative and includes your company philosophy. 

Persuade them to choose your local plumbing business over the competitors by emphasizing the benefits of working with you. A glowing customer review on your main page is helpful, as are links to any special promotions. 

Drive action by encouraging the customer to contact you. Include a contact form or tab on your website, and consider a footer on every page with your contact information. It is crucial to keep this information up to date at all times. Your contact form should also ask for their name, phone number, and email address so you can respond as soon as possible.

SEO specialist is optimizing the plumber's website

Local SEO optimization

9. Make local SEO work for you

Local SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is vital in digital marketing. It is the process of using keywords that correlate to your target audience and location so you ranker higher on web search sites like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Every page on your website should include multiple keywords related to your business and local geographical area. Most of your potential customers will live in work in the same area.

10. Pages for each location 

If your plumbing business serves customers in multiple cities or regions, consider hosting separate pages for each location on your website. Local SEO will help your small business rank higher in search results. Create as many mentions of your business as possible in the local area.

Submit and maintain business listings with local directories like the Better Business Bureau, Google My Business, Yelp, Bing, and Angie’s List.

Mediaboom shows how it has optimized its social profiles to get more customers

Social Media Marketing

11. Social media marketing

Social media is a crucial part of your plumbing marketing plan in today’s digital world. Some of these sites like Facebook and Twitter allow businesses to communicate easily with customers and attract potential customers. Build your brand and business reputation by creating social media pages for your business across multiple platforms.

Always keep your information up to date and link back to your website. You should also post your content across multiple platforms.

12. Stay relevant and responsive

You must do more than just make the pages and share the occasional sale post. Make social media work for you by understanding the process and engaging with consumers. Your social media presence will often be the first place potential customers encounter your brand, so make sure it is always a positive experience. 

Respond to messages as quickly as possible, and try to share relevant content that isn’t just related to your business. Share interesting articles about plumbing issues or advancements, funny pictures about plumbing problems, guides to identify when to call a plumber, and what steps to take in a plumbing emergency.

This content will generate leads and will grow organically. Some sites also allow you to boost content for a fee. Drive customers back to your website for more information whenever possible.

Download Our FREE E-Book

10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

Google Maps for plumbers

13. Google Maps for plumbers

One of the most valuable tools in your small business plumbing marketing toolbox is Google Maps.

If anyone searches “plumber near me,” your listing must appear in the top three Google Maps listings for effective lead generation. To do this, you have to pin your Google Maps listing. 

Unlike their favorite restaurant or store, most customers will never need to visit your headquarters. Having location-based keywords for your service region connected to your website becomes even more crucial in this case.

Email Marketing

14. Spread your reach with email marketing

Email marketing can net you a huge return on investment. A 2020 Litmus report showed as much as $36 earned for each $1 spent on email marketing. Welcome new subscribers and consistently grow your email list. 

The company hired a video maker to boost its plumbing marketing

Video Marketing

15. Use video content to reach customers

Video marketing is an incredibly popular digital marketing tool in today’s market. Especially with a service like plumbing, your content options are nearly endless.

Show your followers how to properly complete do-it-yourself level repairs or common plumbing mistakes. Showcase severe plumbing problems and how you fixed them.

Content marketing

16. Add a blog to your website to highlight your expertise

A blog is an excellent way to showcase your plumbing expertise to your customers. General information articles with popular keywords related to plumbing will drive traffic to your website, help with lead generation, and build your online reputation.

PPC ads/ Google ads

17. Use paid ads to boost content

Running paid ads on digital marketing channels like Facebook and Instagram lets you reach more potential customers. The analytic data available about who is reacting to your content will also tell you more about your target audience

PPC (Pay Per Click) ads let you tailor your budget to how much you want to pay per customer click. You will bid for your placement on popular sites. Knowing your target audience and keywords will be crucial for your small business marketing plan. 

Plumbers have built a professional network to increase their number of clients

Build a professional network

18. Make business connections

Make connections with other businesses in your industry. Build a good working relationship and share industry news and customer referrals if you cannot do a job or have no one in the area. Mutually beneficial business relationships can only help you.

19. Share business news

Tell customers what you’re doing. Tell your target audience if anyone on your staff earned a new training certification or you completed a particularly impressive job. It helps them remember your business when they think of plumbers. 

20. Keep up the momentum

Find out what works for your plumbing business and use those strategies to keep up your local business growth. 

Elevate Your Luxury Brand Today

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.


An effective plumbing marketing plan will help you grow your business by building a solid brand identity and reaching more customers. Marketing is a vital step on your small business’ road to success. Get to know your target audience and tailor your marketing plan toward the customers you want to attract.

Contact now Mediaboom to boost your plumbing marketing.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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