B2C Content Marketing – The Ultimate Guide To Success

B2C content marketing helps you be memorable to consumers. So how can you improve your overall strategy and build trust? Find out here!

In a world where consumers are bombarded with endless marketing messages, it’s crucial for businesses to adopt new and innovative ways to capture their attention. And that’s where B2C content marketing comes in!

But what is B2C content marketing, and how can it help you grow your business?

Business-to-consumer (B2C) content marketing is a marketing approach that involves the creation and distribution of content, including social media posts, blogs, videos, and more, to promote products or services directly to individual customers. Its primary goal is to attract, engage, and retain customers by delivering relevant and valuable information that caters to their needs and interests. This technique aims to establish a deeper connection between the business and its target audience, enhance brand awareness, and ultimately drive revenue growth.

Regardless of your business’s size or experience, an effective content marketing plan can make a strong impression on your customers and increase the likelihood of repeat sales.

Read this guide to discover how B2C content marketing can help you win the hearts and minds of your customers, and watch your business flourish. 

The Definition Of B2C Content Marketing

B2C content marketing is a marketing approach that concentrates on developing and disseminating worthwhile, pertinent, and captivating content to appeal to and hold onto a particular target consumer audience. This method employs diverse platforms, including social media, blogs, email marketing, and website content, to contact prospective customers and build brand recognition. The material generated is personalized to cater to the requirements, curiosities, and inclinations of the intended audience, with a purpose to enlighten, amuse, and update. The ultimate aim is to foster customer involvement and sales by nurturing trust and demonstrating brand supremacy.

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B2C And B2B Content Marketing Differences

B2C and B2B content marketing vary in crucial ways, and comprehending these disparities is necessary for a successful content marketing strategy. 

It frequently relies on emotional appeals and visuals to connect with customers on a personal level, often using social media and partnering with influencers. One classic example of B2C content marketing is Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign. It uses storytelling to inspire and motivate you to pursue your athletic goals. The campaign features famous athletes and encourages you to be the best version of yourself, all while promoting Nike’s brand and products.

On the other hand, B2B content marketing provides detailed information and solutions to business issues and typically adopts a more technical tone. Take HubSpot, for example. They’re a marketing software company that produces a wide range of content, such as blog posts, ebooks, webinars, and whitepapers, all geared towards helping businesses improve their marketing strategies. HubSpot’s content is designed to provide valuable insights and practical tips, positioning the company as a thought leader in the marketing industry.

Therefore, tailoring your content to your audience and using the appropriate platforms and messaging is vital for a successful content marketing campaign that drives business growth.

The ecommerce has adopted a perfect b2c strategy and two visitors have just been converted into customers.

The 7 Benefits Of A B2C Content Marketing Strategy

From boosting organic traffic to increasing brand awareness, there are various benefits to an effective B2C strategy. Focusing on what’s most important might be difficult, but it becomes easier with time. 

1. Increase Brand Awareness

It’s common for B2C content marketing strategies to have a long-term goal. This is because many consumers won’t buy until they’ve seen your brand for a while and are able to increase trust. 

Companies like Nike have been around for a long time, and almost everyone recognizes their brand. They have built that trust to have long-term consumers. Through brand awareness, sales can increase. 

2. Help The Decision-Making Process

Without proper information, customers won’t make a purchase. 

Through a video, blog post, or social media content, consumers can quickly gather information and decide to buy your product. So, by providing informative and engaging content, B2C content marketing can help to facilitate the decision-making process for consumers. This type of marketing aims to deliver value to the consumer by addressing their pain points, answering their questions, and highlighting the benefits of a product or service. 

By doing so, businesses can build trust with their target audience and increase the likelihood of a purchase. 

3. Boost Organic Traffic

To maximize the effectiveness of your B2C content marketing strategy, it is crucial to prioritize organic traffic generation. Organic traffic not only helps to drive free traffic to your website or social media accounts but also fosters consistent and sustained growth in your audience. As your audience grows, so does the potential for increased sales and revenue over time.

4. Increment the Customer Base

B2C content marketing is a strategic method that aims to expand your customer base and build strong relationships with individual consumers. 

By delivering engaging and relevant content to your target audience, you can establish your brand as a trusted authority, increase customer retention, and drive sustainable growth for your business. 

With a well-planned content marketing strategy in place, you can create a loyal following of repeat customers who will return for more products or services.

5. Gain More Sales

An effective plan for business-to-consumer marketing will help you increase your sales. You’re focused on increasing long-term customers who will continue giving you sales you can rely on. 

As you build brand awareness, more new customers will arrive as well. Focus on providing them with content that solves their pain points and establishes you as an expert in your niche. Each time you write content online, you must remember your buyer persona. 

6. Obtain Customer Loyalty

If you nurture your customer with useful information and not only offers, they will be loyal to your business; you take care of them without trying to sell anything. 

Provide them with information in blog posts and social media that isn’t only geared toward sales. The information should also provide them with helpful information, such as an answer to their pain points

7. Improve Customer Experience

Whether you focus on creating B2C content marketing for each stage of the consumer’s journey or building long-term clientele, it helps. 

When you improve the customer experience, you’re more likely to have repeat customers. So besides content marketing, ensuring that you have an easy-to-navigate site helps. 

The marketing specialist is creating the hero image for her next blog post

How To Create The Perfect B2C Content Marketing Strategy

Multiple aspects are required for the perfect strategy. Besides writing high-quality content, you must think about your audience and monitor the results. 

1. Set Up Your Goals

Have clear goals in your B2C content marketing strategy. Whether you want to increase sales, brand awareness, or build your audience. This allows you to focus your resources on the most effective tactics and measure your success along the way. So, take the time to define your goals, identify your target audience, and create content that speaks directly to their needs and interests. 

With a well-planned and executed B2C content marketing strategy, you can establish your brand as a go-to resource for your customers and drive sustainable growth for your business.

2. Define Your Buyer Persona

To effectively engage your ideal customer with your content marketing, it’s crucial to create a buyer persona – a comprehensive profile that represents your target audience based on their demographics, interests, behaviors, and pain points.

By understanding your buyer persona, you can customize your content to meet their specific needs and preferences, and create a more individualized experience that resonates with them. 

Thus, invest the time and effort to research and define your buyer persona, and use it as a guide to develop and execute a content marketing strategy that drives conversions, builds trust, and establishes your brand as a go-to resource for your customers.

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3. Look At Your Competitors And Differentiate

To generate compelling content ideas for your B2C marketing strategy, it’s essential to keep an eye on your competitors and learn from their successes and shortcomings. 

Observe their social media posts, blogs, and other content formats to identify gaps that you could fill or areas where you could improve. By doing so, you can gain valuable insights into your target audience’s preferences and needs and develop content that addresses those pain points more effectively. 

Therefore, take the time to conduct thorough research on your competitors, and leverage that knowledge to create content that stands out and drives results.

4. Perfect Your Brand Communication 

How you communicate your brand is just as important as the content. Brand communication can include your tone of voice, font, logo, and colors. Ensure that what you use stays the same across various channels. 

5. Choose Your Channel Of Communication

To effectively communicate with your audience in B2C content marketing, you should choose the right channel of communication that aligns with your message. Determine whether you will be using messaging platforms, email, or another method and ensure that everyone on your team is on board with the chosen channel to avoid confusion or mixed messages.

6. Create a Content Calendar 

To effectively execute your content marketing strategy, it’s crucial to create a content calendar. This allows you to plan and organize your content publishing schedule, including the types of content and where they will be published. In this way, you can ensure that your team is aligned and consistently delivering relevant content to your audience.

Mediaboom shows how to create quality content to boost b2c content marketing

7. Publish High-Quality Content 

Publishing high-quality content is crucial for successful B2C content marketing. High-quality content refers to content that is relevant, valuable, and engaging to the target audience. It should provide a solution to their problems, answer their questions, or entertain them. The content should also be well-written, visually appealing, and easy to consume.

8. Support Your Content With Your Assets

Integrating your content across multiple platforms and channels can help to amplify its reach and effectiveness. By leveraging different assets, such as social media posts, blog articles, videos, and more, you can increase the visibility and engagement of your content. This strategy allows you to reach a wider audience, drive more traffic to your website, and ultimately, increase conversions.

9. Track and Monitor Your Results

One of the most important steps is monitoring your results. Whether you run split testing to see what’s most effective with your audience or how much traffic goes to a blog post, monitoring your results is vital. 

Split testing is when you have an identical page/email and change one aspect of it. This could include changing the headline, image, etc. 

10. Improve The Strategy In Its Weak Points

As you monitor your B2C content marketing strategy results, identify the weak points. How can you improve and deliver better results? 

Keep your buyer persona in mind as you determine this. Consider checking out competitors for ideas on improving your content. An agency can also help you improve weak points and stand out. 

The Best 3 Examples Of A B2C Content Marketing Strategy

Hubspot and Instagram provide valuable information to solve specific problems related to hosting/SEO and digital marketing. Amazon publishes many videos and sports content to engage and convince people to subscribe to its Prime Program.

1. Hubspot

Hubspot is one of the most effective CRM tools for businesses. It offers extensive features, customer support, and user feedback. It’s a valuable tool for B2C content marketing strategies that aim to attract and retain customers. With Hubspot, businesses can create targeted campaigns, track customer behavior, and analyze their marketing efforts. Its user-friendly interface and integrations with other tools make it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes.

2. Kinsta

Kinsta is a premium WordPress hosting solution that prioritizes website performance and optimization. With its built-in optimization tools and lightning-fast loading speeds, Kinsta helps businesses provide a seamless user experience to their audience. In addition, Kinsta also offers hassle-free website management features and top-notch customer support, making it a reliable choice for businesses of all sizes. By addressing the pain points of businesses, such as the need for separate performance plugins, Kinsta sets itself apart from other hosting providers in the market.

3. Amazon

The B2C content marketing strategy of Amazon is booming due to its focus on innovation and consumers. It offers its consumers a quick and reliable delivery, various products, and affordable rates. If you have a problem, Amazon quickly provides excellent customer service. They’re constantly evolving and improving their business from the ground up. 

Marketing specialists are planning the new b2c content marketing strategy

Digital Marketing Services To Boost B2C Content Marketing

Once you have a strategy, hiring services to help accomplish your goals is vital. From video content creation to email marketing, there are various ways to boost your marketing campaign.

1. Keyword Research

Many turn to an agency for B2C content marketing with keyword research. Without keywords that don’t have a high search volume and low competition, it’s harder to stand out. 

Keywords are an excellent way to improve organic (free) traffic through SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is when someone types a keyword into Google, and then they wind up on your page because you have that on your site. 

As time passes, SEO and what Google expects changes, so hiring an agency that’ll keep current with this is vital. A full-service industry can write SEO-optimized content to help your business stand out in the searches. They can also check your website to ensure it’s optimized well to increase engagement in your content. 

2. Blog Post Writing

Writing blog posts is one of the most time-consuming and challenging aspects of any business. In a blog post, you need to not be salesy, keep your buyer persona in mind, keep your brand voice consistent, and answer your customers’ pain points. 

You also need to have a clear and actionable call to action that’ll entice potential consumers to take the next step. That next step could include buying a product, service, or even signing up for your email list. 

An agency will bring the knowledge and expertise necessary to help your business shine. You’ll always look like an expert in your field since they’ll research and learn everything necessary about your business and niche. Without an agency, you risk writing content that might come off as selling or might fall flat without the proper technique. 

Looking to improve your B2C content marketing strategy through SEO?

