what is the advantage of google ads

What is The Advantage of Google Ads – Maximizing Your ROI

By: Frank DePino | November 24, 2023

With 80% of businesses using Google Ads for their PPC campaigns to break through the saturated online advertising marketplace, many business owners are beginning to ask, “What is the advantage of using Google Ads, and should I be implementing it in my digital advertising strategy?”

Google Ads is Google’s proprietary advertising service, which allows businesses of all shapes and sizes to promote their products and services on the search rankings. As a business owner, you can create a campaign with your budget, demographic, location, and target audience in mind, which can provide much faster results than standard SEO campaigns and reach the right audience.

Come with us as we explore the answer to the question, “What is the advantage of Google Ads?” and look at the types of Google ad campaigns you should be running to optimize your promotional strategies. 

14 Advantages of Google Ads

So, what is the advantage of using Google Ads? 

There are plenty. Let’s check out a few of the main ones. 

1. Enhanced Brand Recognition

When most people want information about a particular product or service, they head to Google, which is why having a decent presence on the world’s largest search engine is crucial.

When you promote your website using Google Ads, you get the right audience to see your brand. As users continue seeing the same ad over and over, they begin to recognize your brand. 

And, as we all know, brand recognition is a key factor for lead generation.

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2. Precise Audience Targeting

With Google Ads’ in-depth targeting engine, you can customize your target audience based on a number of important characteristics, including location, age, language, interests, keywords, and more. 

It even allows you to target those who may have already expressed their interest in your products or services based on pages they’ve visited in the past.

In essence, you don’t end up wasting advertising money on the wrong group of people. 

Digital Marketing team refining a top-notch Google advertising strategy.

3. Quick Results

While optimizing your SEO is one of the best long-term strategies to stay in favor of Google’s complex web of search ranking algorithms, you have to spend quite a bit of time making sure your website is running optimally. This means publishing quality, engaging content, researching the right keywords, and a million other things. 

If you’re looking for a quicker way to drive traffic to your site, Google Ads is king. You don’t have to compete with organic search results, meaning any kinks in your SEO strategy are irrelevant. 

4. Ad Placements Across Platforms

When people ask us, “What is the advantage of Google Ads?” one of the main things we say is flexibility.

You have total control over how you want to promote your ads, all the way down to the platform you want to promote them on. From social media platforms to smartphone apps, the options are limitless. 

5. Massive User Base

Google dominates the search engine marketplace with over 80 billion visits every month, meaning it can send businesses massive amounts of traffic each day, especially if businesses have the budget for it. 

The platform works by tapping into some of the largest and highest-quality traffic sources on the planet using relevant ads and content. This means you have the opportunity to reach people from all over the world in an instant. 

Computer screen displaying real-time metrics and analytics for a Google Ads campaign.

6. Budget Control and Flexibility

Google Ads is a form of PPC advertising, meaning there’s no minimum budget requirement, and you only have to pay for what you decide to use. In essence, you determine a budget that’s comfortable for you and decide how to spend it.

The beauty of Google Ads is you won’t find any hidden fees, making it easy to put a cap on your budget and cease advertising spending once you’ve reached your goals. 

It’s also worth noting that Google uses real-time AI to adapt to monthly budgets so that its clients get the most from their spending. 

7. Conversion Tracking

The reach of Google Ads is clear, but how well does it convert, and if it converts well, is there a way to see that?

Evidence shows that Google’s paid traffic conversions offer twice the success of organic traffic conversions. As for tracking, because Google allows you to place different users in your target audience in separate “buckets,” you can analyze individual analytics data to see how well certain types of ads convert with specific demographics in mind. 

Marketing specialist while monitoring conversions, after implementing effective A/B testing strategies.

8. A/B Testing

A/B testing has long been one of the most potent advertising strategies. You can experiment with different ad elements and characteristics to see what works best. 

For example, let’s say you want to increase the click-through rate of your latest paid ad, though you’re unsure how to approach it. You can start by experimenting with different keywords or copy that might be more persuasive for your target audience. 

You can also try using Google’s newest search ad format, Responsive Search Ads, which lets users add multiple descriptions and headlines to a single ad before Google automatically tests out which combinations perform best. 

With A/B testing, you can find what works best to save money in the future. 

9. Keyword Targeting

As we said before, the audience targeting aspects of Google Ads are comprehensive. 

However, where its strength truly lies is keyword targeting.

The Google Adwords platform allows you to select and bid on short- or long-tail keywords

What’s the difference?

