best contact page designs

Best Contact Page Designs – 15 Inspirational Examples

By: Frank DePino | June 26, 2023

For many companies, the contact page becomes an afterthought. It is one of the most important pages on your website and it is where you begin the conversation with potential customers. As is often the case with contact pages, if it fails to produce that final action by the user, a potential customer is lost.

Your contact page doesn’t have to be overly designed or stuffed full of information, but it does have to have all the right details. These seven best practices will ensure your contact page is perfect.

7 fundamental elements of a successful contact page

1. Include All of Your Contact Details

It may seem obvious, but the most critical element to include on your contact page is your contact details. All of them. Think about it from a user experience perspective. You don’t know how your customers prefer to contact you. Older ones may want to use the phone or mail, while younger customers may prefer using social media. Most people will want to email you, but unless it’s your company’s policy to conduct business only through a limited number of methods, it’s best to include every contact method your company uses.


  • Email Address(es) or contact form
  • Physical/Mailing Address
  • Embedded Google Map and link
  • Operating Hours
  • Phone number
  • Social Media
  • Other contact methods

Hubspot does a good job of providing users with different ways of contacting them. Whether a customer wants support, needs to talk to a salesperson, or has a question, Hubspot’s contact page does a great job of guiding the user to their desired information (and ensuring they are directing their message to the correct person). Another great add-on is the use of live chat if the user just imply want to do a quick chat to get their questions answered in a timely fashion.

Hubspot has created a very professional contact page, with prominent calls to action

2. Choose the Best Email Methods

You may be wondering whether to include a generic contact email address, several more specific generic email addresses, staff addresses, or a contact form. This depends on how your company prefers to conduct business. Most pages don’t choose just one method. They give users multiple options.

A generic email only works if you have a staff member or several who can sort through the inbox and forward emails to the appropriate contact points.

A contact form with a drop-down menu of general topics is a great option if you don’t have a staff person who can constantly manage a generic inbox. The drop-down menu can direct the emails to the contact points attached to those topics. Zendesk uses a contact form with a drop-down menu on their beautifully simple contact page, with options to direct a message to various departments such as billing or employment.

Having several generic email addresses for various topics is a great way to avoid using the contact form, but still get emails directed to the contact points for those topics.

Including staff email addresses on the contact page can result in staff members getting spam and many mistaken emails that they have to forward. However, including staff emails can be helpful for businesses in which staff have strong personal relationships with clients. If a client is out-of-town or somehow loses the contact details of their contact, they can easily find it on the contact page.

SEM Rush does a great job guiding their users into contacting the correct person by providing several Call-To-Action’s such as “Ask Question”, “Request a Demo”, or “Contact Sales Team”. By offering clear and concise contact methods, both you and your clients will find the process streamlined and efficient.

3. Use the Appropriate CTA

Not everyone on your contact page is ready to buy. Some enter your contact page in the exploratory/research phases, some may have a question they couldn’t find an answer to on your site, some may be having technical issues with your site, and yes, some are ready to buy your services. Your contact page should acknowledge these differences.

In the copy on your page, you should make it aware that you welcome contact from anyone requesting a consultation, seeking more information, or any other popular requests you get from potential customers (you would know best what they are). For those who may have spotted a mistake on your website, you can either have a drop-down topic for them to choose or include a link to your webmaster’s email somewhere on the page.

Scribd takes this a step further by creating separate contact pages for different inquiries. Visitors have to choose one of the reasons to contact the company, and after selecting one, the visitor is either linked to an email address or taken to a separate page with the relevant contact information.

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4. Show Some Personality

Contacting a company can sometimes be intimidating. Do my questions come across as too basic? Is there any interest in a small account like mine? Could they be too busy to answer my questions?

By adding a dash of personality to your contact page copy, you can soothe those worries. Many successful contact pages solve a common concern by stating that you will be talking to a human and you will hear back from a human, no matter how you contact them.

Another way to create a more personable contact page is to include images of staff members who will be answering the emails. You can even add short, fun quotes about how they enjoy answering contact emails or simply love their job. Campaign Monitor has a great picture of a friendly-looking staff member with a product-related quote next to their form to help humanize the company.

5. Set Expectations

With the popularity of website chat functions and 24/7 customer service hotlines, customers are becoming used to instantaneous responses to their inquiries. It’s important to set expectations for when they can expect an answer, so they don’t get antsy. If you’re using a contact form, this information can be included in the automated response. If your contact page lists email addresses without a form, you should also include response times in the page’s copy.

For certain questions or inquiries that you prefer to deal with via specific methods of contact, you can also highlight those situations on your contact page. This way, you can direct people to the best communication method and avoid wasting their time if something is best handled on the phone versus email, or email versus social media.