At Mediaboom, we specialize in crafting high-quality blog posts that are tailored to your business and target audience. Our team of experts will work closely with you to ensure your content is informative, engaging, and drives results. 

Contact us today to learn more about our SEO services and blog post creation and take your content to the next level.

Mediaboom is designing an email marketing campaign for a b2c company

3. Email Marketing Campaign 

An email marketing campaign is an effective way to build long-term customers. Some people might not buy from you until they have brand awareness of your company. 

You build trust with your potential consumers by sending emails over time. They’ll be able to see you as a knowledgeable source on your niche and build trust over time. 

Through building trust, they’ll be more likely to buy from you. They’ll also better recognize your company, have the available information, and feel more comfortable buying your products or services. 

4. Social Media Posts

Attracting attention on social media is essential to stand out online. You need to have a social media presence to get noticed by potential customers.

Different social media channels have their strengths and weaknesses, and you should know which platform works best for your business. At Mediaboom, we can help you determine where your target audience is most active and how to reach them effectively.

5. Video Content Creation

The future is video; stand out in your B2C content marketing by using them. Even if you have a blog, some consumers will prefer video. 

You can include the video in your blog posts to offer your consumers options. It’s also an excellent way to have links back to your site if you have video content on YouTube. 

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Get Started With An Agency For B2C Content Marketing

Your business requires much time and patience. You probably don’t have time to focus on learning everything necessary for your digital marketing strategy. Plus, hiring an in-house digital marketer could cost leaps and bounds more than an external agency. 

Save time, and energy, and have deliverable results. You’ll receive top-notch service for everything from copywriting to video content creation. Get effective results that’ll increase brand awareness, sales, and more by contacting us today! 

Real Estate SEO – 17 Tips to Conquer the Online Landscape

Real Estate SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the practice of optimizing your real estate website to rank higher on search engines. Learn how to improve your real estate SEO and increase visibility and leads.

In today’s fiercely competitive real estate industry, staying ahead of the curve is more crucial than ever. With millions of real estate agents and a growing number of people seeking properties, it’s essential to have a solid online presence. That’s where Search Engine Optimization for Real Estate comes into play.

But what exactly is real estate SEO?

Real estate SEO is an umbrella term encompassing strategies and techniques employed to optimize real estate websites, enhance their visibility, attract targeted traffic, and improve search engine rankings. It involves various tactics such as optimizing property listings, utilizing relevant keywords, creating quality content, building reputable backlinks, and ensuring a user-friendly website experience. The final goal of Search Engine Optimization for the Real Estate industry is to effectively reach the target audience, establish online authority, increase brand visibility, and generate more leads and conversions in the competitive real estate market.

While it may seem complex, our comprehensive guide simplifies the process, breaking down all you need to know about real estate SEO so that you can start implementing it effectively!

Does SEO Work for Real Estate?

While SEO can contribute to the success of your real estate business, it takes time and effort to establish dominance in local search results.

When you have a strong SEO strategy in place, you increase your chances of driving relevant traffic to your site. Pair this with a quality content strategy, with blogs and landing pages that incorporate relevant keywords, and you can attract more potential clients with higher conversion probabilities.

Moreover, a solid SEO strategy can position your real estate company as a trusted source. The goal here is to build a strong and trustworthy relationship with your target audience. Every time potential client finds their way to your website and explores your valuable content, it’s a positive engagement. This can eventually equate to higher conversion rates.

Lastly, and although less discussed, a real estate SEO strategy can help protect your company’s online reputation. When you pay more attention to your website and the content on it, you have agency over the way you are portrayed online.

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg as to why so many real estate companies work with trusted real estate marketing agencies.

12 Real Estate SEO Strategies

In this all-inclusive guide, we’ll reveal 12 impactful strategies that will turbocharge your online presence, attract precise traffic, and propel your property listings to new heights. From auditing your website to harnessing the power of content clusters, and optimizing mobile experiences to building authoritative backlinks, get set to unleash the full potential of your real estate enterprise.

Let’s jump right in!

Google Search Console shows an increase in traffic for a real estate website after SEO optimization

1. Website Audit

The first step in determining where you want to go with your real estate SEO strategy is understanding your current position.

Conducting a website audit allows you to identify the pages on your website that are performing well, as well as areas that need improvement.

While a website audit can be a significant time investment, it provides a baseline for measuring progress and equips you with the insights necessary to develop a strategic plan.

As questions like:

  • Are you generating new leads and seeing conversions?
  • How is your organic traffic?
  • Are you ranking locally?

You can start by utilizing Google Analytics to identify pages that require the most attention.

2. Real Estate SEO Keywords

To rank high on search engines, it is crucial to determine the keywords that potential clients use when initiating their housing search.

Find keywords that are feasible, depending on the level of search volume and competition for each one.

We have a team of SEO experts here at MediaBoom that can help you identify the top keywords that your competitors are likely already using to boost their rankings.

If there are keywords you’re currently ranking for, we can help you find those too.

Contact us today to get started!

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3. Create a Content Plan

In just about any SEO strategy, whether or not it’s real estate SEO, content is king. As such, a top-notch content plan should be your utmost priority.

The process of content creation typically involves three primary stages:

  • Identifying a common problem experienced by home buyers and sellers
  • Developing content that offers a solution to this problem
  • Promoting the content to reach the target audience.

Although there may be additional nuances to this process, these three fundamental steps provide a solid framework for effective content creation.

While we recommend developing your content around a specific keyword for each page, avoid “stuffing” your content with keywords.

Instead, focus on developing content that potential clients will see as informative or engaging.

Remember, the best content provides in-depth insights while addressing specific search queries.

4. Work on a Content Cluster Strategy

Cluster Content refers to articles that revolve around a particular subject matter.

For optimal real estate SEO content marketing, we recommend these blog topics be localized, useful, and beneficial to individuals residing in, or searching for properties in, your community.

For example, let’s say you’re working in real estate in Los Angeles. Here are a few examples of cluster content topics:

  • Events (ex. “Los Angeles Events”)
  • Real Estate (ex. “Beachfront Properties in Los Angeles”)
  • Restaurants (ex. “Best Vegan Food in Los Angeles”)
  • Lifestyle (ex. “Los Angeles Music Venues”)

Having a high-quality group of interlinked blogs that cover particular topics in-depth can improve your SE  by establishing your website as an authority on a specific subject.

5. Get Backlinks

We all know how important word-of-mouth referrals are in the world of real estate.

In the world of Real Estate SEO, a backlink is kind of like a word-of-mouth referral. It refers to a hyperlink on another website that directs users to your own site.

A local backlink is a hyperlink from a local online source, such as a blog, local newspaper, or business directory. These types of backlinks send signals to search engines that validate your local authority, indicating that your website is relevant to a particular geographical location.

Additionally, local backlinks can drive referral traffic to your website, potentially leading to new and relevant leads for your real estate business.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

6. Use High-Quality Images and Videos

Providing well-lit and high-quality photographs and videos of properties is crucial for capturing the interest of potential homebuyers before they ever visit.

Here are some examples of quality visual content to incorporate on your site:

  • Quality listing images
  • Real estate memes
  • Real estate infographics
  • Live streams
  • Virtual open house tours
  • Local business owner interviews

Additionally, incorporating alt text for images benefits your SEO and accessibility.

Alt text should be concise and descriptive, incorporating relevant keywords while also providing context for individuals who may be using assistive technologies to access your website.

7. Work on SEO Reputation Management

In today’s digital age, it’s essential to safeguard your online reputation to establish and maintain the trust of your target audience. If negative stories or reviews appear among the top search results when customers search for your business online, it can negatively impact your credibility and potentially drive away potential clients.

This is where SEO online reputation management (ORM) becomes crucial.

By implementing effective SEO strategies specifically designed to manage your online reputation, you can maintain a positive online presence and mitigate the impact of negative content.

8. Landing Pages

It’s common for people to mistake landing pages for home pages. Although your home page is typically the first point of entry for visitors who discover your site through search or other channels, a landing page is more specific in its purpose, designed with a singular goal in mind, and operates in a highly targeted manner.

The primary objective of a landing page is to drive clicks to a specific CTA, ultimately generating leads for your business, and improving your Real Estate SEO strategy.

There are plenty of benefits to building landing pages for your real estate site, including showcasing your listings in-depth, maximizing targeted traffic impact, more accurately measuring campaign results, and creating a sense of urgency.

As per HubSpot’s research, businesses can experience a 55% rise in leads by increasing their total number of landing pages from 10 to 15.

9. Focus on User Experience

In order to improve user experience on your real estate website, implementing tactics such as developing compelling content, establishing reputable backlinks, ensuring mobile responsiveness, and optimizing for quick loading times (ideally under three seconds) can prove highly effective.

Having a great user experience is crucial because it can send positive signals to search engines, indicating that your website is trustworthy and deserving of a higher ranking.

10. Optimize for Mobile Devices

As more and more people turn to their mobile devices for browsing, it’s becoming increasingly important to optimize your website for mobile users.

In fact, many websites are now mobile indexing first, meaning that Google’s crawlers only search through the mobile version of the site. In turn, if your website isn’t optimized for mobile, it can negatively impact your search rankings.

Focus on areas like page speed, designing your site to adapt well to smaller screens on mobile devices, and avoiding pop-ups that might hinder mobile functionality.

When you prioritize these key areas, you can effectively optimize your site for mobile users and avoid potential issues that could negatively impact your search engine rankings.

11. Technical SEO

In order to launch a prosperous real estate SEO campaign, it’s incredibly important to assess the technical optimization of your website.

The following are some website components that you should attend to:

  • Negative SEO (harmful backlinks that point to your site)
  • Web security
  • Robots.txt file setup and XML sitemaps
  • Duplicate content and URLs
  • Internal linking, orphan pages, and site structure
  • Response codes 505, 503, 410, 404, and 401

With a professional site audit, you can find ways to optimize your site’s content and enhance the overall user experience.

GA4 shows the performance of a real estate company website after boosting SEO

12. Monitor and Analyze Website Performance

SEO is a long-form strategy, which is why it’s important to monitor and analyze your site’s performance.

Regular monitoring can help you identify performance issues as they arise, measure success using key metrics, and maintain a positive user experience.

We have an in-depth technical SEO guide that provides plenty of insights in this regard.

Mastering Local SEO: 5 Extra Tips for Real Estate Agents and Companies

Local SEO strategies for real estate agents involve optimizing their online presence to attract local traffic and increase brand awareness.

Our 5 additional tips reveal how to properly implement techniques such as optimizing Google Business profiles, creating location-specific landing pages, and building reputable backlinks.

Get ready to attract more local clients and stay ahead of the competition.

13. Google Business Profile

A few years back, Google introduced Google Business Profile, enabling businesses to connect with their target audience more effectively.

Have you optimized your Google Business Profile? If not, you’re behind the curve. As we often say here at MediaBoom, it’s one of the best things you can do to improve your local SEO.

14. Business Directories

Google relies on various online directories, including its own Google My Business platform, to verify and display business information. The accuracy and completeness of your business details across these directories significantly impact your local ranking on Google. While tools like Moz handle general directories, it’s crucial to expand your presence by listing on real estate-specific websites like Trulia, Redfin, Zillow (owned by Zillow Group), Realtor.com, and Apartments.com. Additionally, popular directories like Yelp and Yellow Pages can also be relevant for effective local SEO.

15. Location-Specific Keywords

One of the benefits of keyword research in real estate SEO is driving free traffic from search engines.