Short-tail keywords might garner fewer leads, though they often provide more traction. On the other hand, long-tail keywords can target potential customers with much higher intent. 

10. Demographic Targeting

Google’s demographic targeting offers a unique way to narrow your target audience, as the last thing you want to do is spend precious advertising money on people outside your chosen demographic.

You can pick from various settings in the targeting module, including age, gender, household income, and more. 

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11. Remarketing

More than 45% of websites use Google Ads in their ad networks, meaning all their cookies can retarget users. 

If a user visits your website, they will continue to see your ad even after they’ve left. Google even allows you to tweak your retargeting options so that only those who have performed specific actions can see them.

For example, if a user clicks on the “bedding section” of your home goods website, they will continue receiving ads for bedding specifically.

12. Ad Customization

As one of the most flexible ad platforms, you can customize your ad however you see fit. 

You could, for example, choose to target only people in your local area of a certain age range with a particular combination of display and video ads for a set period. 

The parameters are highly adjustable.

Mobile phone screen showing Google ads icon.

13. Rapid Campaign Setup

One of the reasons Google Ads has become so popular amongst businesses large and small is that it’s a super easy platform to execute on. You don’t need an MBA or years of marketing experience to set up a campaign and get the job done.

With a few basic marketing skills and good instincts, you can kick off quality ad campaigns and get positive results. 

14. Competitor Ads Analysis

What is the advantage of Google Ads when it comes to your competition, you ask?

Well, since the Google Ads platform is transparent, you can track what keywords your competitors are bidding for and what kinds of ads they’re running. 

In doing so, you can analyze their strategies and adjust as you see fit. 

Don’t let your competition beat you. Get in touch with us here at Mediaboom and work with an expert team that can help you create the optimal Google Ads campaign.

Types of Advertising You Can Do On Google Ads

As we said before, Google Ads is wildly flexible, and the world is your oyster when it comes to the types of advertising campaigns you want to run. 

Search Ads

Along with the organic results you see when you plug into the Google search engine, you also find search ads. These ads, often text-based, are relevant to the search terms used. 

With a search ad, you want to target terms and keywords relevant to your business’s products and services.

Display Ads

When internet users visit websites that are part of the Google Display Network, they’ll see display ads. With two million websites in the network, which reach more than 90% of internet users, display ads are very beneficial. 

These ads can be made up of text, images, video, and more. 

Video Ads

Video ads run through YouTube, so any ad you create through Google’s video campaigns will run through this popular platform. 

App Ads

App ads are made to promote other applications. The beauty of this ad type is that it consolidates your current ads and marketing materials across a vast range of platforms to curate individual app ads. 

Shopping Ads

Shopping ads are excellent options for retail businesses and eCommerce stores. They’re managed using the Google Merchant Center and appear on both Google’s Shopping tab and the main SERP. 

Note that these ads often use product data instead of keywords. 

Discover Ads

Lastly, we have “discover ads,” which reach users who Google deems are “ready to discover new products and services.” These ultra-personalized, visually engaging ads take on different forms on various platforms, including the Gmail app, the Google app, and the YouTube app.

FAQs About the Advantages of Google Ads

What is the Main Purpose of Google Ads?

The main reason businesses use Google Ads is to promote their businesses, increase traffic, and sell products and services. 

Marketing specialist checking on his computer Analytics stats after implementing a google ads strategy

Why Are Google Ads So Effective?

One reason why Google Ads is such an effective platform is that advertisements appear at the top of the SERP before any organic search results, meaning you get the ability to reach your target audience when they’re most engaged. 

What is the Advantage of Using Google Ads?

Using online ads is one of the best ways to increase customer reach and build brand awareness, all while encouraging consumers to purchase your products and services. 

Is Google Ads Really Profitable?

Google notes that a business can generate $8 for every $1 of ad spend. 

Is Google Ads Better Than SEO?

Google Ads can provide more positive results in the short term compared to SEO, which often takes weeks or months of hard work.

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Conclusion: Hire a Digital Marketing Agency Now

So, what is the advantage of using Google Ads?

It provides business owners with the ability to target a worldwide audience with total control and intent, all while providing back-end analytics tools to make sure every campaign run is optimal.

From instantaneous results to precise targeting, the advantages are endless. However, creating a strong Google Ads campaign is only part of the greater advertising process.

Knowing how to manage and analyze your campaigns is even more valuable, and that’s where Mediaboom comes in.

Get in touch with us today and see how our team of digital marketing experts can help your business achieve its advertising goals.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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