Property Management SEO

Property Management SEO – 10 Strategies to Boost Ranking

By: Frank DePino | May 4, 2023

Property management SEO is critical for increasing your online visibility so your company can generate more leads and convert customers. With property management projected to grow steadily over the remainder of the 2020s, competition will continue to mount. You need to surpass your competitors with smart Search Engine Optimization tactics.

What is property management SEO?

SEO for property management involves optimizing your website to improve its ranking in search engine results pages. You can do so through techniques like:

  • Website audits
  • Keyword research
  • Content marketing
  • Local SEO
  • Mobile Optimization
  • Backlinks
  • Boosting page speed

This guide for property management businesses will investigate your options for bolstering your SEO ranking so you can reap the rewards.

Mediaboom got a traffic boost after implementing its SEO strategy

SEO in Property Management

Search engine optimization or SEO is the process a company uses to improve its rank on search engine results pages or SERPs. Property management SEO is a specific form of Search Engine Optimization for property owners.

SEO is more important in the 2020s than perhaps ever. According to marketing resource WebFX, 93 percent of people’s online experiences start using a search engine.

Further, more than half of a website’s traffic­–approximately 53.3 percent–is attributed to organic search.

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The Benefits of SEO for Property Managers

SEO for property management has many advantages. Let’s review them now.

Increased Online Visibility

The stat we shared from the intro proves that the number of property management companies is on the rise. Your competition will only continue to grow from this point rather than thin out.

Your site must rank well, or potential customers will give their business to the competition. Marketing resource SMA Marketing reports that 75 percent of people searching for something online never go past the first page of SERPs.

WebFX reports that 95 percent of search traffic is rewarded to results on the first page.

If you’re not on that page, your property management business is invisible in the eyes of leads.

As you focus on SEO for property management and your rank gradually rises, you’ll build brand awareness and reap other rewards.

Improved Lead Generation

For instance, you’ll notice a continuous stream of leads. Curious customers will search “property management near me” or “property management in [location],” and there you are, right at the top.

Cost Effectiveness

Another great facet of property management SEO is how it’s a cost-effective solution to building and strengthening your brand and positively impacting your bottom line.

You’ll reach your potential customers on a platform they already use, such as Google or Bing. The initial investment is money well-spent, as Search Engine Optimization can pay back dividends over the long term.

Working with the right partners, such as an SEO agency, also makes it more affordable to grow your property management business with Search Engine Optimization.

Better Lead Engagement and Retention

Finally, SEO can increase your lead engagement by driving more website traffic. With your property management website so prominent, your target audience can learn more about your rental properties and services.

They’re more engaged from the onset and might be likelier to continually choose your business for their property management needs.

A Mediaboom customer increased traffic to his site after optimizing on-site and off-site SEO.

10 Strategies to Improve the SEO of Your Property Management Company

Now that you understand the importance of SEO for property management, let’s evaluate the tactics property owners can use to grow their website’s visibility.

1. Website Audit

First, start with a website audit. The audit will analyze your current website and reveal areas of improvement to increase property management SEO rank.

For instance, issues such as a lack of website security, unoptimized content, broken links, and a slow loading speed can affect your website’s ranking.

You might also decide to redesign your website as a result of the audit.

2. Keyword Research and Strategizing

When your target audience finds property management companies, what kinds of keywords do they search to do so? You can rely on keyword research to find the best SEO keywords to target your local market and properties.

Tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs make it easy to perform keyword research. Your keyword strategy will likely center around long-tail keywords, which have higher conversion rates, enhanced content visibility, and less competition due to their specificity.

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3. On-Page SEO

On-site or on-page Search Engine Optimization is another critical component of SEO for property management companies. This optimization process entails changing elements of your website to better serve the algorithm.

For example, you might update the site’s URL structure, meta descriptions, H1 headings, and title tags.

4. Content Marketing

The keywords you discovered in your research shouldn’t only get sprinkled across various pages of your property management website. You can also incorporate those keywords into website content such as your blog, landing pages, and infographics.

Content marketing is the creation of targeted content that appeals to your audience to educate, inform, and sometimes entertain them.

For example, you could create a checklist of neighborhood schools and grade each so new parents moving into the area can decide if the neighborhood is right for their families.

You could create a video theorizing about the top property management trends for the year or write a blog post with rental property investment tips.

5. Content Clustering

A good property management SEO strategy should also include content clusters.

As you build up your roster of content, you’ll discover common threads. Content clustering entails grouping related content and linking it internally to better optimize your website. You end up with a pillar page with branches full of cluster content.

Let’s use a broad topic like rental properties as an example. That would be the pillar, and all the content you’ve compiled about rental properties would be a part of the cluster, from videos to webinars, whitepapers, and blogs.

Mediaboom shows the results obtained by its agency after improving the local SEO

6. Local SEO

Your property management company is firmly rooted in your local area, so niche down to find your closest target audience with local SEO.

Several strategies we’ve looked at apply, including keyword research, website audits, and SEO audits.

Here are a few more tactics to try:

  • Complete your Google Business profile: A Google Business profile is a huge component of local SEO. If you haven’t already, claim your Google Business profile, fill out the information, and optimize the page by showcasing reviews, images, and videos of your property management company.
  • Write local content: Local content differs from standard website content because you’re using high-volume, long-tail local keywords discovered during a keyword research session.
  • Get on local business listings: Local business listings will include all property management services in your neighborhood. Your presence on the list can introduce you to new leads.

7. Mobile Optimization

You must expect that most of your audience will find you through mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, and smartwatches, not desktop computers. You must optimize your site for these users.

As we wrote about in a previous post, a mobile-first web design will improve conversions, engage your audience, and increase your SEO standing.

8. Build Backlinks

Search engine algorithms prioritize websites with backlinks. Your site needs high-quality backlinks from reputable sources. Having them tells the algorithm that your property management company has domain authority.

Mediaboom shows the performance of a property management website after SEO optimizations

9. Increase Page Speed and Core Web Vitals

The faster your website loads, the better. Blogging Wizard reports that your conversion rate goes up by 3x if your site loads in one second.

The next component of your property management SEO strategy must be improving your site speed if it doesn’t hit the mark. What are some strategies you can try today to speed up your website?

  • Consider switching web hosts
  • Add website caching
  • Reduce CSS and JavaScript files
  • Cut down on plugins
  • Optimize image size

10.  Measure Your Success

Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and tools within that vein can tell you how successful your SEO measures are with real-time metrics. Patience is key, as it can take months for all the hard work you’ve put into elevating your SEO to finally show.

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Hire a Property Management SEO Agency

Property management SEO is critical to growing your business, but if you just don’t have the time or expertise, you should consider hiring an SEO agency. Mediaboom serves industries like real estate, finance, accounting, and more, helping companies of all sizes achieve their Search Engine Optimization goals.

Whether you’re struggling to put your company on the map or have unsuccessfully tried SEO and aren’t sure where to go from here, we can help.

Contact us today to learn more about our property management SEO services.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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