Contractor Marketing Services

Contractor Marketing Services – 20 Benefits for Your Business

By: Frank DePino | April 12, 2023

Managing the various components of a business can be daunting and overwhelming at times. Each day you must decide how to delegate tasks and determine what’s most important. As a business owner, you have limited time as it is, which can make things challenging. 

Contractor marketing services are a way for you to get time back in your day and focus on what matters, your business. From advertising to digital marketing and content, there are various components that contractor marketing services can help with. In addition, some companies are a one-stop shop for your various marketing needs to give you more time in your day and help you succeed. 

In the following, read about how a contracting business can help your company succeed. Then read this guide to see why many companies are turning to contractor marketing for more time and success in their business!

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What Is a Contractor Marketing?

General contractors are quite busy in their day and don’t have time to worry about marketing. While marketing takes a backseat in your business, you might lose plenty of customers. 

You can take a deep breath because the good news is that you can receive help with your digital marketing. Contractor marketing is focused on contractors in the area, whether you’re in construction, plumbing, or another field. 

Contractor marketing promotes your construction company to your target market. That means that while you’re busy working, the marketing company will help you stand out in search engines. 

How Do General Contractors Do Marketing?

Many contractors might focus on word-of-mouth instead of competing on Google. In 2022 alone, Google had over 270 million unique U.S. visitors. It also had a market share of 61.4% for the leading U.S. search engines. 

Many contractors understand how important marketing is, but they’re unsure where to begin. Learning how to market contracting business can help you stand out locally. Before beginning, it’s important to define your target audience. 

Marketing is also beneficial since it’ll allow you to learn insights about your buyers’ challenges. This knowledge lets you change your marketing to suit and appeal to your audience better. 

Which Online Marketing Services Are Best for Contractors?

Google my business should be at the top of the list. It’s a way for you to show up in local searches instead of targeting those worldwide. 

You’ll want to ensure you’re targeting the correct market if you’re a local company. High-quality traffic is more efficient than a large amount that’s not targeted. SEO and pay-per-click are also excellent ways to help you stand out. 

Google marketing is the best for contracting businesses.

Digital Marketing for Contractor Marketing Services

Digital marketing is the icing on the cake, the way to expand and build your empire. There are various avenues to choose from, but Google marketing for contracting business is best. 

1. Website & Design

Having an appealing website with good-quality content is vital. A website must provide value to be rated as high-quality by Google. If you never improve your site, your competitors will catch up or surpass you. 

First, ensure that your site is easy to navigate. If your site isn’t easy to navigate, people won’t stay on it; they’ll head to a competitor. 

Keep designs to a minimum; people love clean designs. Don’t be afraid to be unique, but keep your business colors and branding throughout the site.

 It’s best to hire marketing services for contractors because they’ll design an engaging site that’s specific to your niche. A successful web design company combines a responsive design, an easy user interface, and the contractor’s needs. 

Amazon is a popular e-commerce website that offers a vast range of products, from books to electronics, and provides quick and reliable delivery.

2. E-commerce 

E-commerce is taking over the internet, with many buying products online due to convenience. Therefore, a smooth website that allows a buyer to find what they need and buy fast is important. 

Contractor marketing services can help you set up payment gateway integration, shopping carts, shipping adjustments, and more. Woocommerce, Magento, and Shopify are a few common options. 

3. Content Management Systems 

Content is an essential part of any business and its website. High-quality content that grabs your audience’s attention and keeps them engaged is vital. 

Heading in and updating your articles over time can be inconvenient for you. Contractor marketing services can update your old content and have the system work for you. You’ll also have a password-protected system that’s user-friendly for your audience. 

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4. Mobile Apps 

Since many search the internet through their phones, having a functional mobile app is vital. Mobile apps must work across various systems, including Windows, Android, and iOS. The design needs to be finger-friendly for a positive user experience. Marketing for home services can help you with this aspect so you can focus on your business. 

5. Digital Installations 

It’s vital to take brand relationships to the next level. In the marketing world, it’s imperative to customize the experience, learn more, and allow interaction within the environment. 

Interactive environments and experiences by marketing services allow you to stand out. Increase personalization and engagement with your consumers to make a lasting impression. 

Contractor businesses in New York are promoting their companies through paid advertising.

Advertising for Contractor Marketing Services 

Advertising through Google should be at the top of the list. Paying for ads allows you to buy traffic now to make money quicker. 

While SEO (search engine optimization) is vital, it’s only one part of the puzzle. Combining both is a winning strategy. 

1. Pay per Click

Knowing how to use keywords in ads and what to say to engage your audience can be tricky. Hiring contractor marketing services is best since they study it for a living and stay current on changes through Google. 

Pay-per-click allows you to appear in searches so users can click on the ad and be directed to your site. Even if they don’t buy now, they could in the future!

2. Social Ads

More than 50.64% of the global population uses social media. Out of 4.57 billion internet users, about 83.36% are active on social media. 

The average person spends about 2 hours and 41 minutes on social media! While Google ads are important, social ads will enable you to reach even more of your audience. TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, and many other social platforms have a large and engaged audience. 

