marketing for financial advisors

Marketing for Financial Advisors – 10 Steps to Success

By: Frank DePino | October 20, 2022

Financial advisors are great at money management strategies, and to be successful, they need consistent quality leads. However, what financial firms and advisors lack are the right tools to market their products and services. This is where digital marketing for financial advisors come into play. 

With an adequate and well-thought marketing strategy, a financial advisor such as yourself can attract and convert potential clients. Not just that, financial advisor marketing strategies can help with the re-engagement of existing clients and turn them into a potent source of referrals. 

A myriad of marketing ideas are available for financial advisors to target the right niche and attract a new audience for genuine leads for a boost in return on investment (ROI). 

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Best Financial Advisor Marketing Strategies

Some of the most common marketing strategies that can help financial industries include 

  • Branding
  • Social media
  • Content
  • Email
  • Blogging
  • Podcasts

Know Your Target Audience

As a financial advisor, you must ensure the marketing strategies are efficient. For this, you will need to identify your target audience and know who they are. One of the best ways to address this issue is to create an ideal customer persona. 

This exercise will define who your customers are, their gender, age group, professional interests, hobbies, needs, and pain points. Once identified, you can focus on that specific niche. One of the best financial advisor marketing strategies is to zero in on your ideal clients rather than reach every Tom, Dick, and Harry. 

Thanks to the digital boom and smartphone revolution, today’s clients are well-versed and have the world and current affairs at their fingertips. They would want to understand how your financial products and services can help them. 

Here you can explain how your cutting-edge monetary benefits-centered marketing strategies and products can serve your clients. However, you will need to understand two significant aspects of your client’s psyche. 

1. What are Their Motivations?

First and most importantly, you must learn about what matters to your clients the most. Customers always prefer to feel that they are in full control of their money. So, if you are a financial advisor at a large wealth management firm, you must lead by creating a separate and unique digital brand identity. The Financial Brand reports that 37 percent of the Millennials prefer digital services such as mobile banking over conventional methods. This brings us to our next point, i.e., the age factor.

2. Are they Older or Younger? 

You must determine if your products and services are for younger clients or older citizens. Suppose you are offering IRA plans, retirement planning services, etc., then you may want to target the Baby Boomers (people born between 1946 and 1964) or Gen X (people born between 1965 to  1980)

On the other hand, if you offer financial services in home mortgages, personal loans, insurance, etc., Millennials are your best bet. Why? Because Millennials aged between 23 and 38 is the largest consumer group in the world

Did you know there are over 83.1 million Millennials in the U.S today? That is a quarter of the total population of the country. 

So, now you may understand why age will determine which kind of strategies will work best for targeting your ideal clients. With younger customers, you will have to build trust, and research shows that the younger clients or Gen Z (born between 1997 till present date) are less trusting than their predecessors. 

In order to gain their trust, you will need a well-designed wealth management marketing strategy. However, your primary focus must be on educating these clients about your services and establishing a rapport of trust as a financial mentor. 

Marketing specialists are debating what type of marketing to use for a financial advisor

Types of Marketing

Although there are various digital mediums available out there, here are six financial advisors marketing strategies that will enable you to hit the nail on the head. 

3. Branding

To give a feeling of personalized financial service to the clients, you will need a robust digital presence, and this is where branding will help. A well-crafted branding message can foster long-lasting rapport with your client. 

Moreover, this will allow you to speak with them directly by addressing their pain points and answering their concerns through day-to-day interactions. However, you will need to determine the right platforms that your ideal prospects are using. 

According to Statista, there are currently 4.66 billion people, i.e., 59.5 percent of the world’s population use the internet. So, you can imagine the potentiality of this massive digital platform.  

Branding will allow you to create a unique digital identity for your financial products, services, and corporation. However, this requires certain must-have components such as 

  • Identifiable logos
  • An impactful name
  • Innovative design
  • Catchy taglines

All of these help build a faithful image of your wealth management corporation while conveying a message to convince your ideal prospects. Your branding will create awareness about your brand amongst the existing public domain and allow you to enter new markets. 

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4. Social Media

From a young teenager to 90 your old grandparents, everyone on the planet has some kind of social media presence. Whether it is Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, or LinkedIn, you will find target customers on one or all of these social networks. 

Knowing your target audience will allow you to narrow down which social media platforms you are more likely to find them on. Once you have selected social networks, it is time to develop a tailored post for each forum. 

For example, Facebook posts can be text, video messages, and paid ads, whereas Instagram financial advisor marketing strategies will be image-driven. With LinkedIn, you can target professionals and offer business-to-business (B2B) financial services, so you have to keep it precise and professional. 

Similarly, if you are offering financial services for a much younger generation, Snapchat may work best. However, you will have to come up with creative, interactive, and fun content for each post. 

That said, whichever platform you choose, consistency in your posts is essential for all. You can use several tools to help you streamline all your social media activities. The best part is that you can use tools such as Google Analytics to determine which of your social media pages are performing well and driving consumer engagement. 

An example of how Mediaboom has optimized its content marketing by posting content on social networks.

5. Content

Advertising alone will not do any wonders in this day and age. If you are a financial advisor looking to establish a loyal and returning customer base, you will need a powerful, creative, informative, and engaging content marketing strategy. 

Content marketing for financial advisors basically focuses on enticing potential clients and engaging them via images, videos, blogs, vlogs, tutorials, and other educational material. You can use content marketing on all your digital marketing platforms. 