You can optimize your website even further with long-tail, location-specific, and LSI keywords that fit your real estate niche.

Here are a few tools to consider:

Beyond, location-specific keywords, you’ll also want to be aware of location-specific landing pages in your local SEO optimization strategy.

The luxury property has just been sold thanks to a landing page that had a high conversion rate.

16. Create Location-Specific Landing Pages

Local landing pages play a critical role in showcasing the geographic reach of your business, the specific areas you cater to, and the range of products or services you provide.

These pages serve as valuable resources for both potential customers seeking localized information and search engines like Google, enhancing your online visibility and connecting you with your target audience. Your location-specific landing page content should include both relevant local information and general keywords you want to rank for.

For instance, a real estate agent specializing in luxury homes in Los Angeles can create dedicated landing pages for popular neighborhoods like Beverly Hills, showcasing featured listings, market insights, and unique selling points that appeal to potential buyers seeking upscale properties in that area.

These localized landing pages not only enhance the agent’s online presence but also attract targeted traffic and generate leads from interested individuals searching for real estate opportunities in specific locations.

17. Use Local Schema Markup

Schema markup is essentially code you can incorporate into your website’s HTML, so that search engines can accurately interpret the information found on your website.

Real estate companies have two schema markups specifically designed for them — RealEstateAgent and RealEstateListing schema. While these are valid schema types, it’s important to note that schema markup should be implemented according to the specific content and structure of the website.

Not all real estate companies may need to implement these schema types. However, when utilized appropriately, such as with the RealEstateListing schema, you can provide search engines with pertinent information, such as a listing’s price, location, lease duration, and publication date. This makes it easier for both potential clients and search engines to understand and enhance the visibility of your real estate listings in search results.

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Work with a Real Estate SEO Company

To thrive in the competitive world of real estate, leveraging the power of SEO is a must. By implementing an effective real estate SEO strategy, you can drive relevant traffic to your website, attract potential clients, and establish your company as a trusted source in the industry. Remember, real estate SEO is not a quick fix but a long-term investment. It requires continuous monitoring, optimization, and adaptation to changing algorithms. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you can position yourself for success and stay ahead of the competition.

If you’re ready to take your real estate business to the next level and need assistance with implementing a robust SEO strategy, our team at MediaBoom is here to help.

Get in contact with us today to learn more about how we’ve helped numerous real estate companies achieve their goals through effective SEO techniques.

Chatbot Marketing – Is it Worth it for Your Business?

Chatbot marketing took the internet by storm. Learn to harness its power for your business and you’ll never let a lead slip through the cracks again!

It’s hard to ignore chatbot marketing these days. Thanks to ChatGPT, chatbots are on the front page of newspapers and at the forefront of marketers’ minds. By 2024, it’s estimated that consumer retail spending from chatbots will reach an impressive $142 billion

Learn how you can maximize your business through chatbots and marketing!

What is Chatbot Marketing?

Chatbot Marketing is a digital marketing strategy that uses chatbots, which are computer programs designed to mimic human conversation, interact with customers, and automate customer service, sales, and support. Chatbots can be integrated into various messaging platforms, websites, and mobile applications, allowing businesses to engage with customers in real time, personalize communication, and streamline customer interactions. Companies program chatbots to answer common predefined questions and concerns. Or the chatbot can use artificial intelligence to answer queries. By instantly answering users’ questions, chatbots prevent you from missing another lead again.

So how do chatbots and marketing fit into your business strategy? 

Chatbots for marketing satisfy current customers by moving them down the sales funnel. They can also upsell and nurture new customers as well, increasing engagement and retention, and driving sales by delivering personalized and targeted messaging at scale.

Read on to learn the benefits of using a chatbot.

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The benefits of including a chatbot in your marketing strategy

24/7 Availability

Your customer service representatives stop answering questions when they leave for the day at 5 p.m. Chatbots don’t have to log out! No matter what hour your customers are pondering questions, the chatbot is available. In the middle of the night, your chatbot can guide customers toward a purchase or answer their pressing shipping questions.


Employing staff to field questions 24/7 would be expensive. Chatbot marketing is an affordable way to keep communication open with your customers. Instead of paying a salary, chatbots are a cost-effective option for maintaining a conversation with customers at all hours. The cost of your chatbot depends on how many integrations you have. Some standard chatbots can cost as little as $100 a month.


Personalized messaging impacts a person’s purchasing decisions. Chatbots tailor messages toward the user by using past information about the customer. For example, a chatbot can collect information on a person’s interests. As a result, the chatbot can suggest product recommendations to the customer. Your chatbot can also remember a user’s name or email address to personalize future conversations.


Chatbot marketing removes tedious and repetitive conversations off your employees’ plates through automation. Chatbots are smart. They recognize conversations and automate logical responses. By recognizing the context and content of the message, the chatbot is programmed to give the right answer every time. Like humans, chatbots even learn from their customers over time!

Lead segmentation

When you receive leads, it’s essential to segment them into where they are in the sales funnel. Chatbots gain crucial lead information about customers. It can tell when a person is gaining awareness of your brand or when they’re ready to convert. By leveraging the power of chatbot marketing, you can use data to properly segment leads for future lead nurturing.

Increase lead and sales

Everyone wants to generate more leads for their business. Chatbot marketing has an exceptional conversion rate. Research shows that 67% of people are more likely to purchase from a business when they use a chatbot. When using a chatbot, ensure that no leads go unanswered. Chatbots also gain useful insight into your customer’s thought processes while they’re getting ready to convert. This information can help you make additional sales in the future.

What types of chatbots exist?

Rule-based chatbot

Rule-based chatbots use dialogue trees with pre-determined rules to communicate with customers. The rules you choose can range from quite basic to complex dialogue trees. The chatbot recognizes communication patterns within the dialogue map. From there, the bot moves the conversation from A to B on the dialogue map. Communication is predictable within this model. However, the chatbot is only prepared for pre-programmed conversations. It cannot recognize scenarios that exist outside of the rules.

AI-Powered Chatbots

AI-Powered Chatbots leverage the power of natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI). These bots can dynamically answer users’ questions. Chatbots using AI pinpoint the text or speech from users to create logical responses. The result is a rather convincing and human-like conversation between chatbot and human. AI chatbots can even ask follow-up questions based on the responses they receive.

Virtual Assistant Chatbots

A virtual assistant chatbot performs many similar tasks to a human virtual assistant. Virtual assistant chatbots talk to customers, make calls, and type information. They can even book meetings and provide reminders. Using NLP and AI, these chatbots for marketing analyze human conversations. Customers may never even know it’s a bot! They engage in a real conversation with a chatbot mimicking a human virtual assistant.

The marketer is messaging with his chatbot to understand how to optimize the lead generation process

Increase your lead generation through chatbots in 9 steps

1. Set up the goal of the chatbot

The goal will determine how your chatbot interacts with users. A conversion-oriented bot will behave differently than a bot that seeks to educate customers on commonly asked questions.

2. Determine where the chatbot will live

Will the bot only be on your website? Chatbots for marketing can expand to your social media channels and SMS. You can even infuse your chatbot into your email marketing campaigns.

3. Choose the style of chatbot that reflects your brand

A quirky brand might give its chatbot a relevant name. A B2B company might opt for a nameless and professional bot to fit its branding.

4. Create a path of the answers based on user choices

Your chatbot’s answers can derive directly from your FAQ section. For a conversion-oriented bot, these answers will guide a user toward a purchase or membership.

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5. Enrich the answers with images, videos, links, and gifs

Customers want a conversational and interactive experience with a chatbot. The use of media helps humanize your chatbot and illustrate complex topics.

6. Include a call to action to capture the email or phone number

Guide your user toward completing a conversion with this clear call to action. This might be making a phone call or filling out a form.

7. Segment new leads based on their choices

As you learn more about your customers, you’ll want to segment them by where they’re at in the sales funnel. Users asking awareness-based questions are in one stage of the purchasing process. Users ready to make a purchase are in another.

8. Track the results of the chatbot performance

Finally, you’ll want to analyze how your chatbot is performing. Dig into your analytics to see how your bot is affecting conversion rates.

9. Introducing a real person

Once you’ve gathered leads and have crucial user information, introduce a real person. A sales representative of your company can reach out to the customer using the information they provided the chatbot.

How to implement a chatbot in social media marketing

You’ve designed your chatbot for your website. Now it’s time to infuse it into your social media marketing strategy. If you use Facebook or Twitter, there are messenger chatbots on their platforms. How you implement this chatbot will depend on your strategy. Maybe you’ll integrate your company’s app through social media to encourage purchases. Or you might set up your chatbot to answer common questions through a messaging app like Facebook or WhatsApp. See the following examples of successful chatbot marketing on social media.

3 Examples of a successful chatbot marketing campaign

1. Decathlon

As Decathlon prepped consumers for their upcoming store, they used a chatbot for marketing on Facebook Messenger to keep in touch with customers. By keeping customers updated on the store opening and signing them up for their loyalty program, they maintained an excellent 41% conversion rate.

2. HelloFresh

HelloFresh put itself on the chatbot marketing map with Freddy Freshbot in 2017. Using Facebook Messenger, Freddy helped guide users through their meal prep questions. He could even set reminders to make the meal-prepping experience seamless and fun.

3. Sephora

Sephora was a pioneer in using chatbot in the makeup industry. Back in 2016, Sephora toyed with appointment setting bots and color matching bots. Since then, Sephora expanded to Kik and Facebook Messenger. The strategy worked, as users engaged with the bot ten times a day once they started a conversation!

The best 3 chatbot marketing tools

1. Manychat

Manychat is a chatbot tool that allows users to create chatbots or use a ready-made template.

Manychat is a chatbot tool that allows users to create chatbots or use a ready-made template. Link up to social media like Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and WhatsApp. You can also expand to SMS text and integrate into other platforms like MailChimp or Shopify.

2. Tidio

Tidio is a chatbot that helps small businesses manage automated communication

Tidio is designed for small and medium businesses looking for chatbot assistance. Their live chat option is designed for websites. Seamlessly integrate with other tools like WordPress, Shopify, and more.

3. Mobile Monkey

Mobile monkey allows you to implement a chatbot in social profiles

Mobile Monkey is one of several chatbot platforms that combines chatbot technology with your website and social media channels. The service combines the chatbot data for the website and social channels. MobileMonkey holds all your information easily in one platform.

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Chatbot is not only smart but expected by customers in 2023. Gone are the archaic Dunder Mifflin days with Dwight Schrute. No more beets or Battlestar Galactica. It’s time to automate.

Embrace artificial intelligence to make your customer experience memorable with a chatbot.

Email Marketing for Jewelers – 8 Tips to Follow

Email marketing for jewelers should focus on website design, implementing lead magnets, and engaging with your audience. We’ll tell you how.

Email marketing for jewelers engages your existing audience, attracts new leads, and helps them convert. Zippia estimates that the United States has 45,792 jewelry stores in 2023, driving the need to better connect with and grow your audience. 

Email marketing for jewelers is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending promotional messages or newsletters to a targeted list of subscribers via email. It is an effective way for jewelers to build relationships with their customers, showcase their latest products, and drive sales. By crafting personalized and engaging emails, jewelers can attract and retain customers, provide exclusive offers, and encourage repeat purchases. Email marketing also enables jewelers to track and analyze customer behavior, allowing for further optimization of their marketing campaigns.

Are you a jeweler looking to boost your sales and connect with your customers in a meaningful way? We know that with so many strategies out there, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one.

Fear not, we’ve got you covered! 

