cosmetic surgery advertising strategy

Cosmetic Surgery Advertising Strategy – 12 Tips for Success

By: Frank DePino | July 7, 2021

Plastic, cosmetic, reconstructive, and other services seek to gain their hold in their respective market area. Alternate customers weigh their decisions toward factors like pricing, comfort, and advantages, making the situation even more competitive. 

If you’re a cosmetic surgery provider, you have to turn up with more authority across different online platforms to grab your audience’s attention, build trust, and gain more clients through proven cosmetic surgery advertising strategy.

Cosmetic surgery advertising strategy – here’s 12 tips to help you stand out:

  1. Your Website and Branding
  2. Content Marketing
  3. Paid Advertising
  4. Optimize Your Website
  5. Online Reputation And Reviews
  6. Targeting Potential Clients
  7. Email Marketing
  8. Business Listings and Directories
  9. Online & Offline Tactics
  10. Schema Markup
  11. Research Competitors
  12. Remarket Your Services

Why Do You Need These Strategies?

You’ll always need these strategies to stand out in your new cosmetic surgery business or kick start the existing one. These strategies will help you in the following ways:

  • These strategies will help increase your website traffic
  • They can help you to reach your prospective clients  
  • Accentuate brand awareness among the locals and beyond!
  • By following the strategies, it will be easier to target new customers 
  • They will convert website users to clients
The surgeon is experimenting with 12 advertising strategies

Top 12 Cosmetic Surgery Advertising Strategies

These cosmetic surgery advertising strategy will not only help you make more money but also makes your job a whole lot less complicated.

So without further ado, let’s jump right into them.

1. Your Website and Branding

Wherever prospective clients hear about you, they’ll search online and finally end up on your website to explore more. Therefore, your website must be persuasive enough to compel visitors to take action. 

It should be visually and layout-wise clean and straightforward, and it should express your value proposition. 

Before and after photos, you should prominently display patient testimonies and any specific honors and certifications references on your cosmetic surgery marketing website.

After this, a branding method comes out in cosmetic surgery advertising strategy! 

Branding is a method of raising awareness about your product or service.

A branding marketing strategy is unlikely to result in a client contacting you for a plastic surgery consultation. But it can take them into your marketing funnel and optimization and a load of traffic.

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2. Content Marketing

If your site is the vehicle, then the content is the wheel that allows it to reach its potential customers. Publishing helpful, educational, and entertaining branded content is an incredible way to increase your site’s chances of ranking for keywords in searches. 

It also contributes to the development of your brand as a plastic/cosmetic surgery expert. Make a blog page on your website and provide meaningful and relevant content like blog articles, case summaries, graphics, and videos. 

Videos are expected to cover more than 82 percent of internet traffic from customers by 2022. 

Plastic surgeons have a distinct quality for video marketing because it is easier for new prospective patients to emotionally connect with former patients by listening to a story about someone’s cosmetic surgery journey instead of reading it.

In your blog postings, attempt to obtain additional visibility by taking advantage of content marketing opportunities and releasing your content on different social media platforms.

3. Paid Advertising

The Small Business Administration suggests spending 7 – 8 percent of your annual revenue in advertising if you’re making under $5 million in one year.

So, local search organic rank techniques are an excellent way to reap long-term benefits; but, you cannot always rely on organic approaches in the big world of cosmetic surgery advertising strategies. 

Here is when Google’s Pay-Per-Click (PPC) service comes into play. PPC is the process of bidding on Google Ads’ auction system to display ads for relevant and high intent local search keywords. 

The competition will set your budget and ad placement. In addition, you have complete control over your site’s local search ranking with PPC.

Mediaboom has optimized its website to provide food for thought

4. Optimize Your Website

According to Oberlo, Google processes more than 3.5 billion searches per day. Furthermore, intergrowth confirms that 68% of online experiences for customers initiates from a search engine. 

Furthermore, more than 80% of purchases on online stores come from organic traffic. 

These are just hardline facts, and there’s plenty more that confirms that having a ranked website is important to survive in the present online world. 

One of your primary objectives should be to optimize your website on the first page of search results when clients in your region search for your services. Local SEO strategies can help you rank for your focus keywords easily. 

Local SEO includes directory listings, maintaining NAP (name, address, and phone number) consistency, location pages, local content, online reviews, local link building, social media community management, etc.

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5. Online Reputation And Reviews

Reviews and reputation play an important role in the decision-making process of your prospective customer. That is why you must collect as many reviews as possible, as it is a significant part of cosmetic surgery advertising strategy. 

If your service is outstanding, you will receive primarily favorable feedback, which will help your reputation. However, because no one is faultless, you may get a few negative reviews, which can harm your internet reputation. 

Using an online reputation management solution may help you manage all parts of online reviews. That includes collecting, forwarding to review sites, responding, and even analyzing them to learn more about your service and the overall client satisfaction.

6. Targeting Potential Clients

Your perfect prospective audience is grown and affluent enough people to devote time, money, and attention to accept your services. This practice is known as one of the best cosmetic surgery advertising strategies due to its vast results.

