how to promote a plastic surgeon

5 Smart Ways to Promote a Plastic Surgeon

By: Frank DePino | June 23, 2021

More than 17.7 million surgical and non-surgical procedures were performed in the United States in 2018, hinting at an increasing trend in the importance of plastic surgeons. This trend has spread across the world. Instagram influencers and models are leading this movement.

Plastic surgeons worldwide are on their toes to promote their businesses, reach a larger audience, and make millions in the process.

Plastic surgeries ranging from facelifts for the reconstruction of dog bites have appealed to all genders and age groups.

Like Kendal Jenner and Huda Kattan, celebrities have been reinforcing people’s confidence in enhancing their beauty through plastic surgery.

How to Promote a Plastic Surgeon?

Plastic surgery is a delicate and slow process. Before you go pouring money on digital marketing for plastic surgery, you should know the audience demographic. Most people are hesitant about getting a Medspa procedure. Use a soft and persuasive tone to explain to them the process. Send the right message through your brand. Reinforce your message by presenting them with facts and figures.

Win over your potential patients through different techniques, which we will explain later in the article.

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The Need for Promoting a Plastic Surgeon

2021 is the year of competition. The competition is not going anywhere anytime soon. Those days are past us when distributing brochures was the only way to promote businesses.

An average adult spends at least 4 hours a day on his smartphone. Digital marketing is the go-to process to promote brands. You have high chances of getting new customers if you manage to attract them to your pitch, even for a few seconds.

Plastic surgeons have realized the need for marketing their brands locally and through the internet.

This way, they can attract new customers and keep the existing ones coming back for more. In addition to that, smart marketing will address the stereotypes related to plastic surgery.

Are you looking to enter the cosmetic surgery market of $50 billion? Or do you want to promote your existing brand to new heights? Here are some tips on how you to market your plastic surgery practice:

Information Your Website Must Have!

Your website is the stepping stone in promoting your business as a plastic surgeon. The website increases your credibility and gives the user an insight into your services.

Your website must have the following things to increase your chances of landing new customers.

Medical Licenses

What is the first thing you look for when you enter a pharmacy?  The pharmacist’s license to sell the medicine. The same applies to your website.

Your medical license acts as a seal of legitimacy. Attach photos of your certificates and licenses, which you have acquired through the course of your career.

Dr. Qazi, a professional plastic surgeon, received help from Mediaboom to achieve his goals with digital marketing.


Once you have established your legality, it is time to use the influencing capability of your customers. No one can vouch for you better than your previous customers.

Put client testimonials on your website to make it look attractive.

You can use short videos from your clients as testimonials. Putting the reviews in the form of text with relevant photos of your customers will bring your website to life.

A Persuasive Mission Statement

A concise and clear mission statement echoes through your customers. The mission statement will inform the world what your business means to you. It conveys the standards you uphold to serve your patients.

Add how and why your company does it. Let everyone know the motivational force that drives your ambitions.

It must make an impression on the minds of your potential customers. Keep it short and comprehensive at the same time.

A Brief Description of the Procedures

Plastic surgery has a wide scope in the surgical world. Breast augmentation, liposuction, jaw reshaping, and reconstruction of birth and burn marks are the most popular ones.

A brief but informative explanation of the procedures you offer will clear any confusion of the website surfer. Advertise any deal you are offering to newer clients on your webpage.

Plastic surgeons have received a new client after applying the 5 steps recommended by Mediaboom

How to Market a Plastic Surgery Practice – 5 Practical Tips

Now that you have established your website and provided the content required to make your business understandable, it is time to reach your audience by applying essential marketing strategies.

We will tell you the best way to set up sites and online media pages to advance your reach in an efficient style.

1. Make the Interface Aesthetic and Interactive

Make it easier for people to interact and browse through your page and website content. 

Human attention span has decreased to 8 seconds in the last couple of decades, so you must keep your potential customers hooked to your website. In this way, they can find out more about your plastic surgery business.

Design the pages so that the content is easier to consume. Add FAQs to solve the queries of your clients. Optimize the interface to make it mobile phone-friendly. 

2. Target Search Marketing

Google processed over 3.5 billion searches in 2021. Your goal is to rank higher on various search engines when people are looking for plastic surgeons nearby.

Optimize your social media pages to get more traffic. You should have sound knowledge of keywords related to your niche.

This is where both SEM(Search Engine Marketing) and SEO(Search Engine Optimization) comes into play.

Start by creating a Google Ads account. Choose which catchphrases you need the promotions to be based on.

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12 Ways to Drive Traffic To Your MedSpa Website

Looking for better ways to bring in new clients? Get insights into growing your medical spa business, attracting new clients, and increasing the awareness of your brand in this 12 step guide.

3. Add a Descriptive, Fun Video

Add a video that describes your business on your website and across all major social media platforms. It shouldn’t solely be fun but informative at the same time.

Videos influence way more than text or photos. Use it to your advantage. Hire an expert and creative video editor to bring color and sentience to your business. 

4. Purchase Ads on Several Social Media Platforms

Established social media platforms, including Facebook and Instagram, allow business pages to pay for customized ads on the user’s feed.

