Hotel SEO Strategy

SEO for Hotels – 13 Solid Techniques for Top Visibility

By: Frank DePino | March 15, 2024

As the number of hotels in the United States surpasses 165,000, implementing effective SEO for hotels is essential to stand out.

To boost SEO for hotels, make sure to follow these strategies:  

  1. On-Page SEO  
  2. Keyword Research  
  3. Optimized Content  
  4. Mobile-Friendly Design  
  5. User Experience  
  6. Schema Markups  
  7. Off-Page SEO  
  8. Link Building  
  9. Content Marketing  
  10. Social Media Engagement  
  11. Managing Guest Reviews  
  12. Technical SEO  
  13. Local SEO Tactics

Continue reading to explore our comprehensive guide on SEO for hotels and enhance your visibility and rankings.

1. On-Page SEO

On-page optimization strategies are essential for ensuring that a hotel’s website effectively communicates its offerings, amenities, and location to potential guests. This ultimately drives higher rankings and more bookings.

On-Page SEO refers to the optimization efforts made directly on a website to improve its search engine rankings and increase organic traffic. 

It involves optimizing various elements within the website’s content, structure, and HTML source code. This makes the site more accessible, relevant, and user-friendly to search engine algorithms.

These optimizations aim to enhance the website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). They attract targeted traffic by focusing on factors such as keyword optimization and content quality. Additional focuses include meta tags, internal linking, and user experience improvements.

On-page optimization strategies are essential for ensuring that a hotel’s website effectively communicates its offerings, amenities, and location to potential guests. This ultimately drives higher rankings and more bookings.

Image showcasing keyword research data with various search terms relevant to hotel SEO and their search volumes.

2. Keyword Research for the Hotel Industry

Keyword research is a pillar of search engine optimization, but centralizing the terms you choose for your hotel will keep your keywords relevant to your audience.

Begin with keyword research to discover what your target audience searches for.

Identify relevant short and long-tail keywords to use in your website’s content, such as blogs and landing pages.

Local Keywords

  • Differentiate between local and national keywords, focusing on specific geographic areas such as neighborhoods or cities.
  • Tailor SEO strategy to target local search traffic effectively.
  • Brainstorm relevant terms related to the hotel’s local amenities, attractions, and nearby landmarks.
  • Consider including localized phrases that reflect the unique characteristics of the hotel’s location.

National Keywords

  • Understand the distinction between local and national keywords, targeting broader audiences across the country or internationally.
  • Adapt SEO strategy to capture national search traffic effectively.
  • Brainstorm relevant terms related to the hotel’s broader offerings, services, and target market.
  • Incorporate keywords that appeal to travelers seeking accommodations nationwide or globally.

How to Find Good Keywords

  • Utilize keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs.
  • Input seed keywords related to the hotel’s industry, offerings, and location into the keyword research tool.
  • Analyze search volumes, competition levels, and keyword trends to identify potential opportunities.
  • Choose keywords that strike a balance between search volume and competitiveness, aligning closely with the hotel’s offerings and target market.
  • Incorporate a mix of short-tail (one to three words) and long-tail (phrases containing three or more words) keywords to capture a wide range of search queries.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

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3. Optimized Hotel Website Content

The next pillar of on-site SEO for hotels is content optimization

This tactic aims to align your content with the needs and interests of your target audience.

Additionally, it maximizes its potential to rank well in search engine results.

To optimize your content effectively, you should:

  • Utilize the keywords you discovered during your research, strategically incorporating them into your content, titles, and meta descriptions to signal relevance to search engines and attract targeted traffic.
  • Optimize header tags (H1, H2, etc.) to structure your content logically and make it more scannable for both users and search engines.
  • Ensure your URL structure is concise, descriptive, and keyword-rich, providing both users and search engines with valuable insights into the content of each page.
  • Include descriptive and keyword-rich alt text for images to improve accessibility, enhance user experience, and provide additional context for search engines.
  • Implement an internal linking strategy to connect related pages and content on your website, facilitating navigation for users and distributing link equity throughout your site’s architecture.
  • Back up your claims and data with authoritative resources and citations, reinforcing the credibility and trustworthiness of your content.

Crafting Compelling and Relevant Meta Descriptions for Search Engine Snippets

Meta descriptions provide a brief summary of a web page’s content. They play a crucial role in enticing users to click through to your website from search engine results pages (SERPs).