Facebook is the ideal platform for reaching out to your new clients. In addition, Facebook’s targeting choices extend outside demographics. Annual income level, marital status, dating interests, shopping habits, beauty product interests, and purchases are just a few of the many choices available for you. 

Not just Facebook, but there are so many other platforms that allow you to target potential customers based on various criteria, including their income level.

Demand for plastic surgery was high in 2019. However, it fell in 2020 due to the corona pandemic as the American Society of Plastic Surgeons announced that the figures in 2020 were almost 2.3 million for cosmetic surgery. 

So, now there are again so many clients waiting for your services!

7. Email Marketing

Many people make the misbelief that now email is outmoded and worthless. But this is not true at all!

Email marketing is one of the powerful cosmetic surgery advertising strategies when utilized correctly. Use your email marketing strategy with your website and social media to run a successful cosmetic surgery campaign to prospect your audience effectively. 

Here are some more points to remember as you prepare to send your following email:

  1. To highlight one-time specials, you can send out group emails.
  2. Use a solution that provides detailed analytics, including conversion rates. Because it is critical to know how many people have read your email and what percentage have clicked on your links.
  3. Remember that it is significantly less expensive to keep clients than to find new ones.
  4. Provide discounts to clients who have demonstrated their dedication to your service.
  5. You can also segment your email and target it to specific groups. For example, you can target readers based on their age, procedure type, background, and other factors.
  6. Make sure that you are sending your email to a real person. 
The plastic surgeon is registering his business in a specialized directory

8. Business Listings and Directories

Maintaining consistency of your information across 100s of internet directories is not a feasible use of your or your staff’s work. 

Having accurate information ensures that all customers receive the same company information, such as your practice’s name, phone number, and address. 

Consistent business listings and directories are vital in cosmetic surgery advertising strategy to improve the recruitment of clients. Therefore, you must have a strong internet presence and use online marketing to get your more dream clients.

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9. Online & Offline Tactics

As we move on to discussing offline & online cosmetic surgery advertising strategy alternatives, keep in mind that online promotion should be your top goal. 

In the long term, it is simply more cost-effective. With that said, you should keep your eyes out for offline prospects. You should concentrate your efforts on techniques that are most relevant to your specializations and the demographics of your clients.

Here are some online and offline tactics to market your cosmetic surgery services persuasively:

10. Schema Markup

Structured data is information added into a webpage to enable search engines to understand the content better. This information is commonly known as “schema markup.”

There is schema markup for medical organizations, clinics, and, more recently, cosmetic surgery. Yoast SEO and RankMath plug-ins make it simple to apply schema on your website, but you must know what you’re doing.

In this cosmetic surgery advertising strategy, you may need to hire an SEO expert to apply the suitable schema on your cosmetic surgery website.

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12 Ways to Drive Traffic To Your MedSpa Website

Looking for better ways to bring in new clients? Get insights into growing your medical spa business, attracting new clients, and increasing the awareness of your brand in this 12 step guide.

11. Research Competitors

Identifying your competitors, assessing the strengths and weaknesses of their products and services are all part of competitive research. 

By examining your competitors, you can determine how your products and services compare and what kind of risk they pose to your firm. It also helps you identify industry trends that you may miss.

The following are four advantages of conducting competitive research:

  1. Recognize Your Market. The ability to recognize and predict trends in your market helps to increase the consumer value proposition. This is an important aspect of competitive research that you should keep running at all times.
  2. Improving Your Marketing Strategy. Your customers are interested in how your product or service will improve their lives. Suppose customers are going to go to one of your competitors, most likely because the firm does a better job of benefiting the client base or because the company is a superior product. Competitive research enables you to understand why clients choose to buy from you or your competitors, as well as how your competitors promote their products. 
  3. Identifying Market Inefficiencies. When you conduct competitive research, you examine your competitors’ strengths and flaws. When you look at the data, you’ll notice that there is frequently a part of underserved populations. This could place your company in an advantageous position to reach such clients.
  4. Making Plans For The Future. This is an important benefit of competitor research in cosmetic surgery advertising strategies. It can help you develop a strategic plan for your company. This includes improving your product or service, employing more efficient techniques to increase prices, and rising product advertising.
Mediaboom shows how it set up a retargeting campaign on Google Ads

12. Remarket Your Services

Potential plastic surgery patients do not usually change on the first visit to their website. They may forget about you until they are ready after considering other possibilities. With remarketing, you can be at the forefront of their minds throughout their research process. 

When users visit your site, a cookie or pixel (a bit of code) is placed on their system by their browser, allowing you to display ads (including Facebook ads) on each site. In which they enter from time to time from the same browser.


Provide Quality Services as Marketing Done by Satisfied Customers Has no Match!

You can only do it by giving quick responses and upbeat services to clients. Make sure that their requirements are addressed in a way that reflects well on your business. By offering these quality services, you will get most of your hard work for sure!

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In Conclusion

The time has come to extend your business! However, simply depending on your superior methods to attract more people cannot guarantee development, especially when competitors in your area promise the same, even not better, service. 

So, let’s your business and take it to the next level! Follow the above cosmetic surgery advertising strategies to keep ahead of your competitors.

Contact now Mediaboom to boost your cosmetic surgery advertising strategy.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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