Read on to discover 8 tried-and-true email marketing strategies that can take your jewelry business to the next level. We’ll also provide examples and more tips for successful email marketing. 

An example of a landing page that can be modified with the jewelry brand

Email Marketing for Jewelers – Our Eight-Step Strategy

Let’s begin by further discussing the steps jewelers should follow to write stellar subject lines, increase their open rates, and deploy more successful email marketing campaigns.

1. Improve Your Website Design

The first area to focus on is your website design. As a jeweler, you’re delivering a certain expectation of quality through your website. You should use high-quality images, perhaps as a full-screen carousel on your site. You can also incorporate short video clips.

The language you use should embody your brand voice, whether that brand focuses more on your longstanding legacy as a jeweler or takes on a more sexy, mysterious vibe.

You will need clear navigation so users can find the information they’re looking for. Also, focus on the fonts you use, the colors, and the size of your elements

This collection of luxury website design examples should inspire you in redesigning or upgrading your site design. 

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2. Prepare Pages and Articles to Receive Traffic

Next, it’s time to expand your website pages. If you don’t already have landing pages for each unique product you sell (such as watches, bracelets, rings, and more) you should create them. Additionally, you should introduce a blog.

These pages give users a place to land when they find your website through social media, marketing, or advertising. 

3. Place Some Lead Magnets on These Pages 

Now that you’ve created landing pages and a blog, you should place lead magnets on the pages to drive more signups. You’ll build your jewelry email marketing list.

What kinds of lead magnets should a jeweler use? You might issue a coupon in exchange for a lead’s contact information, or you could share a checklist or a trend article on what’s hot in the jewelry industry. 

4. Segment Your Leads 

Email marketing for jewelers can’t succeed without segmentation. Before you begin issuing content to your audience, you must divide them by psychographics, demographics, and geographics. 

Segmenting your email list allows you to send personalized content that targets the lead or customer according to their progress in the sales funnel. For example, you wouldn’t send email content about engagement rings to your married audience members but to unmarried men. 

The copywriter is automating emails for his client's jewelry store

5. Automate Your Emails

You only have 24 hours in a day just like everyone. You might not struggle to manually manage your email list when it’s small, but you’ll run out of time once it grows.

According to work platform Kissflow, 67 percent of companies use automation in 2023.

Email automation allows you to create workflows that trigger according to a customer’s behavior, such as opening an email or following up. 

6. Write Professional Emails to Nurture Your Audience

When emailing, tone is everything. If your emails deviate from your brand voice, you’ll confuse newer customers, alienate longer-term customers, and turn off leads. 

Your email content must match your brand voice but maintain professionalism. You’ll build trust among your new audience and refine that trust among your most loyal customers. 

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7. Share Free Content to Engage Your Leads

Engaging your leads sometimes means sending free content. The examples above–such as an article about jewelry trends–or checklists, infographics, and short videos are all great examples of content for your jewelry email marketing campaign. 

8. Include a CTA to Convert Leads into Customers

Finally, your website and emails must have calls to action or CTAs scattered about. In emails, it’s much more common to use text-based CTAs, whereas, on your website, you can utilize buttons.

According to product analytics company Mixpanel, a CTA’s average click-through rate is 4.23 percent

Email Marketing for Jewelers Examples

Do you still need more insights into jewelry email marketing? The following three examples should help!

Example 1: Monica Vinader

Monica Vinader Website offers to subscribe to her newsletter to receive offers and useful information.

This first jeweler email marketing example from Monica Vinader attracts attention with a large image of a model wearing the jeweler’s chains. There’s a short line of copy, then photos of chain styles.

In between that is a modest but effective CTA button with simple text that reads “Shop Chains.”

This email doesn’t push the product too hard but promotes it just enough. 

Example 2: 1928 Jewelry

1928 Jewelry offers to subscribe to the newsletter via a code in the footer of the website

To excite audiences about its new collection of blue-toned jewelry, 1928 Jewelry used a clever headline that reads “Into the Blue.” 

The accompanying image of a blue necklace, the alluring copy, and the images of other pieces in the collection will surely generate interest, clicks, and purchases! 

Example 3: Oura

Oura uses good communication on the site to get the user to sign up for their newsletter

Valentine’s Day can be a big holiday for showing someone how much you care, as we’ll talk about in just a moment. Oura targeted its audience with this email ahead of the big holiday. 

The message is meant to generate excitement and get people signed up for the big jewelry drop ahead of Valentine’s Day. 

The Most Important Events in Email Marketing for Jewelry

Email marketing for jewelry has certain holiday-centric events each year that can be big money-makers with an email marketing plan in place. Let’s take a look at them now. 

Black Friday

According to digital marketing agency VisualFizz, Black Friday remains top of the heap for the most popular shopping holidays. People are gearing up to do holiday shopping. Their stomachs are full after Thanksgiving, and their wallets are open.

Interestingly, Cyber Monday–which occurs the Monday after Black Friday–is on the rise too. Statista reported that it’s been the second-most popular holiday shopping day after Black Friday for three years running

Mother’s Day

Although many people will buy flowers for their mothers or other special women in their lives on Mother’s Day, the ones who really want to go above and beyond will shop for jewelry like rings, bracelets, and maybe a nice pair of earrings. 

Valentine’s Day

Romance is in the air around Valentine’s Day! Now is a great time to target those unmarried customers who may want to buy an engagement ring in time for February 14th


When Black Friday and Cyber Monday end, that doesn’t mean it’s time to slow down the advertising. Email marketing for jewelers will continue through Christmas for those last-minute shoppers or those who celebrate other holidays during the month of December. 

A jeweler is taking photos of her products to promote her brand to newsletter subscribers.

How Can a Jeweler Improve Their Email Marketing?

Email marketing for jewelers takes time, patience, and dedication to improve. You should also focus on these areas. 

Working on SEO

SEO influences where your website will appear on the search results page. In our post about enhancing SEO for jewelers, we recommended these best practices:

  • Create a mobile-optimized website
  • Use highly searched keywords
  • Build a content marketing strategy with on-page SEO
  • Add more landing pages
  • Working on internal linking

Improve UI/UX

User interface and user experience, or UI/UX, focus on designing responsive, engaging, bug-free websites that audiences enjoy looking at and using. The website design tips we discussed earlier certainly apply here! 

Track Results 

It’s impossible to measure an email marketing campaign’s success without analytics. Review metrics like email open rate, click-through rate, website visits, email subscribers, email bounce rates, unsubscribers, and more. 

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Hiring a Web Agency to Boost Your Email Marketing

With so many types of emails to send, subject lines to master, and segmentation to do, email marketing for jewelers can be a challenge. You might not have the time or know-how to dedicate to email marketing.

In that case, you should strongly consider hiring a web agency to take your email marketing to the next level. Mediaboom specializes in email marketing services, including campaign management, copywriting, photography, illustration, animation, SEO, and content marketing. 

Contact us today!

Med Spa Logo – The Importance of Beauty Branding

A great logo is crucial for your med spa’s success. Get tips on design elements, brand consistency, and more in our med spa logo guide.

With an industry as competitive as modern beauty and wellness, not only do you need to provide exceptional services and treatments, but you also have to find ways to out from the crowd and capture the attention of potential clients. 

That’s where having a quality med spa logo comes in.

A med spa logo (medical spa logo) is a graphic symbol or design that visually represents a medical spa or wellness center. It serves as one of the most important marketing tools that can be utilized across numerous mediums. A skillfully crafted logo can effectively convey a number of positive attributes, including a commitment to quality, trustworthiness, and professionalism, thus distinguishing your cosmetic clinic from competitors and increasing brand recognition and recall amongst clientele. The logo should be aesthetically pleasing, memorable, and recognizable to create a powerful brand identity and appeal to prospective customers.

Come with us as we explore the importance of logo design in your med spa business plan and why a med spa logo is a must-have for any successful business in the industry!

Why Does Your Medical Spa Need a Logo?

Your medical spa logo offers a visual representation of your brand identity. 

It’s a simple way for your business to communicate its values, mission, and personality to potential clients at first glance.

Plus, without a good logo, it can be difficult to stand out in a crowded market and make a lasting impression on potential clients. The great thing about a med spa logo is that it can be used anywhere, including your website, business cards, social media, email campaigns, advertisements, and even your staff uniforms, to create a cohesive and recognizable brand image. 

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What Makes a Great Med Spa Logo?

A great medical spa logo is more than just a pretty picture — it’s a carefully crafted representation of your brand. 

You want it to be unique, memorable, and instantly recognizable. 

No matter the industry, the best logos capture the essence of a business in a split second and, of course, are aesthetically pleasing, with designs that are both modern and timeless. 

Take a look at a few elements to consider when crafting your logo.


A great med spa logo should be simple and easy to recognize. Avoid using too many complicated design elements or fonts, as these can distract from the main message and make your logo feel cluttered. 

Plus, simple logos are more versatile and adaptable, allowing you to translate them across all mediums, from business cards to social media icons.

Color Palette

The right colors can evoke the right emotions and set the tone for your brand. As a med spa, you probably want to create a calming and relaxing atmosphere, which is why you’ll often see colors such as blue, green, and white.

These colors are often associated with nature, tranquility, and cleanliness. Consider the type of services you offer and find colors to match.

Examples of typography that can be used for a Med Spa logo


Like your color palette, typography can help convey the personality of your brand. We’re referring to the selection and arrangement of typefaces or fonts used in your logo design.

Well-chosen typography can create a sense of sophistication, luxury, and elegance, or other attributes that you feel best align with your brand’s identity. The important thing is to choose typography that is both legible and consistent with the aesthetic of your med spa. In doing so, you’ll help reinforce your brand identity and make your business more memorable to potential clientele.


Imagery can help visually communicate the services and values of your brand.

When choosing imagery for your med spa logo, it’s important to consider the type of services you offer and the target audience you are trying to attract. 

For example, if you offer massage and relaxation services, you may want to consider incorporating imagery of hands, a lotus flower, or a Zen garden, as these convey a sense of calmness and tranquility.

Brand Consistency

If you want to build brand recognition, trust, and loyalty among clients, you need brand consistency in your logo. A consistent brand identity across all your marketing materials, including your logo, website, social media, and print materials, creates a stronger sense of professionalism and reliability.

Inconsistency, on the other hand, can leave potential clients feeling confused, weakening your overall brand recognition.

Med Spa Logo Design: How to Get Started

So now the question becomes, how do you create a logo that perfectly represents your med spa? 

Take a look at a few of the most important things to consider when crafting your logo.

1. Focus on Your Brand Identity

One of the most important factors to consider when gearing up to create your med spa logo is your brand identity

Your logo needs to be a reflection of your med spa’s core values. Ask yourself a few questions.

Can you tell me about your med spa’s unique selling proposition?

How would you describe your med spa’s brand personality?

In what ways does your med spa differentiate itself from competitors?

Could you provide some information about the services your med spa offers and how you aim to be perceived by clients?

The answers to these questions can be used to guide your design choices, from the color palette to typography to imagery. 

Not only does honing in on your brand identity help you create a logo that looks great, but it also helps you craft a logo that accurately represents your med spa and attracts the right clients.

2. Research Your Competitors

61% of marketers consider competitive research to be a critical component of their marketing strategy.

Even so, most businesses fail to put in time and effort when it comes to competitor research. 

Don’t underestimate its importance.  

Put in the time and effort, and research your competitors to get a better idea of how they approach branding with logos.

