social media opportunities for financial advisors

Opportunities for Financial Advisory Firms on Social Media

By: Frank DePino | January 14, 2021

Every brand needs a social media strategy — including your financial advisor brand. 

How Can Financial Advisors Utilize Social Media Opportunities To Grow Their Business?

Financial advisors can utilize social media platforms to share valuable content that builds a community and establishes trust with your audience. Financial advisors rely on the trust of current and prospective clients, especially since they’re managing people’s finances and long-term wealth. 

That’s why it’s crucial for financial advisors to have a social media strategy that builds trust and provides value to their audience. Here are some other key reasons for financial advisors to utilize social media opportunities. 

It Increases Brand Awareness 

One of the biggest reasons to utilize financial advisor social media opportunities is that they help build brand awareness for financial advisors. You could have an incredible track record for getting your clients results, but it won’t mean much if people don’t know who you are. In fact, statistics show that it takes 5 to 7 impressions for people to remember a brand.

Millions of people are on social media, so if you aren’t constantly posting, you’re missing out on incredible reach. Some ways to increase brand awareness on social media include: 

  • Constantly posting on your social media channels 
  • Liking, commenting on, and sharing other content 
  • Having consistent branding across your channels and your content 

The more you post and the more consistent you are with your brand, the more people will see your messages and identify with who you are and what you do. The more impressions you make, the more likely people will remember you when they need your services.

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It Builds Relationships With Current and Prospective Clients 

Another key reason to pay attention to financial advisor social media opportunities is that social media helps financial advisors build meaningful relationships with current and prospective clients. Financial advisors rely on retaining clients and bringing in new ones to stay in business, and a key way to stay in contact with both these groups is to utilize social media. 

Financial advisors can use social media to: 

  • Speak to the issues of current and prospective clients 
  • Provide solutions to these issues 
  • Show their audience the person behind the brand 

Think about it: people want to have a good relationship with the person who helps manage their finances. They want to see who you are and why you do what you do. Posting on social media will help you establish trust with your current clients and prospective clients. 

This also helps you set yourself apart from other brands in your audience’s feed. Authenticity is huge for people on social media, and the more you show who you are and the value you provide, the more authentic you seem. 

It Drives Website Traffic 

Your website is a crucial pillar in your financial advising business. It shows the world who you are, how you help your clients, and how people can get in touch with you. 

You want people to visit your website to learn more about who you are and what you do, and a viable way to drive traffic to your website is to post content on social media. 

If you have a blog, you can post blog content to your social media pages. This will help drive traffic to your website and boost your SEO efforts. If you utilize SEO properly, your website can reach millions of users in an instant. 

Driving people to your website from social media is a viable strategy that can get more eyes on your services and your brand. 

The financial advisor managed to land a new client after gaining credibility with his social media

It Establishes Credibility

One of the most important financial advisor social media opportunities to take advantage of is the fact that social media can help you establish credibility in the financial advising industry. 

Posting valuable content that helps solve your audience’s problems will make you more credible as a financial advisor. The more credible you are, the more likely your audience will trust you. 

Establishing credibility can also lead to you becoming a thought leader in the financial advising industry. 

Becoming a thought leader can actually make clients come to you.

Plus, establishing yourself as a thought leader can lead to additional opportunities for your career. You could be asked to speak at events, write books, and even take on big-name clients. 

It Helps You Stand Out From The Competition 

A key thing to remember with financial advisor social media opportunities is that they allow you to stand out from your competition. 

There’s a reason it’s called “social media”: people want to see who you are and what you stand for as a financial advisor. Getting social on social media and sharing your expertise helps you stand out from other financial advisors who, quite frankly, are sleeping on their social media strategy. 

According to, a 2019 Putnam Social Advisor Survey of more than 1,000 financial advisors in the U.S. concluded that 98% of the advisors use social media for business or personal use. So, it’s clear that your competition is using social media — but the question is: are they using it correctly? 

If you double down on your social strategy and find the right content that resonates with your target audience, you could build a following and reputation that’s unmatched in the industry. Sure, people could follow other financial advisors — but they won’t get the same quality content they get on your channels. 

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How Can Financial Advisors Capitalize on Social Media Opportunities To Grow Their Business?

Now that you know why it’s important for financial advisors to utilize social media, it’s time to address what you can to capitalize on various social media strategies to grow your business. When done right, these strategies can help you grow your social media following, boost your brand, and get new clients in your inbox. 