Best Practices:

  • Keep it concise: Aim for around 150-160 characters to ensure your entire meta description appears in search results.
  • Incorporate keywords: Include relevant keywords naturally within the meta description to signal relevance to both users and search engines.
  • Provide value: Clearly communicate the unique selling points or benefits of the page to entice users to click.
  • Avoid duplicate content: Ensure each meta description is unique and accurately reflects the content of the corresponding page.
  • Use calls to action: Encourage users to take action, such as “Learn more,” “Shop now,” or “Book today,” to increase click-through rates.
Diagram illustrating the structuring of web content for enhanced readability and SEO impact, vital for a hotel's digital presence.

Structuring Content for Readability and SEO Impact

Header tags (H1, H2, etc.) help organize content hierarchically and provide visual cues to users.

They also inform search engines about the structure and relevance of the page’s content.

Best Practices:

  • Use H1 for main headings: Reserve the H1 tag for the main title or heading of the page, focusing on the primary topic or keyword.
  • Organize content with H2-H6 tags: Use subheadings (H2-H6) to break up content into logical sections and improve readability.
  • Incorporate keywords: Include relevant keywords in header tags to reinforce the topic and optimize for search intent.
  • Maintain consistency: Use a consistent hierarchy of header tags throughout the page to provide clarity and coherence to both users and search engines.

Creating Clear, Keyword-Rich URLs for Improved Navigation and Indexing

URL structure plays a significant role in both user experience and search engine optimization. It provides valuable context about the content of a page.

Best Practices:

  • Keep it concise and descriptive: Use clear, concise, and descriptive URLs that accurately reflect the content of the page.
  • Incorporate keywords: Include relevant keywords in the URL to signal relevance to search engines and improve visibility for targeted searches.
  • Use hyphens to separate words: Use hyphens (-) to separate words in the URL for readability and to improve search engine understanding.
  • Avoid unnecessary parameters: Minimize the use of parameters, session IDs, or dynamic URLs, which can complicate indexing and cause duplicate content issues.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

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Enhancing Accessibility and SEO Value Through Descriptive Image Attributes

Image alt text (or alt attributes) provide alternative text descriptions for images, improving accessibility for visually impaired users.

They also provide valuable context to search engines.

Best Practices:

  • Be descriptive: Write clear and descriptive alt-texts that accurately describe the image’s content and function.
  • Include keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords naturally into alt text to provide additional context and optimize for image search.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing: While it’s essential to include keywords, prioritize clarity and relevance in alt text and avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Use alt text for decorative images: For purely decorative images, use empty alt attributes (alt=””) to indicate to screen readers that the image is decorative and doesn’t convey important information.

Guiding Users and Search Engines Through Seamless Website Navigation

Internal linking helps establish a hierarchical structure within a website. It also distributes link equity and guides users and search engines to relevant content.

Best Practices:

  • Use descriptive anchor text: Use descriptive and relevant anchor text for internal links to provide context about the linked page’s content.
  • Prioritize relevance: Link to related or complementary content that enhances the user’s understanding or provides additional value.
  • Avoid over-optimization: While internal linking is essential for SEO, avoid excessive linking or unnatural anchor text manipulation, which can be perceived as spammy by search engines.
  • Optimize site architecture: Create a logical site structure with a clear hierarchy of pages, making it easier for users and search engines to navigate and understand the website’s content.

By optimizing your content with these on-page SEO tactics, you can improve its visibility, relevance, and user engagement. Ultimately, this drives more traffic and conversions for your hotel website.

Mobile phone displaying a hotel website that's optimized for mobile SEO with fast loading times and a responsive design.

4. Mobile-Friendliness and Responsive Design

The hospitality industry hinges on customer service, which should extend to your website design.

Your website must be responsive and optimized for mobile, rendering accurately no matter the device your audience uses to access it.

One in three travelers will use a mobile device and hotel app to book their stay, necessitating a mobile-first design.

5. User Experience and Site Speed

Another facet of the user experience to pay attention to is website loading speed. A survey of the 100 top global websites found that the average desktop website load time is 2.5 seconds

However, it’s crucial to note that users are typically more tolerant of slower loading times on mobile devices.

The acceptable loading time extends to around 8.6 seconds.