You can increase your traffic and conversion rates by using this technique.

It is a cost-effective way to provide massive sales boost to your plastic surgeon marketing. You have the option of advertising through videos or photos.

Include Call-to-Actions and clickable links to your website and social media pages on the ads. The user will explore your page and might end up spending hours researching the services you provide.

5. Create a Blog and Regularly Add Search Engine Optimized Content Describing the Services You Offer

Creating a blog section on your website will optimize your website for various platforms. Posting blogs regularly on cosmetic surgery topics will help readers understand the pros and cons of different procedures.

Subtly promote your services through the blog through links to your social media pages and phone numbers.

You will build a community by adding a comment section in your blogs to interact with each other.

A plastic surgeon is looking for the best platforms to promote his business

How to Market Plastic Surgery – The Ideal Platforms

Plastic surgery has seen growing online traffic as compared to its online presence a decade ago.

Millions of searches are carried out by curious users about cosmetic surgery. There are paid and unpaid ways to market your skills as a plastic surgeon.

You can market your plastic surgery practice in the following ways:

1. Organic Social Media Marketing

Marketing your brand organically means you don’t have to dish out cash to promote your business.

Using custom hashtags, SEO content, and understanding the algorithm will make a world of difference in increasing your organic traffic.

The ideal course of action is to post original content regularly. The algorithm will start acting in your favor if you frequently post about your business as a plastic surgeon.

Optimize your social media pages to rank higher in search results. Try to think out of the box to promote your services. Keep your content fresh and similar to the ongoing trends. 

Some plastic surgery companies are running paid advertising to convert users in clients.

2. Paid Advertising

Paid promotion is as important as organic traffic. But you must keep a balance between the two. Sticking to only organic marketing will not guarantee faster growth.

Paid promotion acts as the missing piece of the puzzle to take your plastic surgeon marketing to the next level.

Below are some ways to market to promote plastic surgery:

  • PPC Ads

Pay-per-click ads are ones where you pay the search engine whenever someone clicks your ads. You advertise your services based on keywords.

Google Ads works on this model and is a smart way to rank your website higher without putting much strain on your pocket.

For instance, if you pay $4 for a single click and through the click, you end up performing surgery of $500, then it is a pretty good deal!

You should have a simple but exceptional and do keyword research before posting your ad and getting better ROI( Return on Investment).

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  • Print Media

You can go old-school and advertise through newspapers and health-related newsletters. This is a great way to market your business locally.

However, this is not effective if you try to reach customers outside of your city or state. Print media doesn’t offer much in terms of customization.

Promoting through billboards and magazines is another option.

  • Electronic Media

Electronic media in the form of television has been around for more than a century. Other forms include emails and mobile phones.

Televisions and smartphones are present in every household and are viable platforms to promote your cosmetic surgery activity.

Issue monthly or weekly email newsletters containing information about the work you have done recently. Leave customers reviews and testimonials, preferably on the first page.

Run ads on television and radio to increase your reach in your locality.

As mentioned earlier, purchasing ads on social media sites can provide a sales boost to your cosmetic surgery business. 

3. Distributing Brochures and Flyers

It is a cheap alternative to stimulate your sales in your business location. Hire people to distribute brochures and flyers outside of train stations and other public areas.

You shouldn’t get ahead of yourself while getting the brochure designed. Keep it plain and simple. It should convey a crystal clear message to passengers. Add images to make it interesting. 

Remember to put the expenses of the medical procedures you are offering on the brochure.

The doctor is explaining the practical cost of an operation to her patient.

Clearly State the Cost Associated With Every Procedure

Once you have established what the customer wants, introduce the cost of the procedures in the conversation.

Plastic surgery can be expensive so try to offer the best deals out there without compromising the quality of your services.

It shouldn’t include any hidden charges that may prove to be a nuisance for the customer later on. Remember, the more you make it easier for them to operate, the more your business will grow.

Provide multiple payment options, ranging from cash and credit cards to digital wallets.

The cost of the different surgeries should be uniform across platforms. If you are offering any deals or promotions, advertise them on your social media pages and websites. Offer loyalty programs for existing and new customers.

Highlight and Emphasize the Testimonial/Review Section!

Your customers are your strongest suit in promoting your plastic surgery business. Maintain a strong presence on review websites like Yelp or Angie’s List.

Always remind your customers to give you the token of approval.

Have a high-quality video shot as a testimonial from your most loyal customers and add soft music to the background to make it appealing and likable.

Written testimonials and the client’s photos can show the great job you have done with the customers.

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12 Ways to Drive Traffic To Your MedSpa Website

Looking for better ways to bring in new clients? Get insights into growing your medical spa business, attracting new clients, and increasing the awareness of your brand in this 12 step guide.

Final Words

Advancing your business as a specialist on various platforms can have a notable impact on your influence on the Medspa market.

Using methods ranging from Medspa SEO and paid advertisements will help your business to reach the zenith.

However, the service you provide the customer at your clinic and basic treatment of the patient will keep them hooked to your plastic surgery business.

Contact now Mediaboom to promote your plastic surgeon business!

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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