Google Ads for Hotels

Google Ads for Hotels – Ace Your Next Campaign With 13 Tips

By: Frank DePino | May 27, 2024

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According to Google, since 2015, Hotel Ads referrals have increased year-over-year by 2.4x, proving the efficacy of advertising campaigns in the hospitality sector.

Your hotel can edge out the competition by using Google Ads, but how exactly do you create a campaign?

Google Ads for hotels utilize a bidding system. Hospitality brands bid to get their ad on the prime cyber real estate that is  Maps and Search results. Google has a unique hotel booking module for its ads that showcase a hotel’s pricing, features, and images with a link for scheduling a stay. Creating a successful Hotel Ads campaign is as easy as using your Google Business account to begin.

Are you eager to learn more about Hotel Ads and how they can transform your hospitality business? Ahead, discover steps on how to use Hotel Ads and best practices for campaign success.

13 Steps for Using Google Ads for Hotels

1. Connect Hotel Management to the Google Hotel Center

The Google Hotel Center is a platform for controlling Hotel Ads prices. However, you can only use the platform if you have an integration partner or directly integrate.

Hotels eager to use the power of Google Ads to drive business must follow three steps for onboarding. The first is identifying your hotel, the second is divulging your rates, and then the third step, although optional, is running hotel ads.

You should team with an integration partner who’s already connected so you have direct access to any resources you may require throughout your campaign.

If you’re an existing Google partner, log into the Hotel Center.

You should see an icon shaped like a person with a plus sign beside it when in your account. This is the invite icon. Click it, then input the user’s email address to allow them access.

You also have to choose their access level, then check the Notify People box and click Invite.

2. Set Campaign

Next, create your campaign and select your ad preferences. You can choose the location in which your ads will appear.

For example, if you’re based in Chicago and only want to advertise to those in the city, you can set those parameters.

You can also choose your budget here, or how much you’re willing to spend on bids.

Your campaign has a daily budget that you can adjust as often as necessary and at any point.

You only need to log into your Ads account, go to Campaigns, then Budget, and click the pencil icon.

When using Google Ads for hotels, the campaign type should always be set to Hotel.

Elegant hotel with large outdoor pool

3. Choose a Target Audience

You can add audiences in Ads for your next ad campaign.

You’ve already learned how to target them by location, but you can also use other demographics and interests for targeting purposes.

Google Ads lets you create various hotel audience lists, so you can tailor your audiences based on specific criteria, then bid on relevant keywords for each one.

Further, you can set the bid amount per audience group, so if you’ve identified a more lucrative audience, you can set a higher bidding amount.

4. Determine Your Bidding Strategy

Hotel Ads utilize the following bidding strategies:

  • CPC %: Under this model, if an internet user clicks your ad, your bid would go toward a percentage of the nightly room cost.
  • Manual CPC: The more standard cost-per-click model, you pay a publisher (Google, in this case) anytime an internet user clicks your hotel ad.
  • Enhanced CPC: Often used in conjunction with the above two CPC bidding models, enhanced CPC improves your conversion value while keeping your return on ad spend or ROAS no higher than with standard CPC. You must use third-party or in-house bidding systems for best results.
  • Commissions per conversion: This system requires you to bid a percentage of the booking value for each secured hotel room through your ad.
  • Commissions per stay: This commission-based system doesn’t make you shoulder the cost of cancellations, as you only pay a portion of the room booking value if a guest stays.

Explore Mediaboom’s Google Ads Cost Calculator to determine what you can spend on Google Ads for Hotels.

5. Organize Ad Groups by Hotel Attributes

Google Ads for hotels and resorts use hotel groups, which are an organization system for hotels according to their attributes.

For instance, you can categorize a hotel by these subdivisions:

  • Hotel ID
  • Hotel class, such as a five-star hotel (Google sets the class based on its level of service instead of the review rating)
  • City (with subdivisions within a city available after you subdivide by state and country)
  • Hotel state (such as the country or region of origin)
  • Hotel region/country
  • Everything else, which covers every subdivision you created in which further subdivisions may be possible

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6. Craft Ads with Keywords and Features

You’re ready to advertise a hotel on Google, which means next creating your Hotel Ad.

Input  the name of the campaign, which you can later search to pick up and continue the campaign anytime.

Next, set your budget and whether the ad will be displayable on every device (the default setting) or only specific ones of your choosing.

7. Add High-Quality Hotel Media

The ad you’ve created may have prime real estate on Google’s website once it goes live, but you should still use strategies to grab an internet user’s attention.