The Critical Role of Website Speed in User Experience

The importance of optimizing website loading speed cannot be overstated.

A slow-loading website not only frustrates users but also adversely affects various key performance metrics.

These include bounce rates, conversion rates, and search engine rankings.

In 2024, where attention spans are limited, ensuring a swift and seamless user experience is paramount for retaining visitors.

It maximizes engagement and drives desired actions such as purchases or bookings.

Therefore, prioritizing site speed optimization is essential for hotels seeking to deliver exceptional online experiences and stay competitive in the hospitality industry.

Visual representation of structured data implementation on a hotel's website for rich snippets in SEO.

6. Utilizing Schema Markups for Hotel Data  

Structured data, also called schema markups, is a search engine language. When search engines like Google crawl your website, they’ll use your hotel schema markups to determine what’s on your web pages.

Using structured data if you aren’t already should help your rank.

Google can recognize more than 30 schema types, from articles to datasets, events, FAQs, how-tos, learning videos, podcasts, Q&As, and videos.

Local business markups are especially pertinent for hotels.

The information you’ve optimized on your Google Business profile will inform the data here, such as your hotel’s address, hours, phone number, and email address.

Google will show this information on the side of SERPs or in a Local Business Panel.

Mediaboom’s digital marketing experts can assist as you prioritize your on-page SEO efforts. Book your free call to discuss your needs.

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7. Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO involves strategies applied beyond a website to enhance its search engine rankings.

It boosts its authority and credibility with search engines.

Unlike On-Page SEO, which focuses on optimizing elements within the website itself, Off-Page SEO involves activities conducted on external platforms and websites.

These efforts enhance the website’s visibility and reputation.

Enhancing Visibility with Off-Page SEO Techniques

These measures typically include building backlinks from authoritative websites, social media engagement, online mentions and citations, guest blogging, and influencer outreach.

Off-Page SEO signals help search engines understand the relevance, trustworthiness, and popularity of a website, ultimately contributing to higher rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs). 

In the context of SEO for hotels, off-page optimization strategies are crucial for establishing the hotel’s online presence, attracting referral traffic, and increasing brand awareness, thus driving more bookings and revenue.

These strategies can act as the guidebook for your off-page plan: 

Illustration of a successful link-building network for a hotel's website, demonstrating robust SEO through external links.

8. Link Building

The most substantial pillar of off-page SEO is link building. It’s not about adding just any links, but high-quality, reputable links.

Google and other search engines will see these trustworthy links associated with your site and increase your SERP position.

Effective Link Building Strategies

Backlinks can include no-follow and do-follow link. The latter generates the link juice you seek, while a no-follow link stops the momentum. 

If your hotel website doesn’t already have a blog, that’s a free, engaging way to generate links. Reviews, which we’ll discuss later in this section, are another excellent link-building resource for hospitality businesses.

Guest posting and engaging in your community, such as through sponsorship opportunities, will also help your hotel build strong links.

Natural link building is a must, as skirting around the best practices can lead to low-quality backlinks that affect your online reputation.

Working with reputable websites and publishing strong content can ensure good backlink generation practices. 

Use anchor text diversity, playing up the phrase variety you implement. This signals to search engines authoritativeness and credibility. 

Image of a content marketing strategy layout for a hotel's SEO campaign, featuring blog posts, articles, and other valuable content.

9. Content Marketing for Hotels

The next off-site strategy to focus on is content marketing. You’ve already begun producing excellent content to grow your SEO ranking. Now, it’s time to strengthen your strategy and double down on your approach.

Begin by researching your target audience if you don’t already have an identified group in mind. Identify the keywords they search for, understanding their search intent.

Build your content around keywords, naturally inserting short- and long-tail terms. Create an editorial plan and write briefs for each piece of content to ensure it meets search engine optimization requirements.

Next, market your content, sharing it in your email newsletter, on social media, and other websites in a guest blogging arrangement.

10. Social Media Presence and Engagement

Your hotel must have a social media presence, as this is one of the most influential off-site steps you can take.

Meet your audience on their preferred social media channels, posting engaging content.

Optimizing your social media presence for better SERPs includes adding profile information such as your business address, email, phone number, and website. Upload photos and videos, as your hotel should have plenty to share.

