Content Marketing Examples

Content Marketing Examples – 14 Ways a Company Can Stand Out

By: Frank DePino | October 4, 2023

Looking at content marketing examples can be a good way to discover new marketing ideas for your company. While not all marketing strategies are highly shareable, we’ve included many in this article that have set their company apart from the competition.

Content marketing is the process of creating and presenting attractive information about your business to your target audience without marketing products directly to them for the purposes of engagement. This information can be visual, like video content, or written, like blogs. While this content doesn’t directly advertise your business, it helps build your brand as customers enjoy your content and share it with friends. A successful content campaign will boost sales and brand loyalty. Some good content marketing examples include Duolingo’s TikTok campaign and the Sisters campaign from AARP.

Are you still struggling to know what type of content marketing your company should approach? Read on to discover several amazing examples of marketing content to consumers.

Why Content Marketing Matters

Content marketing is important to any modern business, as it is the number one way to keep in contact with its customers. Without it, even the best businesses could find themselves out of touch with the desires of the consumer, which can cause sales to decline.

Keeping in touch and building trust with an audience is what helps companies to thrive, and you won’t be able to do that without content marketing campaigns.

All of the marketing examples we’ve included on this list have provided excellent audience engagement for their company, been hailed for their creativity, and have generated a positive ROI for their company. Thus making them a success in the content marketing industry.

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Key Components of Successful Content Marketing

Whether your content marketing strategy uses blog posts or your YouTube channel, there are several key components it must contain in order to be successful.

The content you create needs to be original, as copying another company’s strategy is the quickest way to lose audience understanding, which is another crucial aspect of a successful marketing strategy.

You’ll also need to set aside some time for strategic planning with specific outlines for each of the distribution channels you plan to use. The best content marketing plans will feature several channels to help improve your company’s branding.

The last aspect of a successful marketing campaign is that it makes a measurable impact on the business. A measurable impact can be a positive ROI, an increase in sales, or even an increase in interest in your business.

Wondering how you can make a measurable impact on your business using content marketing? Keep reading to discover some of the best examples of content marketing in recent years.

The company team analyzes the best key components for content marketing success.

Top 5 Content Marketing Examples for Blogging and SEO

1. Digital Olympus’s Expert Roundup

Blogging and SEO content marketing campaigns rely heavily on keywording and having more keywords on their pages than the competitor. Digital Olympus decided early in their campaign that if they couldn’t beat them, they would join them.

Digital Olympus created an expert roundup, where they would create lists of 40+ companies known for being the best in the industry. Not only did this mean that they could use all the names of their competitors on their page (some of which were keywords), but it also encouraged their competitors to share their highly shareable posts.

This is one of the best content marketing examples for blogging and SEO because the marketing industry can be highly saturated for bloggers, and this type of marketing can quickly set a company apart, as it did for Digital Olympus.

2. Colgate’s Research Page

One of the hardest parts of creating a marketing strategy for blogging and SEO is that all of the content in your strategy has to come from somewhere. It can be expensive to hire a writer (or team of writers) to create all this written content.

Colgate’s content marketing example worked around this by supplying an area where professionals could submit their content. But they didn’t stop there.

Colgate took the time to create a search tool so users could survey their massive amounts of content using keywords and images, both of which are very attractive to users.

This strategy keeps customers coming back to Colgate’s page for information, putting them at the forefront of users’ minds and thereby increasing their toothpaste sales, even though the content they market has little to do with the minty paste.

Screenshot of Moz tools: domain analysis, keyword explorer, link explorer, competitive research.

3. Moz’s Topic Clusters

Moz, an SEO company, offers another example of this type of content marketing with its topic clusters. Like Colgate, they have a lot of information for users to sift through, but their topic clusters make it easy for users to find what they are looking for, giving them a high ranking on Google.

Additionally, the topic clusters improve their branding by allowing users to share snippets of information on their personal social media accounts. This brings in a string of new customers to the site constantly and directs them to the posts that are relevant to them.

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4. MINDBODY Education Content Hub

One of the reasons that content hubs are listed so many times in our marketing examples for SEO and blogging is because they live forever. This means once you produce, collect, and sort the content, it can help promote your brand for years to come.

Of course, whether or not a content hub is a good idea for your content marketing strategy will depend on the industry you are in. If you have any sort of guides, blog posts, or long-form writing in your content goals, then creating a well-organized content hub could help your bottom line.

MINDBODY did just that, creating a well of information that was easily accessible by customers both on their computers and on their mobile phones as an app. Now, they are at the forefront of most searches of wellness and workout topics and are often shared by gyms and wellness centers alike.

MediaBoom helped A&A Global with a similar project, adding written content to their content hub, as well as sorting it into product and category pages. The final result was a 400% increase in traffic to the website.

The SEO specialists observe an increase in traffic to their content marketing thanks to Moz company.