High-quality videos and images of your hotel will attract more potential guests and inspire them to book a stay.

8. Track Conversions and Bookings

Google Ads for hotels don’t automatically have conversion tracking on until you set it. Your account must have a tag created for the campaign.

Then you can download either Google Analytics snippets or Global Site Tag code snippets.

If you choose the Analytics snippets, configure the tag from Google Tag Manager, select the Conversion Linker Tag, and put it on all your pages, especially your conversion page.

If you download the Global Site Tag support snippet instead, put it on your campaign web pages, then download the required Event Tag code snippet and place that on your conversion page.

Stunning view of the sea from the hotel with large outdoorpool

9. Analyze and Refine Performance

As your hotel campaign in Google Ads goes live, you should begin tracking metrics that dictate how well the campaign performed.

If your ad performance dips, it’s worth evaluating what might be happening behind the scenes and refining the campaign to get it back on track.

10. Test Ad Variations

Another important strategy when you advertise a hotel on Google is to test your ads before they go live.

A/B testing uses two variations of your Hotel Ad to determine which is likeliest to resonate with a market similar to your target audience.

Sometimes, switching the placement or color of a CTA button is enough to drive more clicks and conversions, so it’s always worthwhile to test.

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11. Filter Out Unwanted Searches

Google Ads for hotels can utilize negative keywords, which are terms you wish to exclude from your ad campaigns.

You can set up a negative keywords list that’s account-specific, which will then apply across your shopping and search inventory when running relevant ad campaigns.

You can also make single or global lists of negative keywords.

If running a display campaign, the negative keyword sets are topic-focused, whereas with a Search campaign, you can exclude exact match, phrase match, or broad match negative keywords.

12. Schedule Ad Delivery Based on Peak Demand

Scheduling your ads ensures your hotel advertising reaches your target audience at peak times.

Adjust the ad delivery by accessing Audiences, then Keywords and Content. You should see a category marked Ad Schedule.

To modify your existing schedule, click the pencil icon.

Then, click the X beside the times you want to remove. You can also change the times or add a new time by choosing Add.

Save your progress when you’re finished for the changes to take effect.

13. Enhance Ads with Hotel Extensions

Google Ads for hotels offer extensions such as hotel callouts.

You can add two lines of text, all of which are customizable, using a callout.

Configure callouts according to ad group level, campaign, or account.

Inside the luxury hotel with elegant designed and amenities

Google Hotels Ads: Tips and Best Practices

Now that you know how to use Google Ads for your hotel, follow this expert guidance for optimal campaign results.

Adjust Bids for Mobile and Time of Day

Remember, Google Ads lets you adjust your bids anytime for any reason, whether you currently have an ongoing campaign or not.

This is beneficial to you, as your hotel can adjust your bids by criteria such as the time of day or mobile versus desktop users.

You’ll maximize the value of your bids, making your ad campaign more cost-effective.

Target Location by Radius

[Can’t use for Google Hotel ads, should remove]

Remarket to Past Website Visitors

Sometimes, the stars don’t align when a visitor sees your ad and visits your website.

They might not be ready to make a final decision about booking a hotel and are just in the research stage.

By remarketing to them later, whatever hurdles that made them disinterested before could be gone, allowing you to convert.

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Use Local Inventory Ads for Last-Minute Bookings

Local inventory ads or LIAs are designed to show off your storefront or products.

In the case of a hotel, you’d display your building and amenities to draw more attention and increase booking rates, especially at the last minute.

Clicking an LIA transports internet users to your Google storefront unless you have an omnichannel landing page.

Google Ads for Hotels Examples

Here are some samples that showcase how to effectively use Google Ads for your hotel.

Search Ad

The Drury hotels Google Ads campaign with featuring their hotel

Drury Hotels’ search ad draws in potential guests with its appealing thumbnail image and brief description, which mentions its free Wi-Fi.

Beneath the link to its website, you can click specific links to view Drury Hotels locations, find a hotel near you, research packages and discounts, plan a trip, and make a reservation.

Display Ad

The H10 Hotels display Ads campaign with promo and their different hotels

Here is an example of a series of display ads for Corporacion H10 Hotels.

The small but tantalizing images of exotic locales and price values attached to the hotels are sure to drive up bookings, as users get more of the information they want without a single click.

Video Ad

Sonesta St. George Hotel Luxor has a Google video ad that invites its guests to explore the beautiful hotel.

The video does an excellent job of building excitement and motivating users to book a stay.