At the very top of the page, Basecamp puts their current average response time. While their response time is much faster than an average business, including the time front-and-center is a great way to set expectations. Also, note the fun illustrations of their staff (a great personalization factor).

Basecamp has introduced automated replies on its contact page to help users find the answers they are looking for.

6. Create Informative Automated Responses

When designing and writing copy for your contact page, don’t forget about the elements you can’t see—your automated responses. It’s important to take time to create friendly copy that thanks them for their email and sets expectations for response times. Just like the copy on your contact page, the tone of voice should be personable.

If you have a drop-down menu, you may be able to send different automated messages depending on what topic the user chose. It’s important to include as much personalization as you can. This shows customers that not only do you know that they sent a message, but you know what topic it was about. It also allows you to list different response times depending on the subject of the inquiry.

7. Keep It Simple

The design of your contact page is important, but it should remain as simple as possible. There is no need to add animations or other distracting elements. Instead, the information should be allowed to shine. Create contact pages with the most critical information taking precedence. Having all the required information displayed pleasingly is a design feat on its own, so don’t add any unnecessary complications.

The 15 Best Contact Page Design

1. Mediaboom

Mediaboom has a clear and professional contact page design, focused on the colors of the brand


The Connecticut-based digital marketing agency Mediaboom has a clean, concise contact page that inspires readers to take action. The large headline copy that reads “Get Results. Contact Us Today” is followed up by a few more lines of copy to describe Mediaboom’s services more succinctly.

The golden and gray color-blocked elements, which brilliantly incorporate Mediaboom’s logo colors, keep the contact form and contact information separate. Users can pick up the phone or send an email to Mediaboom, as all the info they need to do so is front and center.

The contact page also includes testimonials to inspire trust in Mediaboom’s services.

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2. Qazi Clinic

Dr.Qazi displays a contact page design  full of information and very intuitive


Orange County, California’s Quazi Clinic specializes in cosmetic dermatology. Its contact page further drives home the luxury med-spa experience awaiting clients with inviting copy.

This med-spa website design example also features several ways to contact the company on one page. You can click the golden Book an Appointment CTA button, write an email through the website, call the clinic, or get directions. You can also use the CTA button to schedule a consultation at the bottom of the page.

Just as Mediaboom does on its contact page, Quazi Clinic uses social proof, including a list of the high-profile publications its work has been featured in and before and after photos.

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3. Millennium Tower

Millennium Tower has a minimal contact page design, with the background image photographing San Francisco


The larger-than-life imagery showcased on Millennium Tower’s website, a San Francisco luxury high-rise, visually exemplifies the goals of this site and suits the design elements seen throughout.

However, the rest of the contact page is kept intentionally simple, making this one of the best contact page designs examples on the list. Millennium Tower’s contact information is easily accessible, including its address, phone number, and email address.

You can also contact the company directly through its general inquiries form.

4. Guardian Jet

Guardian Jet's contact page design is very minimal, showing a contact form with a gray background


Guardian Jet specializes in aircraft consulting, appraisals, and brokerage. Its charming yet to-the-point contact page wins it a mention on our list.

The copy makes it clear that you can use the contact page to reach Guardian Jet’s market research team, senior consultants, aircraft appraisers, aircraft brokers, and other parties. The contact information layout inspires leads to reach out, and the inclusion of a contact form is smart.

The page also has a subcategory called “If it’s after business hours…”with options to learn about Guardian Jet’s services, look at their aviation events calendar, read articles and blogs, or watch videos.

5. GSB Bank

The GSB Bank contact page is very attractive, with welcoming colors that invite the user to leave a message


How about a contact page example for a bank website? GSB Bank instantly connects you with its cash management team via this page. Here, you can find the contact information for four GSB experts above the fold, including the Vice President of Cash Management.

You can also learn more about GSB’s services as you continue scrolling, read about their banking center and lobby hours, and schedule an appointment.

6. Hughes Marino

Huges Marino displays the inside of his company as a background image on his contact page design


Commercial real estate advisors Hughes Merino craft an inviting contact page. The graphic of its headquarters has copy that reads, “We’d love to hear from you for any reason, any time,” which inspires new leads and long-term customers alike to reach out.

As you scroll, Hughes Marino includes its corporate headquarters’ contact information (including directions and parking) and a contact form.

Huges Marino's contact form, very simple and professional at the same time.

However, the best part of this page by far is how the real estate website offers the option to contact its President and COO. The headline reads, “The buck stops here.” You can then reach the COO via email “directly and confidentially.”

7. Ferrari

The contact page design of the Ferrari automobile company enhances its professionalism with a panoramic photo of its factory


Luxury vehicle brand Ferrari is a worldwide institution, with its factories and headquarters scattered globally. What makes this among the best contact page designs examples on our list is how the contact page unifies the various parties onto one page for customer convenience.