You can create marketing content and post it on several digital platforms simultaneously, including your website, blog section, social media pages, newsletters, vlogs, and YouTube channel. This consistency of information in your content across multiple platforms will help establish an image of integrity amongst the market. 

Digital marketing helps introduce potential clients to your financial services. However, successful content-based financial advisor marketing strategies keep them interested. The more time they spend on your website and pages, the better your chances of transforming them into permanent clients. 

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6. Email marketing

While emails have been around for many decades, they remain one of the most efficient and cost-effective digital marketing strategies. According to a report, email marketing can boost your ROI by 440 percent.

Email marketing for financial advisors is the most accessible medium to reach potential clients and retarget the old ones. It is a perfect tool that can help both marketing and remarketing strategies simultaneously. The best is that it is mostly free of cost. 

As one of the most promising financial advisor marketing strategies, you must build a categorized and robust emailing list. This will allow you to tailor emails for each category of clients. You can boost engagement, nurture existing relationships, and even announce new products, services, and deals. 

Email allows you to use several elements of other marketing strategies, such as content. For example, you can use images, videos, and links to blogs, vlogs, and free downloadable content. This will help you direct organic traffic of the right prospects to your website. 

That said, you must carefully schedule sending out your emails. Overdo it, and you risk ending up on spam or block list of clients.

Mediaboom shows how having an updated blog can bring benefits in terms of ROI on your marketing strategy.

7. Blogging

Using blogging is one of the elementary pillars of financial advisor marketing strategies. Blogging can help enhance your financial firm’s branding and make you stand tall amongst other competitors in the market. 

Clients concerned about their wealth and monetary benefits love to have access to free information on various aspects of the financial industry. Blogging can aid your digital marketing strategy by offering added value to clients via free information, long-form content, the latest news, and trends in the financial markets. 

You can write blogs addressing clients’ pain points and concerns. For example, you can write a blog about how the stock market works or focus on a specific stock’s performance. You can also create blogs offering free tutorials on investment, wealth management, and other service-related topics. 

You can post these blogs on your website, social media platforms, and even on third-party portals. These blogs will work as a hook to drive more traffic to your website. More traffic means more potential leads which will translate into a better conversion rate to boost your revenues. 

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Grow your client base with these proven tactics

Receive your FREE copy of “Digital Marketing for Financial Advisors: How to Build Your Firm,” to get insights into growing your business with digital marketing.

8. Podcasts

Your digital marketing strategy is never complete without a podcast. This medium is an integral component and a must-have in today’s world of smartphones and devices. Did you know that 70 percent of U.S citizens know what a podcast is, and 51 percent of the country’s population loves to listen to one or the other

You can start a podcast very easily with a tiny slice of the investment budget. You can try to do it yourself, or if you are not a tech-savvy wealth management advisor or firm, then hire a digital marketing agency such as Media Boom to help. 

Podcasts are an effective means to communicate with your existing and potential clients. They will feel as if you are talking directly to them. This medium is one of the perfect financial advisor marketing strategies to build trust in your niche by sharing your expertise and knowledge for free. 

Once again, you can promote your podcast on various platforms to direct traffic to your financial services website. 

Mediaboom has optimized the SEO for one of its financial advisor clients and Google Search Console shows the traffic trend.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) allows you to use trending topics, keywords, and key phrases in your content, posts, emails, blogs, etc. Moreover, you can also target clients based on demographics such as age, gender, profession, interests, etc. 

Every time a local user searches for a financial advisor, product, or service in your locale, search engines such as Google will display your business amongst the top search results. You can use SEO in your social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, website, etc. 

If you are not sure how Google ranks your financial services, here is what you have to do. 

9. Google Yourself

This is no rocket science; all you need is to go on Google and type in your company’s name or name with location. Now, look if your financial advisor services show up on Google’s first page of search results. 

If not, then you definitely need to work on an SEO strategy right now. However, if you see your name pop up amongst the results on the first page, ask yourself these questions. 

  • Do these pages in the result represent my expertise and support my credibility as a financial advisor?
  • Are these search results an accurate representation of how I want my clients to perceive me? 
  • Do these pages offer information on why I became a financial advisor and the process of how I offer services? 

You should own the search engine results and make sure that you rank high on all platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, blogs, and other forms of content marketing. Otherwise, think about all those potential clients you are losing to other competitors with better SEO rankings. 

So do not wait and turn Google into your personal top Sales agent

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10. Bonus Tip – Ask For Feedback

Feedback from your existing clientele can be one of the highly beneficial financial advisor marketing strategies. They can help support your claim of expertise in the niche. Asking them about how they perceive your business can help you understand various aspects. 

These include effective mobile channels, shopping cart abandonment reasons, product content, web design, etc. Clients’ feedback will tell you how the customers feel about your financial services and their customer experience. 

You can use this information in real-time to address client’s concerns and problems. You can also showcase positive feedback from your existing clientele on your website, social media pages, and effective content marketing and brand marketing strategies. 

MediaBoom Helping Financial Advisors

If you are a financial advisor or a wealth management firm struggling with developing a powerful and effective digital marketing strategy, Mediaboom can help. We have a proven track record with years of experience in designing and implementing marketing strategies for financial advisors. Contact us today and discuss the nature of your financial services, and we will provide nothing but the best solution.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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