Guide your website visitors to your social media pages with social sharing links on your homepage.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

11. Guest Reviews and Reputation Management

Your reputation is everything in business.

A lack of reviews can hurt your reputation, so encourage your guests to leave reviews after staying at your hotel.

You can send an automated follow-up email after checkout.

You might incentivize your audience to write reviews by offering money off their next stay.

Hotel Reputation Strategies

Sixty percent of consumers will refrain from a business if it has enough negative reviews.

Reputation management involves searching for mentions of your hotel brand across third-party reviews websites, social media, and elsewhere on the web.

Respond to negative comments promptly with offers to fix the issue, and consider recurring feedback you get, positive and negative.

The negative feedback can help your hotel improve and generate more positive reviews.

Are you ready to implement an off-page campaign but need help from professional marketers to achieve your goals? Mediaboom has free consultations to discuss your hotel’s marketing and SEO goals – book today.

Infographic detailing technical SEO elements for a hotel website, including site speed optimization, secure connections, and crawlability.

12. Technical SEO for Hotels

You can take your SEO for hotels beyond on-page and off-page measures, getting into advanced search engine optimization strategies. These technical tactics will help search engine crawlers comb your website to determine its rank.

Technical SEO for hotels should incorporate these strategies.

Site Structure and Navigation

We’ve attested to the importance of site structure for navigation and crawlability, two elements that will increase your SERP positioning.

Here are some pointers for building your website architecture or structure:

  • Determine which pages on your site are most important and prioritize them
  • Create a hierarchy for groups
  • Make groups of related content

The point of building a site structure is to help your audience reach where they want to go on your website with as few clicks as possible. This will improve navigation, UX, site usability, and search engine optimization.

URL Structure and Optimization

You should also focus on your URL structure, optimizing it to assist search engine crawlers in determining the content on the page. Proper URL structures will also help your audience find the content they need.

Don’t miss these tips for optimizing your URL structure:

  • Naturally incorporate keywords into your URLs
  • Make your URLs descriptive but not overly long
  • Separate words with hyphens
  • Don’t use special characters
  • Match the title and the URL

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

XML Sitemaps and Robots.txt

If you think of your website architecture as the layout of a building, an XML sitemap is a map of its contents. An XML sitemap indicates the most important pages on your website, telling the search engine to crawl those first.

What if you have a large website or only want search engines to crawl specific pages? Use the Robots Exclusion Protocol, also known as robots.txt.

Robots.txt indicates to search engine crawlers which pages they cannot visit. Reasons to exclude web pages from a crawl include duplicate content and unfinished pages.


Canonicalization is a crucial aspect of SEO for hotel websites, ensuring that search engines properly index and rank content while avoiding duplicate content issues. 

In the context of hotel websites, where similar content may appear across multiple pages (such as room descriptions or amenities), canonicalization involves specifying the preferred version of a webpage to be indexed and displayed in search results. 

By implementing canonical tags correctly, hotel websites can consolidate ranking signals for similar pages, preventing dilution of search authority and ensuring that the most relevant and authoritative version of the content is surfaced to users. 

This not only enhances the user experience by presenting coherent and organized content but also strengthens the website’s overall SEO performance, leading to improved visibility, traffic, and ultimately, bookings.

Crawl Error Resolution

Resolving crawl errors is crucial for hotel websites to maintain search engine visibility and user experience.

These errors, stemming from difficulties in accessing or indexing website content, can result in decreased rankings and traffic.

Hotel websites, often complex with numerous pages, encounter issues like broken links or server errors.

Addressing crawl errors involves a systematic approach, including monitoring error reports from search engines and using tools like Google Search Console. Once identified, hotels should promptly fix broken links, resolve server issues, or optimize site architecture.

By promptly resolving crawl errors, hotels can improve search engine visibility and user experience, mitigating potential negative impacts on rankings and traffic. This proactive approach contributes to overall website health, driving more organic traffic and bookings.

Screenshot of a tool identifying and fixing broken links on a hotel website, ensuring seamless navigation for better SEO performance

Broken Link Identification and Fixing

Identifying and fixing broken links is essential for hotel websites to maintain user experience. Broken links lead to dead ends, frustrating visitors and potentially driving them away.

Hotels can use tools like Google Search Console to efficiently identify and fix broken links. 

By ensuring a seamless browsing experience, hotels enhance user satisfaction, credibility, and search engine rankings, ultimately driving more bookings.