Take note of the color palettes they’re using, what kind of typography they’re working with, and any unique design choices. In doing so, you’ll able to better identify areas where you can differentiate your logo and create something unique that stands out from the crowd. 

Don’t be afraid to get creative and take risks. Remember, the goal is to create a logo that represents your med spa’s unique identity and sets you apart from everyone else

With a bit of research and some out-of-the-box thinking, you’ll be on your way to creating a logo that’s both eye-catching and memorable.

Examples of stock logos that can be used for a medspa

3. Choose Style and Shapes

Though often overlooked, choosing the right style and shapes for your med spa logo can make a significant impact. 

Your logo’s style should reflect the personality of your med spa and resonate with your target audience. Ask yourself a few questions to make sure you’re heading in the right direction.

For example, are you going for a modern and sleek look or a more traditional, sophisticated vibe? 

You might also consider what kinds of shapes represent your brand.

Do you want to incorporate organic shapes, which can often represent more natural and holistic treatments, or do you want to incorporate geometric shapes for a clean and contemporary feel? 

These design choices can greatly impact how your med spa is perceived by potential clients, so choose wisely.

4. Choose the Color Palette

Did you know that 93% of buyers focus on the appearance of a product when purchasing it?

This is why selecting the right color palette for your logo is so important.

Colors are a crucial factor in emotional marketing, so consider the message you want to convey with your med spa and how you want people to feel when they see your brand.

The way in which we perceive colors can vary, though you’ll often find similarities in color palettes in the spa industry. Most brands choose colors that evoke feelings of serenity, relaxation, luxury, and trustworthiness.

Consider soft and soothing colors like blue, green, and white for a more natural approach, or colors like pink and purple, which are often associated with femininity.

Once you have a clearer idea of the right colors for your logo, make sure they are consistent across all of your marketing materials.

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5. Choose the Typography

Typography plays a crucial role in communicating your brand’s identity. 

Similar to colors, different fonts on your med spa logo can convey different emotions or sentiments, such as luxury, professionalism, or friendliness.

You’ll often find Serif-style fonts associated with traditional and sophisticated brands, while sans-serif fonts are more minimal and modern. No matter the font you choose, you want to ensure that it’s easy to read and complements your logo’s other design elements. 

Remember that typography can also affect the scalability and legibility of your logo, so make sure to choose a font that works well at different sizes and across various mediums. 

6. Handwritten Fonts – An Option to Consider

Nothing conveys a sense of warmth and friendliness quite like a good handwritten font, which is why it’s such a great choice for brands that focus on providing personalized care. 

Just keep in mind that handwritten fonts can be difficult to read at small sizes, so make sure to test your logo across different mediums before finalizing your design. 

7. Readability

If we haven’t already hammered it home hard enough, we’ll say it again — font readability is crucial.

We want to make sure your logo is easy to read and instantly recognizable, even at a quick glance. Consider the size, color, and placement of your text during the design process to ensure maximum legibility. 

Many new brands make the mistake of creating cluttered or overly complex logos that are difficult to read and don’t effectively communicate their brand’s message. 

Again, test your logo for readability across various sizes and formats before you finalize.

The Qazi Clinic logo reflects all the qualities of one of the best med spa logo designs

8. Timeless Design

A timeless approach is often the best approach. The top med spas in the luxury industry have proven it.

Anyone who has been in this world long enough knows that trends come and go. However, a timeless logo design can withstand the test of time and retain relevancy for years to come. 

By focusing on classic design principles such as simplicity, balance, alignment, contrast, repetition, and proportion, you can create a med spa logo that is both elegant and enduring. 

No matter what kind of changes unfold in the industry over the next few decades, your logo will hold up.

However, keep in mind that a timeless approach doesn’t mean sacrificing creativity or originality. 

Just combine classic design elements with your unique brand identity to create a med spa logo that is both timeless and distinct. 

9. Look for Ideas to Inspire Your Design

Inspiration can come from anywhere. 

Whether it’s nature, art, or even other brands, looking for ideas to inspire your design can help you create a logo that stands out and effectively communicates your brand’s message. 

Do your research and explore different design styles and trends to gain valuable insights that you can use to inform your own design process. 

This is why we recommend looking to competitors for inspiration on your med spa marketing.

5 Creative Design Ideas for Your Med Spa Logo

Let’s take a look at a few premium examples of logos from real businesses of inspiration.

1. Mountain Cascade Massage Therapy

The Mountain Cascade Massage Therapy is a modern eye catching logo

The Mountain Cascade Massage Therapy logo is unique, modern, and eye-catching, using the ‘M’ in the logo to represent a cascading mountain. The ‘M’ almost gives you the same rippling effect you feel when you get a professional massage. Plus, the combination of white and cyan blue provides excellent contrast on a black background.

2. SkinSpirit

Skinspirit uses a modern and clean logo.

The SkinSpirit logo is a great example of a clean and modern design. It features a stylized leaf icon in a soft in a muted green color for a sense of naturalness and purity. Plus, the typography is simple and easy to read, making it an effective representation of the brand’s focus on holistic wellness.

3. BodyRx Louisville

BodyRx Louisville is a simple and effective logo for Medspa.

Again, we have designed simplicity with BodyRx Louisville’s logo. The med spa logo features a simple yet elegant script font with a subtle hand-drawn effect, giving it a sophisticated and modern feel with added warmth. 

4. Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center

The Beverly Hills Rejuventation Center logos immediately catch the eye

The Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center‘s logo is bold and eye-catching, featuring a stylish and sophisticated overall design. We love the sleek and modern font that immediately grabs your attention. Plus, with capital letters and a single color throughout, the logo effectively communicates the brand’s focus on luxury spa treatments. 

5. Viva Day Spa

Viva is a logo that represents the concepts of elegance and relaxation.

The Austin Viva Day Spa logo is similar to the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center, offering a striking and elegant design with a warm, woody brown to provide a sense of naturalness. The design perfectly represents the brand’s focus on relaxation, rejuvenation, and self-care.

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Final Thoughts

Here at MediaBoom, we know creating a strong med spa logo is a crucial step in building a successful med spa marketing strategy. If you need help with your medical spa logo design, make sure to get in contact with us today and learn how our med spa marketing agency can provide years of experience.

Website Revamp – Boost Your Business with a Digital Makeover

Transform your website from outdated to outstanding with these savvy revamp strategies. Boost your traffic and increase conversions.

If you’re still using a website that looks like it was built in early 2000s, it might be time for revamping your website! In today’s digital age, your website is the first impression that potential customers will have of your business, so ensuring it looks and functions optimally is crucial.

What is a Website Revamp or Redesign?

A website revamp (or website redesign) process involves updating and improving an existing website’s design, layout, content, features, and structure to align with current trends, user needs, business goals, and technological advancements. The process aims to enhance the website’s functionality, user experience, aesthetics, search engine rankings, performance, and mobile-friendliness, with the ultimate goal of creating a more effective online presence that attracts more visitors, generates leads, and drives business growth.

In this guide, we’re going to explore the ins and outs of a standard website redesign and why it’s so important for your business.

What Does a Website Revamp Mean?

Redesigning a website is like a makeover for your online presence.

Think of it as a fresh coat of paint, a new outfit, or a revamped hairstyle – but for your website.

However, a true revamp goes beyond just looking good, as it’s equally important to improve functionality, optimize the user experience, and drive more traffic to your site.

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Website Revamp vs. Redesign

When it comes to revitalizing your online presence, you’ll often hear two terms thrown around — website revamp and website redesign.

While they may sound similar, there are key differences between the two. Think of it as the difference between giving your car a tune-up versus buying a brand-new one.

  • The first one is like a tune-up, where you make minor updates to improve performance and fix any issues. It’s a good path to take if you want to bring it up to current design standards and improve SEO. Revamps are far more cost-effective and provide quicker turnarounds, great for brands that want to retain site familiarity and user flow with an updated aesthetic.
  • On the other hand, redesigning a website is like buying a new car, where you start from scratch and build a whole new website. The scope of work is far greater, as the goal is to make a site that differs completely from your current site. Instead of fixing existing issues, you’re designing your website the right way from the very start. Total redesigns can be great if your site has a poorly designed existing structure or if your brand has changed significantly.
  • Check out these 11 examples of quality website design.
The webmaster has realized that his website is too old and is no longer getting traffic.

Know When to Revamp Your Website

Now for the age-old question that keeps business owners up at night — when is it time to give your website a revamp?

Is it when your competitors start sporting sleek new designs or when your bounce rates are higher than the stratosphere?

Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as knowing when to revamp your website is a delicate balance of analyzing data, understanding your audience, and recognizing when your website is hindering rather than helping your business.

However, there are a few tell-tale signs you can use look out for when it comes to answering that question.

Read more: Website Maintenance

Decreased Page Views

You just logged in to your website analytics dashboard to find a downward trend in page views.

Suddenly, panic sets in.

However, don’t fret, as it might just be a sign that your website needs a little TLC.

Think about it this way, if your website hasn’t been updated with fresh and relevant content in a while, your visitors will likely lose interest and stop returning to your site. In the same way, if your competitors recently launched newer and more attractive sites with updated content and great user experience, people may be going to their sites instead of yours.

Higher Bounce Rate

The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors who land on your website and then leave without taking any further action, such as clicking through to another page or filling out a form.

A high bounce rate could indicate that people visiting your website aren’t finding what they’re looking for, and that’s a surefire sign that it’s time to revamp.

You can check the Google Analytics report for more information on your bounce rate.

Lower Conversions

Without conversions, your business has nothing to give it life.

Having a high conversion rate is key, whether you’re looking to sell products or get better engagement.

So, naturally, if your website’s conversion rate starts to drop, it might be time for a revamp.

When you see your conversion rate drop, it’s probably a sign that your website isn’t effectively communicating your value proposition. You might be missing out on crucial conversion elements, such as CTAs, social proof, or content that speaks to your target audience.

Outdated content no longer receives organic traffic.

Outdated Content

They say that content is king and for good reason.

Your website’s content is the backbone of its user experience and can make or break its success.

If the content on your site feels outdated, irrelevant, or stale, your visitors won’t want to engage with it. Ultimately, they’ll leave feeling uninterested in your website and head over to one of your competitor’s sites.

Loss of Ranking on Google

Your Google ranking can make or break your website.

It’ll become pretty clear if your website is ranking well on Google but has started to slip down the search engine results pages that something needs to change.

Getting to the bottom of what that “something” is can be the difficult part. Ranking losses could mean that your website’s content is no longer relevant or that your website’s SEO strategy needs an overhaul.

Find out more about how website design and SEO go hand in hand.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

What are the Objectives of a Revamp?

The main objective of a website revamp should be to refresh and revitalize your online presence.

However, underneath the umbrella of these specific objectives lie more nuanced objectives. Let’s look at a few.

  • Improve User Experience – Simplify the layout of your site so that it’s easier for people to navigate
  • Improve Conversions -Add or optimize conversion elements on your website to boost your sales
  • Increase Traffic – Use the latest SEO trends to funnel more people to your website.
  • Elevate Branding – Ensuring your website’s design and content are aligned with your brand’s values and aesthetic
  • Update Technology – Ensure elements like mobile responsiveness and security are up to date.
  • Refresh Content – Keep your website content fresh and relevant so that people want to come back.

Of course, these processes are just the icing on the cake, and many revamp dive deeper, focusing on more complex fixes, such as improving operational efficiency or enhancing accessibility for those with disabilities.