Benefits of Google Hotels Ads

Why should you create a hotel ad campaign? Here are some goals you can anticipate achieving:

  • Increased visibility and reach
  • Targeted advertising to relevant audiences
  • Improved ROI through a pay-per-click model

Whether your hotel is a small one-off or a growing chain, using Google Ads can act as a springboard for growth without having to sink a lot of money.

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Monitoring and Measuring Success: Key Google Ad Metrics

Google Analytics will help you gauge whether your ads campaign should carry on as it has been or undergo some adjustments before you continue advertising to your target market.

Stay abreast of these metrics:

  • Cost per acquisition
  • Conversion rate
  • Number of conversions
  • ROAS
  • Number of clicks
  • Impressions
  • Average ranking position
  • Quality Score
  • Cost per click or CPC

Google Ads in 2024: A Glimpse into the Future of Digital Advertising

The world of online advertising is constantly evolving, and 2024 is no exception.

Google Ads, the dominant player in the space, is at the forefront of this change, offering a suite of new features and trends that are transforming how businesses reach their target audience.

Here’s a quick look at what to expect:

  • AI Powerhouse: Artificial intelligence (AI) is taking center stage. Google is integrating more AI-powered tools that can analyze vast amounts of data in real-time, leading to smarter bidding strategies, enhanced audience targeting, and even semi-automated ad creation.
  • Visual Revolution: Get ready for a more visually engaging search experience. Google Ads is placing emphasis on ad formats that incorporate images and videos, allowing brands to stand out and connect with users on a deeper level.
The tourist enjoys swimming on hotel large pool with overlooking view of the sea

Future Considerations:

As you navigate the ever-changing landscape of Google Ads, here are some key takeaways:

  • Embrace Automation: Don’t shy away from AI-powered features like smart bidding and Performance Max campaigns.expand_more Let them do the heavy lifting while you focus on strategic planning.
  • Refine Targeting: With enhanced audience insights, tailor your campaigns to reach the right people at the right time.
  • Experiment with Visuals: Incorporate high-quality images and videos into your ad strategy to grab attention and boost engagement.
  • Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated on the latest Google Ads trends and features.

By staying ahead of the curve and adapting to these advancements, you can ensure your Google Ads campaigns are effective and deliver a strong return on investment in 2024 and beyond.

Google Ads for Hotels: Our Results

Aspen Luxury Concierge

The Aspen Luxury Concierge with responsive design

Mediaboom partnered with Aspen Luxury Concierge to craft a targeted Google Ads campaign, driving significant increases in website traffic and conversions.

Focused on high-intent keywords and optimized ad placements, this strategy effectively targeted elite travelers, substantially boosting engagement and ROI.

This was a key component of a broader marketing effort that dramatically enhanced Aspen’s online presence.

Villa Le Castel

The Villa Le Castel website with responsive design featuring their elegant place

Mediaboom partnered with Villa Le Castel, enhancing its digital presence through a strategic paid search campaign.

This initiative targeted affluent travelers seeking luxury accommodations in the French Riviera, significantly increasing visibility and direct inquiries.

By optimizing the landing page, the campaign effectively converted visitor interest into bookings, leveraging compelling ad copy and stunning imagery to highlight the villa’s exclusive charm.

FAQs about Google Ads for Hotels

1. What is the difference between Google Ads and Google hotel ads?

Google Ads targets a broad audience with various ad formats, while Google Hotel Ads specifically caters to hotels, appearing in searches on Google and Maps with direct booking information.

2. How much does Google hotel ads cost?

Costs vary based on competition, location, and target audience specifics.

3. Is Google hotel ads worth it?

Google Hotel Ads can be highly effective, directly impacting booking rates and increasing visibility.

4. What is the ideal budget for Google Ads?

The ideal budget depends on your goals and market competition, but should allow for meaningful data collection and adjustments.

5. Is Google Ads better than SEO?

Google Ads offers immediate visibility, while SEO builds long-term organic results. Both are crucial for a comprehensive marketing strategy.

Do you have any specific questions?

If you have any specific questions or need personalized assistance with your advertising strategies, please don’t hesitate to contact us at Mediaboom.

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.


Google Ads for hotels play a crucial role in exposing your business to new customers in the hospitality sector.

Leveraging Mediaboom’s strategies and tips will help you successfully launch hotel ad campaigns and achieve more business objectives.

Subscribe to Mediaboom’s newsletter for more insights.

You can also work with us directly.

As an ads agency for hotels, Mediaboom can help you create a specialized paid campaign that converts, so let’s get started!

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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