How to fix broken links:

  • Use tools like Google Search Console to efficiently identify broken links on the hotel website.
  • Once identified, promptly fix broken links by updating URLs, redirecting pages, or removing outdated links.
  • Ensure a seamless browsing experience for visitors by eliminating dead ends and error messages caused by broken links.
  • Enhance user satisfaction, credibility, and search engine rankings by maintaining a website free of broken links.
  • Proactively monitor and manage broken links to prevent potential negative impacts on user experience and search engine visibility.

HTTPS Implementation for Security

Most web pages you visit use HTTPS, short for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. The extra layer of security is encryption-based to make web browsing on your website a safer experience.

Some web hosts offer HTTPS security as a standard. For those that don’t, you must obtain a TLS or SSL certificate, renewing as necessary.

CDN (Content Delivery Network) implementation

Implementing a Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a strategic move for hotel websites aiming to enhance user experience and website performance. 

A CDN consists of distributed servers strategically located around the world, allowing hotel websites to deliver content to users from the server nearest to their location.

By caching website content on these servers, CDNs reduce latency and improve loading times, resulting in faster page load speeds and smoother browsing experiences for visitors, regardless of their geographical location. 

This implementation not only enhances user satisfaction but also positively impacts search engine rankings, as website speed is a crucial factor in search algorithms. Additionally, CDNs offer benefits such as improved website reliability, scalability, and protection against traffic spikes and DDoS attacks. 

Overall, integrating a CDN into a hotel website’s infrastructure is an effective strategy to optimize performance, attract more visitors, and ultimately drive bookings.

Snapshot of hreflang tags in use on a multilingual hotel website to signal content language and regional targeting to search engines

Hreflang Tags for Multilingual Content

Implementing hreflang tags is essential for hotel websites offering multilingual content to ensure that search engines display the appropriate language version to users based on their language preferences and location.

Hreflang tags specify the language and geographical targeting of each page, signaling to search engines which version of the content is most relevant to specific users.

For hotel websites with multilingual content, each language version of the website should have its own dedicated URL structure. Hreflang tags are then added to the HTML code of each page, indicating the language and region of that particular page.

This allows search engines to accurately serve the correct language version to users searching in different languages or regions.

By correctly implementing hreflang tags, hotel websites can improve user experience, increase relevance in local search results, and avoid potential issues with duplicate content penalties.

This ensures that visitors are directed to the most appropriate language version of the website, ultimately enhancing engagement, satisfaction, and the likelihood of bookings across diverse linguistic demographics.

Mobile Optimization and AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)

You’ve already optimized your website for mobile, but you can use a related advanced strategy to improve your search engine ranking.

Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMPs are an HTML framework introduced by Google to compete with Apple News and Facebook Instant Articles.

This open-source framework can improve the loading speed of your mobile web pages. The framework uses AMP cache, AMP JavaScript, and AMP HTML.

You can expect faster loading speeds and an enhanced user experience.

Elevate your search engine ranking with Mediaboom’s technical SEO services. Book a free consultation today to discuss how we can serve you.

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13. Local SEO Tactics for Hotels

Local SEO Tactics for Hotels involve specific strategies and optimizations aimed at increasing a hotel’s visibility in local search results, particularly within a defined geographic area where the hotel operates or targets its audience. 

These tactics focus on enhancing the hotel’s online presence and relevance for local searches, such as “hotels near me” or “accommodations in [city name].” Key components of local SEO tactics for hotels include:

  • Google My Business Optimization: Claiming and optimizing the hotel’s Google My Business listing with accurate and up-to-date information, including business hours, location, contact details, and photos.
  • Local Citations and Listings: Ensuring consistent and accurate business information across various online directories, review sites, and local business listings to improve the hotel’s visibility and credibility in local search results.
  • Location-Specific Keywords: Incorporating location-specific keywords and phrases throughout the hotel’s website content, including landing pages, meta tags, and descriptions, to align with local search queries.
  • Local Content Creation: Creating locally-focused content, such as blog posts, guides, and event listings, that resonates with the hotel’s target audience and addresses their interests and needs within the local community.
  • Online Reviews and Reputation Management: Encouraging positive online reviews from satisfied guests and managing the hotel’s online reputation by promptly responding to reviews and addressing any negative feedback or concerns.
  • Local Link Building: Building relationships with local businesses, organizations, and influencers to earn backlinks from reputable sources within the hotel’s target market, which can improve the hotel’s authority and visibility in local search results.