Mediaboom shows how updating website content leads to increased traffic

How to Revamp Your Website for SEO and Crush the Competition

Now that you have a better idea of when to revamp your website, let’s look at a few ways you can use SEO best practices to dominate your industry.

Set Your SEO Goals

Many business owners see SEO as a daunting task or dark art.

In reality, however, it’s pretty simple.

Before you dive in and start implementing SEO best practices, you need to set clear goals.

Do you want to increase your website traffic? Improve your search engine rankings? Maybe you want to boost your conversions?

Whatever your goals may be, make sure they’re well-defined before you start revamping your website.

By doing so, you can develop a strategic website optimization plan with YOUR desired outcomes in mind.

Analyze Your Current Website

Before you start slapping SEO-friendly keywords throughout your site, take a moment to analyze the current state of your website.

We’re talking about a deep dive into your website’s performance, traffic, and user behavior.

There are several metrics and key performance indicators to look at, including:

  • # of unique visitors
  • # of form submissions
  • Domain authority
  • Bounce rate
  • Time on site

With this information in hand, you’ll have a better idea of what’s currently working for you and what you might need to redo.

Identify Articles That Perform Best

The articles on your site that are already performing well are your SEO superheroes —  the ones already bringing in traffic and increasing engagement.

Your website’s analytics data will help you identify top-performing articles. With that data, you’ll have a guide to your website revamp efforts.

Note which of your articles have the most views, shares, or inbound links. Then, take notes of which keywords these articles rank for. Ensure that you protect these articles at all costs during your revamp process, as these are your site’s greatest assets. If not, it could hurt your search rankings.

Mediaboom shows you how to update old content to provide a great player experience

Refresh Older Content

They say age is just a number, but when it comes to your website’s content, it can make a huge difference in your search engine rankings.

That 2005 article on “The Best Restaurants in Los Angeles” may not be as relevant or engaging as it once was. If not remedied, it can lead to decreased traffic and lower search engine rankings.

Luckily, there’s a solution — refreshing your older content.

There’s no reason you can’t give your website’s timeless classics a makeover. By updating your older content with new information, visuals, and keywords, you can give your website the boost it takes to climb the search engine rankings.

Make sure each of your articles has the right keywords in the right places, including your title, intro paragraph, heading, body, URL, image alt tags, and meta description.

Improve Internal Linking

Internal linking isn’t exactly the most alluring topic when it comes to website revamping for SEO.

But don’t let its lack of glamour fool you, as improving your website’s internal linking structure can have a significant impact on your search engine rankings.

Your internal linking is what guides both users and search engine crawlers to the most important pages on your website. When you strategically link to other relevant pages on your website, you can boost your website’s authority, improve user navigation, and increase the chances of climbing higher in the search results.

We recommend starting with a website audit to identify any missing pages or broken links. Google Search Console and Screaming Frog are two excellent tools to get you started.

Perform Content Pruning

Sometimes in life, less is more.

This is where content pruning is so important.

Content pruning is the process of removing old, outdated, or low-performing content from your website to streamline it and boost your search engine rankings.

Think of it as Marie Kondo-ing your website – keeping only the content that sparks joy (and drives traffic).

However, there are also times when you’ll find pages that aren’t worth deleting, such as those with backlinks. In this case, you can set up 301 redirects, which ensures that any visitors or search engine crawlers that go to your site are redirected to existing content if they end up on a “deleted” page.

Optimize Core Web Vitals

In a nutshell, your core web vitals are a set of metrics that measure the speed, responsiveness, and overall user experience of your website.

For example, if your website takes too long to load or has a frustrating user interface, it’s not going to rank well in search engines.

So, if you want to revamp your website in terms of technical SEO, you must pay attention to your vitals.

The copywriter shows an Email Sample on Revamp of a Website

Email Sample on Revamp of a Website

Think of your website announcement email as part of your full-fledged site launch. Don’t neglect it!

As with anything else, you need to create buzz for your website before it “hits the market.”

Your email should include five essential elements:

  • An engaging subject line
  • Copy that emphasizes the benefits of your new site
  • High-quality visuals for accompaniment
  • Countdown timer
  • Pre-test to see how your email looks before it’s sent out

Here’s an example of an email for the launch of a new clothing website:

“It’s the perfect time for site seeing!

We’re relaunching our online shop today and we can’t wait for you to see what our dedicated team has been working on. Come check out our newly revamped website today and get 10% off products plus free shipping for the next 24 hours only!

Our new site offers

  • Improved homepage navigation
  • Easier and faster checkouts
  • An enhanced shopping experience
  • Mobile and iPad-friendly interface



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As you can see, revamping your website is about so much more than just giving it a new coat of paint. Whether your website is suffering from higher bounce rates or outdated content, our team of SEO experts at MediaBoom can help.

Get in touch with us today to see how we can help you revamp your website and take it to the next level!

Property Management SEO – 10 Strategies to Boost Ranking

Property management SEO affects your website ranking. If you want to make your company more visible online, this tailored guide is for you!

Property management SEO is critical for increasing your online visibility so your company can generate more leads and convert customers. With property management projected to grow steadily over the remainder of the 2020s, competition will continue to mount. You need to surpass your competitors with smart Search Engine Optimization tactics.

What is property management SEO?

SEO for property management involves optimizing your website to improve its ranking in search engine results pages. You can do so through techniques like:

  • Website audits
  • Keyword research
  • Content marketing
  • Local SEO
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Backlinks
  • Boosting page speed

This guide for property management businesses will investigate your options for bolstering your SEO ranking so you can reap the rewards.

Mediaboom got a traffic boost after implementing its SEO strategy

SEO in Property Management

Search engine optimization or SEO is the process a company uses to improve its rank on search engine results pages or SERPs. Property management SEO is a specific form of Search Engine Optimization for property owners.

SEO is more important in the 2020s than perhaps ever. According to marketing resource WebFX, 93 percent of people’s online experiences start using a search engine.

Further, more than half of a website’s traffic­–approximately 53.3 percent–is attributed to organic search.

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The Benefits of SEO for Property Managers

SEO for property management has many advantages. Let’s review them now.

Increased Online Visibility

The stat we shared from the intro proves that the number of property management companies is on the rise. Your competition will only continue to grow from this point rather than thin out.

Your site must rank well, or potential customers will give their business to the competition. Marketing resource SMA Marketing reports that 75 percent of people searching for something online never go past the first page of SERPs.

WebFX reports that 95 percent of search traffic is rewarded to results on the first page.

If you’re not on that page, your property management business is invisible in the eyes of leads.

As you focus on SEO for property management and your rank gradually rises, you’ll build brand awareness and reap other rewards.

Improved Lead Generation

For instance, you’ll notice a continuous stream of leads. Curious customers will search “property management near me” or “property management in [location],” and there you are, right at the top.

Cost Effectiveness

Another great facet of property management SEO is how it’s a cost-effective solution to building and strengthening your brand and positively impacting your bottom line.

You’ll reach your potential customers on a platform they already use, such as Google or Bing. The initial investment is money well-spent, as Search Engine Optimization can pay back dividends over the long term.

Working with the right partners, such as an SEO agency, also makes it more affordable to grow your property management business with Search Engine Optimization.

Better Lead Engagement and Retention

Finally, SEO can increase your lead engagement by driving more website traffic. With your property management website so prominent, your target audience can learn more about your rental properties and services.

They’re more engaged from the onset and might be likelier to continually choose your business for their property management needs.

A Mediaboom customer increased traffic to his site after optimizing on-site and off-site SEO.

10 Strategies to Improve the SEO of Your Property Management Company

Now that you understand the importance of SEO for property management, let’s evaluate the tactics property owners can use to grow their website’s visibility.

1. Website Audit

First, start with a website audit. The audit will analyze your current website and reveal areas of improvement to increase property management SEO rank.

For instance, issues such as a lack of website security, unoptimized content, broken links, and a slow loading speed can affect your website’s ranking.

You might also decide to redesign your website as a result of the audit.

2. Keyword Research and Strategizing

When your target audience finds property management companies, what kinds of keywords do they search to do so? You can rely on keyword research to find the best SEO keywords to target your local market and properties.

Tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs make it easy to perform keyword research. Your keyword strategy will likely center around long-tail keywords, which have higher conversion rates, enhanced content visibility, and less competition due to their specificity.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

3. On-Page SEO

On-site or on-page Search Engine Optimization is another critical component of SEO for property management companies. This optimization process entails changing elements of your website to better serve the algorithm.

For example, you might update the site’s URL structure, meta descriptions, H1 headings, and title tags.

4. Content Marketing

The keywords you discovered in your research shouldn’t only get sprinkled across various pages of your property management website. You can also incorporate those keywords into website content such as your blog, landing pages, and infographics.

Content marketing is the creation of targeted content that appeals to your audience to educate, inform, and sometimes entertain them.

For example, you could create a checklist of neighborhood schools and grade each so new parents moving into the area can decide if the neighborhood is right for their families.

You could create a video theorizing about the top property management trends for the year or write a blog post with rental property investment tips.

5. Content Clustering

A good property management SEO strategy should also include content clusters.

As you build up your roster of content, you’ll discover common threads. Content clustering entails grouping related content and linking it internally to better optimize your website. You end up with a pillar page with branches full of cluster content.

Let’s use a broad topic like rental properties as an example. That would be the pillar, and all the content you’ve compiled about rental properties would be a part of the cluster, from videos to webinars, whitepapers, and blogs.

Mediaboom shows the results obtained by its agency after improving the local SEO

6. Local SEO

Your property management company is firmly rooted in your local area, so niche down to find your closest target audience with local SEO.

Several strategies we’ve looked at apply, including keyword research, website audits, and SEO audits.

Here are a few more tactics to try:

  • Complete your Google Business profile: A Google Business profile is a huge component of local SEO. If you haven’t already, claim your Google Business profile, fill out the information, and optimize the page by showcasing reviews, images, and videos of your property management company.
  • Write local content: Local content differs from standard website content because you’re using high-volume, long-tail local keywords discovered during a keyword research session.
  • Get on local business listings: Local business listings will include all property management services in your neighborhood. Your presence on the list can introduce you to new leads.

7. Mobile Optimization

You must expect that most of your audience will find you through mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches, not desktop computers. You must optimize your site for these users.

As we wrote about in a previous post, a mobile-first web design will improve conversions, engage your audience, and increase your SEO standing.

8. Build Backlinks

Search engine algorithms prioritize websites with backlinks. Your site needs high-quality backlinks from reputable sources. Having them tells the algorithm that your property management company has domain authority.

Mediaboom shows the performance of a property management website after SEO optimizations

9. Increase Page Speed and Core Web Vitals

The faster your website loads, the better. Blogging Wizard reports that your conversion rate goes up by 3x if your site loads in one second.

The next component of your property management SEO strategy must be improving your site speed if it doesn’t hit the mark. What are some strategies you can try today to speed up your website?

  • Consider switching web hosts
  • Add website caching
  • Reduce CSS and JavaScript files
  • Cut down on plugins
  • Optimize image size

10.  Measure Your Success

Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and tools within that vein can tell you how successful your SEO measures are with real-time metrics. Patience is key, as it can take months for all the hard work you’ve put into elevating your SEO to finally show.

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Hire a Property Management SEO Agency

Property management SEO is critical to growing your business, but if you just don’t have the time or expertise, you should consider hiring an SEO agency. Mediaboom serves industries like real estate, finance, accounting, and more, helping companies of all sizes achieve their Search Engine Optimization goals.

Whether you’re struggling to put your company on the map or have unsuccessfully tried SEO and aren’t sure where to go from here, we can help.