5. Sisters from AARP

Besides just creating and organizing content, a successful blogging and SEO social media campaign must encourage customers and potential customers to engage. Many companies struggle with this, but AARP has found an award-winning solution.

Sisters is a community created by AARP for black women, encouraging them to share their stories on a myriad of happenings in their lives. Not only can they share their story on the site (contributing to the content hub), but they can also share with friends and family.

This not only brings AARP positive media coverage, but it also has individuals who could one day subscribe to AARP sharing with friends and family who could also subscribe, especially when they see profits going to a good cause.

Mediaboom, a content marketing service,  helped Runway Growth Capital do something similar by having them add a section for success stories to their website. This not only showcased the possibilities of how Runway Growth Capital could help customers, but it also introduced a shareable content aspect that could be shared by old customers to attract new ones.

Top 3 Content Marketing Examples of Email Marketing

6. Warby Parker’s Email Marketing

It can be difficult to lead a successful email marketing strategy, especially with the rise of email inboxes that filter marketing content into the junk folder automatically. Warby, a luxury eyeglasses company, knew the challenge they were facing and decided to create ads that customers would want to look at.

Warby emails feature large, beautiful images that are easy to see for everyone. They also skip most of the additional content, leaving just a call to action. This draws their customers into their site and keeps them from becoming overwhelmed when they check their email inbox. As a result, Warby is one of the most well-known glasses brands online.

Similar to Warby, Mediaboom helped Aspen Luxury Concierge to create beautiful emails that customers would look forward to receiving. Thanks to the campaign run by Mediaboom, their email open rate increased twofold–all because they included some beautiful images.

example of Netflix email marketing strategy

7. Netflix Customer Interest Email Marketing

Netflix was the first streaming service to make it big, and although other companies have entered the field, they still remain number one. Why is this?

Well, it is in part thanks to their email content marketing campaign. As you watch Netflix, the app collects data on what you watch and then turns that data into suggestions for other shows you may like to watch.

These suggestions are sent to your inbox via email, keeping your mind on Netflix even when you aren’t watching. It also has a clickable link in the email, which lets you add a show you might like to your watch list. Because this is so easy and seamless, customers continue to return, even though other streaming services exist, all thanks to an engaging email campaign.

The email marketing managers received an email from their customers.

8. Venmo’s Re-Engagement Campaign

Venmo is the number one payment processing app, and it made our list of content marketing examples because of the email re-engagement campaign it uses to keep customers interested.

Uses for payment processors are limited, so Venmo spends its time crafting emails about other topics that relate to payment processing without advertising their service. While these emails don’t bring you right back to their page, they keep the Venmo name in your mind, so next time you do need to send a payment, you think of it.

Venmo also runs frequent giveaway campaigns on its social media platforms, encouraging you to share its visual content in exchange for a chance to win a prize.

Top 3 Content Marketing Examples for Social Media

9. Spotify Wrapped

One of the most successful content marketing examples of all time is Spotify Wrapped, which is a service provided by the app at the end of this year. This service looks at listening trends of users and adds them to lists with Spotify branding.

These branded lists are highly shareable on social media, allowing users to show their listening trends to friends. This has been one of the most widely successful marketing trends in recent history and has helped Spotify reach its marketing goals to become a household name across the world.

Spectrum case study by mediaboom shows how social media marketing plays a crucial role in the success of a  digital marketing company.

Mediaboom helped a similar company named Spectrum, with their social media marketing strategy. By creating social ads that viewers enjoyed looking at and sharing, Mediaboom helped Spectrum increase its sales by four times its previous number.

10. Chewy’s YouTube

For video content marketing, a better marketing strategy example would be Chewy’s YouTube channel. Chewy is a platform that allows pet owners to purchase products for a variety of pets.

Rather than advertising specific products, Chewy decided to use a similar strategy to Colgate and provide useful information to their customers. On their YouTube channel, customers can enjoy informational videos on a variety of pet topics, from care to tricks and more.

This strategy, like many others on the lists, encourages customers to share videos with friends and loved ones, building Chewy’s brand and making them a household name.

The content marketing manager shows the ranking of their content on Spotify Wrapped.

11. Duolingo’s TikTok

Duolingo’s TikTok is another example of a successful content marketing campaign using videos. Duolingo, rather than advertising their company’s language learning services, decided to make a bunch of random videos showing their mascot traveling around the world.

Not only are these videos funny and memorable, but they are highly shareable, helping Duolingo to draw in new customers from around the world as current followers share the videos with friends and family.

This digital content marketing strategy has made Duolingo a home name and has made it the number-one app in its market, all thanks to some engaging videos.

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Conclusion: Hire a Content Marketing Agency Now

No matter what type of content marketing you think your company would benefit from, Mediaboom is here to help. With years of experience and several successful case studies, Mediaboom digital marketing agency is ready to take your company to the next level. Contact us today for a consultation!

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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