By implementing these local SEO tactics, hotels can increase their visibility, attract more qualified local traffic, and ultimately drive bookings from guests within their target geographic area.

Photo of a well-optimized Google Business Profile for a luxury hotel, highlighting its key amenities and guest reviews for improved local SEO.

Google Business Profile

Optimizing the hotel’s Google Business Profile is essential for local SEO success. 

This involves claiming and verifying the business listing on Google My Business and ensuring that all information provided, such as contact details, business hours, and photos, is accurate and up-to-date. 

By enhancing the visibility and credibility of the hotel’s listing on Google Maps and local search results, it increases the likelihood of attracting potential guests searching for accommodations in the area.

Hotel Directories

Listing the hotel in relevant hotel directories is another critical aspect of local SEO optimization. 

These directories, such as TripAdvisor, Yelp, and Expedia, serve as popular platforms where travelers seek information and reviews about accommodations.

By ensuring the hotel has a presence on these directories and maintaining consistent and accurate business information, it increases its visibility and credibility among potential guests, ultimately driving more bookings.

Local Citations

Acquiring local citations from reputable sources is vital for establishing the hotel’s authority and relevance in the local area. 

A local citation is any online mention of the hotel’s name, address, and phone number (NAP) on external websites, directories, or social platforms.

These citations serve as signals to search engines about the hotel’s legitimacy and popularity within the local community, contributing to higher rankings in local search results. 

By actively managing and building local citations from authoritative sources, the hotel strengthens its local SEO efforts and enhances its chances of attracting more guests.

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Measuring Hotel SEO Success

SEO for hotels requires tracking metrics to gauge campaign success. Here are several to have your eye on as your campaign gets underway:

  • Organic traffic percentage, a good metric you should continue building on with positive SEO practices;
  • Keyword rankings, a positive metric that determines your webpage’s spot in SERPs for specific search terms; target relevant keywords to increase it.
  • Conversion rate, a good metric for measuring successful hotel bookings; increase conversions by strengthening your brand, adding reviews and testimonials.
  • Revenue, a key measure of your hotel’s income from its services, can be boosted by enhancing customer retention, for instance, through email marketing.
  • User engagement rate, a positive measure of how engaged your audience is; continue sending quality email content to hold their attention. 
  • Bounce rate, a negative metric that determines how often your audience leaves your site; lower yours by improving site loading speed and navigability. 
  • Domain authority, a positive metric determining your search engine score for an industry or search area; build quality backlinks and perform a site audit to raise yours.
  • Backlink profile, a good metric which refers to how many backlinks your hotel website has generated. 

Mediaboom’s SEO expertise will help you build on KPIs that matter to long-term ranking success. Schedule a free consultation with our experts today.

Mountain resort spa relaxation area with a serene view, emphasizing the performance of SEO strategies in the luxury hotel sector

How to Track Hotel SEO Strategy Performances

Measuring SEO analytics and performance is faster and more efficient with the right tools.

Here are three industry standards for tracking KPIs during and after your search engine optimization campaign.

Google Analytics

A whole world of SEO and marketing insights awaits on Google Analytics.

You must have an active Google account to explore the features, but free options are available for small businesses.

Access to more advanced metrics and features requires a paid account.

Google Search Console

After using hotel SEO services for some time, you might not rise to the ranks as expected.

Google Search Console is a valuable aid in identifying areas where you can optimize your strategy and helping you improve your website.

You’ll benefit from a stronger site and a higher SERP ranking, making your hotel a more credible option for consumers.


The extensive library of tools SEMrush offers makes it a verifiable treasure trove of information.

The local tools are especially pertinent to hotels and include the following:

  • Position Tracking for monitoring your spot in the SERPs
  • Listing Management for managing your presence on directories
  • On-Page SEO Tracker for reviewing competitors and improving your strategies
  • Social Media Toolkit for scheduling content and mastering search engine optimization
Luxury hotel poolside evening setting with lounges and palm trees, reflecting an understanding of the SEO needs for upscale hospitality businesses

Understanding SEO for Hotels

Search engine optimization, abbreviated as SEO, is a strategy for ranking better in search engine results pages or SERPs.