For example, you can learn more about the hours and location of the Ferrari museums, including their contact information. You can redirect yourself to the Ferrari online store or reach the company’s roadside assistance or customer care services.

The clean design of the contact page makes it simple to toggle from one option to another, and its responsivity is another great feature.

8. Four Seasons

The FourSeason contact page design highlights the elegance of the black color in contrast with the white


Four Seasons is a sterling travel website example that prioritizes customer service. Since the company offers its hotel services worldwide, its contact page makes it exceptionally simple to find the telephone number for the hotel branch you’d like to reach.

You can browse the global toll-free telephone list. Four Seasons also includes instructions on toll-free calling, such as whether you must use an AT&T Direct Access number.

You also have the option to dial direct if you wish. You can find that contact information lower on the page.

9. Rosewood

Rosewood uses a professional font and eye-catching colors that contrast with the white background of the contact page design


Rosewood is another hotel and travel website with the best contact page designs. The site is geared toward making the lives of its customers easy, from copy that reads, “How can we help you?” to all the contact information a lead or customer could want laid out on the page.

For example, you can reach the corporate offices (in Hong Kong or the United States), any of the hotels or resorts under the Rosewood umbrella, or the toll-free number to make a room reservation.

If you wish to reach out about a different matter, the contact form lets you select an inquiry type and a Rosewood property.

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10. Michelle Pais Group

The Michelle Pais Group contact form is simple and opens by clicking the site menu, on the same page as a popup


New Jersey real estate company Michelle Pais Group invites you to its website with a large, scrolling video carousel. The company’s contact page is much simpler by comparison. It features a light gray background, straightforward copy, and contact details for any of the Michelle Pais offices.

You can also send an online inquiry via a contact form or connect with the company on social media. Another smart design element of this page and any other on the site is you can click a large X in the top right corner so you’re redirected to the homepage.

11. PhilipWatch

The Philp Watch contact page design is professional and easy for users to fill out


Swiss luxury watch brand PhilipWatch has an all-encompassing, appealing website with design elements aplenty, from full-sized videos to high-res images showcasing the brand’s products. Its contact page strips back the details to a utilitarian degree.

The page features a white background with a contact form. You can select a specific reason for your inquiry (shipments, suggestions, complaints, orders, or general information), then input your contact information and message.

You can also contact PhilipWatch by phone, as the contact page includes the company’s phone number and hours of availability. 

12. Gucci

The Gucci contact form allows you to select the purpose of your request before sending the message


Like Ferrari, Gucci is a global luxury brand. Since this fashion house has such a long list of available services, its contact page allows users to find the precise service they’re seeking without having to do a lot of clicking around.

The options include corporate gifting, repairs, and inquiries about online purchases or the Gucci website. Each option has a dropdown you can access by clicking the +. That reveals the respective contact information.

The black-text-on-white-background Gucci uses is common in the luxury sphere but presents a simple enough design scheme that it doesn’t detract from finding the information users need.

13. Cartier

Cartier's Contact page communicates all the luxury of its brand, even before showing the contact options


The watchmaking, jewelry, and luxury goods brand Cartier has a contact page built to serve. You can connect directly with Cartier Ambassadors using a contact method that’s most convenient to you, such as phone, email, live chat, or visiting in person.

The live chat feature is quite convenient for those multitasking but who still wish to speak to a live representative. Those who would rather exhaust their own resources before reaching out can always browse Cartier’s FAQ.

This knowledge base could answer some customer questions, freeing up the reps to address more complex questions.

14. Ralph Lauren

Ralph lauren has an eye-catching design for his contact page as well


Retailer Ralph Lauren invites customers and leads to reach out with the copy “We Want to Hear From You…” on its website. The clean, well-designed contact page with a white background and black text makes it easy to navigate options.

You can launch a live chat, send a text message, or email the company through its contact form. All along, Ralph Lauren encourages communication by stating, “Your feedback is important to us.”

The page also has a brief policy ensuring users that their email addresses won’t be sold to third parties or used for promotions.

15.  Swarovski

Swarowski enhances the luxury of its brand with an eye-catching design of its contact page.


Swarovski streamlines the customer service process, which is why it’s among the best contact page designs examples we’ve looked at. It’s possible to select topics such as website problems, Swarovski Club, payment, delivery, or online ordering, then choose from menu options designed to solve your specific problem.

You can even join the Swarovski Club from the contact page, as it’s bookended by a pink graphic that appealingly contrasts with the beige background of the page. You can also connect to live chat or discuss returns on the contact page.

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The best contact page designs should set customer expectations, inject some personality, use automated responses, and include plenty of modes of contact. You should also favor a simple design approach.

Does your company need a contact page revamp? Reach out to the digital media specialists at Mediaboom. We’ve worked with clients across many industries, from luxury websites to med-spa, real estate, travel, and other verticals.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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