Google Display ads will appear whether someone is checking Gmail, on YouTube, or browsing online.

3. Display Ads 

Display ads appear on mobile apps, websites, and social media. They could include audio, video, images, and text. 

According to Google, they appear on over three million websites and over 650,000 apps. Display ads will appear whether someone is checking Gmail, on YouTube, or browsing online. 

Contractor marketing services study display ads and test to see what works best. They’ll help you stand out and ensure your ad strategy succeeds. 

4. Media Buying

Media buying is when you buy advertising from a media outlet. These include TV stations, blogs, and newspapers. 

While some wrongly think print is dead, it couldn’t be further from the truth. If you go this route with service contractor marketing, you’ll have a leg up on the competition. 

5. Ad Management 

Is the keyword working? What about the copy? There are various strategies to implement to determine if an ad is successful. 

Even if it’s not doing well, a marketing for contracting business will know what next steps to take. They’ll look at your online marketing strategy, perform split tests, and see which copy and keywords perform best. 

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10 Website Mistakes Luxury Brands Should Avoid

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Marketing for Contractor Marketing Services 

Digital marketing can take up hours of your time, so many hire contractor marketing services to help them out. In addition, some businesses combine their online and offline strategies. Offline includes print, such as newspapers and other publications. 

1. Content Marketing 

Content marketing can include social media posts, blogs, and videos. Your content marketing strategy could help increase conversions to your business. A marketing company could help you with this aspect since they understand what wording will attract your audience and then keep them engaged. 

2. Search Engine Optimization 

SEO, short for search engine optimization, will help you stand out on Google organically (free). While it takes longer than paid ads to build traffic this way, it’s still important. The traffic you build this way will last longer, whereas just paid ads, once you stop paying for them, the traffic will stop. 

Contractor marketing services could help you have an effective search engine optimization strategy. They’ll have the proper tools and knowledge to pick the correct keywords, on-site SEO, and more. 

Mediaboom promotes its services through social media marketing.

3. Social Media Marketing 

Social media is the way of the future! As time passes, what appeals to each demographic could change. 

Social media marketing takes a lot of time, so many companies will hire professionals. A one-stop-shop marketing company will help you create engaging content, images, and respond to comments and messages. Social media channels are a way to increase real-time relationships with your potential customers/clients. 

4. Email Marketing 

Email marketing is huge! First, people might not be able to buy right now, or they want to build trust with your company. 

Email marketing allows you to reach out to your warm audience over time and separate them into different segments. 

It lets you remind them of your services by having a call-to-action at the end of your emails. In addition, contractor marketing services will create engaging content for you to encourage potential consumers to take action. 

5. Campaign Management 

Your brand story and also marketing your company are vital. It’s not just about creating it but continuously monitoring it over time. You’ll receive recommendations, reports, and have a marketing service track your successes. 

Mediaboom provides service of Content for Contractor Marketing Services.

Content for Contractor Marketing Services 

Hiring a marketing company means that they’ll know what content will appeal to your audience. Go to various sites in your niche, and you might find subpar content that doesn’t provide consumers value. 

If you have content showing that you’re an expert in your niche, that’s building your brand and trust. Having a company that studies contracting services and has the knowledge necessary to write compelling content is vital. 

1. Copywriting 

Copywriting will separate you from your competition. Providing content with a unique voice in an easy-to-read manner is vital. In addition, copywriting lets you keep your audience engaged and informed about different facts in your industry. 

2. Photography 

Photography allows you to make a lasting impact on their emotions, whether as your website or social media marketing strategy. When you choose a marketing service to provide you with professional photography, you’ll stand out from the various stock imagery floating online. 

Construction illustrations generate ideas about what to do.

3. Illustration 

Illustration lets you have your ideas come to life. Even if you’re not sure what direction to take, contractor marketing services can help. Have your ideas transformed into both infographics and iconography to stand out. 

4. Animation 

Come off as unique using animation, thanks to service contractor marketing. Animation makes your image and words even more engaging since they differ from the competition. 

2D and 3D animation can take your ideas to the next level. They add communication without having as many words. 

5. Video Production 

The future is video. Video production allows you to build trust easier with potential customers. 

With professional video production and editing you’ll wow potential customers. Not only that, but it’ll help you come forward in searches and compete. 

Elevate Your Luxury Brand Today

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Seeking to elevate your luxury business? Let Mediaboom guide you. Secure your exclusive, free consultation with our luxury marketing experts today.

Hire Now a Contractor Marketing Agency

You can receive a full suite of services when you hire contractor marketing services. Save time and energy by hiring a company. 

Contractor marketing services can help you stand out in Google searches and on social media. Whether you pay for ads or are looking to take your site to the next level, there are various options to succeed. 

Are you ready to start with a professional marketing company with plenty of experience? Then, contact us today! We can be your one-stop-shop for marketing services so you can focus on what matters most, your business.

By: Frank DePino

Frank DePino is Principal and Founder of Mediaboom. Since 2002, Frank has led Mediaboom’s award-winning staff of creative and technical professionals, building the most effective marketing and advertising solutions for its clients.


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