Companies strive for the top position in the SERPs. While there can be only one, getting a spot on the first page is the next best thing.

The traffic on the second page of any Google search is under one percent, which has held steady since the mid-2010s. People don’t have the time or inclination to visit the second page when Google should provide all the info they need on page one.

What Is Organic Traffic?

SEO for hotels can produce organic traffic, referring to traffic generated by non-paid sources. For example, a PPC campaign produces paid traffic. Traffic might be traffic, but organic traffic is lower-cost and often more sustainable.

PPC campaigns come and go, but utilizing SEO practices to maintain your rank can ensure steady positioning for a long time.

How Can Organic Traffic Help Your Hotel?

As these points prove, your hotel cannot afford to ignore or understate the importance of search engine optimization.

Without it, your hotel website won’t reach the first page.

It won’t exist to more than 95 percent of internet users, hurting your bookings and revenue.

Search engines have evolved to prioritize the user experience.

Using SEO is a great way to ensure your guests have a memorable experience from the moment they land on your website to when they check out.

Better SEO for hotels begins with Mediaboom. Schedule your free 30-minute consultation to begin discussing your hotel’s ranking goals.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

Does your luxury website include any of these common mistakes? Learn the secrets to driving more traffic to your luxury website, generating more leads, and ultimately increasing sales.

Benefits of SEO for Hotels

Implementing a robust Hotel SEO strategy offers a multitude of advantages for accommodation providers, empowering them to thrive in the competitive digital landscape of the hospitality industry.

Increased online visibility

SEO for hotels enhances the visibility of accommodation providers in the vast online landscape, ensuring that their website appears prominently in search engine results pages (SERPs).

This increased visibility exposes hotels to a broader audience of potential guests, driving more traffic to their website and ultimately boosting bookings and revenue.

Higher organic traffic

Effective Hotel SEO strategies lead to higher organic traffic, meaning more visitors are finding and accessing the hotel’s website through unpaid search engine results.

By optimizing website content and structure to align with search engine algorithms, hotels can attract qualified traffic interested in their accommodations, amenities, and services.

Improved website ranking on search engines

SEO for hotels focuses on improving a website’s ranking on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

By optimizing various on-page and off-page elements, including keywords, meta tags, and backlinks, hotels can climb the search engine rankings, increasing visibility and attracting more clicks from potential guests.

Enhanced brand awareness

Hotel SEO efforts contribute to enhanced brand awareness, establishing accommodation providers as reputable and trustworthy choices among travelers.

By consistently appearing in search results for relevant queries, hotels can increase brand visibility and recognition, fostering stronger connections with potential guests.

Greater competitiveness in the hospitality industry

Implementing effective Hotel SEO strategies enhances a hotel’s competitiveness within the hospitality industry.

By optimizing their online presence and improving visibility in search results, hotels can outshine competitors and attract more guests, ultimately gaining a larger share of the market.

Tropical resort website marketing image with an infinity pool overlooking the ocean, aimed at attracting potential guests through strategic SEO.

Targeted marketing to potential guests

Hotel SEO enables targeted marketing to potential guests actively searching for accommodations.

By optimizing content and targeting specific keywords related to their target audience’s search queries, hotels can ensure their website appears to users at the exact moment they are looking for lodging options.

Cost-effective marketing strategy

It serves as a cost-effective marketing strategy for accommodation providers, offering long-term benefits and higher returns on investment compared to traditional advertising methods.

By focusing on organic search results, hotels can reduce dependency on paid advertising and attract more guests without increasing marketing spend.

Better user experience on the hotel’s website

Hotel SEO involves optimizing website content, structure, and performance to provide a better user experience for visitors.

By improving site navigation, page loading speed, and overall usability, hotels can enhance user satisfaction, leading to increased engagement and higher chances of conversion.

Higher chances of direct bookings

Effective Hotel SEO increases the likelihood of direct bookings by driving more qualified traffic to the hotel’s website.

By optimizing for relevant keywords and providing valuable information about accommodations and amenities, hotels can attract guests who are more likely to book directly, bypassing third-party booking platforms and increasing revenue.

Improved online reputation and credibility

Implementing SEO strategies enhances a hotel’s online reputation and credibility.