Contact us today to learn more about our property management SEO services.

Property Marketing – Top 10 Strategies for Real Estate Success

Property marketing involves aspects of SEO and marketing when done right. This guide will help you become a pro at real estate marketing in no time.

Whether you’re a seller looking to maximize the value of your property or a buyer searching for your dream home, property marketing is crucial for achieving your goals. With a well-executed marketing strategy, you can effectively promote your property, attract potential buyers, and close deals quickly and efficiently.   

But what is property marketing?

Property marketing is the process of promoting and selling real estate properties to potential buyers. It involves creating and executing a strategic plan to showcase the property’s features and benefits through various channels, such as advertising, social media, open houses, and real estate listings. The goal is to attract interested buyers and ultimately close the sale. It is an essential aspect of the real estate industry and requires a deep understanding of market trends, buyer preferences, and effective communication techniques.

So, how do you build a successful approach to property marketing by securing the interest of potential buyers and sellers?

Read this guide to learn how a successful marketing strategy for your business can help you sell your property for maximum value or find your dream home faster and more effectively.

8 Ways to Attract Potential Clients Using Property Marketing

Over the years, people have even been able to list and sell their own houses more than ever with the help of the Internet. On the other hand, the state of the real estate business has also become even more competitive.

1. Create a Unique Website

Chances are, you already have a website for your real estate business.

To achieve a unique website, start with a visually appealing design that showcases your brand and properties. Use high-quality images and videos to create an immersive experience for visitors. Implement clear navigation and an easy-to-use interface that allows users to find what they are looking for quickly.

In addition to these tips, consider implementing landing pages to direct potential buyers and sellers to the next course of action. Landing pages can provide detailed information on a particular property or service and encourage visitors to take action, such as scheduling a tour or requesting more information.

Focus also on improving site speed, search engine optimization (SEO), and mobile responsiveness. Keep reading to learn how to achieve these goals.

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2. Content Marketing

Although you will be competing for the same keywords as your direct competitors, it’s important that your content is different and helpful. Google looks for pages that provide value, as does your potential audience.

Keyword research can be incredibly useful for property marketing, as it allows you to identify the search terms that potential buyers or renters are using to find properties online.

Let’s say you are a real estate agent who specializes in selling luxury apartments in downtown Los Angeles. You want to create a digital marketing campaign to attract potential buyers who are interested in luxury living in the heart of the city.

Use a keyword research tool to identify the search terms that people are using to find properties like yours. Then, use the keywords you’ve identified to optimize your website and content. For example, you could create a landing page that targets the keyword “luxury apartments in downtown LA” and include that keyword in the page title, meta description, and body text. You can also create blog posts or social media content that uses other relevant keywords you’ve identified.

By using keyword research in your property marketing, you can better understand your target audience and create content that resonates with them. This will help you attract more qualified leads and ultimately close more deals.

Keep in mind that navigating the complex world of digital marketing can be a challenge for those without experience, which is why hiring a reputable agency like Mediaboom can be a smart investment to ensure your property marketing is effective and successful.

If you’re looking to elevate your property marketing efforts, contact Mediaboom today to discuss how our team of experts can help you achieve your goals.

The traffic detected by Google Search Console increased after the site's SEO was improved.

3. Boost your SEO

Creating blog posts alone likely won’t be enough to boost you to the top of the search engine results. But how do you boost your sites SEO?

There are so many more ways to boost your SEO than just a focus on keywords! A lot of the work is also done by optimizing your website and content.

If you’re not sure where to start, running a site audit is a great place to start. However, even in the insights provided can be a bit overwhelming. So, you can consult a professional digital marketing agency to help you reach your traffic goals.

4. Focus on Mobile Experience

Another sure way to help improve your SEO and SERP rankings is to make sure your site is also mobile-friendly. It’s impossible to look into the metrics of every website, but it’s likely that the majority of your traffic is also on mobile. So it’s important to keep the mobile experience in mind and make sure everything is scaled correctly and runs smoothly on mobile.                                 

5. Add Testimonials from previous clients

Include specific quotes or feedback from past clients that can provide social proof and give potential clients an idea of what it’s like to work with you. For example, a testimonial from a satisfied buyer who praised the speed and efficiency of the buying process can help build trust with potential buyers.

In addition to the active testimonials section, using specific examples in property marketing can also improve brand trustworthiness.

For example:

  • High-quality photography: Including professional photographs of the property can showcase its best features and help potential buyers envision themselves living there.
  • Virtual tours: Offering virtual tours, either pre-recorded or live, can give buyers a more immersive experience of the property, which can help build trust in the listing.
  • Case study: Highlighting specific success stories, such as how you helped a client find their dream home or sell their property quickly and at a good price, can demonstrate your expertise and build trust with potential clients.
  • Social proof: Including statistics on the number of homes sold or properties listed in a particular area can provide social proof of your success and credibility in the market.

6. Show your Team on a Dedicated Page

A “meet the team” page is good to have as a reference point so people can put a face to the name of whoever will be assisting them. It also helps make your staff more personable. Staff pages also show that the business is proud of their employees’ accomplishments as well.

It also can provide insight on each real estate agent’s experience and specialty so potential clients can help determine for themselves who is best suited to help them.

7. Include an Image Gallery of the Properties

You’ll find that almost every real estate agency has property galleries. Incorporating a photo gallery of properties that are actively listed and even already archived has several benefits. This is the best way to give potential buyers an overview of properties in your portfolio.

This benefits potential sellers as well, as this is another way they can determine if their home fits within your niche. A cultivated image gallery also helps prevent people who have landed on your page from clicking off to view images of the property elsewhere.

8. Use Virtual Tours

Virtual tours are a feature that is sure to wow potential clients. Virtual tours give potential buyers the chance to take a look at the interior floor plan of a place before physically seeing it. This can be a huge time saver so the client can decide if it is something they’d be seriously interested in before you both take the time to tour it.

The panoramic view of some properties seen from a professional drone.

9. Use a Drone View to Amaze Your Customers

Incorporating drone views of the houses your real estate agents are listing is a pretty new feature. So, much like virtual tours, using some great drone shots are a sure way to impress potential buyers.

Since drones are still relatively new technology to use in marketing campaigns, it’s easy to be a bit intimidated by it. Luckily, there are so many YouTube tutorials out there to help you experiment with drone views and show you how to get started.

Experimenting with drone views also allows you to give potential buyers a glimpse of the neighborhood, which is a big pro for many clients.                                                                           

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

10. Collecting Leads

Real estate marketing is the primary way most real estate businesses will get their client leads. Using the techniques mentioned in this article should help your leads grow. However, if you are still having issues, it’s not too uncommon to pay for leads from a third party who has collected their information.

Once you begin to accumulate a lot of leads over time, it’s important to make sure they are properly managed. Tools like Salesforce and HubSpot are great for lead management to help keep track of how each lead progresses through your funnel.

Not to mention that keeping details of your leads can also help you understand the similarities of your target audience.                                                       

A real estate agent is working on his company's social profiles to improve property marketing.

Be Social in Real Estate Marketing


Facebook is unique in the sense of most of the users are typically within your target audience. But it’s rather hit or miss whether or not they are in the market for property. However, a lot of businesses get a lot of leads through word of mouth and recommendations. So, it’s a good idea to still maintain some activity and interactions on Facebook so people will be more inclined to look into your business.


When it comes to interacting with clients and collaborators, Instagram will likely be your best bet. Instagram is great for collaborated media and advertising on any fun promotions and outreach. Many brands are also able to repurpose their social media content and cross-post between social media platforms. This is a great opportunity to be able to gauge which content performs best on Instagram compared to other platforms.


TikTok is actually one of the places where you will most likely see brands interacting with users in the comments section. It’s not uncommon to see brands take a more “loosened-up” approach on TikTok. However, TikTok leans towards a younger audience, so this may not be where your target audience is for home buyers.


YouTube is a bit different than most other social media platforms. What most people don’t realize is that Youtube is one of the most successful search engines, aside from only Google itself. If you are looking to create content on YouTube, good luck!

In a short, honest answer, trying YouTube videos can end up being a game-changer for you. However, in most cases, most people struggle to get enough of engagement for it to be a good ROI.

Some real estate businesses in New York are boosting their property marketing through paid adv.

Boost your Property Marketing with Paid Ads                      

Google Ads

Google Ads are extremely effective when done correctly. However, they can also be extremely competitive.

Google Ads are the sponsored listing you see at the top of search pages and even on map queries. Google Ads allows you to target specific but relevant audiences by targeting keywords.

You are essentially paying to be one of the top results on search pages with the link of your choice. This is a huge time-saver because you can rank for the keyword without going through the hassle of creating content for the keyword and constantly optimizing for it.

Another big pro about Google Ads is that there are a ton of resources to help you learn the tool. This includes free online video tutorials, support forums, live support chat, and even online courses.

Facebook Ads

Some real estate companies overlook social media marketing since it can be a little harder to narrow it down. Facebook Ads allows you to tailor your ads to specific audiences. Depending on how active your audience is, Facebook Ads can be a great ROI. Even if your Facebook Ads are not “successful”, Facebook still offers valuable insights on the audience it did reach. These insights can even help you post optimized regular, unpaid content so Facebook is a great platform to experiment with.

TikTok Ads

TikTok excels at UGC (user-generated content). UGC videos are when a micro-influencer (in most cases) showcases the product in a more natural format. This typically means a quicker and less structured video than a traditional ad, and generally just looks more similar to videos you may see in product review sections by verified buyers.

TikTok ads come across as regular videos, with most times the only indication that they are ads being the “Sponsored” tag at the bottom.

Going for TikTok ads is a great solution if your marketing team is great at engaging your audience through a video format.                                                                          


As mentioned before, influencers also make UGC. Influencers automatically rake in a larger audience and are trusted figures among that audience. However, most influencers just do sponsorships.

If you are interested in going the influencer route, it’s important to scout them. The first step is to come up with a list of influencers you would like to work with. Then, you can begin reaching out to them to get the ball rolling for collaborations. 

Guest Posts

Guest posts are a great way to secure good backlinks and more exposure in exchange for content. Depending on the company, in exchange for a backlink, they will ask you to write up a guest post for their page. In addition to that, some may also ask for monetary compensation too, so just keep that in mind.

Also, make sure to do your research on any sites you are interested in doing a guest post for to ensure that their domain is worth the effort of securing the backlink.

The real estate agent applied additional property marketing strategies with her clients.

Additional Marketing Strategies for Real Estate Professionals

Focus on a specific niche

For real estate, your niche will essentially be your location + your target audience that can afford your price range. So, having a strategy that caters to your locals is the goal for most businesses using property marketing.

Having an in-depth understanding of your ideal audience is important.

Creating accurate buyer personas and customer profiles can help you narrow down relevant information that will help you successfully relate to your target audience even more.

Create partnerships with similar businesses

As mentioned above, utilizing guest posts is a great way to build relationships with adjacent brands. When it comes to building professional B2B relationships, there are many other benefits as well.

Fruitful partnerships with similar businesses can boast many benefits, including both parties being able to offer more products and and bundle deals. Strategic brand partnerships can also help drive out mutual competition and help strengthen their own brand loyalty as well.                                                                                    

An example of a business card that can be personalized to boost property marketing.

Create an Amazing Business Card

Although business cards as less prominent in today’s world, they are still a staple for most businesses. There are also many new and improved ways you can customize your business card, including incorporating QR codes. A QR code on a business card is a great feature, as you can direct people to any website of your choice, whether it be a landing page or a contact form.