Utilize All Your Social Media Platforms

As you brainstorm financial advisor social media opportunities, you should think of strategies that utilize all your social media platforms. These platforms include: 

  • Facebook 
  • Twitter 
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn 
  • Pinterest 
  • YouTube 

Keep in mind that you should capitalize on the platforms your target audience uses most. Sure, you can have a strategy for all social platforms, but you should really focus on the platforms where your target audience is engaged with. That’s how they’ll see your content and brand, after all. 

Then, you can focus on the kind of content you create for each platform. Different types of content do well on each platform. For instance, YouTube is a video platform, so you’d create video content for that channel. However, you could post a mix of posts, videos, and articles on LinkedIn to get maximum engagement. 

That being said, make sure you create a variety of content for different social platforms. 

This will help ensure your content is viewed, no matter which platform it’s on. The last thing you want is to work hard on creating content, only to have it fall flat because it wasn’t posted on the right platform. 

Invest in Paid Social Media Ads 

One of the financial advisor social media opportunities that can lead to a great return on investment is investing in paid social media ads. Online paid ads, in general, typically make money for the advertiser. Statistics show that small businesses earn an average of $3 in revenue for every $1.60 they spend on Google AdWords. If you’re looking to get results quickly, investing in paid social media ads is a strong strategy to consider. 

When you do decide to invest in paid social media ads, make sure the ads are targeted and speak to a specific audience. If you pay for generic ads that don’t speak to a targeted audience, there’s a good chance they’ll miss the mark and not be compelling. Instead, create ads that: 

  • Are the right format (video vs. picture) for the platform 
  • Target the right people 
  • Speak to a specific pain point your services help relieve for your target audience 

Doing these things, plus doing some research on your audience’s social media habits, can help you maximize your paid social media ROI and land new clients. 

The financial advisor is speaking to a well-targeted client of his on social media

Speak To Your Target Audience 

One of the most important things to remember about social media is that it’s more about your target audience and less about your services. 

Your social media accounts should be filled with content that helps your target audience. 

No one wants to follow a social media account that only brags about how great their services are. Instead, focus on having a healthy balance of self-promotion and valuable content. For instance, if you schedule four posts each hour, you could have three of those posts be educational content and one of those posts be promotional content. 

Remember: people follow you on social media because they think you’re of value to them in one way or another. If you target your content based on the wants and needs of your target audience, the more trust you’ll build with them.

Provide Valuable Social Content 

Something else to keep in mind with financial advisor social media opportunities is to provide valuable social content for your followers. People follow your social media accounts for a reason: they want to keep up with you and your financial tips. 

So, give them what they want and provide valuable content they can learn from and use each day. 

This kind of content includes: 

  • Blog posts about financial tips 
  • Infographics about the state of finance 
  • Video interviews with finance and wealth leaders discussing trending topics 

This kind of content shows your followers that you’re a good source for financial and wealth advice. 

If they trust your tips and they follow you for long enough, they may want to hire you as their financial advisor. Or, at the very least, they’ll be grateful that you provide the content you do and recommend that others follow your platforms. Valuable social content helps clients come to you and keeps your inbound strategy fresh. 

The financial advisor is engaging with her social media followers

Interact With Your Social Followers 

One of the most important financial advisor social media opportunities to capitalize on is to interact with your social followers. If someone’s following you on social media, they want to hear from you.

If you interact with people on social media, you’ll establish a rapport with your followers and develop a friendly and helpful reputation with them.

There are multiple ways you can interact with your followers on social media. If someone posts a question, you can respond with an answer. If someone shares a story, you can comment on it or share it on your own feed. You can also like posts, comments, and content that your followers share. 

The more you interact, the more your followers will think of you as a personable financial advisor who has their best interest at heart.

Interacting with your followers also helps you stand top-of-mind to them. The more they see your name, the more likely they’ll think of you when they need financial advising. 

Starting Utilizing the Power of Social Media

There are many opportunities financial advisors can capitalize on when it comes to social media. Social media is a powerful tool that can build brand awareness, establish trust, and take your financial advising business to the next level. When done right, social media can make clients come to you and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. 

It takes time to plan out your social media strategy, especially if you want it to play a large role in your organic growth plan. Don’t rush your social media plan because if you do, your audience will be able to tell. 

Focus on a plan that puts the right message in front of the right people at the right time and you’ll have a winning social media strategy. 

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By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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