By consistently appearing in search results and providing valuable, authoritative content, hotels build trust with potential guests, leading to positive reviews, referrals, and an overall stronger online presence.

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

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Case Studies and Best Practices

Let’s now explore some insightful case studies and best practices. 

Discover how the Mediaboom Team has utilized impactful SEO strategies to amplify online visibility, boost direct bookings, and elevate the overall brand presence of top-tier accommodation providers

Ready to elevate your hotel’s online presence and attract more guests? 

Visit our work page, we are a luxury marketing agency specialized in SEO for hotels, to learn how we can help you achieve your goals.

JW Marriott

Digital marketing service snapshot for JW Marriott, highlighting luxury hospitality with an elegant web interface design on laptop and mobile.

Mediaboom’s work with luxury hotel brand JW Marriott focused on their then-new Houston hotel. We offered myriad services, including search engine optimization, print design, website development, and web design.

Our services, timed for the hotel’s grand opening, helped position the JW Marriott as the top luxury hotel in Houston. Its website traffic also spiked by over 200 percent.

Musha Cay

Website development design for Musha Cay island resort, showcasing an idyllic beach scene to entice visitors through strategic online presentation.

The immersive vacation resort David Copperfield’s Musha Cay on gorgeous Copperfield Bay sought Mediaboom’s expertise. We provided SEO, animation, website development, and web design, including creating custom animations.

Our work positioned the Musha Cay website as an embodiment of the incredible vacation experience awaiting guests and elevated the brand.

Millennium Tower San Francisco

Responsive website design displayed on multiple devices for Millennium Tower showcasing luxury living in San Francisco's skyline

When Mediaboom worked with Millennium Tower San Francisco, the building’s goal was to debut a customized website with responsive design showcasing the luxury life in this stunning high-rise.

Through print design, search engine optimization, animation, branding, website development, and web design, we implemented interactive elements, new branding, and custom animations that strengthened Millennium Tower’s web design. 

The following best practices can also fortify your hotel search engine optimization:

  • Focus on quality over quantity when building backlinks.
  • Optimize your images, by adding alt tags.
  • Create a content hierarchy with tags like H1s, H2s, and more.
  • Optimize your descriptions and page titles.
  • Once you see results, continue with your strategies, even if your site’s position is the same. It can take months to see a positive impact on your SEO position.  

FAQs / Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is SEO important for hotels?

Yes, SEO is crucial for hotels as it determines their visibility in search results, impacting their ability to attract potential guests and drive direct bookings. Effective SEO strategies help improve online presence, increase website traffic, and stay competitive in the digital marketplace.

2. What are 3 main areas of SEO?

The three main areas of SEO are on-page optimization, off-page optimization, and technical SEO. On-page optimization focuses on content and HTML elements, off-page optimization involves building backlinks and online reputation, and technical SEO deals with website structure and performance.

3. How do I plan my SEO strategy?

To plan an effective SEO strategy, conduct keyword research, optimize website content and meta tags, build quality backlinks, and ensure technical aspects like site speed and mobile-friendliness are optimized. Regular monitoring and analysis of performance metrics help refine the strategy over time.

4. How is SEO profitable?

SEO drives organic traffic to your website, reduces reliance on paid advertising, and increases brand visibility and credibility. With higher visibility in search results, hotels attract more qualified leads and can command higher rates, leading to increased revenue and profitability.

5. Is SEO difficult?

While SEO can be complex due to its constant evolution and changing algorithms, with the right knowledge, tools, and strategies, it can be effectively implemented to achieve desired results and drive success for hotels.

Do You Have More Questions?

If you have additional questions or need further assistance with your hotel’s SEO strategy, don’t hesitate to reach out to Mediaboom, our team of experts is here to help. Contact us today for personalized guidance and solutions tailored to your hotel’s needs.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

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In conclusion, SEO remains absolutely crucial for hotels contending in the U.S. hospitality sector, where over 165,000 properties compete for visibility. 

To boost online presence and secure top rankings, a focused Hotel SEO Strategy is essential. 

Our comprehensive guide provides insights into critical areas such as On-Page, Off-Page, Technical, and Local SEO.

Managing these complexities can be daunting; however, Mediaboom’s expertise in Hotel SEO ensures your hotel’s success. 

Contact us to enhance your competitive edge and achieve the desired outcomes.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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