Use a small part of your Budget on Traditional Ads

As mentioned above, property marketing typically targets a smaller, more local audience. While your target audience is focused on a radius area, traditional advertising holds just as many opportunities as digital marketing.

Differentiate your communication with your competitors

For every client, real estate is a big investment and is typically something where people don’t mind a bit more hand-holding along the way.

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Final thoughts

As we’ve gone over, there are so many ways to approach property marketing. All SEO efforts take some time, so make sure to be patient when testing out your strategy. If you want to opt to just outsource your marketing efforts, we’ll be able to help you with all of your property marketing needs. You can contact us for a free consultation to get started.

8 Types of Digital Advertising for your Ad Campaign

Types of digital advertising such as display ads, video ads, mobile ads and retargeting can convert leads and increase sales.

Digital advertising continues to gain momentum, with marketing resource Oberlo predicting that companies will spend $626.86 billion worldwide on digital ads in 2023. By 2026, that number is expected to creep up to $835.82 billion. 

What kinds of digital display advertising should your company focus on?

Here are 8 types of digital advertising a campaign must consider:

  • Display ads
  • Native ads
  • Paid search ads
  • Retargeting
  • Social media ads
  • Video ads
  • Audio ads
  • Mobile ads

This ultimate guide to digital advertising will explain everything you need to know before launching your own campaign, including what it is, how it differs from digital marketing, and more information on the types of digital ads above. We’ll also delve into how digital ads work and how to benefit from them.

What Is Digital Advertising?

Digital advertising can be inbound or outbound, much the same as digital marketing. Inbound methods largely encompass digital display advertising.

Inbound and outbound advertising makes it easy to measure success, such as who clicked on a PPC ad.

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Are Digital Marketing and Advertising the Same?

Speaking of digital marketing, is it the same as digital advertising?

The two are disparate but do work in tandem.

An advertising campaign is designed to drive and strengthen brand awareness, introduce a new product or service, and sell existing products and services.

It’s often part of a larger marketing strategy to generate new leads, convert them into customers, encourage their business, and keep them loyal.

Some examples of digital ads that we have yet to mention are:

  •  Podcast advertising
  • Radio advertising
  • Television advertising
  • Guerilla advertising (which can be inbound or outbound)

Marketing encompasses these tactics:

  • Content marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing
  •  Video marketing
  • Influencer marketing
  • Search engine marketing
  •  Affiliate marketing

As you can see, between the types of digital advertising listed above and those from the intro, overlaps exist, but marketing and advertising are still separate elements of one campaign.

The marketing team is choosing which type of digital advertising to use for their agency.

The Types of Digital Advertising

Now that you understand the basics of digital ads, let’s delve into the 8 types from the intro.

1. Display Ads

The first type of ad that a digital advertising agency might use is a display ad. This online-based ad can appear on apps and websites.

Display ad media type varies between gifs, videos, and images. You might see one of these ads in a skyscraper, landscape, or square format depending on the type of display ad and the site or app it appears on.

Display ads are a critical part of a digital ad campaign and one of the most common ad types in your arsenal. They appear on third-party websites to generate clicks that redirect the user to your website, usually a landing page for the product or service in the advertisement.

2. Native Ads

The next type of digital ad is the native ad. This type of ad can take on all forms, from visual to text-based ads, promoted posts, social media in-feed content, sponsored content, and more. Native ads appear on apps and websites just like display ads.

However, the primary difference between native and display ads is their design. A native ad blends right into the website or app it appears on. HubSpot reported that people view native ads 53 percent more than banner ads.

3. Search Engine Marketing (Paid Search Advertising)

Although not a native ad, paid search advertising has gotten slick enough that you can easily confuse it for one.

Companies will pay for their ads to appear atop search engine results pages beside organic results. The paid search ad will have small text that reads “ad” to make it clear that what you’re seeing (and possibly clicking) is not an organic result.  

4. Retargeting

Ad retargeting is another digital advertising trick up your sleeve. If you targeted an audience group and they didn’t react as intended (i.e., purchasing your product or service), you can get a second crack at them through retargeting.

A retargeting ad uses pixel code on a website. The code relies on browser cookies to indicate when and where to produce retargeting ads. The result is an ad that seemingly follows the user across the Internet, even on other websites.

According to software resource 99firms, 98 percent of first-time website visitors don’t convert. Retargeting is a chance to reclaim the majority audience.

Some companies are promoting their products and services through social media ads

5. Social Media Ads

Next are social media ads, which appear on all your favorite platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more. You can use your business account on any of these social media platforms to launch an ad campaign.

Social media ads come in many formats depending on the platform you choose to advertise on. You can use the classic text ad, a video ad (more on those to come in just a moment), lead form ads, or interactive ads.

The other ad subtypes you can create on social media are collection ads, product ads, carousel ads, and image ads.

You can target the demographic that sees each ad according to the parameters you set on your social media business account. The ads will appear all over social media depending on the subtype you choose.

6. Video Ads

Let’s talk more about video ads, as we promised.

A video ad is one of the hottest types of digital advertising. Explainer video company Explain Ninja writes that video ads can boost organic traffic from SERPS by 157 percent. That’s a tremendous boost!

Here are the subtypes of video ads:

  • Interactive video ads that appear in mobile games and other apps; after watching a few seconds of the ad, you can interact, such as trying a portion of a mobile game to inspire downloads.
  • Non-overlay ads are a type of non-linear ad format that plays during video content and doesn’t overlay it.
  • Overlay ads are also non-linear ads but appear over a video, usually on the bottom. They take up between 10 and 20 percent of a video so you can still watch the video but will clearly see the ad.
  • Outstream video ads include in-text ads, in-banner ads, and in-page ads that appear over a video but aren’t videos themselves.
  • In-stream video ads follow a linear ad format. They can play before a video (pre-roll ads) like skippable ads, non-skippable ads, and bumper pre-roll ads. In-stream ads can also appear in the middle of a video or afterward.

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7. Audio Ads

Podcast listenership is on the rise, so it only makes sense that audio ads would become a more popular part of a digital ad strategy.

Audio ads appear on streaming services and platforms as a commercial break. The duration of the ad is traditionally 15 to 30 seconds, but some audio ads can be longer.

You can target audio ads by platforms like Spotify and Apple Music, or get more specific and target by interest, such as having an ad appear on a specific show or podcast.

8. Mobile Ads

The last type of digital ad we’ll look at is mobile ads.

Mobile advertising occurs exclusively on mobile devices like smartphones, smartwatches, and tablets. It can include banner ads in mobile games or mobile sites, SMS ads, and the aforementioned interactive video ads.

Online business mentor Luisa Zhou shares that mobile ad spending will usurp desktop ad spending in 2023, 51 percent versus 49 percent.

Advertising experts are discussing the benefits of digital advertising for their business

The Benefits of Digital Advertising

Digital advertising services can be highly advantageous. Let’s go over some of the benefits now.

Increases or Strengthens Brand Awareness

A digital ad campaign can be a phenomenal method of debuting a new brand to the masses, reintroducing an existing brand after a period of sagging sales or a rebrand, and strengthening an existing brand.

However, for your ads to perform at their best, you should target the audience who sees them.

Promotes Products and Services

Digital ads also give you a golden opportunity to promote new and ongoing products and services. When a user clicks one of your ads, you can redirect them to a landing page where they can learn more about the product or service and complete a purchase then and there.

Some types of ads even let you shop right through the ad!

Increases Leads

Advertisements remain an optimal channel for increasing leads. While it’s not the only lead gen method your company will rely on, it should produce a consistent influx of leads.

Elevates Conversions

With so many shopping opportunities presented through a digital ad campaign, including second chances at a product or service a potential customer missed, a targeted ad campaign should increase a company’s rate of conversions.

Boosts Sales

Through all the measures above, a company should see a healthy uptick in sales from its digital ad strategy. Digital ads can have a great ROI!

Mediaboom shows how digital advertising works directly from its Google Ads account

How Does Digital Advertising Work?

You’ve seen the benefits of digital advertising in action, but how exactly does the process work? Here is an overview.

1. Segment Your Audience

The first step in creating a digital ad campaign is splitting your audience by demographics, geographics, and psychographics.

You can use that data to create buyer personas, which amalgamate the top traits of your audience groups. It’s easier for marketers, salespeople, and advertisers to promote products and services to these personas. 

2. Choose Your Goal(s)

What is the goal of your ad campaign? Do you want to increase brand awareness, get more conversions, or generate more leads? Your campaign may have more than one goal, in which case, you’d need a multifaceted advertising campaign to match.

3. Select Your Digital Ad Type

Next, you must choose the type of digital ads you wish to use. Will you focus primarily on social media, SERP ads, or digital display and native ads around the Internet? Perhaps you’ll use mobile ads or audio ads.

You very well might decide that several types of digital ads suit your campaign the most.

4. Establish Your Budget

Digital advertising campaigns rarely come for free. Your company must determine how much you can afford to set aside to make your campaign goals a reality.

5. Create the Ad and Target Its Viewership

With the budget, ad type, and platform decided, now you can create the ad and determine which audience segments you’ll target.

6. Run the Campaign

When everything is ready, it’s time for your campaign to go live.

7. Monitor Results

You can review a slew of advertising metrics to gauge whether your campaign succeeded. We’ll talk a bit later about what those KPIs are.

Mediaboom shows how it has optimized its landing page for digital advertising campaigns

The Role of Landing Pages in Digital Advertising

Landing pages are an integral part of a digital advertising campaign. As we’ve discussed, many ads redirect users to a landing page when they click.

Your landing pages must be converting machines before your digital ad campaign begins. Here are some best practices to assist with that.

  • You must have a landing page for each product or service you sell.
  • Make your landing pages SEO-friendly with their own URLs, backlinks, image files, meta descriptions, header tags, and title tags.
  • Keep the information on your landing pages up to date.
  • Start with the most important information so it’s above the fold.
  • Ensure your landing pages load fast, ideally within two seconds.
  • Optimize the landing page for mobile.
  • Add social proof, like case studies and testimonials.
  • Use split testing to create the best landing page.
  • Keep copy concise; use short paragraphs!

How to Measure Digital Advertising Effectiveness

You have many measures at your disposal for tracking digital advertising campaign efficacy. The list includes: 

  • Clicks
  •  Impressions
  • Total site traffic, which breaks down traffic by paid search, email, and social traffic
  •  Cost per thousand impressions (CPM)
  • Bounce rate
  • Cost per conversion
  • Conversion rate
  • Customer lifetime value
  • Average cost per acquisition
  •  Engaged visit rate
  •  Return on advertising spend
The Google Ads home page where you can register to start doing digital advertising

Digital Advertising Platforms

The success of your digital display advertising campaign hinges on using the right advertising platform. Here are some options you might consider:

  • Adroll
  • RevContent
  • Bidvertiser
  • Taboola
  • Outbrain
  • LinkedIn Ads
  • TikTok Ads
  • Snapchat Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Pinterest Ads
  • Amazon Ads
  • Twitter Ads
  • Bing Ads
  • Google Ads
  • YouTube Ads
  • Facebook Ads

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Hire a Digital Advertising Agency

Digital ads can achieve your company’s goals in lead generation, conversions, and sales. If you’re struggling to formulate an advertising strategy, count on the pros at Mediaboom.

We’re a digital advertising agency that can help in areas like ad management, media buying, mobile apps, display ads, social ads, PPC, campaign management, and more. Contact us today for more information.